These are notes from students who have completed Quepasana courses from 2015 to today…

July 2024

Hi Jorge and Melissa,

Dad here! This 10-day Quepasana retreat was amazing! After seven days I was able to stay in the zone all the time and allowed me to focus on my breathing. It was all clicking! The feeling was soothing, and I now know how to deal with issues a lot more effectively. Thank you, Jorge, for running these meditation courses. I'm starting to get it!


When I inquired about joining Quepasana a few months ago, I wasn't clear about why. I just felt something was out of balance - out of alignment, and I intuited that Quepasana could be a significant part of a course correction. I spent the first 3 days completely engulfed in monkey brain chatter until I developed a blinding headache. When you encouraged me to sit with the pain, I thought you were insane (or sadistic). But then I learned I could release the pain and then even if not pain free, I could be at peace with it. From then on, I practiced releasing the chatter just as I released the pain and I began to find peace, and balance with my thoughts. That is why I asked to join another Quepasana. I've been busily going about life with an increasing drive to distract myself from my thoughts. It wasn't sustainable. It’s made it difficult to live, I’m grumpy and reactionary. I feel better able to go outside that gate and find my center then find peace with my thoughts. Quepasana is a beautiful unique gift that you bring to the world, and I count myself fortunate for the chance to receive. Thank you, my friend. Mahalo!


This is my second time 10-day Vipassana. First time was 3 1/2 years ago. Both are great opportunities, invited by Melissa and Jorge unexpectedly came at the right moment of my life. It is a very good and positive revision for me. To be reminded every breath is awareness, emphasis on counterpoint alignment and equality. This time around I have improved on the feeling of my body, I come to understand more of the breathing techniques and the way of yin yoga. It all helps to go deeper within and it's expansion of my being. I must admit it is all hard work and all worth the effort. I thank you Melissa and Jorge for your kindness, generosity, and hospitality at your blissful residence.

With love and appreciation.

Thank you for creating the container for me to give myself the psychological help I need. As you know I showed up here deeply distressed and in a state of emergency. My car engine exploded when I was just 15 minutes away, what divine timing and what a place to land. Aside from that emergency my life has felt like 1 ongoing crisis for longer than I'd like to admit. I had become -in moments- mentally unstable and extremely reactive. As an artist I thought I was deeply in tune with my feelings. Turns out I was just deeply in tune with my disturbances. My first Quepasana was primarily about navigating body pains and my addiction to my phone (though I did have so much deep healing in other ways too of course.) This one was still in process a remodeling of the mind. Which has involved demolishing and excavating what has been. I have cried, I have silently screamed, I have laughed (the most). I feel like my work is just beginning but it feels so good. I hope you'll have me back for more because I am so ready to show up to build this new beautiful palace for my loving awareness to live and exude from, so I may show up in this life calm, confident, and of service. The last thing I want to share is, a thought I had or maybe it was just my intuition: in a deep deep moment of darkness, of struggling to let go (for when you don't even know what you're grasping, it's hard) I thought “God send me a sign it's going to be okay”  then “I” answered: I am the sign that was sent, to know it's all going to be okay.

I really don't know how to express my gratitude and love for you enough. Thank you feels remedial, but I'll have to do. Also, lots of love to Melissa.

Being able to experience these past 10 days has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever chosen to do, Thanks to Quepasana! Well, nobody I know would recommend learning to meditate and a 10-day silent course I found it to be a whole open creative space that let me figure out what works for me. While I may never be a morning person, I'm always saying I should get up earlier well now I know how much earlier. I have also never spent so long without a phone, a book, media in general. It is fascinating how much noise your brain makes when you are listening. Hearing some of the crazy things your brain makes up is something I dubiously wouldn't have expected. I thought I heard my brain before – LIES! I was meditating the other day and mid scan a strange British male voice started doing a rap about zippers very loudly in my head…. In what planet is that helpful brain??? It took me until day 5 to learn how to sit without my legs going numb, I couldn't focus until day six and by day 7:00 I could feel total awareness my body definitely surprised me in a good way and now I just need to keep maintaining that awareness through the crazy monkey mind. I am so grateful to all the people that made this possible, Jorge and Melissa, the amazing chefs, our massage wizard, the list goes on. Thank you so much to Jorge for leading us this week has been truly one of the most meaningful experiences of my life!

“I am as peaceful as a canopied hammock beside a garden pond at golden hour” - I was repeating this meta mantra to myself during a sit after having experienced this exact moment with Magnolia flowers perfuming the wind. Jorge, thank you for living a life of service and big impact and for sharing your spaces for your heart and care as well. During a high smoke point the marks invited me to stay in the kitchen crew apartment and that was a sweet turning point in comfort and convenience should I be inspired to finally chop parsley or bake cookies. I felt very safe. This experience was challenging and necessary and enlightening and perfect in all the little ways. And maybe life is just like that. I learned to improve I have to meet myself where I am at, watch and learn. Only from the calm vantage point can my mind find solutions and correct course. Things I loved… the shirts you and Melissa make are so full of joy, wiggling and a deeper appreciation for the chi machine, the wiggletopia signs, the great funny names for the home sprays like “lettuce spray’, with clasped poems and meditation, all the flowers and the accompanying bees, several species of bees! Working with mark with super lighthearted and sweet. Creative problem solving through cooking was nice meat for the mind to chew on. All in all, I'm going home a better person, and I am endlessly appreciative that you tore open this time in space and let me into the portal. The air is so much fresher here. (Here in my new mental dwelling, not so much Oregon with the fires and all tehe) should you ever want future kitchen help let me know.

Humbled and happy and ready to pay it forward!

Thank you.


May 2024


All I can really say is why’d you get me addicted to this! Kidding of course, Quepasana is such a wonderful magic(k)al work. Being given such a beautiful and loving environment to go deep is and absolute blessing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be present and serve. I find my greatest joy here.

This is my 3rd sit down now with you in 6 months, and it was the first one that felt truly difficult. Between personal life nonsense and having barely stayed in one place for a week, it was work (and I mean work!) Simultaneously, it was the most rewarding sit so far.

I love you Jorge, Melissa, and any Jedi’s/Pilgrims reading this!

Love forever.

Wow Jorge…. The secret to life is so simple. Thank you for showing us all and passing down this teaching. As someone who has done a ton of transformational work, this practice has hands down been the most powerful I’ve come into contact with. I’ve been on my spiritual journey to seek alignment in my life… always looking for the answer, and now I have it… Stillness in thyself. I loved this experience so much. Please never stop offering it. This is bringing peace to the planet. I love you.

Tio Jorge,

Immense gratitude to you and everyone supporting Quepasana. I arrived here excited to do this work, not haven’t taken part in a silent retreat for almost 5 years. Then I found three days of irritability followed by two days of mood swings some bliss, some anger, some fear, some questions, much movement, and much illness. I feel more aware of my inner and outer world than other time I can remember. The first day my body was in so much pain and now it feels better than ever. I feel at peace, I feel calm, and I feel so much love everywhere. I'm deeply honored to be blessed with this gift of Quepasana to be shared with me. I pray that this work continues, I give thanks for everyone involved in it… past, present, and future.

 infinite mahalos!

PS… I feel like I've been looking for a reset ever since I got out of the army 11 years ago and this was it!

Tio Jorge,

 Wow what a gift often it's the simplest of things that bring about the most potent magic in world changing medicine I am beyond grateful for the true gift that keeps on giving beyond what we could ever imagine I know the ripple of impact to this experience reaches infinite behind us to our ancestors and to all those who come after us and to the collection we are creating magic waves of shift for everyone, thank you! With infinite love and blessings – see you guys soon!


Uncle Jorge,

So many glorious massive mahalos to you as I write I'm still into integrating how my life has changed like coming out of a deeply intense psychedelic experience except this one lasted for 10 days. Before I get into some details I wanted to share my appreciation for your heartful dedication of time and energy. Your passion inspires me mahalas to Amber, Mark, Pema, Captain and the beautiful folks in the kitchen for holding space for all our transformations. The work (is it really work?) you do/ this space you hold changes the world! Light warrior badass.

Most notably I literally felt high on life through this practice. I recall a teaching/story from Ram Dass giving Neem Caroli Baba LSD - a lot of LSD. NCB reported that it didn't affect him at all. He’s already “there”. I totally get it.

I understand the difference between learning a lesson through plant medicine and learning a lesson through vipassana… what I mean by that is, I feel that I've built my foundation of humanness, I fully feel and accept myself. Wow tears I've held the prayer in medicine ceremonies, and they've definitely helped... And it felt like those experiences skipped through a few chapters to get me to the end goal. However, it never really stuck the landing. The mind always returns I didn't have a solid practice to mind my mind I never got a clear handle on what meditation really means what I'm supposed to be doing…. Like you, I've always scoured many different teachings and traditions. Anyways this is it! Woooo! Rejoice! The answer to all my neurosis is vipassana ha! I'm truly overjoyed. This has been an incredibly nurturing respectable safe container to journey within. I'm so moved my life has changed in tremendous ways mahalo with all my heart. Thank you for guiding/hosting/creating this course. Down to the quality of meals, housing, facilities, everyday flow, I'm very impressed. Excellence… which all begins with yourself! Presents in Powaah! Mahalo nui loa – 2024

Dear Tio Jorge,

 thank you thank you thank you. I'm in awe. What a beautiful offering. Grateful for being able to receive your gift, your loving kindness, your Wellness, your peaceful ease, and your constant happiness. It's been a deep dive journey into my body connecting to my soul at a very refined level. Feels so good to be home again with inspiration encoded in my cellules. I could do 10 more days right away! I had almost forgot that sitting is one of my favorite activities!

Looking forward to sitting again with you. It's been a truly honor to share the space and receive from you and your magic team… with pleasure to be up for more service next time… wait and see.  

Here and now. With love


I experienced the remembrance I have been longing to feel myself. This practice is profound, and I have found my center. Thank you!



Aloha Jorge!

That was fun! Thank you and many deep bowls for once again including me as a part of your generous offering. It is always fascinating in awe inspiring to witness the evolution of Quepasana. I also have enjoyed seeing your continued personal growth and dedication to the practice. We share similar paths and sharing in your presence inspires me to stay the course. Pono McKenna sanctuary is a vortex in the purest sense and each time I step foot on the bare earth I feel it is a deep privilege. Few people on earth with the physical abundance you have earned have gone to such great lengths to share the fruits they receive. Watching the video last night reminded me of some ashams I visited it in India! I thought to myself I would happily sit on a 2 x 2 mat eat rice and sleep under the stars to come chip away at the mind with Jorge and company. Thank you for not only showing up and doing the work each day but inviting us all to share in the journey, together we thrive! Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help on the land, hopefully I can repay at least some of what you have given me with my loving thoughts, words, and actions. Countless blessings to you, Melissa, Stan, and Christine. I am continuously showering you all with fragrant white flower petals of peace.


Dear Jorge,

Wowee! Where to begin?

Full reboot since the moment the gate slid over 10 years ago… Feeling my widest smile not that it was always easy and ever so worth it. Palpable rewire mode activated- deepest gratitude to your artistic expression/creation…. To focus on the feeling metacognition- the miracle over the mainstream program in such an inspired environment with little distraction for 10 days. Truly the most delicious gift my soul has ever felt. May the butterfly effect/effect flutter on forever within my soul’s evolution. Plus, Everyone's. And the most beautiful part is it makes me want to give myself - how may I show up more deeply for myself - my friends and family - my community - the global awakening. A spark of empowered hope for mankind - rekindled. Dr Zues meets Willy Wonka (minus insulin spikes.) Because yes, I want to keep my mitochondria happy and inspired too. It’s been real! Maholo nui loa.


you did it again Jorge! I feel lucky to get to say we did it again! It's been 6 years of Quepasana weaving into my life and the opportunity to lead and guide this course in Makena with you has my heart outpouring with joy. I think back to the moment before I moved to Maui and heard the whisper to move here, I feel I was called to this experience of Quepasana and to serve this orchestrated organization of awakening. I am immensely inspired by your leadership you've paved and equally unconventional yet obvious path for healing. You've shown me that leadership can be the most easeful, playful, and rewarding experience.

I appreciate you infinitely. Let's keep doing the thing!!! Love Quepasana forever!



March 2024

Thank you! I am living a dream. Never did I ever think I would be in an island in Hawaii finding something I've been in search for, TRUTH! This is a dream come true! I am so lucky to have been able to be here. I thank you; you made it possible for a person like me to learn, grow, and activate. Peace and love to you and all the Quepasana tribe.



never in my wildest dreams! I always wish for enlightenment in paradise, and it's here. Quepasana! It's free I wouldn't have been able to afford something so grand and precious. But you, Jorge, made it possible for someone like me to get closer to knowing who I really AM. I know that if I stick to this practice, I will get to know me! Thank you I am so grateful for your hospitality your generosity, and your thoughtfulness, and just for you!! Thank you!!

Boundless unbridled freedom and love. Thank you for this wild opportunity to learn more about who I really AM, to go deep, to see and feel wondrous and terrifying things. Then to let it all go. You are a gift Makena is a gift. Laura, Neil, captain, Tara, amber, Melissa, Sarg, Pre, Erica, Christine, Stan, Troy and all the servers. What a collective of unconditional love thank you all. Mark saved the day too many times to count. Love as I was meditating today it struck me-we are oneness. I feel connected to this happy space these amazing people and most importantly to me. I am walking out of here with knowing that I can and will be a still flame no matter the rough swirling around me I am blessed. Thank you for showing the world what true unconditional love looks like Jorge. LOVE


I am now thinking to myself in a slight Mexican accent! Does this mean something? (Tee-Hee)


Much gratitude and grace to you Jorge, Tara, an amber for holding such an Immaculate space. This was an initiation I will never forget. God's source has blessed me that my first 10-day VIPasana was Quepasana! Thank you for following your heart to all the pilgrims who said fuck yes to right now! The energy was palpable. I love all you humans so much! How can it get even better than this!!


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jorge and everyone,

My name is Rose, I live in Vietnamese Buddhist Center in Kahului. When you have time, we would like to welcome you to stop by the temple. My younger sister is Hue Nhu, she introduced this retreat to me. I think Jorge has a big heart and a lot of compassion. When I come here. I feel peaceful because this place is beautiful. When I sit, When I walk, When I do yoga, When I eat. When I sleep in my tent, When I got the restroom, When I see everyone, I feel happy. I feel very appreciative of Jorge for opening this retreat for everyone to come and practice together.

Have a peaceful and wonderful day. Na Mo Sakya Muni Buddha’s Buddha’s . Breath and Smile. Thank you everyone for listening to me. Mahalo!


Jorge and Melissa,

You two are absolute, white-hearted angels for the work you allow to be done here. This is what real Magik is, the alchemization of so many internal forces that most fail to recognize in their daily hustle and bustle life. I made it a point to get to know as many in this group as best as one could in under 48 hours, and its save to say a massive change is already felt amongst the collective. Quepasana is truly a world changing tool, for lack of better terms. Thank you for everything you give to people. It inspires me greatly.

With infinite love and Kindness.



Quepasana Crew,

There are few words but all the feels that one can express my love and gratitude for getting to be behind the safety of the gate these past 9 days. I didn't know how much I needed this experience. I have unlocked long forgotten doorways and open secret passageways within myself. I have recovered parts of my being that I feared I lost forever. Thank you for being such amazing guides shepherding us through this process. Thank you for opening your hearts and your home. Thank you for inviting the results of this practice. Until we meet again, big, big love.

Dear Jorge and team,

I am infinitely grateful for this experience; your dedication love and passion are contagious. It was by no means an easy process, but I now understand the journey and its importance learning this tool will be so valuable for the rest of my life and I'm learning patience on a deep deep level. You are so inspiring, and I've loved every moment of your shares. You radiate from deep within. Thank you so much for letting me stay in the comfort of your home I know that greatly added to the comfort which was needed in times of extra distress. I moved through a lot of emotion and anxiety, but I am so grateful for the beauty calm and comfort of your magical sanctuary. I am so grateful for my dear friend Tara for gracing me with this opportunity I had been wanting to do for five years now. She is a true way shower and she has much beautiful grace and how she conducts the course. So much gratitude as well to amber and the entire server team including Christine, such a lovely, compassionate woman. Everyone was such a delight! I will be leaving here with my heart filled to the brim and a lot deeper understanding of many things. I look forward to continuing my practice! Love and blessings.



I've learned to see a once in a lifetime opportunity when it comes my way. I was hoping to find relief from my long COVID symptoms which I've been struggling with for three years. I'm not sure about that yet, but I did find calm, quiet, and peace. I found love and joy, challenges and acceptance. I found confirmation that my journey of self-love is as meaningful as I believe. I found a way to deepen that perspective, to sink into the practice in new ways and to take my awareness in words in ways I didn't understand before. This may be the top five hardest things I've done in my entire life – including quitting smoking and at times so confounding in its simplicity. But like any new skill, like any new discipline, it takes patience, persistence, passion and grace. Above all else love. Love. Love. Love. It is as it is, it be…lol.

Peace and love any equanimity to the whole Quepasana crew. Gratitude to Jorge and Neil for making this happen. Peace and love to all the pilgrims. I am I. I am love. I am peace. I am thankful. I am looking forward to continuing my practice and letting my light shine brighter through the challenges and the moments of ease. Thank you

Jorge and Amber,

This day I returned back to Oregon after my solo trip to Maui, I saw this quote by Paulo Coelho that says “maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything, maybe it's about unbecoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”

This really hit home, because I've spent my entire life working my ass off to become “somebody” that I completely lost myself in the process. I became a person that inspires, motivates, strengthens, helps, and heals others. So how can it be that I felt so uninspired, so unmotivated, so weak, so helpless, and so broken inside. One of my many signs I received from the universe during my solo getaway was that of a moth. The day before the Sunday Quepasaday, A moth flew into my room. My first response was “gross I need to get this out of here.” But then I started watching it and studying it. I realized how beautiful the little creature was and that it wasn't causing any harm. All it wanted was the light. I then had this thought that moths are just butterflies, they just aren't bright and beautifully colored on the outside. They aren't worried about how others see them because they know they are beautiful on the inside. They truly love themselves.

I've been trying to be a butterfly my entire life. I've been so concerned about how I appear and how others perceive me, that I have neglected the inner work. I said to myself, in that moment as I observed the moth, that I am done being a butterfly. I want to be a moth. The next day, just moments after I set up my meditation station under the tent, a beautiful little Moth landed on my yoga mat. It stayed with me for hours and kept me focused on the inner work I needed so badly. On the 1st break of the day, I wrote this poem that I'd like to share with you:

be a Moss in a world full of butterflies. You are not defined by your outer beauty and colors but by what lies beneath the surface, deep down within. Be a Moss in a world full of butterflies. Fear not the dark of the night, for that is where you find your light. Be moth in a world full of butterflies. Your potential is limitless, reach for the sky. Never lose sight of your purpose, spread your wings and fly.

Would you believe me if I told you that just a month before I met you, I wrote a suicide letter? I wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. I was a slave to my own mind, and I didn't believe I was capable of ever feeling joy again. I hit my rock bottom. Making the last-minute decision to go on a solo trip to Maui was my last resort. My first day back on island was the day that amber invited me to this Sunday Quepasana, the very next day. I cancelled my plans, and I knew in my heart I needed to attend. I thought I knew what meditation was before that day. Boy was I wrong. For the first time in my life, my piercing thoughts went silent. For the first time in my life, I felt a higher power watching over and protecting me. For the first time in my entire life, I felt complete peace and presence. For the first time in my life, I felt real, gut wrenching gratitude. For the first time in my life, I felt free…. I felt me.

I am certain that when I'm old and Gray, I will look back on March 10th and remember it as the pivotal day that I began my spiritual evolution. It's all thanks to you both. That day would have been enough momentum to help me through this difficult chapter in my life, but you weren't finished impacting my life just then, were you? I had never felt more honored than I did when I was invited back. As much as I wanted to sit for 10 whole days, the three days that I experienced were exactly what I needed. You might be surprised, though, by the day I spent thar sacred land that left the deepest imprint on me. It was that day before the retreat even began. The day I volunteered to make each bed for each beautiful guest arriving for the following day.

In 2017, the year I started my business as as a senior in college, I read my very first self-help book titled “Make Your Bed” I learned a lot of valuable lessons that significantly improved my mindset and decisions as an entrepreneur. My biggest obvious take away from the book was to make my bed first thing every single day. Because when we start each day with a win, with a clean slate, we are more likely to have success throughout the day. The little choice can make a significant difference over time. It did for me, for years…... Until I stopped. It didn't hit me until I was in the first temp putting the sheets on the air mattress that I completely stopped making my own bed! Sure, I'd make it after washing the sheets or if I had guests over. But on a day-to-day basis, I stopped making my own bed. I stopped doing so many of the little things that are the big things. I stopped showing up for myself. I stopped taking care of myself. I stopped loving myself.

This eye-opening realization set the tone for the next 14 beds I was about to make for complete strangers. I made a commitment right then to make each bed with as much love, compassion, and presence as I possibly could. I felt so overcome with gratitude for the opportunity to carefully make each bed a beautiful comfortable and safe place for each guest to land. How lucky was I to have my hands in a small part of the space where every person was about to have a completely life altering experience? With each bed I made, I said a prayer for the person who would be sleeping in it. I hugged each pillow as tight as I possibly could, squeeze my eyes shut and whispered “love, love, love.” I cried and laughed and sang and danced and lived in each minute, in all fifteen of those tents. This might be normal for some, but for me, this was an out of this world experience! Typically, I would be rushing through each bed, multitasking and listening to some audiobooks so that I'd feel more productive, worried about all the other important things on my To Do List. So, for me to genuinely enjoy making those beds as much as I did, really opened my eyes. This profound experience showed me just how distracted and disconnected I have been my entire adult life. I was so caught up in the hustle and bustle that I was blind to all the beautiful and magical signs that the universe has been trying to show me. Jorge, when you assign me to tent #7, my lucky number, I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Everything in my life led me straight to that moment and for the first time in way too long, I felt complete happiness. I can wholeheartedly say that this was the best day of my entire life. I bawled my eyes out the entire drive back to my condo. I'm bawling now as I write this letter to you. You completely changed the trajectory of my life, and I promised you both, with my whole heart, that I will pay it forward. I know I was put on this planet to change as many lives as I possibly can. I want to give the greatest gift, the gift you gave to me. To be here, right now, as it is.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, Jorge and Amber. All my love and gratitude

I am deeply in love with my experience at Quepasana. I didn't really know what to expect, but I hoped above all that by the end of this course I would know my own voice and find my place of truth. I found my center, and I am so proud of myself. I feel like I can take on anything now.

The way Jorge explains emotions as sensations in the body, and how to allow them in order for the emotions “sensations” to pass blew my mind! I'm a very sensitive person and have not always trusted myself with my feelings. The very simple (but not always easy) tools have given me the courage to cry brave tears and released so much in the last 10 days. Vipassana meditation is IT! Period.

I’m also very grateful to have my own sanctuary in this sanctuary. I’ve never lived in places where I had my peace place” or felt safe, physically, emotionally, or mentally. To be here was a reset for my central nervous system, as well as my mind, body, and soul. I am filled to the brim with gratitude.

Jorge, thank you, bless you. Infinitely. Laura and El Capitan – I adore you two. Mark, Thank you for your support. Christie, for the meals we needed, Thank you so much. That smoothie recipe is coming home with me to New Orleans! To all the volunteers, y’all are doing the truest light work. Thank you all for wanting to give us the best experience possible. And thank you Melissa for your hospitality and light. Amber and Tara, Mahalo. You two have impacted my life more than you could think I have Hawaiian in my blood, but I’ve never visited. I must come back! And Neil, thank you so much for thinking of your friends, and being persistent that we come. I don't know if I could have ever experienced an opportunity like this. You been the visionary. Mahalo Maui! Quepasana for life!!

Also, final note – Neil brought together people I love, and haven't seen in almost a decade. I am beyond grateful to see these beautiful faces and make new friends in the most sacred way. I'm just in awe of this course. I want to volunteer and bring more black and brown souls into this healing place. I literally can’t thank you enough Jorge.




Here is a list of things I accomplished while I was here: Lost stomach fat – Improved clear – improved problem solving ability – mental clarity/organization is better – a sense of equanimity (I did not even know what that was) – improved interior self-healing/biohacking – improved sense of hearing Flexibility -- 13 days of sobriety – skin is more– the realization of conquering my greatest fear – improved manifestation abilities – a greater sense of unity – I will never forget you.  My life is forever changed.  Thank you for being persistent with the stubborn headstrong teenager.  I will do my best to pay it forward, both to you, and by spreading the energy I have gathered while I was here.


Dear Jorge and Ponomakena crew,

I wanted to write this before we break silence, and the maelstrom of verbiage ascends my consciousness.   Deep deep earthy gratitude for having us as humble guests on this land.  Medicine land. Stunning. Nourishing. Heavenly.


Jorge, your curation skills are paramount.  I am a skeptic and a mystic and can be hard to impress at times.  Yet when I saw how each piece played into the larger whole, delight abounded.  The somatic practices are a precious gift.  For years I have done only Yoga to support my meditation practice, to my detriment.  It left some corners dusty and has worn down my joints and tendons.   I feel very much alive after doing the daily movement and breathing practices. I work with plant medicine quite a bit, and I began to feel like we were in one long ceremony.  Sacredness has returned to my life, after being painfully estranged from it.  This was a side effect I was not expecting.  And it is the product of the full mosaic of this deep dive.  Connecting with nature was sweet, sweet honey.  I would love to come back and serve.   OK  11th day.  I am ready to laugh and hug with people again now. ☺


Sound of silence 2020, Ring Ring Ring, Zip, Bleary eyed I step into the quiet night. To begin another silent day, Ah! I gasp at infinite sky thinking with constellations, A zillion stars awaken me like a lovers’ morning kisses. Enter the shala. Shake with abandon, rattle with awareness, roll with flow. Feel. Life. Now, let’s sit. Gently teacher invites us within. Guided by true wisdom, keen intelligence, loving compassion. I feel him. I enter and for the first time I know that same night sky within me. Inky black, glittering stars. Polluted, pure. Ding ~~~~~~~~~~~

Exit the shala to perfect beauty, Dancing clouds, quivering palms, ever-changing ocean. Delicious nourishment from mother earth and Jazmin, filling me with gratitude. Artistry in every detail. Teacher,

Giver, Master. In every movement, With every word, Embodiment of love.

Namaste Jorge.  With my entire body and heart.  I live in LA and I am from Hong Kong.  If I can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.  It would be an honor to support you.

Beloved Jorge,

My intention to drop deeper was met on so many different levels.  I grew into my job, managed to get out of my hesitation (am I good enough), and opened the door to just receiving and responding, one assignment at a time. I also dropped deeper into allowing an equanimity in meditation.  What magical creatures we are.  So much to discover and embody.  I feel so blessed to receive this gift of blossoming.  Life changing.  My heart feels so open!  In deep gratitude.  Everything is already there.  Wow!  Insight meditation will be a daily affair.  – Course Manager





Dearest Jorge,

While only a “Love POW” can convey how I feel about Quepasana and this incredible gift of yourself.  I am called to share how transformational the past 12 days have been in my life.  Because of this opportunity to JUST BE and be cool with whatever comes up with your loving guidance, I see things completely differently.  Life will never be the same.

I have started companies, helped build billion dollar startups, created communities, led personal development retreats and experienced countless once in a lifetime courses from world class leaders.  Nothing has been as impactful as my time here at Ponomakena.  To witness myself and feel the awareness from within.  I am overflowing with gratitude that this exists in the world.  That YOU exist in the world.  It just makes so much sense to me, that everything I have been studying the past 25 years on my spiritual journey have culminated in this perfect moment.  Right here, right now, as it is.  It feels right from a deep intuition sense of knowing.  That it is my path to share this somatic spirituality with others.

I am in constant awe of how the world works.  The events that led you to where you are, and to me, to this moment now, are so much greater than my tiny human mind can create. It is absolute perfection.

The most inspirational aspect is witnessing a real life bodhisattva in action.  To take these gifts of life and share with others in total acceptance of what is.  It is everything.  You provide a clear example that this practice works, and it is FUN! You masterfully combine all my core beliefs in one experience and make it cool.  Watching you play at this game of life is a gift itself.   Thank you for being you.

Infinite overflowing gratitude and love from every cell of my being.   I am so happy we connected at the perfect time in life and can continue our life missions.   So it shall be!




Dear Jorge and the QuePasana team AKA “cool” pasana.  Ahhhhhhh feel that?  YES!  So many experiences to recall that will stay present with this one right NOW.  I AM LOVING KINDNESS, I AM WELL, I AM PEACEFUL AND EASEFUL, I AM HAPPY AND CONTENT.  I AM FULL, I AM GRATEFUL.  Thank you, Jorge, for the path you walk.  Thank you for sharing your gift and giving it so lovingly away to so many.  I will hear your voice, the soft calming tone of the ocean kissed with sunshine to make me smile.  Loved laughing at your jokes.  Loved you making meditation cool. Just be cool with it!  The joy you bring by sprinkling fun toys, dance parties and musical playlists, themed to evoke all the feels.  OH the FEELS!  Thank you from every cell in my body.  For the gift of presence.  And to Alesha for the invitation.  Oh my heart!  To be thought of for this gift!  It is just what I have been calling in.  I knew I was to return to Maui after 12 years for 12 days of reset and reconnection to self.  And infinite source. I humbly recommit to commit to this practice.  Honor the sacredness and continue to walk this path of awakening world consciousness.  And when I am in doubt, I will sit with it.  Mahalo to Jazmin and servers for the food prepared each day with love and devotion to this offering (YUM!).  To the staff tending the grounds, to curing our tents and lighting up the lawn for the party!   Mahalo to all the beautiful beings for BEING HERE NOW.  Om shanti, Om. Aloha.

