The Course
We offer meditation courses free of charge. Courses range from 1 day to 30 days in length and are offered at our facilities in Maui, Hawaii and Ashland, Oregon.
Participants will learn the technique of Vipassana Meditation and practicing this 6 hours each day while maintaining Noble Silence. Gentle yoga classes are also incorporated focusing on improving breath awareness and relaxation of the entire body.
With this style of meditation, participants learn a calm mental focus experienced by bringing attention to the interconnection of physical sensations and the movements of the mind. Mindfulness is similar to concentration but takes it a step further by creating a deep awareness and acceptance of each and every experience. Thus, developing the skill of equanimity – seeing things just as they are. This style of meditation has nothing to do with organized religion or sectarianism. It can be practiced by everyone no matter the background and is without conflict to community or religion. It is free of dogma and ritual. It is simply the power of observation and how the practice of mindfulness brings about inner balance no matter what life brings our way.
There is no charge to anyone participating in courses or events. The ongoing expenses of the centers are paid for by donations from participants who have completed a course and experienced the benefits of Vipassana. The courses are staffed by volunteers dedicated to service. All donations are used for future courses. The entire experience is an unconditional gift.
Each course is staffed by volunteers who ensure that guest participants will be well attended to during their stay.