Dear Jorge and the crew,

WOW!  Que pasa?  Seriously ☺.  Thank you so much for this incredible experience, a gift, an opportunity.  So much has happened for me during these 11 days.  I lived through death and rebirth.  Quite literally. I was staying in cabin number 1, which was very closely to being blown away in the storm with myself in it.  Thanks to the two brave women and Matt.   I felt stuff was building up and covering up inside of me before the storm.  So, in a way it was so perfect.  The next day I had two of the most profound meditations.  I was able to be so still, quiet and present, even though the wind was still very strong.  I got to experience such spaciousness inside of me, that at some point I became one with everything.  I was able to continue scanning my body and see how by shifting my awareness I felt the borders of my body and then they were gone.  I rode that blissful wave and then let go.  Without attachment.   It is also fascinating how within one day, or even one meditation I was able to be so present and then fully in my mind.  I have the power through awareness and equanimity.

Deep bow to Jazmin for all her love she was pouring into every delicious meal.  Thank you to all the helpers and managers for being on top of it.  And thank you to my beloved husband for inviting me to this experience and making it happen. I am filled with loving kindness; I am happy and content.


That you have created this course at this time is no accident.  Humanity is so desperate in need of stillness, diligence and loving kindness….  And what a gift you are giving all of us with your path of service.  I was constantly inspired and humbled by your daily presence and leadership.

One phrase ran through my head from the first moment stepping onto the property: “I love your human!”.  I am sure I empathetically felt this not only from you but from every Jedi as well.  The integrity and authenticity with which everyone involved in Quepasana operates is a true gem.

I appreciate you sharing your personal journey with us, as I would like to be of service in a similar way.  Road maps are needed.  You provide a stellar one.

I have been going through a spiritual awakening the last 4 years.  After reaching a crisis point in my own life-- The death of my mother-in-law and suicide of my father within one week.   The suicidal depression of my husband giving birth to a high energy child while building a stressful business...  All the typical things that break open our hearts so we can finally find enlightenment.    Slowly I am letting go of the story, and the more I do so and enter the flow, the more I am astounded by the blessings.  I truly felt a return to flow state during this 12-day respite from regular life. For a long time, I have been chasing freedom--- I have realized now I was giving it away a little bit every day.  Entering into codependent relationships, trying to be everything to everyone, expecting myself to be perfect.  Collapsing exhausted at the end of each day, seemingly never enough time to nurture my soul, meet my needs.

You have shown us all that being a parent, an entrepreneur, and a present partner are truly possible.  With a little diligence. That is the key I was missing…  The diligence to put myself first.   Wake up first, take care of me first, then give with a full heart.  Maybe giving less, maybe giving more according to the day.  Finding more humor and ease in my parenting duties, more physical and emotional connection to my partner.   Allowing a new business based in service to find me, instead of chasing it and getting burned out.   Thank you for all of this!

A total bonus was sharing sympathetic joy with all the amazing humans here – witnessing each person expressing their individuality, in movement, music, laughter and relaxation was truly inspiring.   I feel more in my body than I have in many years.

Please know that all the videos, music, surprises and schedule variations are key to the delightfulness of this course.  Rigorousness can be taken too far, and honestly I probably would not have made it through a traditional Goenka course.   You have updated and modernized a wonderful ancient practice into something more appropriate for 2020.  It is no longer the age of Pisces… the age of Aquarius brings enlightened freedom.

Letting go of the stories in my life has been huge.  Stories of tragedy, of loss, of difficulty – No one needs to hear those any more, most of all myself.  Instead of telling someone a story so they will know how far I have come, they will see it in my eyes, witnessing my equanimity and inner peace.  I am pretty sure I could spend years in noble silence after enjoying it for 11 days.

May you and Melissa and everyone here continue to have a blessed existence.



Jorge thank you truly for such a magical consciousness shifting experience.  When Jazmin and Melissa told me about this I had no idea what to expect.  But I trusted these wonderful witchy women to find fellow light workers such as yourself.  During Quepasana, I came up with the idea for the next company.  I run UCLAs Cannabis center where I am constantly restricted by institutional and federal (DEA and FDA) politics and policies.  I am going to resign immediately upon my return to LA and start a private research company that will be the first direct to consumer scientific research company and allow me to run studies on Cannabis without interference from anyone.   The same novel method can then be applied to any commonly used but under researched treatments like herbs, psychedelics, nootropics, etc. So not only did you help me arrive at this breakthrough method for doing research, but you also armed me with a powerful tool that I will wield constantly as I go into this next journey with my company.  Truly, truly, truly you are doing such incredible work.  And inspiring all of us and you have my sincerest gratitude!

So much gratitude for this time here. Everything we do is my favorite thing.  I love your unconditional generosity, unjudgmental answering of all questions, your open heart and mind.  And single pointedness with which you conduct these courses for us to have this experience.  Now how to become one of your Jedis.


You are an extraordinary teacher.  And as a talented alchemist you have combined various practices into a coherent package to introduce the ancient technique of Vipassana to modern sensibilities.   This is much needed.  Beyond all else, you are a shining example in the here and now of an ordinary man living a life of loving kindness, wellness, peace and ease and happiness and contentment.   Most important to me is your generosity to share it freely with others.  With my deepest gratitude.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart.   Your Quepasana program was meaningful to me both because of the inner journey you led me and also because I was married here.  At night, I would sit and meditate where I said “I do”.   Since it has been difficult going through divorce proceedings I found it powerful to return here during these challenging times.  During the week prior, I injured my lower back and leg.  So the down time has been healing and also frustrating because Ideally wanted to participate in yoga positions made impossible this week on my stay.  On the other hand, the meditation was also conflicted with terrifying visions during intense feelings of fear.  But on other moments everything bliss and visions of angelic love.  I am so grateful for you sharing the music and videos, inspiring true love.   This trip inspired me to reflect on how I may continue to build my inner strength and share with my wife and loved ones in new ways.  I would love to support your goal of reaching the hearts of as many people as want this. As a donation, I would be willing to pay for myself and one or two cameramen to record an entire Quepasana.   You could use the footage for training purposes as well as promos.   We could also record both testimonials and I would be willing to interview you for my official YouTube channels’ mastermind show, promoting thought and business leaders.

How do you sum up becoming a changed person?  How do we put into words what it feels like to be completely different?  I could write pages about how my body feels, how I feel.  But I don’t know, I guess I just want to feel it.   Never in my life have I been at a lack of words, but here I am.  That is not to say that I don’t have key insights from my transformational time here:I thought noble silence would be about spending time with your thoughts.  But it was really a time to disconnect from your thoughts.


Quepasana is an introvert’s DREAM!

Identity is socially constructed. I have taught on the social construction of gender. This makes so much sense! Whatever you paid the whales to do their show worth every penny!!! I can reconnect with my body after a lifetime of letting anxiety to control how I treated it (and she forgives me!) I can dance again after spinal surgery 6 months ago. Moby was right “we are made of stars” I am a rainbow and a whale and grass and the moon. You “think” you like child’s pose until you sit in it for 8 minutes.

I came as Me, and I am leaving Me.  Sometimes a small shift can have a profound difference.

Blessings and thank you Jorge.  I see what this can do!

Beautiful Sweet Jorge,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! For this deeply profound magical mystical gift of an experience.  Your love, generosity, dedication and discipline are an inspiration.  This place feels like paradise on earth.  And we have all discovered that we are simply earth angels.  Keep shining your divine light as brightly as you do, and we will all light up for you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Peace, Peace, Peace.  Love, Love, Love.  XOXOXOXO

Dear Jorge,

Thank you so much for your presence and for being a divine example and guide.  I spent almost 2 years navigating the depths of love and chaos after having two different awakenings 8 months apart from each other.  This course offering was everything I needed delivered in perfect timing and purity so vast that it rekindled and reconfirmed everything I have been moving through and working towards.  There are so many options, different guidance’s, and many opinions out in the world to move beyond so that we can truly embody our nature – And this course, and you held true to the deepest nature and simplicity.  Conveying all that is important and offering us rememberance.  Much love.

Thank you for the safe space, the beauty, the reflection – to step into my wholeness once again!

Jorge! Words cannot describe how grateful and full of love I feel in this moment.  You are an incredible teacher and guide.   I am honored to have had the opportunity to sit with you and experience this incredible co-creation you have birthed.  I keep laughing whenever you say “feel everything” because I actually wrote a book called “the empath experience:  what to do when you feel everything” And now I feel the book could be summed up by “feel it all, and be cool with it”.  ☺

I appreciate your humility, candor, simplicity and lightheartedness – and your generosity is astounding.  I am deeply inspired to see where and how I can serve with such a full heart in total flow like you.  ☺.

I have had numerous breakthroughs –each day at times has felt like 20 years.  And I am so proud of all the clarity that I harvested to embody and share in all aspects of life!!  To divinity and beyond!!  PS. You are absolute Love!! Cannot wait to come back and serve and support.

I get it.  This is special forces boot camp for the rainbow warriors. To shed the self and become vessels of light.  This is indeed the answer to my prayers and the thing I have been calling in to re-pattern my brain so I can serve and to release the ego.  I do know what a miracle it is.  I have been working on my liberation for years.  Please forgive my ego’s resistance- when I eat sugar it can completely nuke my consciousness and make me forget everything.  I see Jorge is a master and this is essentially an Ashram in heaven.



In August 2019 I wrote down some 2020 goals.  Top of the list were “Hawaii” and” Meditation retreat” And next to these I had a note that wrote “same thing?”  In December my friend mentioned Quepasana and I had an immediate intuition and connection.  I had always wanted to do a Vipassana retreat, but as an irregular meditator that could not sit for 30 minutes, they were intimidating.

I signed up knowing very little about Vipassana and Quepasana.  And this course has exceeded my expectations in every way.  I have been brought back to myself.  This experience came to me 2 weeks after I quit my job, the end of 5 years of working my butt off.  I was looking for a way to reset and realize my values, what was truly important, and what my way forward will be.

This practice has given me a home, a foundation.  A new pair of eyes to see what has always been there.  I have been ignoring my body’s messages in so many ways that have now become clear.

Everything here was so aligned with my inner being. I love how you incorporated so many of my favorite practices – Yin Yoga, breathwork, flow, music, dances, vegan food.  It fills my heart with joy.  Which both deepened and heightened the efficacy of this work.  and made it fun!!!

My body is singing with joy.  Thank you for giving of your time, your space, your knowledge, your world, your energy.  You have inspired me that being my radiant self will serve others. You, Jazmin, the servers, this land all have my eternal gratitude.  I am firmly committed to maintaining this practice when I return home and cannot wait to see where it takes me. Despite the silence and the limits of words, I hope you can feel just how incredibly moved and grateful I am and will continue to be.

PS.  I appreciated your simple, no nonsense approach to this practice, and how you answered questions.  You made it a safe space with love but also structure.




I am writing this on the lawn in front of your house, trying to wean myself from the ocean and the beauty of this land, this property, your home, and our sanctuary.  There are no words for what you have done for me.  But if there were…. I have been given an opportunity for rebirth. You’ve given me an opportunity at a new life.  A new understanding, (early stages yet) of me and what my stories are doing to me when I am not present.  And don’t trust that life is now; life is perfect.  I see that now and I will live from that place given the gifts I have been given.  And the gifts I have allowed myself to receive.

Thank you.

Dear Jorge and Quepasana family,

Thank you dearly for such an incredible gift. To be honest, I really had no idea what I was in for.  My best friend asked me a few months ago if I would like to go on a silent meditation retreat in Maui.  Without thinking much about it I enthusiastically agreed.  I was going through a lot of transition in my life – I had recently gotten laid off and begun a new consulting contract.  It seemed like a perfect opportunity to reset. I had also been coming off weeks of back to back travel.  Throughout the month of January, I got on a plane every week.  I went to 2 conferences filled with tons of people, anxiety, and late nights.  The two weeks before Quepasana I was sick off Andon.  By the time I got to Maui I was at the very tail end of my illness and ready to relax. Well, it was and it was not the  relaxation I had hoped for.  Sure, Yin Yoga and Savasana were relaxing, but the actual meditation, that was hard work.  In fact, unlike many of the other course participants, I was not by any means a regular meditator.  And when I say “not regular” I mean that I pretty much did not meditate at all.  Sure I went to Yoga, but if I am being honest did so much more for the physical benefits than the mental ones (though I enjoy these as well).  And that was the extent of my “meditation practice” So, coming to Quepasana I was in for a huge shock.  For my adult life, I have always struggled to sit still.  I have been full of nervous, restless, often anxious energy.  Unable to “just be”.   So the first 3-4 days of spending 6 hours in meditation were—to put it lightly—torturous.  I constantly fidgeted, peeked my eyes open, looked around the room.  Counted down the minutes until my torture was over.  Only to dread that it would start again in a few more hours.  The only thing I looked for was meal time. I remember thinking to myself – how am I going to get through the next week and a half?   I found a little girl part of me came up often during the time I was supposed to be meditating stomping her feet with frustration “I don’t Wanna!” “I don’t Wanna do it any more, I Wanna go home” I doubted that I would ever find anything resembling “effortless ease” that you so often spoke about. More like unspeakable agony.   Everything hurt.  My shoulders, arms, back, legs…  I was going crazy mentally as well “Get.   Me.  Out” Yet, despite wanting to quit and go home, I did not.  Partially because it felt shameful to leave so early.  Partially because I self-identify as “strong” “not a quitter”, and partially because I held out hope that I might reach a turning point.  You describe the ease and joy that meditation had brought into your life, and you spoke with such conviction.  You seem so happy and content, so calm.  “there must be something to this…”  So I kept going, I kept listening to the instructions, and then finally I heard them. Something within me decided to stop resisting.  The little girl decided to stop kicking and screaming. The world went quiet.  And then, it started to come alive – Bit by bit—in a way more magnificent than I could ever have imagined.   I felt sensations that I had never experienced before.  In crevices of my body I had never realized existed.

As I continued with my practice over the remainder of the course I continued to feel sensations, and I started to feel different emotions arise.  Both difficult and divine.   And I started to feel peace.  The lyrics from Yin Yoga, which I initially found irritating-- I believe my exact thoughts at the time were “I want to strangle someone if they don’t make this stop” -- started to resonate on a deep level. I started finding myself playing the music as I walked throughout Ponomakena in my mind.  I released tension in my body that I had probably been holding for much of my life. I learned to feel, to really feel sensations in my body – to discern how emotions manifest as sensations.  And to lean into this and to fully experience them by letting it happen.  To not resist, push or chase – but to just feel and let it happen.

Our society teaches us that we always need to be “busy”.  It puts a premium on action, and normalizes a state of every day stress.  Many of us (including myself), live a life where we are truly never alone.  Yet, we often feel more alive than ever – A deep and prevailing sense of loneliness.  I know I have felt it.

I know that after growing up as an only child, always alone, I leapt at the opportunity to be around people once I could choose to.  I remember the pain of being a small child by myself wanting someone to play with and instead always being alone.  I resolved to never be alone again.  In my adult life I surrounded myself with people through college into the working world – I was always with people.  I found that I could not stand to be alone with myself.   I associated it with loneliness, with that same sense of unease and feeling of abandonment.  After work, I went straight out to meet friends, go to a party, on a date, anything to avoid going home.  My apartment was essentially a very expensive storage unit.  Always with people, always doing something.  Always socializing, making friends, trying to ensure I never had to be alone.

Well, at Quepasana, despite spending 1.5 weeks in silence.  I managed to make a friend.  We actually hung out the entire time we were here, we ate together, walked together, did Yoga together, we cried, we laughed.  We watched the sun rise and set and contemplated eternity. We even slept in the same bed…  Don’t worry, I did not break any rules – As you may have guessed, this friend is me.  I learned to spend time with myself and thoroughly enjoy it in a way that I can’t remember ever having done before.  To be still and not feel anxious about “not doing” or “falling behind” or “missing out”

I used to repeat affirmations to myself like “I am enough exactly as I am” hoping they would become ingrained in my psyche and that I would internalize them.  That one day they would become real thoughts and beliefs.  I used to understand many of these things on an intellectual level --. That I ought to love and respect myself. Now, thanks to you Jorge and insight meditation I KNOW at the core of my being that these things are true. Thank you gain for a beautiful and truly life changing experience.  I am excited to pay it forward and help others have the opportunity to uncover their wonderful inner worlds – and understand that wherever they go, they always have a friend that loves and respects them unconditionally.

With all my love and gratitude.

The sun is a star. Without it we could not survive.  It gives us light, warmth and other mysteries.   It shines and emits for billions of years – all for us.  You are on the same trajectory.  Starting small, here on this planet, being of service and shining and sharing, learning, eventually through the eons you become a star from all the work you do in your lifetime.  Breathe that in!  The universe is expanding.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve on this course.  Yoga and meditation are perfect together.   I too have visions of my own yoga and meditation retreats on the big island.

Your entire course is well thought out and balanced and always.  I feel great every day.  I think your consistency for each course is important.  You get results measured that way—Like 2500 years of Vipassana – Keep it consistent.  Create more teachers – leave your legacy – hopefully the funds keep rolling it along.

December 2019 --Vision 2020

Dear Jorge,

It feels like I have known you forever, like you have always been a comforting voice in my personal pantheon reminding me to gently lead from my heart, feel it all, and just be cool with it.  Your sense of humor and sense of the sacred are in divine union, and I deeply appreciate the integration of discipline and freedom you embody.  This place is pure magic!!  A heavenly dimension I am certain.  An exquisite sacred container for personal and collective transformation, held in the deepest integrity and purity of intention.  I am beyond grateful and honored to be in service to this work/play, all who find themselves divinely guided to this practice, and this evolutionary temple/playground, are blessed indeed.  This has by far been the best experience of my life.  Thank you.   Stillness, it’s a movement, A silent revolution, A radical call to inaction. We meet at center point. Love – the eternal principle, At the core.  Still the point.

In the midst of all the motion whirling around and within at the speed of thought, it can often be incredibly challenging to maintain grounded Ness and connection to center.  Last year took me to numerous communities across 8 countries in service to sharing the musical medicine and raising the collective frequency. It was epic, beautiful, and incredibly depleting.  The light at the end of the tunnel was an invitation gifted me by my dear friend, David Weber to drop into silence for a special 10 day Vipassana meditation course in Maui hosted by an incredible human being named Jorge. Words fall short in conveying the healing I received.  It helped me re-center and clear the noise out of my thoughts, the cravings/aversions of my ego and stories of my future-past.  Fasting from technology & sound in a safe container allowed me to recalibrate my inner guidance and hear once again the whispers of the ancestors. I had sat in Goenka's Vipassana courses years ago, but the masterful sequencing and enhancements of the ancient practice by Jorge empowered me to go deeper in my practice than ever before.  Returning to my beloved Ashley Klein and our home of Sedona, I feel myself and all the nuanced gradients once again.  There is grounded peace reverberating throughout my soma that only now I can recognize had been sequestered by the rushing river of tour life. I encourage you família to gift your life the opportunity of attending a Vipassana meditation course.  It doesn't have to be Jorge's ~ any of them will bring you the benefit.  They are free in fact and paid forward.  You may just see me there serving you yummy vegetarian eats! What is the secret you ask? ("cause I don't have 10 days to spare and time feels like it's speeding up!") Recognize you aren't your thoughts or "mind" ~ that everything we observe around us arises and passes from a sensation in the physical body ("so feel everything and then let it go").  When we can observe this with equanimity (aka "just be cool with it") then suffering subsides and we begin to see the truth and become free:  samadhi ~ we are the immortal awareness ~ the observer ~ watching the whole dance unfold.

Happiness comes in waves

Dear Jorge,

I am in disbelief of how powerful of an experience this was.  Ever the skeptic.  What you created here defies words and what it means to put a skeptic like me in my place.  I am inspired, I am shaken, I am curious, I am equanimous, I am cool with it, I am processing, I am feeling it, I am all of the above and a million more things that I do not have the words yet to articulate.   I can never thank you enough for this gift you have given.  And in my heart know the only way to truly do so is to pay it forward, which I cannot wait to do. – spreading the magic of Quepasana to the world.  Most importantly, I know this is the beginning of so many things. I hope to connect and support and work with you on bringing this vision to as many as possible.  I have barely scratched the surface of my soul, but thanks to you I am feeling the scratches and the itch wonderfully.  I am feeling it!  I will save the rest for future correspondence.  As my enrichment is beyond words at this point. For now, I will say thank you for everything.  Your infectious loving kindness, this experience which I will cherish always.  Looking forward to the next one.

I went to Vipassana 10 years ago.  But I did not get the full extent of the transformative potency until now.  Quepasana is certainly the 2020 inner vision upgrade.  Thank you immensely Jorge for a simplified and grace filled transmission.   And leadership in helping us each step into our clarity plus next level expression in our own unique way utilizing the technique.   We are certainly “doing the thing” from here happily on! What a blessing to receive the perfect medicine I was longing for that nothing else could quite do the trick.  May all experience this direct effective profound practice. Finding their great peace and passing it forward.  Infinite love and endless gratitude.

I wonder if it sounds like an exaggeration... but, I feel this meditation course has been profoundly life changing. I have always wanted meditation to be integrated in my daily life, and yet the practice often felt like a shirt that was far too big to wear comfortably. My father has meditated daily since I was a child. He was only ever able to convey the importance of meditation, but never in a way that clicked. My motivation and inspiration, have always burned with a very low flame. I realize now, both in my body and mind, that this was due to a lack of true understanding. The curriculum that Jorge offers is a shiny metaphysical key. I would guess, without fail, this key will unlock the power of every person who finds their way into a Quepasana course. The techniques of Vipassana are ancient and timeless, but his curation seems to really extend the accessibility. In simple terms, Jorge figured out how to make Vipassana cool! Deep gratitude for Jorge dedicating so much time and energy into bringing this whole project forth into existence. It makes me even happier to know that every step of the process brings him so much peace and joy. I recognize that this is a sustainable pursuit, a calling for Jorge that fills his soul with shiny energy and I know Quepasana will only continue to grow and radiate with effortless ease.

This has been the absolutely transformational experience of my life.  I accessed places and depths of stillness that allowed me to go to the pure Samadhi of “unlocking” accessing my codes and bringing them to life.  I have reawakened my genes of my royal bloodline I have been working with so long.  I can finally live them, speak them, and embody them and bring them to light fully.  All my affirmations are coming true and I feel impeccable. I feel purely me, which is so much good!!  I feel love, I feel all.  I am glorified and dignified in the light of my truth, my heart, my soul, and youth.

Dear Jorge,

For many years I have been exploring the inner world.  And I thought that most recently needed a huge let go.  When I was 18 I wanted to be a Hindu nun and realized All the things they wanted me to practice, Hinduism, go to regular temple visits and sit through hours of saints rambling, and some good stuff that my parents did not think I would go and do.   Ha ha ha.

Today in meditation I was visited by a goddess and I felt an “all revealed” process. All the way from my childhood bullying, parents heavy hand, being the middle child, not getting any money for doing what I wanted, having a 5 PM curfew, the work around the world.  Today I realized why. This doesn’t make any sense to you, but I wanted to thank you deeply.  I am honored to be part of the class of #69.  I am honored to have met you, received your guidance, leadership, humor and most of all for the beauty that you have cultivated in you and around you.  I never knew what paradise was until I came here, had the space to find, feel and accept the wilderness within my heart.  Paradise exists, yeeeha.  May your endeavors be fruitful, and may you be blessed and receive all the juicy (yes, juicy) blessings from all the incredible souls seen and unseen that come to experience your creation.  I look forward to coming back.   But for sure, I am just ready, awake and ready to assume my evolved state post transformation here.  Forever grateful


May I offer a deep bow of honor and gratitude for the bounty you have provided the last 12 days. You have open heartedly given one of the greatest gifts one human could offer another.  Thank you for your great generosity.



Aloha Jorge,

Absolutely everything has been perfect!  This is my finish line to my new beginning!!  I am forever grateful…. For all the millions of choices you have had to make for this to be such a magical place!  Thank you, so much learning, growing, letting go.  And such a beautiful property with great intention.  For all of us out here in this world, the food is so good and flavorful, on time and no drama, always enough for all of us.  I am super grateful for this whole sacred space.  I feel so safe and cared for.  I am so grateful for this land, the big tent, my little tent, the views, the lawn, the servers. Super special thanks to all you behind the scenes cats.  All the angels.  All the white birds, my air mattress.  Everything is so clean and beautiful.  Everything worked, functioned, all the high vibe h20 all the amenities….   Wow, wow, wow.

Quepasana is ever evolving into a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional meditation, healing and awakening incubator. Within 10 days, participants and servers take a vow of silence and enter into the diligent practice of Vipassana meditation. Led by Master Jedi, Jorge Yant, the group learns the technique of Vipassana meditation, which brings the mind, breathe and sensations of the body into balance and equanimity. Sprinkled on top of meditation, Jorge adds two heaping spoonful’s of sugar, spice and everything nice. These flavors include tai Qi, breath work, and the infamous Yin Yoga, where poses are held for long periods of time to music to invoke the somato-emotional body to release deep seated trauma. To spice up the format, Quepasana number 69 included a variety of toys and games participants could play between sessions. The highlights would be soccer, holla hoops, and illuminated poi balls; imagine a festival where everyone has been meditation for a week. To refuel from all the activities, guests are treated to static vegetarian cuisine, fresh water and local tea. We danced our way into the new year to celebrate the accomplishment of this deep transformational work. Proceeding the work, the group opened up into a sharing format, where entrepreneurs and people alike shared their life's work and deepest passions. The two days of group activities, talking, sharing, singing and dancing expanded as galaxies are created. The event was a massive influx and expansion of energy that rippled into each and every individual’s cellular memory. QuePasana is more than a meditation practice, it is the collective healing work which the world needs at this time. I pray these events grow and impact many souls, so we may liberate our minds and release our collective injuries. May all beings be happy and free.

I pray to be a part of this place in the future!!!  This is heaven… on a heavenly island of Maui.  OMG man.  Thank you soooo much for this experience.  I feel it to my bones.  This has been perfectly aligned for me in my life.  I am so stoked to see what is in store next.  Please let me know how I can help in the future.  I am in bliss!!  Plans to work on my penmanship.  Much better in person…  So much love and appreciation from my heart to yours.  It is like walking around Willie Wonkas chocolate factory for my soul.  Thank you!!!!!

Quepasana reflections, Easily the greatest gift I have ever received.   The course has left me clear of mind and energized, and gave me the tools to continue to walk through life with ease, grace, and a smile on my face.  I am saddened to see the course come to an end.  And also exhilarated to bring these teachings and gained wisdom into my daily life.  I can tell that this course ripples out from its participants into the world at large and for that I am grateful.

After doing many Vipassana courses – and laughing at the “luxury Vipassana” I had heard of called Quepasana, I was blessed to finally attend. Perfect for the more loving, nurturing ways of spiritual practice that I and the planet are moving towards.    The feminine loving, not the patriarchal austere.   Being in such a beautiful place, able to swim, run and dance in free time was vital to how this body functions and integrates.   What a divine blessing that has taken me deeper into this practice than all the others combined!!  I cannot wait to pass it on. Mahalo Nui Loa.

After years of being told from loved ones “you simply have to go to Vipassana…” I had no luck sitting on waitlists in California and Thailand.  That is when synchronicity would have it that one of my most trusted allies would lead me towards Quepasana.   Having sat with many meditation and Yoga teachers, Jorge absolutely blew my heart and mind wide open with the experience.   As opposed to the austere and monastic Vipassana process, what you get are the same teachings, enhanced, upgraded, nurturing, and expertly curated.   I found myself being challenged in silence and on the cushion, and yet I have never felt more support, care and intelligence during such an initiation. What Jorge and his decades of experience, his caring team, and the pristine location create is nothing short of peace.    I cannot recommend sitting enough.  From the hard core spiritual seeker to the hustling entrepreneur, this course will show you parts of yourself and reserves of inner wisdom and healing that few other ceremonies can.  5/5 stars!!

Glory finely tuned, walking an even path through the center… Directly balanced in love.  Equal weight on both ends of the scale.  Equanimous.  When you see it through your eyes, the lens from which you look when all of you merges with the one source consciousness.  And you live there.  Here your life begins.

Quepasana was an incredible experience I highly recommend.  It was a beautiful blend of discipline and flow.  The strict Vipassana meditation technique schedule, combined with elements of play, Yin Yoga, breathwork, and kundalini Yoga was a great balance of Yin and Yang, structure and flow.  Masculine and feminine.  Other meditation courses I found too rigid and arduous.  Lack of expression and flow.  And this course is a great balance of both.  The teachings are ancient and yet simple and profound.  Always empowering one to return to the self, where all the answers lie.  Not to be found anywhere outside of us.   The venue is amazing and ideal for profound introspection.  I would recommend this to everyone.

I am completely in love with you.



My heart is beaming with gratitude after 10 days in silence.  Quepasana has gifted me the opportunity to sit, feel the body, and practice again and again to “be cool with it all” Sounds simple, and yet the first few days were challenging.  To sit and witness the mind loop over and over coming up with stories from every possible angle. So much tension, resistance and learning gentleness with each moment I remembered to come back to this moment.  I feel like I have hit the reset button I have been looking for since starting grad school.  I came in exhausted, burned out and full of anxiety.  I am now leaving so deeply embodied, relaxed, letting go and receiving the gift of my own presence.  It was also a mega bonus to come back this time as a server, to be able to weave love into food prep and give gentle touch to others in Yin yoga was a true joy to me.  I deeply wish that all beings may be able to receive this gift of Quepasana if their heart desires.

Querido Jorge,

Wow Hermano.  No hay palabras y soy musico, not a writer but I am cool with that.

13 years ago I sat in my first Goenka Vipassana, and it deeply shifted my life.  At that time, I felt while the teaching and transmission was potent in its simplicity, there was more embodiment practices that could help the student go deeper. What I have and continue to experience here at Quepasana blows my mind and heart wide open.  The sequence of activities, meditation and free time to integrate have unlocked so many layers in such a short time.   I feel more alive and embodied than I have felt in a long time.   Quepasana has captured what I was missing all those years ago. As I said, there are no words that can truly capture what is alive in my thanks to this work.  As such, I am going to write a song in your honor to tell the story.  Watch out for it and be cool. Con much respeto y amor.


I cannot overemphasize my gratitude to you for the tremendous steps I have made on my spiritual path.  On first introduction I was suspicious of a hip rich man playing air guitar as a guru.  No, you can really play and enjoy sharing your enthusiasm for music or Quepasana in this analogy.    You give of yourself freely and in doing so spread light into the world.  By your own example, I see the fruits of sharing goodness with the world in that your own life and every day and moment to moment terms is also tremendously rich and gratifying.  A wonderful example of divine creation here on earth.

Having attended several extended Vipassana retreats, I find your personal mix of Yin Yoga, body wake up techniques, music and humor, along with the traditional meditation techniques to be highly effective in teaching those of us coming from modern western culture.  Another inspired example of cosmic creativity.  Your life, and those you teach are a testament to the value of Quepasana.

This was a very unique experience.  First time doing anything like this in my lifetime.  I have always enjoyed meditation and find deep significance in silence.  So this course was a beautiful opportunity to be with other people, while truly exploring the wonder of what it means to be alone. An excellent referral from my good friend David Weber.

Merry Christmas, Thank you Jorge, thank you for having me over today. I will always appreciate your kind fun and generous ways.  My dreams are coming true being here with a dear friend. And as I said before, may your dreams come true too.  What more is there to say?  This is profound and FUN!!!

Dear Jorge,

I found the practice and your method of combining it with Yin Yoga and Kundalini to be refreshing and a brilliant way to use movement more and activate the transformation that one feels and receives in the practice.  You have a delightful energy, and your teachings are both a gift and a special way to be beyond the course.  Thank you (Class of #69)


Mahalo!!  Whoa! It has been 10 days and I have gone from 0 hours to 50 hours of meditating…  I had no expectations—all I knew was that I always wanted to attend a silent retreat and also have tried to kick start the mediation but to no avail – I still cannot figure out why Haytham reached out specifically about this (Quepasana), but it is the universe speaking…  He had no idea of my desire for both…When I was tinkering with the idea, I said “There is NOOOO way I can do 10 days, between the kids, annual winter vacation… No devices, oh so many reasons…Can’t I just come for the first five days???” – Not sure if he even asked, but he told me “no” … but now I get it. This is a long winded way of saying thank you for this life changing and life altering experience.   Forget about the most beautiful backdrop, but the approach—specifically your approach, into Vipassana for the common folk has been and will continue to be a game changer for me – this is exactly what I needed – To jump in with two feet and never look back.  But damn – this work -- the scanning, the observing, the awareness, the equanimity of it all ☺!  I have lots of practicing to do when I get home…I cannot thank you enough for guiding us…  Teaching us… showing us your patience and providing us your tools to further deepen our practice.  Quepasana #69!!  PS, you can keep my phone.  Ha ha ha



I followed my intuition here.  Knowing deeply, I wished to cycle into a new chapter.  After being diagnosed with a tumor and healing myself with amazing support from incredibly beautiful humans and a few angels.  Still a phenomenon to my doctors I know the power of stillness and energy.  At the same time, I had to depart my marriage to my beloved which meant my home and job and as we worked and ran a global sailing program together.  Finding myself on a healing journey.   And outside of a partnership in over 20 years.  I have spent the last year and a half dropping deeply into a rememberance of who I am.  What are my truths and I am finally moving into my own room in a house, finishing my book?  I felt lighter and more amazing month by month.  But I still felt a lot of pain and hurt from a long line of lies, breaking of agreements and hurtful words.

I did expect to feel lighter, but this course kept peeling back the layers to a version of me that I have not seen in a long time.  Actually better!!  I have always had a great sense of humor, but my wittiness and just light heartedness exploded forth.  My purpose I have always known, but clear paths were delivered to me.  I felt such a synergy and excitement.  It made it!  At times more challenging to keep up with some of the practices.  I could actually see and feel the wonderful possibilities on their way.  So I know I will be able to be in great service to myself, thus the world as a whole where all thrive.  And being reunited with my whale friends daily was perfect! And my pain and hurt just shifted to deep gratitude and love for my husband and his 25-year-old girlfriend and her tattooed head. I will do this once a year.  It is something I recommend to all, even my husband and his girlfriend.  Thank you from the deepest part of my soul. You have guided me into a better version of myself with the tools to continue this lifelong journey.




Wow!  Quepasana!  My being and body are overflowing with gratitude for the gift of being here these past 10 days.  Hard to put into words all the blessings I received here.  This place, these practices, it’s heaven on earth!  Now to be more specific, I feel rooted in my body, patient, present and aware every moment, every movement is rich with the sensations. I feel a lightness in my presence and a deep sense that everything is as it should be.  That nothing is requiring the little me to go on vibrating in its perfect complete way.  No more control and fear and doubt in my way.  Pure curiosity, creativity and connection.  I experienced beautiful, spontaneous healing from old stories, old feelings.  I feel deeply that the page keeps turning and I am here, fresh, new and awake.  Ahhhhhhh.  I am resting deeply.  The magic of creation has brought me here.  And I trust it will continue to deliver exactly what is needed.  Also, I am experiencing a funny limbo between existing as an individual and surrendering my identity.  This has been happening in waves for years, but here it feels good.  I have given up trying to do anything about it.  No striving in either direction.  Practicing equanimity is easy, at least right now.  Thank you from the depths of me for this gift Jorge.  Your graciousness, hospitality and generosity are astounding and truly inspiring.  Life has gotten sweeter and richer, and I trust as I continue to practice all will be as it should be.  My heart is grateful with love.

Dear Jorge,  I am filled beyond overflowing with gratitude.  To you for the gift of Quepasana!  This is my second Quepasana.  Now as a server.  I have loved every moment.  Deep in the practices, helping in the kitchen and chalet.  Starting to pay forward, preparing inner spaciousness and equanimity.  Kinaole, flawless presence, requires one to be meticulous and tenacious, without holding on to anything.  Like so many Hawaiian words of great meaning. Kinaole is a verb, not a noun, lived dynamically.  And so I view Quepasana.    My dreams have been vivid here.  Last night in my conversation with my 88-year old mother who is preparing to die.  Amidst this, and a myriad of personal experiences of life unfolding.  My own health challenges, finances, need to find a new living situation.  Service projects, dedicated daily practices, watsu instructor certification.  This time in Quepasana is treasured.   With a tear and a smile – center point, relearning stillness, cultivating awareness – I thank you with all of my heart.

Dear Jorge,

This has by far has been one of the most exquisite 12 days of my life and has come at a time when I was deeply in need.   I had hit a wall and finding the path forward to become my best self was unclear. I found myself tired, operating from fear, addicted to my technology (and distraction), worried about my health and growing more and more present to the ache in my heart.  Arriving I was immediately struck by the beauty and magnificence of the property and the space that was setup for our work.  This is not necessarily easy work, but I felt completely supported through it by your loving, gentle and humorous guidance and presence.  The beautiful surroundings, incredible love and support of all the volunteers.  The amazing food (wow! the food!!)  And moments of fun, play and music.  The combination of this ancient teaching, with Yin Yoga, breathwork and guided meditations (incredible music) is absolutely brilliant!  You are a masterful facilitator and are clearly living your dharma and purpose.  This is one of the most incredible gifts I have ever received.  And delivered with such integrity and love.  Yes, I dissolved into the field of infinite love at least 3 times, and yes, I felt birds chirping inside my body (how cool is that!?).  But I am leaving with so much more than a couple of peak experiences (which I am blessed to have had many in my life). So first, you taught me how to feel.  To really feel, and to just be cool with it.  I know this is the beginning of an awesome new adventure in life and healing and I would be shocked if I don’t look back on this in a few years as a turning point in my life.   While I believe I have more feeling to do, it does seem to have relaxed a bit.  And I woke this morning, scanned my heart and felt an openness which I have not felt in years.   You have given me a way forward. I am also left with an entirely different perspective of the difference between trying to experience life through the thinking mind vs the body.  I now realize that one of the reasons I am so damn good at vision and strategy is because I spend most of my time escaping the present moment to strategize on how to make my future less uncomfortable and more pleasant.  I now realize (and not just intellectually) that conceptualizing and interpreting life through the mind is absolutely no substitute for experiencing life.  Like looking at a picture of or the word “apple” vs eating a ripe juicy apple.  The words and pictures might help point the way, but the experience, the presence, the now, is where the juice is.

Next, you have helped me break free of this nagging thought that at 43 my body was getting tighter and working less well was inevitable.  I feel right now so open and at ease, like a decade has been taken off my life.  I am so excited to take on a regular restorative yin yoga practice at home. And Play!! Thank you for incorporating and modeling that, sometimes hard serious work need not be without play, humor, celebration and ease.

The last thing I wanted to say is that I feel like you’ve shown up as the role model I always hoped had existed, but never met or known.   There are many people I had looked up to for either their spiritual or business acumen.  But I have never seen such a profound integration of the 2.  You have helped me expand my vision for what is possible.  So thank you.  I cannot wait to apply my newfound Jedi skills and deep reverence for life and spirit to my life.  And to see what wants to be created through me.   It’s my deep prayer that I can learn to embody this state I am in now, out there in the “real world”, and to be able to hold that whole of positivity, presence, and centeredness.  Despite the pressures of daily life.  And I certainly believe I have the tools to do that now.  Thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart, and thank you on behalf of my son, my family, and my company as well.  Deep bow.  PS.  I will be back.




Synchronicities can bring us through the confusing or open ended times of life.  And land us in the lap of god.   I was waiting for one, when Quepasana showed up.  About two months ago I finished reading Autobiography of a Yogi.  It shook me.  Not because of the possibilities of the awakened heart, though that sounded beautiful, but because I found myself called every day to live a devoted life.  This was a double edged sword for me.  I at once felt both excited and sad.  Excited that a door was open and for me I knew I would walk through.  No matter the cost, but sad because the teaching I wanted to discovered was heavily guarded and would likely take decades for me to access.  The teachings of the ancients were guarded for good reason, and in the past these secrets were passed down in secret to ensure they survived.  Today we need these teachings.   Every human being on this earth has a right to know the power that awaits within them.  To experience life as their own teacher.  Sure, you can leave today, join an ashram somewhere and dedicate your life to take practice in hope that it will actually make a difference for you.  In time, it probably will.  But if we are inspired to offer a gift to the world, to live in it, to help others, what then?  I believe there is another option.  Vipassana meditation is the direct path to these teachings.  You go to a 10-day event, and if you take it seriously, you will begin to experience these secret teachings for yourself.  But traditional Vipassana is so rigid and strenuous on the body that it is still out of reach for the modern human.  Sitting on a 2X2 thin mat in a room for 8 hours a day without moving would turn away all but the experienced Yoga devotees and maybe a masochist or 2.  This is sad, because Vipassana is the practice of the ancients and belongs to each of us as our birthright. I was lucky or blessed or something to be invited to Quepasana.  I learned and practiced more in 10 days than I would have in years elsewhere.  This has changed me.  I will never be the same.  It is tough to face my inner demons.  It does not need to be made even tougher by living in Spartan conditions, with teachers who believe there is no gain without pain.  If you want do discover this for yourself.  I say you are beyond blessed to find Quepasana.  Take this chance.  If this is a synchronicity for you like it was for me, sign up immediately.  Give it everything you’ve got and more.  And with time and love you will see what we see, what I am beginning to see. The truth of you.

November 2019 – Women in Leadership

Thank you for the best 10 days of my life!

Thank you dearly for this more than generous opportunity to journey more deeply into myself.  I experienced neglect and abuse (verbal, physical and sexual) as a child.  That led to many years of mind/body disconnect and dissociation.  I have done a lot of work moving into acceptance of what is happening inside and restoring my essence.  I feel that the meditation techniques I have learned here at this Quepasana course will profoundly impact me for the rest of my life. Just in the short time of a week so far, I am noticing how much I project my emotions and beliefs onto the world – This is HUGE.  Because it is bound to influence how I relate to myself and others, how I show up in my life, and if I go for my dreams or not. Thank you for helping me get clear about this part of me.  Also, thank you for your sense of humor.  It comes with effortless ease.

Putting into words what this experience has been to me probably won’t do it justice.   I am filled with a sense of peace I didn’t know I could ever find.  As a highly emotional being, prone to depression, I have done a lot of work of healing and being in tune with myself.  However, before coming here I got into a bad habit of neglecting my self-care, not doing the practices I know help me. And became trapped by my emotions and thoughts. This opportunity cannot have come at a better time.  I am so grateful to have spent ten days with myself in a space that felt so nurturing.  Thank you for helping me remember who I really am, why I am here, and that life gets to flow with effortless ease if I let it.  You are a gift.  Your generosity compassion and loving spirit reminds me of how I want to show up in the world. More than ever, I am so excited to ripple out this powerful method you have given me with the world.

Everything> Writing to myself.  Union

I have spent the last ten years as a full time student and teacher of transformational work.  I have taught six thousand dollar women’s weekend retreats, mentored entrepreneurs on cruise ships, ran a tough mudders and followed gurus across the globe.  The transformation I see this group make (including myself) surpasses every program I have ever participated in.  Thank you for showing me that the answer is much simpler than I can imagine.  You have created an access point that everyone can participate in. from here, everything is possible.  Thank you for role modeling conscious business.  Thank you for showing me how to lead without being attached to being a leader.  Thank you for demonstrating what humble success can be.  With unconditional love.


Every time I ride in your truck, I am reminded of a song.   It goes like this:  (Put a little twang in your voice ☺. “blue life flashing in my rear view, the sheriff said boy I should known it was you, you got 14 people in the back of this truck, I warned you twice, now I’m writing you up.  I said officer what have I done? He smiled and said “boy, you are having TOO MUCH FUN!”.  Too much fun, what’s that mean?  It’s like too much money, Ain’t no such thing.  It’s like being too lucky, a car too fast, a girl too pretty with too much class, no matter what they say I done.  I AINT NEVER HAD TOO MUCH FUN! “Too much fun “By Daryl Singletray




I am deeply grateful, honored, and awed by what you have created here.  It is so masterfully guided as you seamlessly weave Vipassana, Yoga, breathwork, art, beauty, creativity and care…  A combination that so utterly supports us all to become conscious, whole and free as beings.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a humble, generous, and wise being.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a YES to bringing this work to so many for the betterment of all of us.  May you always feel supported. May you always be happy and at ease.  May you always feel our loving kindness towards you and may you know the inspiration of this work through witnessing our devotional practice. In deep gratitude and care.

P.S. – The food was absolutely incredible-  clean, flavorful, beautiful, delicious wow -- To all those that served us in the many ways they did.  Thank you!  I have never felt so nourished.  Body, mind and soul.

“I just need To quickly pee Before I touch Eternity” Quepasana meditator (Post Yin)

I cannot thank you enough for such a transformative experience.  This is the happiest I have been since my hubby was diagnosed with terminal cancer three years ago, soon after our wedding, which took place on Olowalu plantation house.  Maui is very special to us.  Grief is hard, but I feel I am coming out of Quepasana with an incredible toolkit to use in my daily practices moving forward, equanimity in p articular.   This experience has changed my life.  Thank you so much for all that you do to make the world a better place and spreading the message that true happiness and healing come from within.





There is so much to say.  Thank you for the full note pad so I have an opportunity to say most of it.  I am a two time Vipassana sitter and I have heard from many about what you are offering on island.  I had judgements because I did not want people to think that it was the same experience as Vipassana.  I had always been sure to let people know that what is being offered here is luxury and is very different from what Vipassana is and should not be confused as the same. I was right about that, now that I had the full experience for myself, but wow, what you have here is a unique and dynamic opportunity that stands on its own and should not be compared.

I am always intrigued to see what the wealthy do for humanity and themselves with a seemingly limitlessness of resources.  I believe everyone entitled to do what they may with what they have, but I am curious to know what that will be.   The very small percentage of society that has garnered enough personal power to accomplish what the majority of the population dreams of.  Do they stay hidden behind the gates of their palaces, do they give blindly to “charities” without connection to the legitimacy of the distribution of those resources?  Do they flaunt and boast?  Do they spend carelessly or hoard unnecessarily? What I have witnessed from you in these past nine days and what I heard of you before even coming is what legendary beings are made of.  It is what I imagine what people believe Christ Consciousness to be or the Buddha; Unconditionally loving, uplifting the masses, being the light in all beings, firm warrior of fairness and one with an abundant amount of joy within your spirit. I would not dare say you are not without your own faults and personal shortcomings, but what you already overcame to be where you are now is in itself a true miracle to witness.  I honor you and keep you free to be a man living within his own journey while I also acknowledge you as the man I see right here right now. There is much I got out of the Quepasana experience in itself but the most profound impact was sitting at the feet of you.   As a woman who has devoted my life purpose into my own mental health, spiritual development and personal growth.  I hold a standard to attract that in a partner, while there are some that honor me for that and hold space for the fulfilment of my vision, there are others that tell me this type of man does not exist, and I am dreaming of a mystical character.   Thank you for appearing in front of me, proof that what I felt was possible is true.   You are the manifestation of the archetype I have dreamed of. As for the course, I really love the weaving of different modalities.  It is quite genius, and after experiencing Vipassana I can greatly appreciate Quepasana.  I love the early morning movement.  It is so perfectly timely.  The afternoon Yin Yoga is juicy and delicious.  And I especially love listening to your musical taste. I love all the toys you have around and being able to see people’s inner child come out and play and for them to feel so safe to unfold.   The land you have makes this a fairytale story.  What a true vision of paradise!  It is also heaven to be able to experience other women in silence.  Moving past the constant transmission of feelings and judgements.  It made this even greater!

One day after you got so many notes about swimming in the cove, I could sense your frustration as you explained how much goes into this so we should respect the no.  But that frustration turned to fuel and action.  You came the very next day with a solution:  A slip and slide!  Further demonstrating the benefits of the practice in action.  You stayed in your heart and were clear enough to come with a solution that kept the party alive! Overall, being able to be part of and the recipient of a cool ass Mexican that got a whole lotta money and love has been a dream come true.  Thank you for going above and beyond and keeping the values of your Mexican culture alive despite not having to.   You are caretaker, hard worker, nourishing, funny and trustworthy Mexican man.  Respect. Thank you for a beautiful space where women can be as free as they need to be while in the presence of a man, and us not feeling threatened or preyed upon.  We need you for us, and we need you to be the example to other men as to what is possible when love is the answer. I learned so much from you, and I intend this to be the beginning of a deeper friendship with you.  I would like to be of service to you in many ways.   I also can greatly benefit from being by your side and letting your leadership infuse my being and inspire me to keep leveling up. Thank you Jorge for keeping the gates to your palace for us.  To all come in and receive this charge up for our spirits. I have gained much clarity on to my next level of growth.

One of my best friends, Wake Self passed on the first day of this course.  I got word the third day.  Not for a second did I consider leaving.  I knew this would be the perfect place to me to grieve and listen to what he needs of me and his passing.  He was a Mexican man from Albuquerque NM.  And I can imagine he was gearing up to become a man like you.   He shared your dreams and wanted what you have materially and interpersonally.  He and I have grown a tighter bond since I have been here and I can feel him talking with me daily.  He loved being here with me too. So so much to share.  That is all for now.  Much love to you.

After being in such bliss here as a Pilgrim, I could not imagine that being a server would be even better.   But that has been my experience.   Having the opportunity to support the process of deepening with this group from the Kitchen, Yin Assist and holding space in our women’s ceremony has been more healing than I ever imagined possible.  Thank you for the practice, which sure is easier the second time around.  Quepasana is definitely my happy place.

2019 has been one of the most challenging to date. To say that this beautiful gift saved my soul is an understatement.  The simplicity of this practice is absolute genius   I feel like I went deeper in these 10 days than I have in my lifetime of spiritual practice. Jorge is an absolute angel, and his property is a healing vortex unlike anything I have ever experienced. Gratitude pours out of every cell of my being.  I will be back friends to serve as I was served.




OK.  I don’t feel trapped anymore, today on the 9th day, I did not bite my nails, I did not rush through my meal, I am taking my time and being present. Slowing down to enjoy the present moment. I am so grateful for you Jorge.  Your discipline is inspiring.  Much love and aloha.

Forever grateful for Quepasana.  I still cannot believe that all of this was for real.  *Real Magic* Thank you all so very much for my beautiful transformation.  Your deepest wisdom and powerful guidance has changed my inner world.  A special thank you to your beautiful angels for your peace love and kindness during this very challenging transformation.  This is a lifetime gift.  Mahalo. With love.

A love letter to all the Quepasana angels I have never known where/what home is.  I was raised in a military family, so I have moved a bit.  My mother left when I was 6.  (I stopped hearing from her shortly after) and my father was not available.  My homeland became my grandmother’s house. All I remember of this time is feeling numb, unseen and largely apathetic to the world and to myself. I feel the universe loves me dearly; I am not sure what formula of events/inner shifts/connections – all of it- began to snap me into living and loving this life, but thank god.

Gratitude – only gratitude…  This life has blessed me with so many opportunities.  I embraced over a decade of Yoga, plant medicines, travel…  All these have helped heal my mind and heart, but nothing has helped me find a home like this practice.  I feel a solidity in me that is not rigid and is also held in a soft and warm way.   Whatever I thought love was, there is so much of THIS and no longer just a thought, a craving, a mirror expression or exchange. Thank you.   Quepasana is a true gift – One that will keep infusing its love, life and wonder into my being.   Finally, a practice that is not dogmatic and even has room for the goddess to emerge, to express her joy, movement, grace, beauty, creativity, sexuality, rage, sadness, doubt, fears and wisdom – To allow ALL of this to come crash like the waves onto the shore…   And then be the ocean… It has always been the ocean. What you are doing here/giving here is changing the world – You have changed my world.  A lotus to you and so much love. ☺ ♥

PS  I think it is beyond wonderful that mothers and babies can come and experience this.  Babies are a part of life.  (and what a beautiful, emotional and spiritual loving anchor for them to feel so young in their heart)

PSS.  I loved all the signs, the altars, the flowers in the urinals (too awesome), the music, all the details that make your intention for all of us to feel safe, loved and honored clear.

Jorge and serving ladies,

I have been fearful (before this course) that I have been “too busy” to really enjoy and be present during my first pregnancy.  I long to be in nature and reconnect with myself and my baby in my womb.  My time here at Ponomakena Sanctuary has been amazing, weird, exponential, terrifying, blissful, etc. I have experienced the full spectrum of emotions being here (x100!) and yet this has been one of the most life changing experiences I have ever had! At one point (during one of the breaks) I looked around and witnessed strong powerful beautiful, talented women sharpening their skills.  Some were doing martial arts, some gracefully dancing, some doing yoga blindfolded (LOL!), some playing soccer, some volleyball and some admiring the property.  I thought to myself “this looks a lot like the X-men Academy! But wait… It really is!  All of these powerful women beings are evolving with Charles Xavier (Jorge!) teaching us how to harness our minds in order to ignite our superpowers!  To be loving and kind, to give without expectation, to be cool with whatever is happening in the moment.  Those are the superpowers that matter. This practice of meditation keeps teaching me that this life I live is such a gift! Such a blessing.  I am forever grateful for the ladies who served so lovingly and gracefully.  For the food made with raw LOVE, for the best yin assist!!!, and for you Jorge.  You have given me the greatest gift, to be happy and content in this moment. And to just BE with no agenda. This was an unforgettable time I will always cherish.  Being a part of the first Women’s Leadership Quepasana. A hui ho!  With so much love and gratitude.  Momma to be.

Ah Quepasana!  Hard to find words to describe the journey. The first that comes is plain and simple gratitude.  For the Aina, facilitators, volunteers and staff, the abundant generosity sustenance and spirit given.  Quepasana is a sacred journey in this case undertaken with 54 other beautiful females.  To be in the company of primarily women alone for 10 days, living together, swimming together, cooking, eating, laughing, stretching, playing and of course meditating – was medicine.  I believe it created a container to go deeper and to integrate more masculine practice with feminine power.  The Vipassana technique by itself is profound.  Between all the body awareness practices of everything I came in with, I was able to heal a shoulder injury and release a level of protection around my heart that I had not yet had access to.  It is going to be hard to leave.  Going home with clarity, insight, peace, deep appreciation for the feminine, a practice that keeps on giving and what feels like a new body, free and clear of old pain and blockages.

Dear Jorge,

I flew across the world to sleep in a tent on your property, eat your delicious food and not talk to you for 10 days. HAHA!  Back home I am leading thousands of women into leadership themselves and I am newly the sole income provider for my family. I am very privileged and grateful to give my gifts and help people, and I love being generous, and I have been riddled with the anxiety of keeping up and feeling everyone’s pain. This process is gently and powerfully filling me with the love that will forever overflow into my work, and my life, and is always available to me. I am so grateful for you doing this in this exact way for it is the perfect way for someone like me to enter into such a place of being.  (The intensity of the way Vipassana is usually taught turned me off of it) Thank you.  You will never comprehend the ripple effect that comes from you being YOU.  But I can only try to convey the effect it had on ME. I believe in your heart. The Dalai Lama once said that the western woman will change the world. Well, in order for her to do that she needs 2 things. Community. Sisterhood. So many of us in leadership roles feel so lonely in our quest to serve at times.  The presence of your community in and of itself is life affirming. To be able to see “be cool with” the world exactly as it is. In order for her to do that she needs to be safe enough to slow down, stop looking after and out for everyone else so she can go within and understand your power.  And in order for that, she needs to feel SAFE.

Thank you with all of me, for providing the generosity, structure and presence of the divine masculine to I can do my work here with you, for me, and for us.  I love you forever.  I will never forget this experience.

PS If you ever have a bad day get on your SLIP and SLIDE.  That thing is EPIC!

PPS.  I can feel everything again and it is amazing.

Dear Jorge,

To be honest, I really had no idea what to expect coming here.  All I knew was that I was afraid to.  Not that fear when you know you are doing something wrong, a fear of something else – If not wrong, it must be the opposite, Right?  But with these types of fears for some reason, the grieving mind takes over – There are all sorts of reasons NOT to do this “work”.  (“relationship”, or what I texted to a friend before I arrived: ‘I am afraid the world might end while I am at Quepasana’.  To which he replied with his casual profundity that always slayed me. “well it’s the place you want to be if the world is ending”.  I put work and relationship in quotations because I see now, coming out different as I came in these mental constructs are just that. These things I wanted to cling to and avoid the bliss of my own oneness are distractions from my pure essence. (which I believe, now is as a writer).  And perhaps have been complete solutions in and of themselves.  Has my “work” really been my calling?  Is this “relationship” really fulfilling? Each day has been filled, overflowing rather with the kaleidoscope of emotion, mainly pain and bliss.  Yesterday day 7, I almost broke – I had a pain in my heart I could only describe as piercing heartache.  Then I heard a girl in the bathroom weeping, and her tears, even though the wall in the stall, brought me to tears.  She sounded like a little girl, she sounded afraid.  She sounded like me. Thank you for returning me to my innocence, I have never seen colors so vivid before.  With infinite love and gratitude.  PS, I would love to contribute as a server and to create art in any way for the Quepasana community.


Thank you for being a pristine divine masculine inspiration in all you have refined in your life, in your pathway of experience, through your timeline to reach this state, this frequency of calibration – Your crystal heart ignites us all to feel and BE safe in our wild hearts and transparent in our skin as well as deeply serene in the solitude of our inner worlds…  And you know.. the entire spectrum of women… Key codes exampling the entire ineffable creation, of colors and life… THAT’S A REALLY BIG GIFT…  and it’s a REALLY PROFOUND WAY to hold your ground and walk steady, so thank you, I honor your soul and give thanks to be a friend of yours in this lifetime A’se.

Quepasana is one of the best gifts I have ever been given.  I have been struggling a lot after years of spiritual practice, to feel safe in my body as old somatic memories have started surfacing.  In the beautiful, loving space of this course, I have found a sense of safety to allow much of the content to come up and move through. To be present to this much discomfort I think was only possible because I was nurtured and cared for so well. The different styles of movement and meditation were selected so carefully to work with one another and balanced the experience, and Galyas Shakti practices complimented all the Shiva so well. Amazing; excellent; thank you.

Dear Jorge and the Quepasana team,

I am so grateful for this embodied experience.  I was in the South of France when I received the news that I had gotten into this course, and I knew instantly that my soul was ready to do this work.  Everything about this course has been so perfect and divine.  There have certainly been the whole spectrum of emotions experienced while in the Vipassana practices, but words cannot express how profound it has been to move through the many layers of resistance, to ultimately calm my mind, whole nervous system and let go of all the noise to drop into SILENCE and the space for intuiting and insights to arrive.   On my very first day I heard the message, “out of darkness all things come”.  This has been my experience through the course of allowing enough space to drop into my womb/center point and allow the answers, intuition, insights to arrive in the present NOW. I am ready now, because of these awakening experiences, to birth the next phase of my life’s creative work and step into greater leadership in all ways.  Additionally, I feel so much more clear and vibrant and carry a remembered knowing that I am powerful and here to contribute in important ways at this time on the planet.

Thank you for offering this experience to a group of powerful women.  I would love to be a server on another women’s course and give back my energy for another group of women who are ready for a profound meditation experience.  I have experienced many different spiritual practices, countless hours of Yoga, a Yoga teachers training, plant medicine, etc.  None of this can teach what deep seated TRUTH was felt and experienced at the core of my being.  I now understand on a purely experiential level what so many self-help authors and teachers share -  That we are connected to infinite source.   I have had glimpses of these moments of rememberance, something about 7 days so far in the course has fundamentally shifted, rearranged and revealed to me the beauty and joy that exists within me.  For this, I bow in gratitude.   From the depths of my soul.  Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo


Each time the heart cracks to hold more love, I wonder how it can get even bigger.  Then I am met with another opportunity to crack open again. This morning I sat on my mat weeping as we all embodied loving kindness, peace and ease, happiness and contentment.  Witnessing the world transforming right before my eyes.  These women, this tribe, the hive all coming together because we all know, deep in our being that we are capable of creating a harmonious loving life in this loving earth.  And here lies truth.

I came here six weeks after a serious car accident, which left me with a broken arm, nose, and broken inside.  Slowly I found myself slipping down the mountains I had climbed.  Feeling consumed by the system I worked so hard to dis connect from. Then after a year of applying I received the invitation to Quepasana.  And what perfect timeing it was!  The first day I cried because doing even simple twists hurt my wrist.  How would I do a whole course if I cant do even a simple twist.  The voice settled down and I gave my wrist lots of love.  Now I am blown away at how quickly it is healing.   Even capable of writing this letter. Hope is the name I was given at birth.  A beautiful one, and one that holds a lot of responsibility.  I always felt like I should embody this name and show everyone that there is hope for the world, for humanity.   What a heavy load to carry. For my Henna I received a feather and she added the word “hope” to it.  Most of the time when I receive Hennas I am cautious not to get wet so it lasts. But for some reason it did not happen that way this time.  I took a shower, having forgotten I had henna still on.  Day by day the “hope” fades away, taking this heavy load I bared with it.  We no longer need hope, the seeds have been planted and the flowers are blossoming. This course is blossoming, and the flowers in our hearts are too.  I am so grateful that this course is not only for those with financial abundance.  This past year I took two courses totaling over 5 thousand dollars and I am still paying them off.  How can the world possibly shift if only the wealthy can afford to change?

Mahalo Nui Loa, Jorge for being a bright star and a true example of wanting to shift the consciousness through love. I see this container as a reflection of the hive, 95 percent female, 5 percent male.  The females are the worker bees in the hive and the males simply mate.   I have always thought that there must be more to the males in the hive, and you have shown me.  The males create the container for the females to grow and thrive in.   Holding center while we fly around pollinating flowers of hope.  How I like to end every beautiful moment is with a question “how does it get better than this?” It simply keeps getting better.  Love and gratitude.

Dear Jorge,

I admire your straight forward nature, so I will begin with the most impactful moments first. On day 7, I felt a vast connection to the energy all around me so strong, it came all at once like a snap “into it” with closed eyes, and sitting in morning meditation and melted with everything.   I was no longer separate, I felt the deepest bliss, liberation and presence I have ever experienced.   It felt like the fish I saw snorkeling the previous morning.  Swimming, yet flowing in an out of the oceans currents.  As if the ocean was breathing.   I became the fish. (metaphorically speaking) and entered a state of flowing with the energy around me- the wind, birds, melodies warmth, my breath, the sunlight, all merged.  The totality of my being relaxed as you gently reminded us to “surrender”.

On day 8 I woke up feeling frustrated.  I  dreamt I was running from something, one of those dreams with feelings of rushing urgency to get away.  Meditation was challenging that morning and my mind was upset with me that morning as if frowning and pouting.   By our second sit of the day, I was becoming more aware of my pouting mind, and could feel my higher consciousness strengthening.  I crossed the threshold the day before and I was not taking it well.  As we entered into meditation I welcomed my higher self to guide me and began to scan.  The layers of feelings inside was infinitely more vast than ever before, I felt my brain, size, weight and shape of it inside my skull.  I slipped away into a higher state and could feel my higher-self giving reike to my mind. It was as if my mind was being cradled by two hands of light, relaxing and quieting the minds frustration, post-years of overwork and exhaustion.  As my mind soothed from the Reike of my higher self, it settled into stillness and I felt once again a state of Samadhi.  I knew after the sit that my life was changed forever.   I learned through your diligent guidance, to overcome the mind.  The shift will always remain in  my heart and soul, and has allowed my life to open to new ways of being/experiencing wholeness.

The last experience I would like to share with you is when my heart grew to the size of the universe.  It was dark, just after dinner time I sat on the log near the waters edge and wept.  I was not sad, but tears were falling.  I reconnected to the time in my life when I grew up on big island Hawaii and was a wide open flower of feeling to the world of vivid colors, plants, animals and smells all around me at our humble non-permitted wood cabin and orchard land.  My heart began to swell as I was reconnected with that openness once again here on your land, that lucidity that is present so strongly in the Hawaiian islands.  Except Maui felt different, it is a place of healing and gentle holding.  My heart grew as I felt the love I have for Hawaii since I was born.  And it surrounded the islands I felt it grow even more, to encompass our precious ocean and all the wildlife.  Then I could feel my heart grow in its intense love of all life and our planet.   At this moment I Truly felt it all.  The pain and suffering as well, so I continued crying and releasing, clearing until all that remained was love.   I felt our precious planet cradled in the ocean of love in the universe, and walked to my tent in peace.

I share these stories not to strengthen their meaning or to focus on myself, however to allow you to glimpse the ways in which this experience, and you as a guide, has affected the  shift in me.   This impact of sitting with you for 10 days has been the most profound shift in my life thus far.  I appreciate your humor, playfulness and relaxed approach.  The hardest work of our lives (awakening) does not have to feel like hard work, we can have fun with it.  I am infinitely grateful that this was my first Vipassana experience, because I respond much better with less rigidity, more warmth, and this you created in perfect balance.    I am impressed, and I am grateful and in awe of this blessing and have something this good could even exist in this world.  And how I somehow found myself here at the party.  Blessings, gratitude, love, joy.

Dear Jorge,

Where to even  begin expressing my gratitude for this experience at the ten day women in leadership Quepasana course.   Rather than in a linear form of memories and experiences I will just share them popcorn style.  Because linear time is not real, and the sensations when I sit most times make me feel like a popcorn machine.  I have  been wanting to join a course since last year when I first heard from Courtney about it.  I deeply respect and appreciate her.  Having witnessed her growth unfolding and blossoming into the beautiful wild flower that she is.  I had previously taken Vipassana courses and I found them as disciplining for my mind and for my body.  I am forever grateful for them.   And when I heard what Quepasana was about I pretty much heard angels trumpets blast open the heavens….  Everything I experienced here is all I was hoping and wishing Vipassana courses to allow and include, and then some.  I have somewhat of a similar story to yours.  I am the child of an alberian immigrant who lost everything in the economic collapse of the country after communism through the 80s and immigrated to Greece for a chance at a better life.  Only to be forced with more surviving struggles and racism.  My parents did the best they could with all they did not have.  But our safety net was living in a basement apartment, afraid daily it could get raided and we could get deported.  Fast forward, I made my way to the US at the age of 18, standing by myself, attending university and once again trying for a better life.  Anyways, all this is to say that your story deeply touched me.  How you turned it around to help make this place a better place, course by course, basically from the ground up with your own hands.  That is so inspiring.  It gives me so much hope for humanity.

It is not just your generosity which alone is huge.  But many wealthy people write a check to charities and never bother to  meet the less fortunate.  But you, spend pretty much every waking hour during these courses personally caring and assuring that everyone is having the best possible experience. And on top of that, all the time and effort to continue to put it together year after year.  I am blown away by you. And any time I caught a glimpse of your face, you carry such a genuine and peaceful smile and presence.   You are truly an angel walking on this earth.

Being admitted to this course after having applied for three previous ones is such a blessing and immeasurable gift!  No words can accurately describe how grateful I am, how cared for and loved I feel, how much nourishment I have received, food, yes, and well beyond that.  And how my soul deeply bows to your soul!  I could go on and on writing this but I know you will type it (happy to help with that).  So I want to highlight some of the events and impressions that stood out to me.

How welcoming you are to have 55 strangers to literally take over your property assuring they are so taken care of, well fed, and nourished.  Held in sacred space and even entertained simply because of your generosity. How safe and respected you have made me feel, and I am sure I am not the only woman who experienced this.  You held such a safe container for us, as you represent the sacred masculine.  In full presence and strength.  To witness and hold the sacred feminine unfolding in the wild spectrum of her beauty.   You gave us permission to be fully ourselves and to step into our own power.  Holding it down for us!  It is so beautiful and so inspiring!   Perhaps you may want to consider having a men’s course focused on tapping into the divine masculine.  This is so much needed in the world where the predominant male presence is quite toxic.  I don’t know what co-ed courses look like, but imagine a course focused on sacred brotherhood and diving masculine would be epic. I love how curated the music has been so mindful about all that we would be experiencing throughout the course. Even the odd music today during morning Yoga.  It sure reminded me of Goenka’ s voice “Anicca…”

The morning swims.  What a magical gift.  And again I felt safe and so free to be just me.

How you helped that guy to get safe to shore when the waves were so high. The team of wonderful sisters you have gathered to take care of us is another reflection of your mindful care and loving kindness.  They are all magical and super-duper amazing.

Galya – what a badass warrior goddess. Dasha – so nurturing peaceful mama. Zzina – What an all-around amazing fairy. Holly – So humble and diligent and caring. The other sisters who made such a loving impression.  I regret not knowing their names but I hold them in my heart for all the beautiful loving care. All the fun toys that kept slowly being revealed day after day.  Kinda like chocolate cake, one bite at a time.

Aloha Jorge,

Great love to you and this land for holding us all so sweetly, so gently.  You are such a beautiful example of loving kindness.  Your story is inspiring and gives me hope in humans.  So many humans living their robot lives.  And we have been so blessed to have woken up out of that state.  Your words, story and gifts will inspire many others to choose to really live!

I love watching the joy it brought you to have us all here.  Your extra efforts were felt and seen by all of us.  Thank you for your playful heart and spirit!  I can feel that you are also receiving from those who join you here.

I am stepping out of 7 years of similar work.  The gatherings I organize for women in Southern Oregon has been a blessing for our family in many ways.  Working with a spiritual community is a gift and it is also a lot of work.  I loved being on the other side of things here.  I was really able to receive, nourish and reflect.  So thank you for that.  This is a priceless gift for my mind, body, and spirit! I would love to collaborate.  The land we have in Oregon can hold 1,000 people!   We have a commercial kitchen, 12 showers, 8 composting toilets, a sauna and so much more.   We have a mile of the Illinois river that runs through it.  It is simply beautiful like here.   I was talking with Courtney and maybe we can do a large course out there.  That would be a joy to host.   Please let me know if you island hop over to Kauai.  You always have a home with us. Also, thank you deeply for the love, encouragement and joy you brought into JPs life.  I pray that he will be back here soon one day.  In love, gratitude and respect.

To know is to love

My intention going into this course was to get to know myself on a deeper level, in order to love myself just as deeply so that love may light my path of service. Any truly transformative inner work is challenging.  But at Quepasana I felt loved and held throughout. Through the stillness, awareness, and equanimity I learned here, I have gotten to know –and love- myself in a profound and expansive way.

I am in awe of the Quepasana experience and how much transformation happens here – how much has happened within me – in so little time!

I can say that I now know my true self I always knew was possible, but never knew how to access.  This course was the key. What you all do here is IMPORTANT WORK! Know that you are sparkling the most loving, joyous and peaceful people on earth by giving them the greatest gift on earth.  Inner love.

This work will bring forth a new earth.   I am so grateful for and inspired by your service, your love.    Quepasana is a light house.  Thank you.

Dear Jorge,

How does one express in words an exquisite gratitude, infinitely beyond language?  This truly was a date with destiny, and all who find themselves in this experience are blessed indeed, your generosity is legendary. Thank you for the sacred container to drink so deeply the medicine of SELF.  Thank you for this heaven on earth and temple that is your home.  Thank you for the company of angels you keep that nourish and care for us.  Thank you for the embodied example of what is possible.  Thank you for inspiring discipline in a way that is beautiful and also peaceful. Thank you for the deep love I now have for the things I once resisted.  Thank you for the profound restoration I feel in my body and spirit.

Some of the most epic meditations I had were the scans of my body of gratitude for this sacred gift.  The rarefied emotion and hole vibrations often led to tears, Samadhi, and I trust this transmission will be felt in your heart and also nourish your soul.   I am beyond grateful and inspired to serve.

Quepasana – Its what’s up.

Jorge, Galya, Dasha plus entire Quepasana team.

10 sunrises, 10 sunsets, 30 delicious meals, countless cups of tea, “aha” moments, and memories made.  I could search the ends of the earth to find an experience that matches Quepasana.  But my search would be fruitless, because all of the fruits are here.  Truly unmatched.  Words cannot convey and will continue to impact my life.  I can hardly find the words to express deepest, sincerest gratitude for this gift.  I have never felt so held, honored, supported.   Nourished, loved and cared for.  I am changed for the better.  Renewed, reset, recharged, and my faith in myself and the universe restored.  This experience has put the wind in my sails on my journey to self, to healing and letting go, realizing my power and living in grace. I’ve reconnected with the majesty of nature, played with the child within me, filled my belly with the sweetest, most delicious nourishment, invited my fears, doubts and limitations to tea, and swam with the sunrise.

My heart beats in rhythm with all the beautiful souls I have had the honor to share this journey with. Heaven is a place on earth and it is here now.  Thank you thank you thank you.


Where do I begin to express my eternal gratitude for the experience you so generously gifted me and the others at the Women in Leadership course?!  Your divine masculine energy in service to the divine feminine was palpable in every word and action, seen and unseen.  I have been submersing myself in transformational experiences for nearly the last decade and have dedicated my life to providing experiences like this for others, so I know the huge amount of energy and attention to detail that went into co-creating a seamless course.  As a transformational junkie, I can say this has been among the top 5 best experiences of my life.  Thanks to your loving presence, masterful guidance, and wisdom.  Infinite blessings of love, health, and peace.

Dear Jorge,

It was a lovely place to have another existential awakening, thank you thank you.   In order to give you proper feedback on my Quepasana experience, I am going to tell you some of my story to put it into context.   I woke up when I was 17.  It was like the guy in the documentary was saying, one day it just happened and all my life before felt like a hazy dream. I was ecstatic and also had no clue what had happened, and no one around me understood; I grew up in a very sleepy town. When I turned 18, I went to Europe.  I met my teacher, Magick, in Italy.  What he does is unique, he calls it shamanism though.  He has been my mentor ever since.  It was fortunate I found a teacher because at the same time I had my awakening, I became very ill.  Like past rock bottom, mentally, emotionally, physically.   It was very strange – I was sure I would die by my mid-20s.  No doctor or psychologist had a label or a cure, so I was on the hunt for answers.  I was also discovering answers to my existential questions, it all went hand in hand.  I have always been a philanthropist and at this phase of life I decided to dedicate myself to a life of service.  I had found too much truth to not inform people! Meanwhile, I became disabled by the illness, debilitated.  That is when it occurred to me that this thing Magick was teaching me was the only thing helping.  So at age 20 I began working more closely with him.  He taught me how to use my inner guidance, listen deeply to life, for the answers I searched for.   Fasting forward, my life felt completely apart, I moved to Maui- led here by guidance.  And recently it has been coming back together better.  (I am 23 now, I did it! Yay!) I realized my healing journey was, of course, my greatest teacher.  It has given me all of the tools to do the things I set out to do, which is to use my gifts in life to be of service in the most efficient and effective way.    There are many “problems” on the planet, and I want to contribute deeply, by digging my one well all the way to the end, rather than several shallow wells.  And my well is inner guidance, so that is what I now teach.  It is new for me though.  This whole journey has been one unending leap of faith, because guidance does not give us logical explanations.   I just trust, and dang is that a challenge. Most recently, guidance has led me to teach meditation. I teach to the community at La Akea where I work.  It has all been improvised; I was not trained for this.  I am guided to keep going further and opening classes for the public now.  I am very intimidated because I was not trained at all, I have an average meditation practice that I use to access guidance and practice emotions.  It has shown me just how much I don’t know.  The first day I felt tempted to hop over the fence too.  On the 5th day, I nearly asked to leave, I was like the poster child for ADHD – could! Not! Sit! Still!  Then you said “if you’re not cool with it, then be cool with that!” and I thought wow.  Years of practice, now I am teaching, and I only just got it.   Wow wow wow.  And all of the resources! The playlists, the practices, the documentaries, the books… I have so much gratitude for you and everyone who has contributed to make this happen. I recently dropped out of my meditation teacher program because I cannot afford it.   What you gave to me was so much more precious though.  The experiential learning means so much more to me, because I know that even if I am not an accredited teacher, the experiences will be transmitted through my voice and I will be a better teacher for that.  That is quality baby!

I feel so blessed, I needed this loving push so I could go out and do the thing!  And it took me out of my distractions, my habits, my worries long enough for me to remember again what is truly important.   Just slow down and sit every day, equanimity, and to show loving kindness to myself and all beings.   We are all one, interconnected. ☺ Thank you for doing the thing.  I felt so at home here.  I love that you are Mexican!  Even though I grew up in America, it has always felt quite foreign to me.  I like all of the Spanish places.  And thank you for the question and answer portion, if it weren’t for your wisdom and humor I definitely would have left.  This is one of the most challenging things I have ever voluntarily done.   The first few days I kept pondering how it could be that all my friends do this process with such excitement.   They have all been urging me to come.  Sometimes the Universe speaks to me in whispers, and sometimes it speaks quite plainly through several people telling me the same thing repeatedly until I get the message.

Oh, and the tea!  Brilliant!    The food was amazing.  All of it.  My body is still healing, the food and all the rest is such medicine, from the bottom and all the other spaces in my heart, thank you so much, so many mahalos, muchas gracias. I look forward to coming back and serving.  Okay and one last thing – how the heck did I get into this course? I could not believe when you said hundreds had applied.  Wow! I am so blessed! I am so happy to have slept in your yard, let your friends feed me, and sat with you the last 8 days.  I am overflowing, I think it is ineffable.

Thank you Jorge for your immense generosity, for your gracious hospitality.  Thank you for your pure genuine desire to pass on the wisdom of meditation and all these other tools that have enriched your life, so that all of us may be empowered to enrich our own lives.  It is a blessing to receive these teachings, made accessible by your laid back, open hearted and open teaching style.  I appreciate you sharing your own struggles with meditation, and how continuing to walk on this path has transformed your life. I am grateful for the beautiful canvas tent, the air mattress, the beautiful and delicious food, the loving and powerful servers, all the ways I have been cared for while here.  May this land be blessed with love and light, may you and all the beautiful volunteers who give of themselves in so many ways be blessed with love and light. May all who come to this land, all who come to learn wisdom, may all be blessed with ever deepening love tranquility and pure joy.   Mahalo.


Wow, where to even begin?!  I am so very grateful for this experience – I have had so many deep realizations here at Quepasana.  First, I’d like to start with deep deep gratitude for Jorge and his offering of this experience to us and all the many before us and after us.   Thank you to all of us who helped to prepare the space and all the amazing food. To Galya for holding such a bright and sacred container for us women and all the women who helped during these ten magnificent days. I feel nourished on such a deep level; I cannot even find the words.  The never ending turmeric and ginger tea, the food that continually blew me away, the space itself and all the offerings…  thank you!  This land is pure magic-  the moment I stepped foot on this land I knew spirit was guiding me into something magnificent. – I had a meditation practice before this, but the depth I was able to reach here has given me a whole new relationship with it and relationship with myself.

I am kind of giggling to myself a bit, because I thought being in silence for 10 days would be the hardest part for me-  Turns out I was very wrong!  That was surprisingly easier.  Sitting for our meditations brought up a lot-  There was divine ecstasy, fear, pain, tears, sadness, forgiveness, and connecting to the oneness like I had never experienced.  It was a full range of emotions to say the least.  And it was all perfect.

What I love most about this Quepasana experience is how deeply integrated I feel everything is in my mind – my soul- and my body.  I do feel so much more joy, a better relationship with my body and a beauty and light in my spirit.  I quieted my mind a lot and I am very excited to bring this practice home with me and into the rest of my life.  I came here hoping for clarity in my purpose and I believe I found some answers!  Without this experience I would not feel the infinite love I feel now flowing through me! I understand on such a deep level that I am not separate from that love and I can come back to this joy always. I am sure there are a lot more things I could say, and write pages and pages, but overall I hope this gift of Quepasana continues to bless so many more souls.  I feel excited to go forth living a life of deeper connection to spirit and with more ease grace and love.   I cannot wait to come back to this land and Kipahulu to offer my time and loving energy soon!

Thank you endlessly Jorge for hosting this powerful group of women.  This experience will continue to vibrate out into the rest of our lives with such beautiful potency.  I am excited to see all the magic we create! Blessings on blessings to you and thank you again for the most transformative ceremony of my life.  With deep love and reverence.

Thank you.  Aloha.  Mahalo for all you do and all you let in from angels-guides-nature spirits-your teachers, great spirits etc etc etc.  I once again received so much in these five days.  I have gone to retreats since age 22.  Lived in a Yoga ashram from 19-21 years old.  This is by far one of the most profound healing experiences ever.   Thank you! Thank you!  Thank you!  From all this I get to give back to our community and serve withmy most beloved Kedar Baba in our humble temple.  Love you, appreciation, big hugs. Love you, big appreciation.

Thank you for letting me come 5 days.  I feel very rejuvenated and inspired!!!  Appreciate new sculptures and furniture, especially the round yoginis.  My whole life I have been petite and thin until menopause. Wonderful to see all shapes and sizes of women here.   Love bidets.  Thank you!  Warm beautiful shower area – Awesome.  Cannot think of a suggestion, but pray we keep getting our temple of peace zen and clean.  I have to be patient for my group to move at the proper speed and right timing.  Kedar just did the toolshed.  Never owned a property before.  Thanks for prayers of Zen.

PS. My angels keep showing me how you are creating heaven on earth with your service here.   It is a glimpse of the real heaven up there.  You will love it when it is your time.  Quite amazing rainbows and brilliant light and animals and gardens and flowers and all your beloveds.



Thank you great spirits!

Just want to express how much I love, respect and appreciate all of you.    What a rare and precious opportunity this is to sit and pray and walk and play amongst you all.  This experience has been so full on.   Full spectrum; frustrating, challenging, euphoric, inspiring, transformative… I am so proud of us for being brave enough to do this work!  This is true the warriors path to light.  Excited to meet again in our renewed selves. To connect this network of high beings, and support each other in our expansion integrating this gift into our lives.  Blessings to all.  As it is.  I see you, I love you, I am  you.
















July 2019 (KeikiPasana)


I write, rewrite, ponder, meditate, and attempt to allow the words to flow through me, to express my gratitude towards you and what you do, but there are no words.  Then I remember what you said, that it’s OK and sometimes there are no words that can describe. Wow, what an honor it is to be within the infinity loop of generosity and receiving with you Jorge.  From my heart to yours, just know that you can reach out whenever and I will always be here for you in whatever way I can. The fact that you are living your divine path, and that is to help others walk their divine path and live their dreams keeps me inspired on a day to day basis. I hope for it to be in your deepest of knowing that the work you are doing creates tidal waves of love in human consciousness.  That has rocked my world and given me the strength and courage to go live out my wildest dreams and to dream bigger fearlessly.  And to make others dreams come true.

Thank you, Mahalo, Aloha.

Dear Jorge and Quepasana Family,

I never got to convey to you the deep gifts and developments that occurred for me during my 10-day participation in the January course.  Through my diligence, effort and willingness, I came into a deeper experience into my meditation practice.  I consider it like starting a new sport that we may not be naturally good at, like Tennis say.  There is a certain amount of time where our practical play abilities just feel mediocre.  Lame. Suck. But there is some knowing that there IS something good here worth pursuing.  With a sport, there is a period where we suck, until we reach some threshold and we have some skills and can see the potential and how powerful it can be. I felt like that by the end of my 10 days in January.  It was sooo deeply meaningful for me. I was crying over and over again in gratitude.  To cross the threshold of practice to where my sense of subtlety had begun to be more refined, where I was experiencing via a full somatic self -  meditating via the body.  Rather than spending all that beautiful patient time – being more identified/filtered through conditioned mind. You may know I began my contact with the Buddhist teachings and meditation over 10 years ago. And certainly identified as having ‘come in’ as an old soul advanced practitioner.

But to have these incredibly precious opportunities to practice in this sacred environment/noble silence, support for these longer periods.   I have found it to be so deeply supportive of my deepest essential unfolding, transformation and development.  I really get the value of long courses (or long periods of intentional focused time) I want to do more and support others who want to.

There is also such a gift in being held here.  As a professional empath/therapist/caregiver/healer, I have a role of holding others in their processes of growth, healing, transformation.  So to feel so deeply loved, held, cared for with all the thoughtfully chosen aspects of the course- from the music in Yin Yoga, Yin Yoga itself, being outside barefoot on the earth, being met in my ideals by a community practicing non-violence in all realms.  Quepasana has been one of the most meaningful places for me to unfold me.  Mahalo and I am part of this blessing unfolding.

Beloved Jorge,

Once again dropping into the energy field of the Quepasana courses is a blessing.  The space made available to each and every one of us seems like a privilege if one allows the state of the world to enter.  But it is actually our birthright.  A space to just BE, unencumbered by the distractions of the mind.  A space to BE, to feel oneself, to be quiet and go within.  To put aside the thoughts and responsibilities we put on ourselves and have a taste of freedom.  Thank you so much for continuing to offer such a gift. And to be here with the keikis, what a delight – my meditation perhaps not as deep.  But so joyful.  We are blessed to be in a place where children’s laughter abounds, to see them as who they are, free and happy, brings me so much joy and gratitude.  Again thank you for including them in this journey.  They are the future.  And deep gratitude and love.

Jorge – Keikipasana!

Your kindness and generosity are extraordinary!  I really enjoyed many moments with these amazing children.  And was fascinated with your approach to share in ‘fun vibrations’ with them.  I loved your dedicated Jedi voice.  To help awaken our hearts to the pure love within.  You are a great gift to me, that is helping me to awaken to more of my true essence.  I was thrilled to see this co-creation of Keikipasana. Let’s do more. I am curious about a possible Keikipasana school.  I would be so grateful to see this materialize for the benefit of our human nation.

Sugar Daddy made it so sweet for these kids.  (you gave so much to them).  The younger ones loved many moments and the older ones had some special times.  Your gifts to these kids and adults is breathtakingly beautiful and deeply enriching to me.  Much happiness always and continued joy in being kids together. Love you Jorge!

Dear Jorge,

I am gratitude overflowing with love, I dedicate my life to feeling and being equanimity embodied. I devote myself to sacred service, For the awakening of consciousness. Thank you for helping me discover my deepest truth. Such a perpetual, profound and patient peace flows through me, and it is my most humble gift to offer it for the benefit of all beings. Such a precious gift, and infinitely expanding jeweled blossom of love. To feel this flow within me, these ecstatic waves of feeling, boundless and free.

I revel in the ecstatic pain of equanimity. Through tears and death and presence I fall back in complete surrender, eternally connected with center point, I tap into my infinite well with the playground within.

I am filled with loving kindness, overflowing. I am well, deep and endless. I am peaceful and at ease, in my body. I am happy and content. I AM!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Wow… Wow!!!!

You have done it again.  You have created the best ever container to go deep inside, and support all kinds of feelings to release.  I am so appreciative and grateful to be a part of this experience.  Serving this course has been extremely rewarding, intense, tiring, and fun.  Quepasana is one of my favorite things, and I want to do what I can to continue to support its unfolding.  I love you guys so much.  And I look forward to working with you again.  Yay for the keiki!  Yay for Jorge!  Much love

Hi Jorge!

First time here!  Whew…. What an experience! First three days were the roughest.  I was frustrated. I wanted to rebel.  I felt like I kept ‘getting in trouble’.  I wanted to walk out a handful of times.  I was counting the hours and days and kept thinking “what did I sign up for?  Luckily…. I started reading Power Freedom and Grace from your library.  Great book! And that put everything I was feeling into perspective. Finally, it just got to a point where I just laughed at myself!  I was laughing at my thoughts, the internal conflicts.  Laughing at my mind scheming excuses about ‘escaping’.  Wandering, and being defiant feeling justified for it. LOL! I simply found humor in it all!  Then! I found it even more humorous, that I was having all these thoughts.  I look around and I am sitting on a breathtaking property, being fed amazing vegan organic healthy meals 3 times a day!  I get to spend time to go deep inside, reconnect with my soul in an environment that has the BEST energy and resources to make my physical life easy-breezy, so I can simply surrender, let go, and go inside.  And be with family.  I am extremely grateful.  Thank you for sharing your practice with us.  And spreading the love and awareness for inner peace and joy.  Thank you for bringing the keikis in!  They brought in a nice shift of energy.  I hope Keikipasana grows so we can continue to plants seeds of peace, kindness and knowledge of the self and our children and within ourselves.  Much gratitude to you Jorge.

Many, many mahalos.  What an effective, nurturing, integrative approach to Vipassana.  The children further accentuated the fun factor.  I will not be taking ‘spiritual practice’ ‘myself’ or ‘life’ so seriously anymore.  The gracious generosity displayed in putting this course on is truly inspiring!  The balance of focused practice, movement and playfulness seems more real life, day to day applicable.  May all beings be happy.


Just writing your name makes me smile.  ☺.  I love you so much. I could go on and on about how you have changed my life and how incredible this ride has been, but I am going to bring it back to this moment. We live so harmoniously in community on the most beautiful island in the whole world. The sun is rising.  The kids are here for Keikipasana, probably excited to go snorkeling, you just asked me to guide this morning’s meditation.  It is kind of a big deal for both of us!  I mean, this whole experiment is constantly evolving, and I feel so deeply honored to do what I can to help. As I am stepping deeper into teaching, it is allowing me to be a deeper student.   I feel so grateful to be a part of this beautiful container. And what a ride!  It seems like life just keeps getting better and better.  It is all just sensations and vibrations…  But as we are opening more deeply to each moment, it seems like consciousness/source/god/the universe/whatever you want to call it, is saying YES!

So YES!  To this, to Quepasana, to exploring the depths of the inner world, to community, to everything!

As it is.  Thank you.  Love you so much!!


Dearest Jorge and all who made Keikipasana possible.

I am so grateful to witness the profound transformation in my partner when I arrived 5 days later with my keiki.  I had been blessed already to participate in Quepasana a couple of years ago so it was his turn to dive in and be nourished and come out softer, more peaceful, wiser, more whole, more healed, more open, and more self-connected.  This was such a gift to my family, and I am so grateful that our kids are able to see us grown-ups act like kids too, but also find the stillness within.  We can dance around and play and be silly one moment, and then drop into silence and serenity and equanimity with a ring of the bell, training us all to be our own magicians of life to navigate all that presents itself with love and compassion.  Thank you to all the participants and those who served and mentored our Keiki.

And as per Jorge’s guidance didn’t force anything.  I confess my son was not totally excited about coming, not one little bit, but he took the leap of faith too, just as we all did, not knowing what to expect.  The Keikepasana challenge.  Thank you Jorge for holding that space to offer and give permission to participate or not.  I watched walls crumble and a group of kids who started our mostly strangers come together as a tribe and now a family bounded in beautiful memories of all the laughter they shared and a new way to see things and new tools for life.  New ways of being creative through sound healing, movement, art and simply sitting!  I am grateful for all this and soooo much more.  Mahalo Ponomakena. Continue the journey.

What a gift.  What a ‘give away’. Your inspiration to give this to the world in the way that you do is amazing.  When I heard that you were doing this five years ago I thought it was very cool… Though now that I really see what you have really put into it, it is more than ‘cool’.  It is a gift.

I am really happy for you… the way that everything in your life lined up so that at just the right time you would see the vision and put it into manifestation.  Thank you for sharing with all of us.

Dear Jorge,

You say to bookend your day with meditation, well, I have bookended (new word?) my Summer with Quepasana!  I was so exhausted after my 20th year of teaching that I needed something to ground, rejuvenate, refocus and inspire me.  Jorge, you inspire me!  Your boundless energy, enthusiasm for life and joy are contagious.  Your willingness to take a leap of faith and do Keikipasana is courageous and at times just made me laugh.  You jumped right in and played, danced, talked and enjoyed having kid energy around.  I am sure this is an experience that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.  I know it will stay with me!

Thanks for touching lives, inspiring me and re-energizing me to go back to my teaching career with a happy, grounded and positive attitude.  I will remember to bookend my day with meditation.


Deep gratitude for so graciously opening your sacred sanctuary to all of us for higher learning, inward growth, leisure and happiness all around.  I see clearly all that you do- down to the finest detail- to offer us and the keiki a joyous, light hearted experience and opportunity to reconnect with nature and one another. The boys were thrilled by so many different aspects of the course!  Even though they play off the mindful meditations with jokes, deep down inside they recognize and appreciate their meaning.  It was special to see them bonding with the whole community in so many humorous and unexpected ways.  They shook things up in the best possible way! Deep bows again and again.  This work is extremely difficult, and yet most critical in this age. You pursue it with grace and dignity, and are an inspiration to us all.



I am so full of gratitude!  This has been a profound, challenging, fun, exciting, nourishing, vibrational experience for me.  I feel all the feels. My practice will/is/does continue.    Mahalo very much for holding space to do this very, very, very important work for the sake of humanity.  Lots of Aloha.

I am grateful! It has been an honor to serve Keikipasana. I have learned better how to find peace and calm in the middle of seeming confusion and chaos.  I will always remember this particular team of servers and pilgrims because their attitude was centered on service.  What a blessed and rich life you have when your happiness comes from bringing happiness to another.  Quepasana has me feeling like the richest, most blessed women in the world. I also learned to trust more in the unknown and have faith in the ever-unfolding process of life.  Do the best you can and leave the rest to happen.  Such FUN! Thank you

Aloha Jorge,

Mahalo from the depth of my heart for having me here again with baby Jasper inside of me!  Such a big difference to do this course at 4 months and again at 7 months pregnant.  I felt so much more movement from baby, especially during our sits, where he felt the most active!  Or maybe it’s just because that was when I was the most still and could really tune into him. ☺.

I say Keikipasana was quite a success… Yes?  I love being camp counselor, and then going back into the silence. And how amazing for the parents to get a break and do Yin Yoga for 2 hours while their kids get to play and learn.  I also really enjoyed the “kids in the shala” where you were teaching them about vibrations.  I had many, many laughs, profound meditations and deep joy.  The hardest part for me was the heat!  I am already an oven with this baby!  I was dreaming of sprinkler systems in the Shala. Maybe one day.  But of course, it’s just one more thing to feel with equanimity.

What a blessing and a gift you are bringing to humanity!  I see this is a blueprint for the new paradigm and centers will be blossoming across the earth!  Words cannot express the gratitude and love my heart is radiating.  Bell is ringing.  Short and sweet, so much more I want to say.  Talk soon.   Infinite love and gratitude.

Jorge has combined numerous techniques to bring you into the body and out of the mind, including Taoist, Kundalini Yoga, Yin Yoga and of course Vipassana.  His teaching approach is wonderful and the servers and staff are truly amazing.  Thanks!

June 2019 (Ashland)


Thank you so much for being you.  Through your authentic expression of self, so many of us found healing, peace and love within ourselves.  Your generosity is profound.  I have learned so many beautiful lessons with just observing the way you share your love with wisdom and resources with each soul you come in contact with.  It is unlike anything I have ever witnessed, and I am deeply moved by who you are. I thank you so deeply for sharing this experience with not only me, but my mom, my sister and so many dear friends.  WOW.  It has been so special to meditate in community. Thank you so much for allowing me to step forward and teach.  Quepasana once again has been the ultimate container for learning, growing, love, health, healing and true being. Infinite gratitude always.

Dearest Jorge,

Oh, how sweet is this gift. The gift of self.  Of the light and love within of infinite value and given so selflessly again and again.  I feel my heart stretch as I learn to believe that I truly am worthy of continuing to walk this path with you.  So divinely guided.  This practice continues to open me, allowing me to discover how to forgive myself, hold myself and offer compassion to the wounds of my spirit in this world.  And through this I uncover in the collective field what has always been there:  Love, love, love, peace and joy! A continent beyond understanding.  Thank you for creating a space to deepen my practice, while also getting to offer my soul’s gifts:  preparing food, offering touch, and sharing song.  When I serve these courses, I feel I am fulfilling exactly the longings of my deepest purpose.  I delight in riding the galactic tidal wave with you.  As spirit guides the expansion and sharing the Quepasana with all that desire this sacred work. I love you infinitely, my sweet teacher and dear friend.

Thank you for sharing the gift that truly keeps on giving and giving.

Dearest Jorge,

You will forever be known as the Bohemian Bodhisattva to me. Thank you for your incredible generosity and genius in bringing to life the immense beauty that is Quepasana.  It is and will continue to be a great gift to humanity. I experienced such a deep and profound cellular unwinding and hit levels of somatic relaxation and ease that have healed and renewed me.  Your guidance and beingness have inspired me to unprecedented depths that will reverberate a lifetime.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Deep gratitude and love.

Dearest beloveds,

My heart is overflowing with love and divine grace.  Blessed are we.  I can feel this energy in the depths of my being- a new earth is here now, and we get to experience it together.  What a privilege!!!

This was my second course, and for the second time the most beautiful 10 days of my life.   A dream come true, living in communion with our inner selves and other truly special souls walking this path of awakening together as one.    Words can hardly describe my feelings of gratitude for being guided by spirit to this present time and space reality in the here and now at Quepasana.  Looking back at how nourished, held and expressed I felt while being in Noble Silence during the past 10 days.  I see a totally magical dimension of reality that I love and enjoy navigating in.  I am riding this wave with an open heart and an open mind, trust in inner knowing that this is exactly where I am supposed to be at this time in my life. The passionate fire of service is ignited in my heart.  I see Quepasana as the place/the landing pad of the feminine rising and with that the creation of a highly spiritually evolved civilization seeding the new humanity. This is a portal of love, pure joy, sweet kindness, ever abundant generosity overflowing through everyone, radical acceptance and inclusiveness that evokes and allows the healing of the parts of us that forgot who we are. This is the portal of enlightenment where we remember and keep remembering every time we return (home).

Sweet Jorge, what a special soul you are!  Thank you for existing and for sharing yourself so selflessly in humble service of the divine that you see in each of us.  It is a true honor and privilege to have you as a guide.  You are the embodiment of the wisdom and the truth of life’s golden key.  You are precious beyond measure, and so is your vision for Quepasana community contributing to the evolution of human consciousness. Where everyone lives in harmony with the rhythms of nature, in harmony with the self and others, where everyone is self-expressed in their gifts and service, with unbounded imagination.  Where everyone’s needs are met, and where everyday life is a dream in manifest reality.

This is spirit working through us, expanding our essence of love, becoming ever more familiar with our presence of grace and remembering our true nature.

Thank you Jorge for being our guide.  You are exceptionally amazing.  With love.




What a fabulous week.  Probably one of the best weeks of my life.  I so admire your generosity, dedication to this practice, authentic presentation and happiness.  Your teaching of Vipassana technique was more thorough and detailed this time, which made it easier for me to make the transition from Anapana.  You have my continued support and appreciation for the good work you are doing here.  Love and peace.

In my lifetime, I’ve grown accustomed to working with heavy duty explosives.  So much so that I have forsaken far too long the chisel and the brush. Thank you for the time and space for a much needed deep dive.  It was a blessing to share the Summer Solstice with your tribe. Quepasana:  Enlightened Decadence – Inspired indulgence – Conscious Opulence – Tenderized Transcendence.  Big Love

Another Quepasana for the books!  I am consistently blown away by the transformative power of these courses.  Jorge, Tara, Sara, and all the Jedis are such pure examples of what it means to show up for others, give unconditionally with humility and unapologetic silliness.  I am so grateful to have found this oasis and to be a part of such a world changing movement.  I have no doubt in my mind that this experience is raising the collective consciousness and bringing us all closer to peace on Earth.  I will continue to hold you all in my heart, whether silently sitting across from you in meditation or globetrotting as we all seem to do.   Thank you, thank you for all that you do and all that you are.  Thanks for saying yes to your dreams and inspiring all of us to do the same.  Thank you for holding such pure beautiful space, so we may all come to know ourselves deeply and truly, and heal all the wounds-mental, emotional, physical, inherited, etc. Can’t wait to see you beautiful souls in the ether of pure consciousness during our next sit.


Finding the words is difficult.  Thank you from every cell, thank you until the end of time.  This best-ever gift will be used in the best way ever, to create the best world ever. It has been an equanimous pleasure to partake in Jedi training with all of you.

Beloved Jorge,

What words could possibly express the gratitude and reverence I carry in my heart for you?  So much is felt beyond these words in the silent, intuitive pulses, the gentle psychic nudges, the warm energetic waves of deep knowing and belonging.   All of this I feel here, all of this because of your great gift.  Thank you dear one for listening to your guidance to manifest this glorious realm of healing, a sanctuary fortified by divine grace.  The experience I have been blessed with here has brought me back home—to my mission here, to the earth, to myself. May all beings be presented with this immense opportunity to grow and blossom in such a well-tended garden as yours.  May you forever be blessed, protected and supported.  May you only be finding love and deeper love.  Mahalo Nui Loa.  Now go ride that camel into the sunset.

Dear Jorge,

You have been a huge blessing to my daughters, and now to me as well.  I am now sure how the universe worked its magic, but first my girls were taken into your generous heart.  They speak of you so fondly and tell me how amazing you and your vision for Quepasana are.  They adore you and giggle at your endearing ways. Now I have experienced your wonderful spirit and the simple beauty of Quepasana. I was not sure what I would experience here during 10 days of silence and yoga and a whole lot of meditation, but I know when Tara asked me to come, that I had to come.  What a life changing, grounding, re-centering, re-focusing experience it has been.  Everything was perfect!!!


The flow of events and the daily schedule was very balanced.  Your property is beautiful.  I love all your flowers and plants! So, Jorge. Thank you for allowing me to come.  I really needed it! Thanks to Sara for managing so effectively with grace and ease. Thanks to Russ and Jennifer, the food was delicious.  Every single meal was Wow!  The green smoothie, chick peas and brownies were so crazy good!  Oh and my Tara, I am so proud of her.  Thank you for letting her grow her skills.  She was wonderful in her Yoga instructions. There are so many words spinning around in my head and swirling in my heart from this experience.  But it’s overwhelming to digest it all at this point.  So, I will say Thank you again for this huge gift and for being placed in our lives.  You are so special!!!

Wisdom’s Embrace, Air, she sings through me, Our wisdom’s breath we embrace, Earth, she plays through me, Our wisdom’s breath we embrace, Water, she swims through me, Our wisdom’s breath we embrace, Fire, she dances through me, Our wisdom’s breath we embrace, Space she flies through me, Our wisdom’s breath we embrace, In the unobstructed infinite expanse of pure awareness, she emanates inconceivable manifestations, beyond time and space she communicates liberation to the most fortunate fate, we have a date. Without limitation I am free. Highest vibration, I am free. Beyond hesitation, I am free. Ultimate Destination, I am free. From the primordial beginning, I am free.

April 2019 (Earth Nation)


This has been a truly profound experience and SUCH a gift!  From the first time I heard of Quepasana I knew I had to see what was going on.  Upon committing there were so many doubts and reasons why I should not go…  All part of the process.  Experienced the most anxiety the first day when we turned everything in.  And I felt like I had good control of my technology uses before then.  Ha!   Another big thing that came up for me was the food.  I was worried I would not get enough.  This turned into one of the biggest breakthroughs around me feeling “full enough” and the lack of listening to my body that I had experienced the past few months while holding on and gaining more weight than I ever had. The list of side effects has been profound and I am so grateful to you and the team who helped create such a nurturing experience!  I can feel the care and love poured into everything.  I look forward to my return!  Blessings.

Wow!  First, thank you so very much for the past 10 days.  So many times I have wondered what I did to deserve this. And you helped me rediscover my light.   This journey has been amazing from start to finish.  This is a very profound experience that I hope to work with for years to come and help you bring to as many people as possible.  Much love and light to you.

Dearest Jorge, and our unsung heroes, Jeff, the captain, Mark and of course our camp counselors, Adam and Matt.  My deepest gratitude for you all in helping to create a space that is so supportive.   So deeply nourishing.  The countless hours you have spent in both intention and action to this beloved space comes through with effortless ease.  Thank you to Courtney and her beautiful orchestration of musical choices and the songs selected, woven, sung and shared.  All of it divine.  Bre, your gifts are undeniable and radiate through your being and your voice.  Thank you for your offerings. Thank you to our yogini leaders Tara and Sara helping to give magic and precision to my practice. Thank you to Jennifer for the beautiful Hawaiian chant you shared with us honoring and welcoming. So much to be grateful for!!  Each brave soul that arrived here both exulting themselves and surrendering themselves.  And yes, thank god for the flow toys.  Wow!  Those were fun. Thank you Jorge for continuously saying Yes to this experiment.   For sharing your humble authentic self, for being true to the core of Vipassana.  Helping me to remember who or what I truly am behind the thoughts of ego attachment, pain body, beliefs and stories.  Thank you for helping me to reach an even deeper access of the now, the unmanifested, the source, the void.   I am forever grateful and at your service if there ever may be a need, a desire, an intent.

Dear Jorge,

I am extremely grateful for you and Quepasana.  I have been dabbling with meditation off and on for a while, but it was mostly surface level realization to good music for 12 to 24 minutes. I have had some interesting breathwork and Qi gong experience as well, but now I have a much better idea of what’s possible.  I am inspired to do more yin yoga as well as to meditate for one hour plus per day.

I feel like I have given more energy than I have received for much of my life.  So it feels very good to be blessed with such a nurturing experience.  I would love to pay it forward and serve at an upcoming course.  I really really appreciate you sharing your time, property, wisdom, humor and love with us all.   I would welcome any opportunity to help/serve so I can be around you.  You are a righteous and noble role model.  Much love, gratitude and respect.

Jorge!  AKA Playheart. Quepasana is a profound, potent, powerful, presence portal!!!!

I am eternally grateful for your divine and playful guidance home, to the guru within, our truth and sparkling essence. In the early days of my meditations I was shown a vision to a question I had been asking: “How do we heal the world?”  The answer was….  When each being heals themselves, the globe will be healed. Now I know the answer is Quepasana. Activating the love, we authentically are. Uniting us in oneness. Lifting the veil of the old paradigms and stories that don’t align with our highest self. Inspiring us to take back our power. To surrender to our flow and soak in the only moment that matters:   Present.  A beautiful gift. Nourishment on every level. Quepasana is the most extraordinary blessing.  You have impacted me to my core.  Words will never be able to express.  Deep reverence and gratitude.  I love you to the moooooooon!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

This experience was an answered prayer on so many levels. So much that it feels like it was divinely designed just for me.  The depth of body awakening that this has granted to me feels like I have discovered the holy grail.  I have been searching for this kind of loving, playful, deep somatic, disciplined and filled with nourishment and beauty path to healing.  And here I have found it.  When the student is ready, the way forward appears.  I am forever shifted in powerful, positive, freeing ways.  And with the perfect tool chest of simple processes and practices that can support my continued evolution, healing and awakening.  I could go on and on. I am honored, inspired, touched and thrilled that I got to receive such a gift.  Thank you from the deepest part of my center point, equanimous, aware self.  Love and gratitude to you all.  Thank you Jorge for following your desire and knowing.

Mahalo Jorge!

This experience serving the course has been sensational!  I mean I am really feeling it!  I am so grateful that I live on Maui and get to come check in so deeply.  My heart cannot express in words adequate enough to convey the empathetic joy I feel for everyone that is here and gets to drink this sweet nectar.  And to you, for dedicating yourself to creating the space and setting the tone for probably the most fun, peaceful, wild and ecstatic meditation course there is on earth at this time. It has been so sweet to share this time with my beloved, who is caring for our growing Quepasababy in her belly.  I got to yin assist our bell pepper size little boy, and I feel so connected to him and momma too. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams to be on this ride with so many beautiful angels.  I love you all.



Aloha Jorge,

This is the BEST.  Round 2 of Quepasana as a server has been such an incredible experience, especially with my baby Jasper growing in my belly.  So many incredible moments of breakthrough this time.  I was able to find so much more ease in my body and really break through some pain and fear that has resided in my body for so long.  The fear and pain literally transform.  They did not go away, but what changed was my relationship to them in my life.  I truly could see how my thoughts were feeding my pain body, and with powerful acceptance and allowance, a whole new experience is unfolding.

I love the new addition of the “Jedi Alignment Protocol” with the pulling up on the perineum and allowing your body to shift.  I was able to relax into my body and sit still for so much longer.  I also loved the box of flow toys.  I had not picked up a hoop in years.

I wish it were possible to sit every month remaining of my pregnancy.  This is so healing for myself, Jasper and Jaime.  I am so grateful to be a part of this community and family.  Mahalo for holding the space for us.


Dear Jorge,

Thank you for creating this masterpiece of an experience.  Not only is it a physical heaven on earth, but the practices led me to the cosmos within my own soma. With the curriculum of practices: Vipassana, somatic meditation, Kundalini, Yin Yoga, Wim Hoff breathwork, Shake rattle and roll.  It is like attending the hippie Hogwarts school for somatic wizardry. Seriously, these ten days have been a game changer for me.  You helped me shift from conceptualizing enlightenment through my mind to having my body become the arena of awakening.  This is a massive shift. I cannot thank you enough for showing me the way, and in paradise nonetheless.

Before coming here, I was struggling with my existence.  I was actually considering “being normal and growing up”.  What I mean is that I was almost ready to give up on the quest for living an extraordinary life.  I was thinking of limiting myself and going along with society and social conditionings.   I was feeling detached and alone.  These feelings were not of my body though.  They were actually thoughts.  Being able to feel the difference and tune into my true nature is a precious gift that has been graciously given to me.  I am now in a state of awe and curiosity.  My desire to create and play has turned on again.   I now remember who I am.  My existence has meaning and I am pure consciousness.

Aligned, centered, present, awareness.  These are words I truly cherish.  My experience brings me into these states.  My understanding of them has reached a new level of depth.  To be a participant at Quepasana is to live in a harmonious existence.  I am overfilled with joy.  My being is nourished and tuned in.  I feel so much more now.  I am in the now.  Thank you.  My heart sends you love beyond words.

Dear Jorge,

There are truly no words sufficient to express my deep gratitude for you both and for Quepasana.  Mahalo Nui Loa for your dedication, your love and your passion.  I feel honored to serve this exquisite community you are ushering through transformation.  I appreciate the principles and intentions with which you approach your life’s work and the organization as a whole.  Thank you for the simple, yet profound reminder of how to love this way.  More importantly, how to give this way.  I feel as though I have been given the most precious gift by participating in Quepasana.  The gift of knowing myself, trusting the process, and lightening up.  Arising to meet the love that is my essence and what we all share.  It is right here, right now, in the breath. Last spring, I attended my first Quepasana and it catapulted me into living my dreams.  With my new awareness has come great responsibility and a call to show up and serve beyond what I thought possible.  Thanks to my meditation practice and gratitude consciousness I am equipped to walk forward life with more confidence and ease as dreams make manifest my new reality.

I know it’s not about the things, the externals, the stuff, any of it.  Jobs, projects, relationships.  These are mere side effects from years of practice.  However, the integration and awakening that has occurred within the last 365 days is unreal and awesome.  I look forward to sharing more with you all as it continues to unfold. Allowing my life to be a prayer flag, like you say.  Thank you for giving me permission to dream bigger, love more, feel more and be with all of it as it is.  While honoring gentleness above all. Mahalo for nourishing the soul, body and mind with the meticulous attention to detail, charisma and soft touch.  Finally, at 40 I am ready to begin playing this thing called life and thrilled to see the beauty unfold as another Quepasana comes to a close and my heart and mind open even more.  Gently, gently.


You deserve a bazillion gun salute, with neon fireworks, a full ensemble marching band (equipped with hand drums), your name written in the sky by planes, that then zip overhead screaming praise as they go.  People will be dancing and feeling how the dance affects them. New mothers will line to have you tickle your newborn’s feet.  Everyone will be drinking spiced cacao, getting drunk on pure love.  You will be carried on palanquin through the streets, streamers blowing lazily in the wind.  As you go by, the people will be yelling “we love you, thank you, boom shakalaka” You will be taken to the top of a pyramid that was erected in your honor.   The crowds will be surrounding you in all directions as far as the eye can see.

 Seriously though, what you have created here is something of legendary proportions.  We need more Jedis in the world, and this is pumping them out like nothing else.  The amount of awareness that is gained here is huge, HUGE!  The amount of nourishment and love and thoughtfulness is unheard of. I basically have been hoping for something like this most of my life, but I did not know what form it would take until now.  I have probably undone ten years of turmoil and hardship in just these few days we have had together.  What a way to start my first ten days as a 30-year-old.  Wow, could not have asked for anything better.   Thank you for allowing me to come back and serve.  It has been a pleasure and an honor.  I love you and hope to be back someday.  Definitely to help set up and eat some delicious lunch.  I basically just wanted to shower you both with gratitude in this note.  So I hope you are feeling it.  So much peace, love and Aloha.  and everyone will meditate. The largest group sit in recorded history gathered there that day for you.

Seriously though, what you have created here is something of legendary proportions.  We need more Jedis in the world, and this is pumping them out like nothing else.  The amount of awareness that is gained here is huge, HUGE!  The amount of nourishment and love and thoughtfulness is unheard of. I basically have been hoping for something like this most of my life, but I did not know what form it would take until now.  I have probably undone ten years of turmoil and hardship in just these few days we have had together.  What a way to start my first ten days as a 30-year-old.  Wow, could not have asked for anything better.   Thank you for allowing me to come back and serve.  It has been a pleasure and an honor.  I love you and hope to be back someday.  Definitely to help set up and eat some delicious lunch.  I basically just wanted to shower you both with gratitude in this note.  So I hope you are feeling it.  So much peace, love and Aloha.






Yeah, Psychedelics and plant medicine are cool, but have you ever tried Quepasana?

Wow, what an amazing transforming experience.  I don’t even have the words to describe it.  After all, I would not want to conceptualize it, would I?  Quepasana just made me FEEL above all.  I have never experienced anything like it, to feel aware of my own body, inside, outside, and everything around me.  I am this tree leaning against it.  I am that ocean wave I am witnessing as I am writing this.  I am everything and nothing at all.   For once in my life, I was able to completely disconnect from technology, from social programming, from my false self, and even from my thoughts.

My thoughts were there, but it FINALLY hit me, that I am not my thoughts.  I am really looking forward to making meditation an important and essential part of my life, that is if I want to live a happy peaceful life.  This is the answer I have been looking for all along, and it is THAT simple.  Quepasana did not show me, it reminded me to keep connecting with myself, check in with myself and love myself.  Not to mention, Jorge’s property is absolutely breathtaking.   Thank you to everyone who facilitated this experience, and made me feel safe, nurtured and loved.  I will definitely be back and share this gift with others.

THANK YOU!!  Aloha! It has been an absolute honor to receive your gift on my 27th birthday.  This is just what I needed to kick off my blessed year yet soul far.   Having sat a Vipassana course in 2014, I found myself dancing around in ecstatic martial arts free flow outside when everyone else was in bed.  I truly appreciate the “roll your own” moments and all the shaking and grooving style around here.   When you read my first question, you picked up on my passion for “action”, I wrote to ask why jumping the awareness around within the body was detrimental.  You thought I meant literally jumping the body around.  Either way, this has been a tremendous cosmic activation, especially sharing the experience with my Earth Nation family.  Wow, the future is here now!  Ours is a world filled with loving kind beings of blissful beauty, giving the greatest gifts imaginable to each other for free so we can all thrive as one! I will just wrap up with a thanks to my brother Bloom for telling me about this. May you Gaians be blessed “intergreatfullness” Mahalo-llujah!

My experience of Quepasana has been nothing short of pure magic.  My body feels incredible after 10 days of meditation, yoga, stretching, relaxing, and of course eating the most nourishing healthy food.  She is an absolute wizard in the kitchen.  My mind has also never felt so at ease and peaceful and I truly feel Jorge has done such a good job of passing along this transformational practice so that all participants can really walk away from this course and maintain the practices and techniques in their daily lives.  Jorge is also a hilarious and extremely lovable man.  A walking testament of what this practice can do for anyone!  Expressing the deepest gratitude to Jorge, Libby, all the Jedi servers and everyone else that made this experience for me…  this vision you have for Quepasana is extremely powerful and I would love to be involved in helping it progress in whatever way I can.

Dear Jorge,

Wow brother, you really created something amazing here!  This is the most magical, transformative event I have ever attended.   I first woke up spontaneously when I was 13.  It was then that spirit reminded me that I “answered the call”.  I had no idea how to help save the world, but spirit directed me to learn, learn, learn.  My life has been devoted to research and learning the skills spirit told me I would need “when it was time”.

A big part of my studies focused on emotional healing, and the universe has given me plenty of trauma to heal in my life.  It also gave me HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)/empath avatar to experience.  I have spent countless hours doing inner work and meditation.  As a result, I cultivated an extremely compassionate, peaceful and loving state of mind that rarely gets triggered.  And when it does I can almost always observe it with curiosity. I feel I have integrated almost all of my shadow.

As much inner work as I have done, two things have plagued my experience:  chronic fatigue and pain.  While I have been able to lessen both from their height using what I have learned thus far, the fatigue and pain have caused me to feel like I am walking through water when pursuing my goals.

I came to Quepasana with hopes that this method would help alleviate the pain and fatigue so I could be more present for my mission.  It did that and more! Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I feel like what I am going to do next will be so much easier and joyful now.

I would like to do all I can to help support and expand Quepasana.  You mentioned wanting to make a Quepasana for YouTube.  Please allow me to provide this “tubepasana”.  World Creation Studies would love to bring a team and film the event perhaps this Fall.  Before then, I would like to brainstorm and feel into how best to translate a Quepasana to interwebs land with you.  Once again, thank you, you are a beautiful soul.

My adult life has been a healing journey, I struggled with chronic fatigue since age 9 and chronic pain since age 19.  Using other methods, I was able to heal about 75 percent of the fatigue and recently physical therapy helped me with about 50 percent of the pain.  The past few days have been practically pain free and I have had more energy than I can ever remember having.   And I sense this is just the beginning.  Coming to Quepasana was one of the best decisions I have ever made!!

To put words on a page to describe my experience at Quepasana is not easy, but I’ll do my best.   This experience has altered me (and my life to come) in deep and profound ways.  I knew before coming here my internal environment needed a serious reset, and that got me just that.  But in fact, I have gotten so much more than that! This course has so generously, graciously, lovingly and nourishingly given me the tools to stop telling myself false and limiting stories I have been believing were real.  So that I may embody and live as the infinite being of pure potential who I came to this life to be.

So, refreshing to find myself again and to lose myself all at the same time.  I experienced profound moments of ecstasy and rapture.  Every moment that has been hard has been worth it.  For every second I have gotten to experience my true nature and being as one with all that is.  Thank you does not even come close to expressing the depth of my gratitude, dear Jorge.  For this gift you have masterfully crafted within yourself and then shared with us.   Your life is a beautiful work of art and it has inspired me to live the same way each and every day.  I look forward to showing up again in service and to continue the cultivation of my inner garden of Eden that blossomed to new heights this week.  Mahalo very much.

This course is one of the most special things that I have ever been lucky enough to be a part of.  Leading up, I did not know what to expect, and was a little apprehensive.  But upon arrival I could feel the energy was warm and nurturing.  Once settling in and doing the first meditation followed by Yin Yoga, I could tell that this was to be something really special.  The course has enabled me to reconnect with my deeper self both spiritually and physically.  So much blockage on both levels gradually being pulled apart day by day.  There have been tears of joy and deep feelings of pain, but most importantly…. Feelings, so much feeling.   I truly feel the course has altered the course of my life in the best possible way.  I guess time will tell.  I will be forever grateful in the deepest way.  My respect and admiration for the job she does is tops.  Please let her know she is deeply appreciated.  PPS.  You are on to something really special here.  I look forward to seeing how it continues to evolve… And of course hope to be back.




This amazingly simple practice took me deeper than many other hours of meditation beforehand.  Everyone needs a Quepasana in their life.  The awareness and focus that is developed in 10 days is extraordinary.  Not only did I feel energy centers in my body, but I could feel them work in unison. Combined with all the other modalities, such as the Yoga, breathing, and “meditation in motion” activities, this was an experiment will only become more powerful.

An Homage to Truth:

Fly, bike or swim to Maui.  Jorge’s Quepasana is what the world has been looking for…  Or maybe… What the world (you and me) needs.

Part vacation, part prison, and 100 percent fun! Best way I have seen to reconnect with the full you.   I have had a great life, truly exceptional, and I never held more held, nourished, cared for, encouraged, loved up and considered.

This experience has opened me back up to the spaces in myself I thought lost or dead.  The joyful essence of my youth turns out is not my youth…  It is simply My Essence… What I really am… I got to know intimately that part of myself again.

If you can afford to go, (It’s free, and they feed you and house you) You should.  For you would be doing yourself a huge disservice by not going.   Total game changer.

I have pages of ideas of ways to expand your vision as well as resources to call upon.  Would love to discuss when possible.

I feel so many blessings for your eternal being.  Undertaking this ‘boot camp’ for star seeds I feel so moved by your generosity and wisdom in bringing Quepasana into being. I am one of the elders here, as I came in as a “volunteer” at the end of WW2. Late 1940’s.   I am grateful I was guided to experience Quepasana.  One of my initiations was to connect more profoundly with my higher being and spirit guidance. Well, that happened within the first few days.  Wow! I was seeing hearts in the clouds for days. I have not done any Yoga in 50 years!  So that was interesting!  My muscle memory was working well, so I could see big improvements each day, and my body feels so much better.  And I could feel the energy flowing in my body more freely – which helps everything! (I do play golf, which is a bit Zen.  LOL)

I will surely keep this up at home, as it is so clear to me now the importance of the energy flow and the profound awareness of the body in its totality.   On day 1, I realized that my lower belly area was disconnected.  Spirit helped me reconnect, and now I can discern a golden aura moving into that space. It may take some time, but at least it is not a ‘dead zone’ any more.

Now let’s talk about the food:  THE BEST EVER! Of course I know it is subjective, but it is the best ‘healthy’ food I have had in my life. So thank you Jorge for your loving kindness, wisdom and generosity of spirit.  I feel very inspired by you, and uplifted by my Quepasana experience.

I am so grateful I decided to take a deep dive into the Quepasana course.  The gift of self-knowledge is a gift not easily wrapped.  Being it is held on a property that is literally heaven on earth, it makes it a bit easier.  Of all the teachers I have learned to meditate from, Jorge is my favorite.  His ability to cut through the common magic woo woo stories you have about meditation is clear.  His profound ability to feel into the collective energy of the group.  To tailor words perfectly for those listening.    Any seriousness that was lingering at the time, was discarded in the energy of his playful jokes and keen curiosity to go further down the rabbit hole.  My mind, body, emotions and soul have new levels of charge and clarity.  Not only do I feel more passion to live as consciously as possible, I now know how!    I see Quepasana as the Santa of meditation and every day is Christmas.   The gift of self-knowledge is not easily wrapped. To see thyself is to feel everything. Without the full presence of feeling, we are blinded by which we think we see.  Anyone, given the space to feel, will expand their consciousness.  This space can seem rare these days.  But Jorge has created one of those very special places.  Bless you Jorge and all that have been and will be a part of Quepasana.

This is the best homemade vegan food I have had in my life! This course is such a specific manifestation of the answer to so many questions vital to my evolution.  Before coming here, for many months I have been asking and wondering: Is there a better conceptual framework for breathing?   I have situated my awareness (unintentionally) in my head around my third eye, and envisioned the breath moving up and down from nostrils to belly.  At some point I realized respiratory potential resembled a full bodied expansion and contraction. (Like a light brightening and dimming).  This course has provided the logical homework and exceptional results to up level and reach a new threshold of respiratory awareness, functioning and toxin excretion. What would a daily routine that covers all that the body needs look like?  Thank you ‘shake rattle and roll’ and Yin Yoga. Yin Yoga here has done more for me than any other yoga in my life.  And I have done a lot of Yoga all over the world.  My hips are starting to reveal their secrets to me.  Also realizing most yoga is too fast-paced to sip the nectar in large quantities.  But yin, my newfound love, is an effervescent spring. I am feeling my lower body!!!  This is a big deal, to observe my awareness find the sanctuary that is my ovaries. Realizing you exist.   There is so much more potential for collaboration and linking you with other well renowned individuals and communities that are going to love this. My personality has flaked off like a large snake shedding its skin patiently. The large patches of my essence now gleam through the fading aspects of my personality.  It is a humbling process to see and feel how I am connected to all things around me…  Whether that reveals itself as pausing during “get high on your own supply” to realize everyone else is breathing for me and I can feel it. To embodying collective food scarcity genetics that seem to onset when I am waiting in line observing everyone’s puppy dog eyes and fixed attention of the bowls of food ahead. The desire to force myself to do things is fading.  I realize my pace is naturally in line with the collective greatest good and my heart will chime when it is time for action.   My own spiritual evolution is not a race to the finish line, even though it can feel that way sometimes.   Get high on your own supply Is almost better than masturbating and less work. Thank you for finding this. Realizing and the continued realization that nothing is cure-all for evolutionary thresholds.  The emphasis on consistency, practice, and listening to the self is a powerful affirmation because at times we all fear “doing it wrong”. Private spaces and this land and the play toys are so key.  I am buying hypervolt gun, butterfly fans and a bolster whenever I settle down next.  This is Neverland. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Namaste Jorge

I deeply honor and respect, admire and appreciate what you are doing on this sacred land.  I have studied the Yogas for years and have traveled to India to study as well.  I even have a guru in Nepal who is a realized master.  So when I say to myself that you are the real deal, I mean it!!  It takes the average person a lot of work to reach deep levels of mind, but the way you put everything together in this program facilitates…  a quickening.  Here, the sick become well, and the well become super.  I am proud and grateful to have reached Jedi status in your strong presence of activation.   It amazes me that this came at the perfect time for me, as I have been seeking a boost in etheric and mental strength and protection.  Unknowingly, many have yet to realize their multidimensional nature.  However, here you hold the space for protection, strength and grounding on all those levels.  As well as showing those who can see especially the ‘me’ what truly feels right, and what does not.  And the courage, clarity and awareness to take the right action on all levels.  I bow and touch your feet in admiration, recognition and appreciation dear brother.  You are like the Satya Yoga Aquarian age teacher of avatars.  Do continue your path with this.  It has a strong fragrance of greatness.



When we were told that we could write about our experience here at Quepasana, I wanted to jump up right away and start writing.  This has been the most profound, mystical experience I have ever had in my entire life.  I have been moved and shaken in so many beautiful prolific ways.  At first I thought I had some grasp of what this experience would be.  Boy, was I wrong.  Have no expectations because they will not come close to what happened here.  Day 2 I already had a wild visual experience like I was seeing through the eyes of a fly or spider and melted into the ocean water, slapping up against the rocks. I thought this would be the depth of which I would go.  And the next day I was ready to move on, back to life and get cracking on my work.  The universe has a funny sense of humor and day 5 decided to send me to Samadhi/nirvana/heaven, to have a little hour-long chat with God. Which felt like days.  I was in complete surrender and for the first time in years I had finally cried.  I was holding on to so much, always giving with very little gratitude and leaving so little time for myself.  Old wounds from my father, mother and most of my family, like so many of us have.  God told me: “I’ve got you my son, you have me and a legion of angels beside you. Now go forth and do the work you are meant to do” I shattered into a million pieces and like a phoenix, I was reborn from the ashes.


I felt all of my channels open and I only wish I could have cried harder.  On the same day I felt the best I have ever felt in my body.  And then it came, awoken from its slumber, an old traumatic pain in my back and neck that has paralyzed me before.  At first I did not know what to do and I felt ashamed to ask for help.  But then I decided to ask for help.  If I don’t I may have to leave for medical attention.  So I asked a course facilitator and he was a freakin’ body worker!   He really understood my pain and that it was serious and dropped everything he was doing to make sure I had the love and support to heal through it.  Just like magic, he fixed me right up.  I have spent so much time and money trying to heal my body, to no avail. I am crying as I write this because nobody has been able to heal my pain and suffering in my body.  And it has made me bitter and short tempered the past 2 years.  Turned me into something I knew was not the unconditional loving/hugging being that I am.  I am infamous for my deep long hugs, but over the time my body has been in pain and some trauma, I felt my heart starting to close.  Losing connection with myself and the world.   Quepasana and all the amazing loving staff have forever changed my life.  So now I can get back to loving and hugging everywhere I go.  And in every business I create.  My life as an entrepreneur will be forever changed and the way I show up in all my relationships. Mahalo, and all the love in the universe and deepest gratitude.  I hope you are ready for another member of the family, because you are going to have to adopt me….

Dearest Jorge,

I give you my deepest mahalos for having me be able to return to serve this course.  I am so grateful and honored to know you, and to participate in this revolutionary Quepasanning!   The amount of love, time, energy and conscious evolution and improvement is evident daily.  I love witnessing it and being able to pop in to various courses for a few days, sit, share my music and help out. It was a gift to be able to sit my second full course this time and to serve.  I love helping prepare meals, cleaning and making everything even more beautiful. I especially loved being a Yin Assist Angel.  It felt so right to pour love and attention into first time pilgrims the way I was able to receive it a year and a half ago.  I am especially happy to have been able to sit this course because this is the 2-month period I dedicated to not working the jobs that stress my vocal cords.  An attempt to heal my nodules to avoid surgery.  (calluses on my vocal cord). There is no way I could have rested my voice like this elsewhere on Maui. I know too many people! Ha. It is interesting how my relationship to meditation evolves.  This course, day 5 was monkey madness, but otherwise I love meditation even more after this course.  My biggest take aways will be ‘keep doing the thing’ (which I have finally been doing before coming back here), and ‘just be cool with it’ I realized that another roommate has been telling my other monkey roommate to ‘shut the f*ck up’ and ‘get back to the top of the head’…  Which then automatically makes me avert my eyeballs upwards and squint my face and try to ‘do it right’ that is exhausting.  Literally straining my eye and jaw muscles.  So both roommates can just be cool.  I will be aware and will not beat myself up and jump to my scalp so forcefully.  Gentle.  Taking that word into deeper daily consideration too. Thanks for the reminder. I plan to have more fun with my practice now that I realize how uncool and forceful I have tried to be. No wonder I have not wanted to meditate daily.  With more Quepasana practice under my belt I feel like I am finally figuring out what style of body scanning works for me… right now at lease. I really enjoyed the shifts and evolution of the course, the dynamic felt great!  I love your light hearted (and often satiric) humor.  It is needed! We need to be able to laugh at ourselves.

I really appreciate the new literature.  Perfect, plus added to my practice.  – ‘Buddha Takes No Prisoners’ especially.  He is a no BS kind of guy.  Dig that. Also got into Poi for the first time in a long while, and that was awesome!  I love seeing the inner child come out of all of us!   I was able to tap into a space of dance and playful movement that I had not had since being at a festival or being high.  I am really enjoying the air of lightness I am experiencing. I must say, I have not felt this great in a long time!  Never do I give myself the time to take such good care.  It is the greatest gift I have ever given myself- and I owe my deepest thanks to you.  The amount of love beauty and generosity you offer is remarkable.  And I am so honored and grateful to receive it.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I hope to continue to participate, help, serve, share music and whatever else I may do to keep this good thing going forever!  So as many people who want it, may be able to have this experience.

I feel so peaceful and at ease.  Honestly, I have never felt so damned happy, healthy and blessed as I do right now! It is honestly a bit overwhelming.  So happy I live here on Maui close to all this magic being created monthly.  I will be back. Love you and all that you do.



February 2019


Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Thank you for being you.  Thank you for being so loving, thank you for being so kind.  Thank you for being so generous.  Thank you for being so humble.  You inspire me, the way that you are.  You are so pure; you are so beautiful.  You are light, you are love.  I am so grateful for you.  Thank you for believing in Quepasana and saying yes to this epic idea again and again and again.  And you do it with such effortless ease.   You are my hero and inspiration.  I hold you so dear to my heart.

Jorge, if a picture is worth a thousand words, then I gotta make videos to capture my infinite love for Quepasana.

Rarified dawn.  The impalpable air enveloped me and took me to gaze the ocean.  Today the water gives off stillness and the gentle waves have an indescribable color.  Like and unknown deep feeling that I’ve just experienced during my early morning observation practice.  The most prominent color is the cobolt blue of my consciousness mingling with the sparkling silver of my awareness.  The dance is happening on the crest of the smooth water.  It is the dance between the ocean and the sky.  In the sky stripes of clouds are creating divine geometries with the pink of the sunrise.  Moment and the infinite mirror of water.  In front of me is reflecting and even more intermingling with the pink light.   The equanimity.  I have a sense that this light is not belonging to the water, but I profoundly feel how this pink nuance is interconnected with the constant flow of the ocean.

In this sublime feeling momentum, my consciousness, my awareness, my equanimity field are showing me, as it is.  In the horizon the Molokini island is half in the penumbra and half in the sun with a sharp oblique ray of light behind.  How can it be better than this?  I asked myself and a voice emerged saying: “it can be even more perfect with whale’s energy in it” Patiently I kept observing the magnetic dance occurring in front of me with the cobolt blue and the glittering silver and the pink color changed as well.  The sky, it looked like that light purple penetrated in each wave gifting the pink equanimity quality in sweet surrender.  In that moment, the dance became the sound of silence and one, two, three breaching whales sprung out and a whale appeared to show her tail and went to the abyss of the Molokini island was shining in the full sun.  The day is revealing here, wow.  And moment by moment in the symphony of life, beloved Jorge. For me each Quepasana is a Quepasana continuum where the movement of existence is evolving inside, out, me, through and immense amount of love and kindness.  With ever vast gratitude, infused with an elixir of Joy.

Soma. Breath. Prana. Life force…  The essence which guides the whole experience beyond what so many of us even realize.  The power and alchemy which we innately fulfill.  The somatic awareness through the body temple which we naturally are, as the house which holds the pulses of thine spirit.  Jorge, to pass forth this torch to all who are drawn to this kindled ember of divine grace, you are one of the true masters of this human experience…. Rather, and foremost:  you have cultivated this ancient flame within yourself and this is the true noble path which is being set ablaze within all of us.  It is simply a blessing to experience your humble, playful, loving, compassionate heart as a teacher, brother, friend and reflection of truth.   These practices are the keys to so many doors of the universe.  And the gratitude extends far out to distant galaxies, and all of life.  Feel that, everywhere.

As the story goes, the prism of sight unfolds, sharpening, crystalizing, unraveling, great spectrums of love in splendor.

What I have come to realize is that this divine communion which I hold with the universe is so foundationally practical.  These things are so simple, so integrated within our oneness, that it is simply awareness, true awareness with the alchemy which brings the powerful ethereal ritual down to basic somatic level and now I don’t feel so alone within.  Because when I tap in, I really tap in.  A strong unified connection in riding the sensations.  Allowing them to guide me and show me whatever they may.  So this breathwork soma experience over the years has been an ethereal journey mostly of sensations, revealing messages beyond what I could integrate into words or articulation.  So now that this basic foundation of understanding has been established, the whole relationship changes (more like elationship). Because if this journey has shown me anything is that being a master of soma is a life of joy, of play, of exploration, of ease.  And that rest truly comes so simply. Well, you are reminding the humans what our heaven earth was like, so we may embody it once again.  This is a master’s playground, where the fire meets the ocean and the spirits soar wild and free with the love and support of a grounded nest within and without.  Always remember that you, we are lifting these angels to remember their purpose one soul at a time.  These sweet beings all learn so much with you.  This is essential and we are thankful you have chosen this path.  Infinite love through all dimensions, layers, all realms, all hearts into all of eternity.

To the Quepasana team:

Thank you thank you thank you.  A million times thank you.  These ten days have been a joyous slice of heaven, a chance to remember that heaven really does reside inside.  The atmosphere seems to be designed to help facilitate this work.  Thank you for maintaining its beauty in a pristine way.  What a special experience!  Wow.

Jorge, your clear, simple directions provided me the instruction I needed to really drop into my body.  Your consistency allowed me to hear you even when you were not guiding the sits.  That is a gift I will be able to experience and imagine every time I sit from here on out.  I look forward to deepening my practice and to see where it goes. And to all the servers, thank you for all of your many and varied contributions that really make this inward journey smooth, relaxing, fun and enlightening.  I hope to join the serving crew soon with so much light, love and joy.


I wish to give you thanks, to all of the servers, Jorge and the man behind the scenes, Jeff.  My journey here at Quepasana has been filled with the most amazing amounts of gratitude, an outburst of joy for having the honor and pleasure to receive this gift.  I feel very fortunate to be here, now after giving Jorge a body work session and to help set up for the 30-day course.  I mentioned to him I intend to sit the next event so I could be of service to my brothers and sisters with Earth Nation.  And sure enough here I am.  My dream has come true.  I went out on the kayak the other day and was given the blessing of multiple whales who were awesome.  So much joy came bursting through my body.  I found it so hard to maintain silence as my gratitude poured out to them.  I am in awe, really, I came to the island a year ago with the intent to serve and take time to relax and be, after traveling the states in the past year.  I really did not give myself that much time to relax and be.   So this was truly right on time.  I have been meditating for a number of years.  I have yet to find something so embodied.  I am now able to scan my body and direct my attention and feel the vibration and pulse where I wish to at any moment.  I find it really cool, and very grounding.  To have been on the island for some time.  Looking for something to support and serve.  This is by far the most in alignment with my spirit.

A few years ago, I was managing a retreat center and had a vision come through.  It was very similar to what is happening here.  I have seen the model of Vipassana and how it’s a gift and wanted to do something similar, but integrate mind, body, spirit, community, expression, detox, healing, Qi gong, Yoga, self-empowerment, etc.  So when I experience this now, it is very close to the vision and actualization.  So to me, it is a sign: “serendipity at its best”.  It gives me an inspiration to continue on my path of service and supporting the awakening and transformation process of humanity.  Through my journey here, many visions have come through of how I could be of service and assist Jorge with bringing this and other similar experiences to all that wish to receive this pure, heartfelt, experimental transformative movement in the now.  I sent my love and blessings to all who have contributed in some way to creating Quepasana.

Jorge, your ancestors are watching over in complete awe and are very proud of you on behalf of all of humanity.  We thank you, we see you, we honor you, we love you.  All in all, this was one of the most profound, nourishing experiences for me to date.  I have been dedicated to global awakening for about 13 years now.  And this year, I finally took some time to focus on me.  This has been monumental.  My greatest gold I will take home with me is the rememberance to be in balance with serving others, actualizing global movement, self-care, love and nurturing.  It is so important.  Also remembering one of the 4 agreements.  Don’t take anything personal.  Sometimes we show up for each other to trigger somethings within.  To come, to surface, to be transmuted, learn and expand from.  It is all diving perfection all the time.  And I am eternally grateful for this epic journey I have been gifted.   ON that note, I also remembered the importance to balance giving and receiving.  So thank you for the opportunity to receive. I am worthy.

Well, I have never meditated this much in my life.  I had never felt breath like that in my body.  I never sat with so much silence.  And I never observed myself in this way.  You, plus this, gave all of this to me.  A gift beyond measure.  I don’t know if I would have been given this gift to myself, but you gave it so freely.     The way Quepasana is so brilliant is that it opened a doorway for me to confront my uncomfortableness with so much loving support and comfort possible. This gave me the courage to do this challenging and necessary 10-day event.  And have an experience of a lifetime.  What must it feel like for you to give this gift. You inspire me to want to find out.  You have shown me that it is possible to give in this way.  To create enough financial/spiritual success.  To create something like this is so incredible.  And the fact that you are an everyday person living in the real world.  Not some monk who does not have the outside pressures and still able to show it can be done.  They say “be the person you wish to see in the world” You have done that.  You also hold a powerful container that feels very safe.  The environment you have created here in this sacred space you hold in your heart, in your being made this all possible – so much possible.  Thank you for revealing the universe inside of me and each of us.

Just as the Buddha would modify his teaching for each student, Quepasana is a perfect way for these timeless teachings to effectively and radically bring about the epic evolution of humankind and the earth that is happening now.  This work is essential.  Oceans of gratitude.  The wheel of dharma is spinning here.  Thank you beyond words.


Mostly I join in the chorus singing heartfelt notes of gratitude and love.  Mahalo, thank you, Aloha.  Love! Alive… Inspired… For me the experience is about awareness, connection and growth.  Awareness, inner and outer, connection in community, sharing noble silence and growth through inner awareness.  Growing community. I have wanted to do Vipassana for a long time.  My former life as a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology was dramatically changed by traumatic spinal injury and failed surgery that left me in a wheelchair with intractable chronic pain.  MY healing path led me away from pain killers and dire prognoses.  To aquatic therapy, body work and Qi Gong.  I found freedom in the water and dedicated the last 8 years to mastering and giving watsu and other aquatic body work. (water dance, healing dance, and dolphin dance.) to others.   Thank you again to all the angels, servers, Galia Adam, Jorge.  Loving kindness, wellness, peace and ease, happiness and contentment.

As I sit looking out at the ocean, I wonder if the me from a few years ago could imagine the love I feel in my heart.  I was suffering deeply from PTSD.  My body could not handle it.  So I was soon diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder.  My joints stiffened and fear was my reality.  I just enjoyed over a week filled with Yoga.  I was able to sit with my eyes closed for hours.  Strangers became family.  What a gift.  Jorge, you created a place so filled with love, fear has no choice but to surrender.  The music, food, dancing, meditation, connection, and laughter shined light on all parts of my darkness.  I am so grateful.  Thank you for sharing your authentic self with the world and opening hearts.

Before Quepasana I felt like I was cooking in the dark.  Now I feel like I am eating straight from the garden of Eden.  Thank you.


I am sitting here crying feeling so much gratitude and love for you and Quepasana right now.  Thank you so much for the love that you share so freely with all of us.  I am deeply touched by your kind, generous and authentic heart.  I feel you brother.  Thank you. Quepasana has been a profound healing, nurturing and inspiring safe space for me during one of the most transformational periods of my life.  I don’t often show it to others, but I go through deep emotional pain and intensity that Quepasana has been such an incredible healing balm integrative space.  I always leave here feeling so refreshed, alive and brimming with love to share with the world.   I sat many course with you now and can safely say you are the real deal.  You really care, you really love us.  How lucky are we to be so enveloped, held and protected in the warm beautiful space of your heart?  Thank you for everything.




I am filled with such deep gratitude for all that you are and all that you do.  For living a life that is true to your Dharma, elevating all of our karma.  Shots of love felt all around the world, each and every boy and girl, transgender, unicorn rainbow swirl as we collectively congregate to intentionally meditate and bask in the light you cast upon this garden of Eden.  Mindfully pulling the ego for weeding, planting a garden of seedlings which will grow into loving kindness beings, letting go of the past, giving the future a chance to unfold naturally, ease so effortlessly, as it is.  Embracing my inner kid, I had forgotten how to live until you playfully showed me how to live, to embrace each moment, simply be here now.  Mahalo for showing up and refilling my love cup.  Helping me find humility by discovering equanimity with unconditional love.

Dearest Darling Angel,

I hope I am able to catch you before I leave, because I want to give you a huge bear hug for all you do.  You are a fantastic example of a woman leader who is dedicated to service while leading from the heart.  Balanced with discipline.  I am honored to be in your kitchen and learn from you.  Thank you for the countless hours you put in to ensure this bountiful gift accommodates each and every one of us.  You keep us all alive, literally.  I am in deep gratitude for you.







January 2019 (30 days!)


Dearest Star Child,

Wow, I am blown away.  Words cannot do justice for the profound level of love and gratitude exuding from my heart.  This experience has been easily the greatest blessing and gift I have ever received.    To have this much time to explore my consciousness, to play, to be nourished and expand has changed so much of me.  I have become more of who I truly am.  More of my soul, light and love.  I developed a completely new relationship with the sensations of pain, broke through many fears, blocks and cleared and felt through so much stuck energy in my body.   I have explored the depths of me and continue to blossom into all that I am. You lead from the light of your soul.  With such purity, devotion, power, humility and grace.  A true guiding light to carry us all back to love.  A steady pillar to help humanity awaken.  I hope you see the absolute magnificence, grace, generosity, unconditional love, radiant joy and integrity that you embody.  A rare and extraordinary gift to life.  And to be sharing this practice in this way with such an open heart and so generous with your abundance, time and energy awes me.  Your heart and the way you give helps people know god.  I feel so connected to the divine.  To the power of my heart, to peace, and have an overflow of love.  Thank you for everything you have done to support my becoming.  I am excited to be a part of this expansion and the emergence of this experience.  I know Quepasana is changing the world in the most beautiful way, from the inside out.  Helping us re-write our personal narratives so future generations can know freedom, peace and love. I know I am forever changed.  My heart, mind, my relationship to self and spirit.  I have been liberated time and time again and carried into the heart of love.  I feel like a garden and Quepasana is watering mine and other’s dharma.  Providing the perfect conditions for the light of the soul to be discovered.  For purpose to be found.  For consciousness to be raised, and for love to prevail.  Thank you to everything that made this experience possible.  To all those that served, made food, offered body work, every aspect of Quepasana is so full of love.  The beauty blows my mind.

Eternal love and gratitude.

Wow Jorge, I am amazed by your grace.  I am in love with your face.  You are a magical human creating the most precious space through so many days I sit completely amazed. Is this really my life? Can we really live this way?  30 days went by in a haze.  The greatest gift ever given, just because….  So I giggle in gratitude for the vibration raised in latitude.  I am in love with my life.  All of because of my new attitude.  Cruising at an epic altitude, I can see whales play and waves spray, birds sing and bells ring.  I am pretty sure it was all a dream I am waking up to a bubble of love.

PLAYHEART (Jorge)!!!

Words typically flow easily to me, but it has been basically impossible to write about the most potently profound journey I have ever experienced. Quepasana can absolutely NOT be captured on paper, but I will do my very best to share the infinite love and gratitude I have for all the little pieces that make up this BIG deep dive inward. Firstly, it is the TEAM PLAY that makes the DREAM PLAY! Right!? And how fun is it to replace all the "work" words with "play"?!

Play & Presence feel like the two most vital life intentions! And you my dear, embody them effortlessly ;)

At Quepasana it became crystal clear to me that I had been searching for EVERYTHING I desire out there...when truly EVERYTHING is right here, in the seat of my soul. Learning to trust every moment and trust my intuition. Listening quietly enough to hear the continual guidance. I have been committed to sitting 2 hours a day since I left Makena and it's been the best way to start the day and bring it to a close. I am infinitely inspired by QUEPASANA and every single superhero soul that contributed to bringing this dream REALITY to life!   Thank you Playheart for your endless devotion and generosity - I believe this offering is directly supporting the healing that is needed most in the world.   It's walking us home to our innate power, our true essence. Quepasana is a DNA code activation. We are turned on & tuned in to the medicine & magic we carry with us in every step.   We learn how to get HIGH on our OWN supply. Thank you for designing an experience where we can actually just BE Human Beings, rather than Human DOINGS. Grateful for the opportunity to MELT, SURRENDER, RECEIVE and WITNESS.

Quepasana is heaven on earth!  ALL the LOVE in ALL WAYS

Dear Jorge,

Thank you so much for doing such an amazing job nurturing and supporting us in our meditation practice this past month. The setting was so beautiful, the food was nutritional, the music was uplifting and your home was welcoming! Thank you again for all you did! Gratitude from the bottom of my heart for the love and kindness to you Jorge and the Jedi support team. I am still in silent mode these last few days after coming back to Canada, taking time to take in the profound insights and to integrate them all into the present.  Blessings!

Your 30-day meditation course was so well designed, balancing strict discipline from the core teaching of Vipassana, carefully selected senses awakening activities, and the experiential creative expressions in between. The month went by very quickly and it all felt so effortless. Dear Jorge, I have gone deeper in my meditation practice with you in a year than in my whole last decade of practice. The program truly works! You are a beautiful soul and a great teacher - the kind that leads by example; you inspired us to set the bar higher than we could have ever imagined it! My love and gratitude






Dearest Jorge and Quepasana team,

I have a confession. I have literally sat down for hours trying to find the words to thank you for this tremendously magnificent gift. The truth is words can't express the infinite depths of gratitude and love I have for you and everyone who who has helped bring your vision to life. What you have done here is phenomenal. Every day I find myself in awe with how masterfully this experience has been created. As a server I have had the opportunity to witness some of the behind the scenes magic. Watching you and Courtney carefully and artfully create the seating chart with such intention nearly brought me to tears. You really take the time to make sure every aspect, every single piece of this experience fits like a puzzle to create the masterpiece that is Quepasana. You can really feel the love in every detail. I feel honored to have had the opportunity to come back and serve. To offer healing touch to assist people in their journey within.  Your kindness is inspirational. You have truly devoted your life to helping others. To dedicate such a large portion of your life to this says a lot about you as a person. It motivates me to do more to share my gifts and help others. Thank you for your time and for sharing your paradise with all of us. I admire your wisdom, grace, integrity, playfulness/ lightheartedness, and your openness to incorporate so many healing practices into this practice. I appreciate your articulate, graceful, humble, and non-reactive responses to our questions/complaints/suggestions after gently asking us every night to save our suggestions for the end 🤣. You are incredible and I'm learning a lot from your presence. This experience is deeply healing my soul. I have been stuck in survival mode for so long that I have neglected to seek the healing I've been longing for. Since I was a little girl I've had this intense feeling in my soul. This feeling that my purpose is to help people. I see the pain and suffering in the world and I have this yearning to do something to help. This yearning turns into sadness when I feel powerless and unsure of how I can make a difference. I realize now that I can't effectively help others while in survival mode, coming from a place of depletion. If I want to contribute to the healing of humanity, I need to start with healing myself. The realization that by doing this alone I am effecting my loved ones in a positive way. My own evolution will have a ripple effect to those around me. Being here has allowed me to step out of survival mode. The sacred space you have created here... this deeply healing and safe space has provided me the opportunity to take a break from all the distractions and noise and just be with myself, in silence, in nature, and in love with life again. It has allowed me to do some SUPER DUPER profound internal work!!! Slowing down the wheels has really helped clear out a lot of the gook and has shown me a lot of my negative mind patterns. I think this is a vital part of the process of letting go of all that doesn't serve me. We are so well taken care of here that it allows us to really dive in. Taken care of is an understatement! We are downright spoiled here!!! 💛🙏🏾 I can't remember ever feeling this nurtured. I have been longing for deep connections and a sense of community for a while now. To have family. Being here the love is overwhelming. Regardless of the fact that we spend the majority of the time pretending we are here alone 😜, this place is surging with love, acceptance, and creativity. I've never met so many radiant, loving, genuine, talented, and kind beings in one place. I feel like I have finally found ohana here. This has been the most generous, monumentally life changing, meaningful and transformational gift I have ever received. How do you thank someone for impacting your life in such a profound way? When you asked me why I moved to Maui, I told you a few of the reasons, but honestly Quepasana was my main motivation. I learned about Quepasana at a pivotal point in my life where I had decided to stop surviving and to truly live my life to the fullest. To do whatever it takes to redirect my life to be in alignment with my passions. To dedicate my energy towards my healing and growth so I can find my purpose and help others. I was open and receptive but I wasn't really sure where to start. I was lacking the tools. Quepasana has provided me a tool that I will use for the rest of my life. Coming here is quite possibly the best decision I've made in my life. It is propelling me down the path I was seeking but wasn't finding before. This is the beginning of my journey. I can feel my walls dissolving and my stories transforming into excitement for what's ahead and an appreciation for the present moment. My tears have always come from of place of sadness, but at Quepasana I have experienced tears of joy for the first time in my life. I am overflowing with joy. This is the gift you have given me. My heart is bursting. My mind and my limits expanding. I am eternally grateful for everyone who contributes to making Quepasana possible. The fact that everyone involved volunteers their support makes it that much more special. Gratitude to the course managers. To Nadia for her loving and nurturing demeanor. To Matt for being hyper diligent/aware and somehow always magically being where he is needed. You were the perfect combination of masculine and feminine. For the bell ringers for loosing precious sleep and free time to keep us on track. To believe 2.0 for 24/7 tea and dedicating a large chunk of your breaks to replenishing the tea so that we never run out! Magic! To Mark and Jeff for keeping the land so pristine. To Courtney/Joy for gracefully stepping into your power as a leader.

My apologies for the novel. I'm just oozing with gratitude! And love... sooooooooooo much love!


This combination of sitting and equanimously observing my body and thoughts immediately contrasted with the stimulation of movement and sound, beauty and ocean, toys and fabulous food, back and forth again and again.  WOW.   The entire time with your gentle coaching reminding us to keep our awareness at the forefront, awareness of what this moment feels like, connecting to the feelings of my body, my soma, right here right now as it is.  I now take this grounded gift of body mind contrast awareness out with me beyond the gates of Ponomakena.  Now I walk with the choice of knowing when something is outside stimulation or if it’s all internal body/soma communication/sensation.    Now I have LOVE.




Dear Teacher, Dear Jorge,

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your example, for this practice of Vipassana, and for the chance you have given each one of us to make it completely our own. At the closing circle of the 30-day course, I started to talk a bit about what this all has meant to me.  Like many who spoke, I will never be able to express my gratitude fully through words.  I can only hope one day to fully express that gratitude through completing the transformation I am beginning here, through remaining within the grace that you have given me the gift to see and to taste firsthand. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.  From the whole heart.  The whole heart. I cannot find the words to express myself further without resorting to story, so I hope that you or someone else will get something out of me sharing a bit further now. When I attended my first 10-day Goenka course in 2016, I did not really know what I was in for.  I had attended 2 or 3 weekend meditation classes that were “silent” – Art of Living etc.  But I was completely overwhelmed by all that the Vipassana practice showed me was going on inside myself all the time.  At the same time, I was overwhelmed externally – I was overworked because I had martyred myself to service out of ego, rather than authentically embodying a service ethic.   I had allowed my boundaries to be broken by those closest to me, and I had given up control of not only my businesses but my own life as well. That first Vipassana course was the hardest thing I ever did in my life.  I got called into the teacher’s office several times for not being able to sit still.  I was terrified of what I would find when I did so. You know the general outline of what has happened to me since then.  In mid-2016 my business partner attempted to terminate me, something he did not have the legal right to do because we were 50/50 partners (or so I thought).  Ultimately I was squeezed out, and my ex-partner even used some of my own closest friends (at the time) against me to do it.   With this, I had lost not only my job, but also my company as well.  Since it was a community-driven organization and I lost my role, I felt ostracized from the community I myself built, and very alone.  I was also completely broke, in tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of credit card debt I had accrued when starting the company.  This caused me to lose the ability to pay my rent in San Francisco, and thus to lose my apartment as well.  I went from running a growing multi-million-dollar social enterprise company in SF at 27 to broke and homeless at 28.

At the time I did not have the strength, I was not whole enough to face what was happening.  I ran away, to Bali, with my girlfriend at the time (who had also worked at Hive with us and was also out of work).  I was so stuck in hurt, feeling so sorry for myself and lacking so much in purpose that I lost the love of my life through this time as well.  What should have been an enjoyable trip and an opportunity to realign and be resilient, plunged me into an even deeper hell inside myself.

This is when I came to my first Quepasana, in January 2017.  It was about 1 month after I lost my girlfriend, about 6 months after I lost Hive.  The 20-day course was an extremely difficult experience for me… I could not stop crying.  The only parts of my body that I could really feel were my left brain going down to the heart.  The rest was all a big numb painful mystery.

At this time, I felt so alone – I felt like I had lost my community and even my sense of self many times, on top of everything – for what we usually call the “self” is just another name for our reflection in others.  I felt like I could not open up to the friends I had who saw me as a strong CEO and leader in our community when I was going through a hard time myself.  I felt like I had broken my promises to our Hive community through what I saw as the failure of the business, and I could not bring myself to ask for the support of those people in that community because I felt like I had failed them myself.

After the 20-day course, I immediately had to move my remaining stuff out of my apartment in SF in preparation to move back to Buffalo because I did not see any other options.  I went through a “dark night of the soul” experience where all I could bring myself to do each day was to drive up Grizzly Peak in the Berkeley Hills, look across the Bay at San Francisco and cry for several hours in my car each day for about a month.  I was in denial of what I was facing.  I even attempted to live outside, camping in the Bay Area so that I would not have to move back in with my parents. I wound up getting rid of my car in SF, put all my stuff in storage in San Mateo and had to put my tail between my legs, ask my parents for a 401k loan of $20k, and move back in with my mom and dad and get a job driving Uber in Buffalo, working 16 hours a day driving, simply to pay my credit card bills each month. Moving in with my parents and asking them for money was the last thing I wanted to do.  I come from a working-class family – my dad worked as a union man in a grocery warehouse driving a forklift for 25 years while we were kids.  I was the firstborn and always supposed to be the “smart one” who would become wealthy and provide for the family. Moving in with my parents was the thing that brought me fully to my knees and brought me completely into the desire to surrender to a higher power.  Everything I had been trying to avoid my entire life was brought back right there every day for me to face – the emotional distance of my parents in their relationship and with us kids.  The callous way my family has come to communicate.  The emotional neglect and abuse that my dad has faced in his life and the times that he still even today visits those hurts on the rest of our family. I am very clear that I would not have been able to survive these times and hold onto my true self without Vipassana.  I did not feel I had any safe physical or emotional space of my own when living in my parents’ house – and I did not yet have a daily practice, but whenever I felt especially overwhelmed, I would go out to my car, drive to a deserted place (even in the middle of the icy Buffalo winter), close my eyes and meditate until I felt better.  I would do this all hours, in the early morning or in the middle of the night.  I would meditate and I would do Sufi Grinds in my car in between giving Uber rides. I worked driving Uber for almost a year until I found an attorney willing to represent my side of the Hive case on a contingency-fee basis. Vipassana is the only thing that helped me hold onto who I am and my own sanity and the truth during a time when everything I knew was being questioned. Whenever I would give tourists a ride from the Buffalo Airport up to Niagara Falls, I would stop and park by the river gorge and meditate to the sound of the river rushing over the edge. My entire awareness began to shift.  I began to perceive through experience that all the travails and trials I was having externally are a reflection of the internal turmoil that I have been carrying my whole life.  I began to perceive that I am the only one who can be responsible for my healing – and yet, to begin to move past all of the Catholic guilt and shame that had typified my prior grieving processes. I began to have synchronistic and transcendent experiences.  I began to feel the presence of God in my meditation and in songs.  I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel – the light that is the tunnel.

One of my good friends became my attorney on a contingency-fee basis.  We began to fight for my rights, and for what is right.   I received some litigation finance to allow me to have the funds to live while pursuing the case.

Since then, I spent an entire year with the litigation being my full-time job.  When I entered this, people said it would be draining; I said no matter, I have the right motivations.  Well, it has been more draining than I could have ever imagined – it has been divisive, ego-centered, and it has been the act of tearing down rather than the unifying, service leadership, and building up which are my destiny and my passion.

The chance to sit last May, and again now in January – after we just settled the case in December –  Teacher, I am so grateful that I will remain in this gratitude forever.  I had thought that the settlement would be the light at the end of the tunnel, the silver lining inside the cloud of what I went through.

But in truth, it is Vipassana and Quepasana that has truly shown me the silver lining of that cloud.  Because it is Quepasana that has shown me that the silver lining – the golden light – was inside me the entire time.  It was always mine.  It never left. And Quepasana has shown me that there is always a community of “people changing the world” out there – made up of all of those in the world sangha who are deeply committed to self-discovery and self-growth, and having fun while doing it. I count myself fortunate to have seen my potential and to have known for some time now what I can achieve through this life.  But I did not know before your model how to truly stand in my power.  I thought that standing in my power was to see what I am capable of and then either forcing those things to happen sooner, or avoiding things that would keep my ego visions from manifesting “perfectly.”

I am seeing now that the most powerful thing one can do is to see and to know your own power, and then to surrender that power to a higher intelligence, the higher intelligence within this moment and every moment.  I had thought that service was some grandiose thing that required a lot of thinking and planning.  I see now that true service is a lot more immediate.  It requires more listening than talking, more sitting than running, more receptivity and openness and true strength than demanding and forcing and avoiding and rigidity.  More allowing and aligning than creating separation through thoughts.

Thank you for showing me how to begin again to truly stand in my power.  Thank you for giving me the gift of believing in me at a time when I lost belief in myself.  Thank you for showing me what is inside me. The thirty-day sit was incredibly transformative for me.  I had developed a lot of bad meditation habits meditating in my car and sitting alone.  What a privilege to sit with all of the incredible beings that were gathered in January.  It was a humbling experience that I will truly cherish as long as I live, and probably longer.  I feel like a whole different person than I did just one month ago. This experience has shifted me greatly.  I now feel capable of a simple daily practice of my own, and have kept it going in meditating at least 1 hour per day since leaving Ponomakena.  I am now committed to this practice every day through 2019, which is something I never thought I would be able to say. I look forward to sitting as much as possible this year as I move into what’s next.  As you have said and as I’ve learned through my recent travails, entrepreneurship is a deep reflection of oneself.  What a true privilege, then, for me to be able to come to sit at this crucial transitional point in my life, transforming my consciousness with each breath.  I know that each breath is bringing me closer to the clarity I will need as I flow back into material creation again.  I know that the intention I am bringing to healing will be reflected in the early days of my next business, and ultimately brought to scale. I can feel a lot more of my body now than I could when I sat the 20-day course, or even last May when I sat with Quepasana.  In January 2017 I felt nothing below the heart… back in May 2018, I could not feel anything below about the 2nd or 3rd chakra… I could not feel center point at all.  During this January course, I was able to feel center point for the first time ever.  I can feel so much more of my body now than I could two years ago – it is an incredible gift, and I am so very grateful to you that it brings me to my knees writing this.

I have gained so much insight and self-knowledge through diving into those places that had been dark as night.  What an incredible journey back to the light it has been thanks to you and the Quepasana ohana, and may it continue to be. Please know that I am and will always be available to do whatever I am capable of doing in service to this community and you personally.  Only say the word and I am there.  And please know through my actions that I am committed to be what I am capable of being. I look forward to seeing you and sitting with you again soon, and always. My very best indeed.  Deep and repeated bows.


As I write you I am in touch with a level of wellness and stability… Loving kindness, peace and ease that pervades.  This feeling of wellness has been growing in me since my first Quepasana 2 ½ years ago.  At that time, I would not say I was suicidal, but I was having suicidal thoughts because the suffering I was experiencing had become nearly unbearable.  After witnessing a friend die in the ocean, I blamed myself in part for his death, I began a sharp decline in mental and physical health.  The PTS started with insomnia and then progressed to migraines and an anxiety disorder and full body pain.  Every joint in my body became riddled with inflammation, so I was literally in tremendous stabbing pains from head to toe.  I remember one morning telling my business partner that I felt like I was dying.  Now looking back, it seems like I would have died a premature death from some health complication.  With deep reverence, Jorge I thank you and your dedication to Quepasana helped me get my life back.  With love.


To Jorge @Quepasana:

You are changing people’s lives with giving such a profound experience. Not only the people that are here attending but so many other beings that once we leave and interact with others, spreading the love and light that we are retrieving from this sacred space of yours.  It’s the rippling effect of how consciousness is spreading and awakening so many others.  I would say this is a dream come true, but this was never a dream. I did not think this was real, or even knew I would end up at such a place like this doing this kind of work. You are very loved and appreciated by all of us that are here doing the first 30-day silent course ever!  Thank you for helping me with this manifestation!

Holy Guacamole!... and everything else…  Everything is holy!  The joy, the pain, the silence, the laughter, the anger, the tenderness, the innocence, all holy, like a cheese cloth.  Tiny little holes in everything.  So that all can breathe or be breathed. love like oxygen!  Dance like wind!  Sing like sunset! Play like it is both impossible and inevitable to lose… that may be how you win.  I love you.

Generally, I only share this with a select few people I believe will be able to "get it" without thinking I'm crazy or Pollyanna.  Since this is anonymous and since this crowd will all probably say "of course!" here goes.... For the past year or so I've been having a certain "knowing" that a new way of "earning a living" is arriving on this plane.  In this vision no longer do we humans have to struggle and suffer and slave doing jobs we don't like and creating more energy of misery.  We do not have to "earn" our right to "live."  We are here.  We are deserving of all the blessings this dimension offers just by virtue of being created (or volunteering to come here).  It is our BEING and our vibration that is our service and our gift.  Throughout our days we are guided to wherever the particular flavor of God that we embody can be most helpful; It may be simply running into someone on the street and uplifting them with our smile, giving them hope, or counseling a friend, or maybe we enjoy going incognito like Socrates in "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" and working at a gas station affecting the lives of all who pass through.  Regardless of what we wind up DOING, it is simply our BEING, our vibration, our light that is our service.  And, in this vision, there is no need for compensation.  i.e. If I give you a massage when you are in pain, you do not need to pay me, or even trade anything.  I am completely supported by the Universal Being that I am and that support comes from all different directions (also, just different representations of me), and in whatever ways are needed, and not necessarily from the one I just helped. I've felt this coming so strongly.  At the same time, there are some very deeply rooted beliefs of undeservingness, unworthiness, life is struggle, poverty consciousness that have been a barrier, preventing this vision from gaining momentum in my experience. People have described the experience here at Quepassana as "incredible."  The Latin root "cred" means "believe".  It's unbelievable that this level of generosity exists in this world.  But it does.  You've brought it forth.  So my huge gratitude for this enormous gift you've given us, includes all of the many reasons everyone has already expressed, and beyond.  The fact that Quepasana exists in this dimension means that my vision is NOT just Pollyanna fantasy (which my mom would say if I told her about it.)  It's real.  And because THIS exists, my faith in my vision is strengthened, which I know is more fuel for it to keep manifesting in more and more ways. Thank you, Jorge, for doing the unbelievable! My whole life I've had this feeling of being unsupported, not fully provided for.  This month at Quepasana has shifted and healed that limiting core wound belief like nothing else ever could.  And it is so inspiring to have a living example of the laws of giving and receiving.  Jorge, you are giving in such an immense way, from your heart, with no strings or agenda, and Source is giving right back to you by filling you up with boundless joy and love!  As you radiate these qualities, you are also giving with your BEING. Your vibration is uplifting for all who know you!

I feel so very blessed to have gotten to enjoy this magical place for an entire month, to have soaked up all of your teachings and been part of the field we created.  It's rare to meet someone so wise with so much humility, humor and lightheartedness.  Thank you, Jorge, for nurturing our souls, igniting our spirits, encouraging our creativity, and training legions of love-vibration Jedi whose winged hearts are now soaring all over the world spreading the love. May you be forever blessed! So much love

Jorge (Quepasana),

What a delicious surprise.  Sweet tears accompany my love and gratitude for you and this experience.  This past month marks a chapter where I felt the most love ever in my life.  I did not know it was possible to sustain it authentically.  I always imagined, believed and hoped that I could live in a world where people were invested in such a thing.  You know, the funny thing is I did not anticipate Quepasana to be it.  I have done a couple Vipassana courses and some other serious silent spiritual endeavors.  And I found merit and usefulness in them in my path.  But after 2 years on the waitlist, I got to come and explore myself in the sweetest tenderness.  My heart has expanded to infinity.  I came soldiered up and prepared for battle to wrestle with my shit.  But my armor had no use here.  The layers of striving and doing and taking care of and attempting to control everything outside of me has significantly peeled away. They are in an effective state of disassembly. Underneath the tenderest parts of me that I did not know existed because they went into hiding so long ago, were able to see the light, feel the light of love actually.  I simply had no clue what I had signed up for.  It’s funny to say out loud, but I had to learn to receive this opportunity, this authenticity.  There was so much protective scaffolding around my heart.  I thought my heart was open before arriving.  I felt content, generally upon coming to Quepasana.  I feel more deeply now and aware that the depth has no end.  Angels like you and all the fellow servers and sitters are the inspiration to live, practice and love more fully.  I don’t think words will suffice to describe my love and appreciation.  I noticed the details of y’alls thoughtfulness.  I noticed the courage and grace and positivity you all embody.  I see you, because I feel you, and I feel so connected and seen because you all are so sentient and embodied yourselves that you feel in my truest form.  I did not expect this experience to be so tender and offer me a profound journey of self-love, feeling into all the fractured textures of self, training my awareness with gentleness has me walking this earth more whole, resolved, integrated and embodied with love shining through.

One breath work rebirthed me, the creative expression allowed me to explore my inner child. And through Vipassana meditation, the stillness, the great mystery that we all got to sit with free of distractions and with exceptional anchors and fellow practitioner overhauled my whole reality.  I feel so blessed.  Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo. The light that is pouring through me will fuel my sitting practice with gusto, of course.   More than seated, however, I feel full to give and share the light in the world.  I honor the flowing generosity that you channeled in Quepasana, and like each sunset, gives my heart the sensations of beauty like the whales’ breath tickles me with delight.  Like the ocean humbles and polishes me right up.  Like you offer Vipassana.  There is no expectation of return. Freely offered, freely given.  Easefully flowing for all to experience.  I intend to flow and to offer and make love with creation thanks to you.  Oh yes, and the last thing I did not expect.  I did not expect Jorge to be such an outstanding feature and teacher of this experience.   In Goenka Vipassana I never asked any questions of the teachers and therefore never connected with them.  Jorge, you are anchoring and embodying a practice of living as a full expression of love.  Poise with levity and discipline.  Full of loving kindness.  My cells are happy and filled with the purest love which I received from the yummiest food. Her heart is the most delectable and grandest I have ever felt. I intend to serve future courses. Quepasana and the world with all I have witnessed, absorbed and now embody. Mahalo Kea Kua.  I love you.  Peace be with you.

I know you have heard this a million times.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  God and goddess made love and became one within me.   They became me.  My sovereignty blossomed from the inside out.  The chalice of my heart is filled and overflowing.  No longer am I half empty, looking for someone to fill my heart.  Reaching out like a beggar with a half empty cup.  This is a journey of discovering heaven within.  I came as a disintegrating, dying caterpillar, and I left as a butterfly.  I saw the mind digging up the past suffering to challenge and take me out of the present.  Why go there?  Here in paradise I can create hell, and fortunately in hell I can now create heaven. All it takes is awareness and equanimity.

Jorge and Libby,

I honor and love you both so much.  And deeply honor this time of noble silence as well.  It is a powerful and potent container that we are being held in.  Me and my baby are so grateful to experience such presence together.  I truly cherish every moment I see and feel your hearts as we all keep diving deeper into love.  Thank you from the bottom of my ever expanding heart.  It was such a lovely surprise to see a tiny baby sheepy cloud.   For the tiny baby Jedi angel.  Thank you thank you thank you.  I love you I love you I love you, so much.  I want to express, but I am just so grateful to have you in our lives.  Love you so much Ohana.  What a beautiful and blessed life we get to live. Forever humbled by love and gratitude.

Dear Jorge,

I offer such sincere and profound gratitude to you for the exquisite gift of Quepasana.  This epic sanctuary has helped me to finally unclench and relax my jaw.  I descend from several generations of teeth grinders and TMJ sufferers.  On both sides of my family.  I thought it was just a normal and painful part of my life.  Doctors just give you a mouth guard.  Just a band aid.  I used to have so much tension in my jaw that I was addicted to chewing on the inside of my cheeks until they were raw and bloody.  All that energy needed an outlet.  So I was eating myself alive.  Gross I know.  And sad. Although I have finally quit this neurotic habit.  Before my first Quepasana, I still felt the strange need and desire lurking in the shadows.  I had not fully realized how much anxiety my mind was generating.  Now my cheeks are smooth as silk and I continue to relax and let go more each day.  Quepasana has helped me find such a liberation.  I feel such joy and freedom in my mind body and spirit.  The profound peace I feel brings tears of joy to my shining eyes.  It seems I was afraid to really let myself out.  All those damned up songs and stories wanting to come out.   But only had an intermittent outlet.  No wonder I was chewing myself to bits. My songs and stories now flow like an abundant river.  Thank you for helping me access my glorious gifts.  I feel like I am liberating generations of my ancestors and healing my family line.  My mother is 66 and still chews her cheeks.   I feel this practice and epiphany can help her too.  Thank you thank you thank you.  I am filled with inspiration and dedicate my life to be of service to peace. To help others free their voices and share their gifts and songs.  I feel this deep medicine within me and my gifts.  I am so grateful to feel so empowered to share them in the world.  With infinite love and gratitude.  I hope you enjoyed this quepasanote.  More to come.

Dearest Jorge,

I just want to take a moment to express my gratitude to you.  Every day I am blown away by your generosity.  I am loving all the new additions, from the light up toys to the renovations in the ladies’ room.  Especially the new squatty potties in all the stalls.  I was already feeling so much excitement before the creative expression portion of this course and then I saw all the goodies you got for us.  WOW!!!  It’s one thing to allow us to take so much time in the day to create, but to also supply us with top notch paper, prisma color pencils, paints, glitter, coloring books and so many other goodies, It’s really going above and beyond.  You are truly spoiling us!!!  I brought plenty of my own art projects, but I was just so touched that you did all that for us.  What a treat.   I know there were some of us who did not bring much to work on.  They must be super stoked.  I brought a ton and I am so stoked.  Quepasana just keeps getting better.  I have so much love and appreciation for you and all that you do to make this experience so juicy. Feels like heaven here.  So much love.


I guess it’s kinda like Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory here.  But instead of a fantasy paradise for chocolate lovers, here we have a fantasy paradise for hippies who love to meditate.  I enjoyed glancing at Jorge during the mid-morning play time when everybody is exercising or playing with flow toys or dancing, and watching him experience great joy from this amazing creation of his.  Every detail thought out.  I am in so much gratitude to have one of the most beautiful and nurturing places in the world to do my internal work in.  I have had some meditations where I have gone deep into my body and felt its guarding against experience, and witness all the mental maneuvers I manufactured to escape this moment.  While then shortly thereafter, breathing to open more fully to sensation to what is here in this moment.  Birds chirping, waves crashing, and then to open to sensations in my body that had been buried.   In deepest gratitude to this creation.  Thank you Jorge.

Dear Jorge, I am gratitude.  I am peace.  I am well.  A deep, clean, pure and bottomless well. Overflowing and quenching an infinite thirst with cool refreshing liquid light.  I have received the greatest gift of all.  My own presence.  I am free.  I never believed I would be able to say those words and really mean them.  Now I feel them with an embodied knowing that brings tears of joy to every cell.  Thank you for introducing me to Reginald Ray.  Thank you for this amazing gift to go so deep within myself.  In humble gratitude.  Forever at your service.

Infinite gratitude goes out to Jorge, Jeff and all the other beautiful beings that came together to make this dream a reality.  I would have never thought I would want to meditate.  Turns out I do and I love it.  It is fascinating.  You can learn about yourself when you give yourself the time to do so.  Thank you for creating such a love filled space allowing us to go deep inside.  I laughed, I cried and felt all the feelings with equanimity.  My roots have grown deeper.  And I am standing taller than ever.  I will for sure maintain a healthy practice. And will also be inviting my friends and community to join.

Dearest Jorge,

What sweeter more beautiful gift could one offer me than to illuminate the path to union with my own heart.  This is what it is to change the world.  This work you are doing with us all.  We are evolving human and collective consciousness.  Taking steps towards the united awakening of all.  Thank you for seeing and sensing this.  Thank you for answering the call.  Thank you for inviting us to come make a life with you these 30 days.  My life is entirely changed.  The wind is stirring things up. Agitating the tides of change.  The trees dance back and forth.  The sails of their trunks growing more resilient in the face of forceful breeze.  I too am growing more resilient.  I witnessed the dance of the strength that moves through me, reaching up from descendant spaces of the earth, through my roots and pumping up my stem, reaching through my leaves to sip in the might of the sun.  It appears I am growing a spine, a spine by which one day I may flower.  I feel my buds forming, my gifting and offerings for this world beginning to peek out and pray to be nurtured.  It is the desire of my heart to offer my spirit and gifts to this path.  To aid those who walk before, after and beside me.  Thank you for leading the way for so many of us.  It is an ecstatic delight to set my roots within this garden you have tended, and to intertwine my roots with as many divine souls who have gravitated toward your essence.  All we must do is witness, to feel the insects come and go, the blossoms open, the flowers wilt, the seeds drop and the high vibes planting themselves anew to the 100th degree, spreading faster and faster than one single heart could imagine.  What a beautiful way to be in this world.  My heart is overflowing with loving gratitude.  I offer it all to you and let it keep pouring through.  My beloved teacher.  With love.




It always seems difficult for me to find the right words to say after a course, to genuinely and authentically describe my gratitude in its entirety.  What you are actively creating here on this land deep within each unique yet collective soul is changing the world.  Your ability to stand in your dharma so fully is incredibly inspiring and motivating to many I am sure.  And definitely for me.

I have worked through so much the past 28 days here, in this sacred love bubble that you have cultivated.  Layers on layers I met myself many times over, especially the last 10 days.  When I say met myself I mean the sacred oneness that is all, that I am within.  I got deep clarity on my own path of service and hope to one day lead a life even half as potent as yours, serving communities all over the globe with loving kindness.  Thank you for believing in me and seeing me as worthy of receiving such an amazing gift.  No one has ever given me anything nearly as beautiful and profound as Quepasana in my entire 29 years “in this body”. May you continue to radiate your infectious, playful, silly, goofy and beautiful spirit to all those blessed to cross your path.  I am excited to continue to watch your vision expand and grow into the magnanimous reality it is destined to be.  You are making the world a better place with every minute, hour, day, week, month of your courses.  And the endless multitude of ripples that each cast as we individually take what we have cultivated and sown here.  Back out to the rest of the world. Mahalo for your endless and unwavering generosity.  Unconditional loving kindness, bright bubbly soul.  I am eternally to have you and this new world.  (the real world) in my life.  I love you to the great big full moon casting its silver shadow over the ocean and back.  Let’s keep sitting, quietly on our mats until we blast off to outer space!  See you in the cosmos.  Love always always.





Mahalo for this gift.  Quepasana seems, to me, to be the gift that never stops giving.  This course was so very different as the opportunity for everyone to express their own unique creative endeavors brought a whole new experience to the table.  I was even able to see a side of you I had yet to witness.  What pure transparency was to view you in such a state.  Daily you brought a smile to my face and warmth to my heart.  Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing not only the playful side of you but also for the stories you shared about your life outside of the course.  You are an amazing human being!  I am truly honored to sit with you and dive deep in your presence and with other Jedis as well.  I am and will be eternally grateful for this opportunity. Jedis, keep up the hard work!  You are all truly amazing one-of-a-kind beings. I am blessed to have been in your divine light.  Love and light

What a wild month!  First off, I am one of the most blessed human beings on the planet having spent the past month here. Thank you Jorge for deciding to offer this home, time and money for the creation of Quepasana.  It was so good to be unplugged from devices and screens for a month.  Just that alone is so beneficial.  The noble silence thing has been interesting for me.  Entering into the month I did not think it would be an issue.  And it was not for the first 10 to 15 days.  Then a couple things happened.  I started having a lot of desire to connect with people, which is a very sweet feeling.  One that I want to live from.  The second thing that happened was my reaction to witnessing other people break noble silence.  That is when I had the opportunity to witness some shadow pieces come up. One of which is my internal terrorist.  I had a loving opportunity to get to know this part of myself better.  I did a good job of withholding the attachment to my projections while still seeing them.  And experiencing them intensely.  It has been so interesting being around so many people for so long and not communicating through words.  I am looking forward to what my connection will be with some of the people here.  I definitely had a Quepasa Crush.  I have a friend who has done many extended silent retreats and remembers that he mentioned that it could be common for this occurrence. I am grateful I was forewarned. Another extremely important piece of the experience was the food. My belly and digestion feel so much better.  I think my body really likes dairy free and gluten free.  So I will be making some changes to what I consume when I leave.  I also started playing towards the end of the course with intermittent fasting eating dinner on some days.  And consumption in general is something I want to decrease in my life, especially of things that are not nourishing to any of my senses.  Media especially.  I was able to witness mood shifts and that impact of how I saw the world and myself.  I also had a wonderful experience with Wim Hof breathing.  My psycho emotional state which shifts significantly through the practice.   And my thought, oh my thoughts about everything.   I am not even going to follow that tangent right now. I am grateful that reading materials were allowed and all books I used were very helpful.  I am incredibly grateful for my friend Daniel for getting me to this amazing 30-day experience.  The world definitely needs more time breathing, being and slowing down.  But we also have some healing to do to support the process. May my healing and all of our healing here for the past 30 days contribute to the healing of many others.  I love us and I love you.

Dearest Quepasana family,

Holy Buddha!  30 days is a very long time.  Long enough to sail across the ocean, to train for a marathon or to dive deeper within yourself than you ever knew was possible. After these30 days I feel like I summited a mountain in an infinite mountain range.  I am so humbled by the vastness that dwells within us.  Through my practice here I have come to realize that I have been running all my life from challenge and potential and the unknown but through experiencing my inner world I now have the strength to realize that the unknown is not as scary.  In fact, the unknown depths of myself is the place where I have found the most solace, the most peace and it is profound in the most minute ways.  It is so different from the way I have been conditioned to experience life. The community of people that has formed through mostly silence is one of the gentlest, caring and loving community I have ever encountered.  Going to show that not only do we not need language to love each other, but this way of life encourages a deeply peaceful aura for everyone that surrenders to it.  I am so proud to call myself part of the Quepasana family.  I will be back time and time again. In between the courses I will be maintaining a steady practice and trying my very hardest to inspire others by being the embodiment of loving kindness, peace, wisdom and happiness.

All of this is thanks to Jorge and the diligent team of Jedis.  Watching Jorge for the last month has redefined what I consider to be humanity and compassion.  Jorge wakes up in the morning with a childlike energy and wonder that outstands.  A generosity that inspires and an acceptance of life that encourages.  After being in his presence I have felt a deeper love for humankind than I would have ever imagined.  And I feel deeply privileged to call him my teacher.  This experience that he spends his livelihood and life cultivating is an embodiment where growth, creativity and the gifts of true self are cultured, cherished, upheld and encouraged.   Down to every last detail.  What you guys are creating here is an absolute miracle!  I simply cannot wait to see how my hidden gifts can benefit my Quepasana family.  I think the whole world needs to know about Quepasana.  Learn how to truly accept ourselves and each other and that is the way.  Cannot wait to feel all that!

The Quepasana family will forever live in a place in my heart I never knew existed.  “Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds.  And wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind, to walk safely through the maze of human life.  One needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue” -- Buddha.

PS.  Notes for the struggling pilgrim:  It is not easy for everyone who does it, but the work you are doing is supported by thousands of your ancestors and millions of organisms are depending on you to do it.  Something unknown or forgotten about yourself may awaken.  Trust, keep going, even if your efforts seem ineffable. Keep it simple and primary.  Truth, awareness, revelation, peace and splendor await.  All my love.

Just a few things on my gratitude list: The total design of the month, The total design of the day, The routine, The peaceful location, The privacy of the cabin, The access to the swimming and snorke, The chi machines flow toys and wing, The quality blankets and bolsters, The quality of the speakers in the shala, The body work and Yin assist, The well-kept grounds and furniture, The soft green lawn, The nice bathroom and shower facilities,  Your trust with your kayaks and sailboat, The whale sightings, The baby beach trips “game changer”, The punctual schedule, The simplicity of it all, The generous gift of attendance, Q and A, The movie and the music nights, 30 minute roll your own, The dances with lights,  Your patience with teaching, The pure container, The field that is created of love, The breath work realms (HUGE), The voice activations, The circular breathing workshop, The bell system, Your playful nature and jokes, Your transparency and willingness to share, Example of health and vitality, maturity, The books, The CBD, The natural products and soaps, The super clean environment, The incredible activating music, The singing bowls, flutes and chimes, The body rollers and self-massage gear, Your openness to let others into your home, Your willingness to let others play your hang drum, The hammocks, and The opportunity of a lifetime here on Maui. Thank you for everything seen and unseen.

I know I hardly know you but I seriously love you so much.  And not just because you make us delicious treats to cheer me up when I need it most. I ran out of chocolate and kick myself for not scouring it better and not eating it with a banana.  And then you gave me that banana chocolate milk and that delicious goody tonight.  So good.  I have been craving a moist pastry and that hit the spot.  I love how excited you get when you make us a special surprise.  You guys are amazing!



Thank you for creating a gorgeous sanctuary for all of us to enjoy.  The bidet is a radical surprise. I am grateful for all you do.


This is the awakening experience of my dreams. I was gifted my perfect timing for this perfect course right when it really mattered.  My prayers were answered, and you answered them.  My life begins as Believe 2.0.  Put me into Kipahulu Frog, play the most favorite music.  Whisper to me to let go, even if just for a moment.  What do you think will happen?  Add the location of my beloved Maui and Makena and the life touching generosity of the program and the innovation of the schedule and offerings, you have a spaceship to heaven.  You have the perfect recipe for no excuse not to go deep.  A personalized, eloquently delivered invitation from spirit to dive within.  Every detail thought of offering, so pure it beckons the spirit to re-emerge.  Just how good life can really be.  That is what is really all about.  A once in a lifetime opportunity to meet and welcome a more woke self.  I needed 30 days.  I needed the simplicity and silence.  I am awake to a responsibility to be my full expression and I am ready to walk the path you have so gracefully led by example.  I am devoted to the awakening of my brothers and sisters.  And I am here to serve as a steward of the light and the land in a good way.  Thank you for answering the calling to lead this revolution.  You have recruited me to do the same. I am excited for a lifetime of our paths crossing again.  I feel you are family and together we are home.   Mahalo for the rich field of magic at the unforgettable legendary Quepasana.  This is it.  I believe.




Wow.  You are a true Jedi Master.  I am in deep gratitude for your loving profound and powerfully insightful Jedi training.  These past 30 days I feel like a new person.  Your generous spirit of sharing this gorgeous property with all of the Jedi masters is profound.  Training us to be more present to what is now and assisting us to wake up to our own brilliant true selves. Your dedication and graceful presence has helped me awaken more to my brilliant spirit within.  I love busted through layers of rage, sadness, judgements dramas, fears and doubts.  I feel lighter, my body is in excellent condition, my mind feels more free and my emotions are warmly embraced instead of stuffed down into my gut of isolation.  The training is key for human awakening.  I had a profound kayak ride with a baby breach about 20 times when you were sailing with Courtney.  Thank you for providing delicious food, our own private cabins, instruments and devices to help our practices and condition our bodies to be stronger.    The books to read helped to inspire and congeal what you are teaching us in the Shala.  Being so close to the ocean supported the reunion with the divine through all the elements so boldly expressed, here at Ponomakena. You give from a deep well of generosity and kindness.  I truly am in awe of your loving kindness, and courage to help all of us to awaken to more of the magnificence within.  I want to be a strong part in educating others about this and supporting the community of QuepasaAngels that are emerging from these programs. Let me know how I can be more helpful to all the continued successes of these important Quepasana trainings.  I love you and appreciate you deeply.







December 2018

Dearest Jorge,

Words cannot describe the profound level of gratitude, love and admiration I have for you and Quepasana.  This experience has changed the trajectory and fabric of my being for the rest of my life.  Thank you for your boundless love, generosity and purity of heart.   You are a true leader, one that guides people to discover their own inner truth.  I feel like I have been gently carried into the infinite depths of unconditional love.  And within Quepasana I will continue to unravel into my truest essence.  Thank you greatly for allowing me to serve people in their tender moments and offer sound to support their journey in.  Every single aspect and detail of this experience is infused with such care, attention and love.  I am in awe with who you be, and the embodiment of unconditional love that you are.  The sacred space that is created has allowed me to let go and to come home.  To loving all parts of myself, to returning to nature and the infinite, to being nurtured, to expanding my heart and my mind.  You are a living breathing inspiration on so many levels to my in so many ways.  I know this is just the beginning of our journey.   You are now, and will continue to change my life for the better.  I am forever grateful, humbled and honored to walk this path shining with you. This work is the revolution from the inside out.  The ripples from this experience I feel are “fractaling” out from this experience to all the planet.  Thank you for holding this vision, living your dharma, and doing it all with such ease, grace, humility, integrity and truth.   Gratitude for the land that so gloriously holds here and works with healing, clearing and composting all that isn’t serving.  Gratitude to all the Jedis putting their hearts and souls into making this experience so impeccable. I am grateful for everything that has led to these Quepasanas being possible.  What a gift, breathing gratitude into all that I am and offering my greatest thanks to everything that brings Quepasana to life.  All my love and gratitude.



It feels as though it was just yesterday you and Libby were in Kipahulu at Laulima stand drinking their infamous coffee and telling me of the dreamland you are currently manifesting.  To be able to experience the magic you have created is beyond sensational.  It has indeed taken me a while to make my way here after your invitation years ago.  However, the timing was divine.  To finally be at a place to receive the blessing of this gift I was inherently able to fully receive the experience when it was needed most. My time here has challenged me in ways I did not know was needed. With that being said, I feel the most grounded version of myself.  Who knew all I needed to do was be quiet for a long while and “roll around on the earth...?” Ha!  I will definitely continue to put what I learned here into a daily practice with clarity and grace.  Your gift of giving is beyond priceless.  Thank you for creating and providing a safe space to go deep within and put the skills you learned throughout your life into practice.  Thank you for this gift and doing all the work you do.  Silence was truly golden.

Dear Jorge,

It’s truly inspiring to see someone living their truest dharma with such a joyful open heart and a vastly expanded spirit of generosity.  I have the deepest gratitude and appreciation for all you shared with us.  I feel open, expanded, enriched and deeply transformed by my experience here.  The practice is profound, and I feel like a different being than the one that arrived here a week ago.  It’s a coming home to myself, to my true nature.  Your joyful presence is so contagious and alive in the land here.  The mana of this land is incredible.  I felt embraced by love and joy the moment I arrived.  Everything began to soften. The attention to detail and your dedication to that is deeply touching.  Caring for us in so many ways and on so many levels with such loving support I feel I have been able to touch into some of the deepest places in my being and let go of so much. The world needs this right now and your vast generous spirit is an inspiration to us all to step up and make a difference.  Such a spirit of unconditional giving gives me faith in our future and just knowing this is not only possible but it’s here, alive and growing.  If we all open to such joyful generous awakened nature what a beautiful world it can be.  May all of our awareness awaken and continue to light up the universe.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  With the deepest gratitude and respect.

If you are desperately seeking to unlock the secret to life’s meaning, come to Quepasana.  Where you find the key.

Jorge and Jedi volunteers,

The gratitude I feel is beyond words.  Can you feel that.  ☺  thank you from the bottom of my heart for the great care that you put into every moment.  I could relax and immerse myself fully into the meditations because of the sacred container you each helped create.  I was most nervous coming into this wondering if my body was going to suffer and be in pain all the time sitting.  I am happy to report because of the well placed variety of movement and stretching that my body feels great.  I also appreciate the times of lightness, laughter and joy throughout.  I am leaving feeling lighter, more comfortable and powerful in my body and being.  I feel great peace and clarity.  All that I have learned and experienced here I am taking with me and will share with others.  I am eternally grateful for this gift you have given me and so many others.  Massive love and blessings to you all.


You are a joyous being of light.  What an honor to be in your presence.  Your generosity, thoughtfulness, compassion, love and care is astounding.  My deepest gratitude for welcoming me into your home.  Allowing the space, cultivating the environment, nurturing my body and feeding my soul.  I will leave these grounds as a new person.  An awakening ember sparked by your flame.  In this moment my spirit is beaming and I know I have been given all the tools to stoke my fire thanks to you.  Forever indebted.  You are a legend.  With all my love and aloha.  Quepasana:  For those to seek to find a path home.  Quepasana is home.

Dear teacher,

I have a vivid memory of being in the 4th grade and having the realization that I was not present in my body.  I would pinch myself and say “wake up!  Your life is happening now and you are missing it.” I have spent most of my life since then trying to figure out how to live a place of presence in my body.   It has taken my down many paths and rabbit holes.  Picking up different nuggets of wisdom along the way.  I gravitated towards outer outdoor adventures and sports because those activities forced me into presence, while at the same time connected me with nature.  And now, I find myself on the last day of Quepasana feeling alive in my body, my cells drinking in the awareness of my experience in this moment.  I AM HOME!  It turns out I did not need to keep pinching myself.  I just needed to sit in this silence and feel all of it.  ☺.  The Quepasana experience was the most physically grueling thing I have ever done.  Multiple times throughout the week I thought “This is more difficult than the longest race I have ever done” My back was in a lot of pain in almost every sit.  But your story of how you sat in your pain and chose to torture yourself gave me the courage to face my own pain and the fears surrounding it.  So I sat in it, tortured myself, felt it, acknowledged it, embraced it even!  This pain that I had been carrying around in my back for years I had never fully felt it before.  I was afraid.  Thorough the process of sitting in the fire of this energy, so many things shifted, released, became known, were realized and healed.  Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for you and this amazing gift.  It is truly the most loving kind and life changing gift I have ever received.  There are many times that I felt I was out of my league.  I was sure that everyone else was probably way more evolved than me in my meditation.  But your confidence in me/us and constant words of encouragement and stick with the practice, trust the process and be persistent gave me the courage to do just that.  And I am soooo grateful.  I will continue my practice going forward and feel excitement for finally having the tools to live my life more fully embodied than ever before.  I look forward to coming back to Maui to serve and also will help with whatever you need for courses in Ashland.  Thank you again. I feel honored to know you and to call you my teacher.  What an amazing life we get to live.  With gratitude in my heart and loving kindness for you.

Jorge, a thousand thank you’ s for creating an environment where I can deepen, soften, smile, cry, and just simply…. Be.  Yes, I am feeling all of it!   Quepasana has shown me how to have a sustainable meditation practice all by removing much of the rigidity of a traditional Vipassana course, and incorporating movement and yoga.  You are a clear and inviting teacher, a sturdy space holder, and a gentle and calm presence.  I am feeling much more centered and absolutely stoked on these newfound tools I have learned.  May this beautiful offering of Quepasana continue to flow with ease, like the butterflies who coast when they catch a breeze.  I look forward to returning one day to serve.  Until then… begin again. With love and gratitude.

Dear Jorge,

The lesson that came home to me this week was that I am imprisoned by my grasping.  My unconscious grasping takes over and lives through me.  Having been aware that I am the grasping type according to Jack Kornfield, I never so deeply grasped ☺.  The power that the unconscious grasping has in my life.

From experiences, sensations, channel changes, things, novelty on and on and on.  From one to the next I hop like a kangaroo always yearning for more.  Now I must not grasp onto this perception of self.  Just witness and let go.  To be reborn with each inhale and die with each exhale.


Also, I am grateful for so many bits and moments and details.  The details!!  Thank you for taking away my phone.  Thank you for choosing Makena- calm, blissful, serene.  (I love that it is both an Irish and Hawaiian word) I love that we are the first verdant property coming from the lava flow.  Where life begins.  You guys must water the grass a ton between sitting courses. I love how it is emphasized that this is a course, not a retreat.  I love the focus on Vipassana with the spice of tantra-Reggie.  I love that the chi machines and shake rattle and roll and roll your own and get high from your own supply.  So grateful for all the somatic experiences that reminds us that it starts from within our body.  Begins and ends in our body. So grateful for the Vipassana plus body love.  What a compassionate gift.   Let us witness what is and then heal ourselves.  The balance of Yin and Yang are masterfully played with.  The playfulness is glorious and an important reminder to be lighthearted.  That there is a place for serious and a place for play. As this was my first time serving, it was so very different than being a pilgrim.  Practicing, giving in a balanced way while still receiving so much.   So many potent teachings, especially as I am a chronic over giver.  Meaning my lesson in the last five years has been to give from a full place, not an empty one.  To keep up my self-care and not fully self-sacrifice like my mother.  Giving at Quepasana was a beautiful gift.  To give from my heart from a place of fullness. So enlightening.  So grateful. And Jorge, thank you for your humility and clarity.  Your vision and perseverance inspires us to be brighter, more focused and more sincere.  What a gift it was to work with you this week.  Thank you for your open hearted embrace of my gifts.  Thank you for opening me and being a catalyst for healing energy to move through both of us. Finally, I am very excited to go home with a deeper clarity of myself and a wide open heart.  May I continue the daily practice and inspire all who meet me to do their own work and shine the light of spirit.  May I continue to shine until all beings are happy, peaceful and free.  WE ARE THE WAY. Surfing the sea of chaos with infinite grace.  We are the way.  The Dao.

Quepasana—A mindfulness masterpiece.

Quepasana # 60.  Wow!  Feel this!  This is my first Quepasana, and quite frankly I am left speechless.  Literally when I try to describe my feelings I begging to cry.  My heart is full of so much gratitude for the love and kindness expressed here with and without words.  I heard this somewhere: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”  It took a lot of letting go and surrendering to get the total benefit of this course.  I pushed, pulled, resisted in every way.  However, you Jorge, remained vigilant.  Mahalo Nui Loa Quepasana.  You guided me back to my truth. Last but not least, all the Jedis who showed up to serve.  You are love and light.  Mahalo Nui Loa.  Awareness, letting go, love, freedom, GRATIDUTE.  More will be revealed ☺

Sweet beautiful soul Jorge,

How do I begin to describe my gratitude for all that you are and all that you do?!? This is my fourth course, and I am starting to feel a dramatic shift at a cellular level.  I am changing.  Well, that is the point right?  Everything is always changing, all the time, but I can FEEL it really and truly.  I have never felt more excited, grateful, and peacefully unattached to my life as I do when I am at Quepasana.  I had literal tears of Joy this week, when I stopped and reflected in the moment here, in breathtaking Makena, amongst such insanely vibrant beautiful souls watching the sunset together after a monumental meditation.   Wow!   What did I do right in my past lives to feel such deeply profound experiences!?

The courses keep getting better with all of your unique additions and (Samadhi!!  O MY GOD/DESS!  Powerful!)  I am at the edge of my seat in anticipation for what lays ahead on this magical road of Quepasana- but as you have shown me, its key to sit back, observe, and take it all in- Moment by moment



Dear Jorge,

As I sit writing this note to you on the driftwood throne by the water’s edge the sun has just came up and a humpback whale has emerged from the watery depths I am feeling an overwhelming burst of gratitude in this moment. Finally, the ability to express myself in words, - a pen and paper!  I am laughing at myself with this desire to express my feelings of appreciation. And to know that this has all been given so freely with immense generosity of spirit, warmth and humor, humility and love.  You are a true generator of energy and a rare example of a much needed role model for generosity.  The world needs more men like you.  I am beyond grateful for the words that my son and I had the opportunity to bask in your kind presence.  #60 was EPIC! Congratulations. Everything about it.  The switching up of healing modalities, the evocative music comforted with yin yoga every day.  The surround audio visuals and Wednesday night was truly uplifting.  I love how you bring in world class musicians and healers that so willingly give themselves.  A real participatory happening you created All of my life I have been aware of eschewing conditioning.  On building new paradigms and responding to a sometimes mysterious sense of innate wisdom and knowing.  Your Quepasana has taken me to a whole new level (for lack of a better word).

I imagine those who find you and end up on your course are ripe for this learning experience.  I have certainly deepened and grown in this course this past week. I have experienced some gnarly moments, some despair, shame, guilt, judgement recrimination and envy.  One night I awoke with fear not knowing why or where it came from.  “No need to label or judge, just allow yourself the opportunity to observe and experience what is” A reminder that all we can do when faced with an adversity and the complexity of our human beingness. Many of the wounded souls, most who have PTSD or childhood trauma I work with in my practice could reap the benefit of this experience.   I imagine those who are ready will come to you in following the web of creation.  Although I most often use interactive guided meditations and somatic experiencing I am coming out of this week with an intense deepening of my own meditation practice.  I am re-inspired by your dear Quepasana.  To help myself and others increase a capacity for tolerating and observing negative feelings.  And being to integrate positive metta.  Messages that embody peace, wellness, power, grace and love most of all. To have this experience of depth without distraction of technology immersed in the natural beauty and kindness has rare and infinite value.  To be offered this harbor and sanctuary for the body and soul is a treasured gift.  Thank you.   PS did I mention the food?  Fresh, clean delicious and lovingly prepared by MA.


Aloha Jorge!

It’s amazing how much the body has to say when there are no words and stillness.  I am not sure if you remember this, but I came to your house in big beach 5 years ago and did a mini Quepasana with you and a handful of friends.  I remember the 4:30 AM wake up bell, the blue lotus chai, the chi machines on fur in the ICU and the morning sunrise sit.   I will never forget that experience, it stayed in my heart all these years.  It is so amazing to finally get to experience a full course with you and see how much you have grown this vision and all the people you touch with your heart, your generosity, and your loving kindness.  This time here with myself has been extraordinary with so much cracking open inside and so much trust with myself unfolding.  I had to break through my fears to make it here.  My fear of being in too much pain in my back.  My fear of spending this much time in silence without connection to anyone else but me. I feel like the Chrysalis transforming into the butterfly, and I know this is just the beginning of my journey with my practice and with myself.    You have given me a tremendous gift and I am eternally grateful.  Mahalo from my heart to yours.




If I were to create an adequate metaphor for Quepasana I would compare it to a wedding, my wedding.  Not a wedding to another, but a wedding to myself.  Upon getting engaged, or accepted to the course, I began a big preparation for this internally.  I went through all the conceivable emotions as my psyche got ready to arrive.  This course itself has been one long every unfolding ceremony.  Tedious at time, yet full of blissful memories that will forever be embedded in my mind.  Like a wedding, I even noticed what everyone around me was wearing. People seemed to be so well dressed, nonetheless this is not about the others and that was the point.  This course greatly helped me to reconnect with myself in new and profound ways.  Before arriving here, I had sat 3 ten day Goenka Vipassana courses as well as one 20-day course.   Without a doubt, these courses brought me immense value and knowledge of the technique. However, something was missing that I could not speak clearly through.  What I realized is that I needed to understand Vipassana in a much more grounded and embodied way.  Even after so many retreats I found it challenging to consciously mix my Vipassana practice with my other yoga practices. I have been told that I must choose only one form of spiritual practice and nothing else. “Vipassana or no passana”.  This understanding which I now realize is false left me confused and discouraged in keeping my sangha.  Now after this glorious week full of Yoga, movement and overlapping practices I now feel in my own heart that being a Vipassana meditator is always possible no matter what I am doing.  Thank you Jorge. While many knots inside are being untied due to this experience the knot of commitment to myself has been tied ever so deeply.






Quepasana Ohana Mahalo!

Here I remember and fully ascended into the wise medicine woman I have been for lifetimes.  I reignited my childlike star.  I am forever grateful for this moment of silence and moment to be my own true self.  It is in this time I was my own mirror and did not seek to find myself within someone else.  I was silent enough to hear myself, my own unique soul imprint.  Some of the techniques taught here were reminders of things I did naturally as a child.   Body scanning was a nightly ritual when I was young, when all was quiet at home and I was with myself.  I remember being in the forest when I was 7 years old and, because of a very abusive father I told myself “I am OK with whatever happens, I don’t need to react”.   It was only as a teenager when others found out about the abuse I suffered that I was told to be angry, I was told I was hurt and I was told I was sexualized.  A great truth was blindfolded for years- now I see myself again, now my true light will continue to beam brighter.  I knew all of my contentment and peace all along- years of deprogramming and this experience is my lotus flower crown.  Thank you immensely for giving me the quiet beauty and space to return home. I see me, I see you, I love me I love you.  My heart is full, I am content, peaceful and in this beautiful moment once again.

Aloha Jorge

Thanks for letting me come for a day.  My life and consciousness increased in joy and happiness and peace went up from being here in May.   I have been wanting to come back and service in Haiku keeps me there.  I finally said “take a day to come back”.  I quickly got into the rhythm and flow.  Loved everything again.  Many mahalos and love and blessings to you. Great food.  Organizing of the center, mother nature having conscious books here and humility and love.



Dear Jorge,

Wowza! What a magical and healing experience this has been.  I prayed for a place like this. And now here I am feeling the warmth of the sun on my back and listening to the sound of the ocean waves. ON the day of my arrival here I heard a strong message from within… I said, TRADE IT ALL IN FOR LOVE.  Thank you!!  Thank you, Mahalo, Gracias.  Your gentle spirit and caring heart have been great medicine for my soul.  This entire week has been a reset button that I have been waiting to push for years.  My wish for you is that you will always have the support and love that you need to continue to grow and thrive in the ways that light your soul on fire.  With a heart full of gratitude and peace.

I am so very grateful, where to start…  First of all, the setting could not have been more beautiful, I am so grateful for the constant breath of the ocean which has carried me through unwavering, the beauty, the comfort/having our own tent!  The amazingly nutritional food, the silence, the uplifting music, and the whales.  That already puts me at ease and happy and content.  Thank you for offering your own home that way for us! I really appreciate the care and the thoughtfulness that went into every little detail to create a sacred space for us.    Like the selection of the movies or the music, it helps me to relax into trust that I am in good hands.   Most importantly, what I am most grateful for is the personal work that you have put in to embody what you teach.  I feel like you have been practicing equanimity and “observe and let it be” deeply yourself so when you say it, they don’t sound like empty words to me.

I also appreciate that you hold the container and the meditation not too loose and not too tight.  I have been to many silent retreats.  Funny enough most of them with Reggie ray, and this is one of my very favorites.  I feel like I could be here in retreat indefinitely, but since there is no future I will stick with it right now.  I love being here right now.  Thank you thank you thank you.


Aloha Jorge and Family!

Mahalo Nui Loa!  For this gift.  Jorge, I am so grateful, giving your time, resources, front yard and the rest of this beautiful land with love and vigor is so generous, and you are seen and appreciated!

I have been meditating Vipassana for about 7 years, sat and served many courses and in other ways too.  I grew so much from the first moment that I dedicated my life to it.  And because it helped me so much I jumped on the rigidity train because I heard Goenka say “This is the one and only path to enlightenment” In truth, some of my motivation was fear based.  And this non-flexibility closed my heart to anything.  I thought “I wasn’t on the path”.  I would be tolerant in the surface, but inside I was judging others and simultaneously poisoning myself.  I began widening my view and softening my heart when introduced to the Thai Forest Monastery in the Ajahn Chah lineage.  And even more so when I came to Maui A couple of seven years ago and started drinking ayahuasca.  I could again see the sacred in many forms.  I had a daily practice of Vipassana for 7 years and was working towards becoming a monk at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery.  And then I was introduced to Wim Hof!  I say that I shifted in that moment from Vedanta to Tantra and I let all practices go.  And I maintained my health by intuition.  By letting it all go I released so much rigidity around other ways. Six months ago I met my beloved, we are here together.  I needed to let go of discipline, to heal rigid tension from holding too tight to it.  Then I started missing my Vipassana practice.  I noticed that I was not as sharp, and my memory was not as good in the short term.  This is a line I wrote from a piece I created “My mantra is surrender, tantra in a blender, with Vedanta never severed, there is time for self-restraint, and time for the child to finger paint” And that is what I truly found at Quepasana, freedom and discipline rolled into one!

When I first got here, I had a lot of resistance come up.  Because of my clinging to what my idea of what meditation course should look like.  And I judged you too, thinking “who is this guy? He may be polluting the dharma” Instantly I knew that I was just reacting to my own projections.  And I got some good advice from my beloved: Beginners Mind.   I vowed that I would give this a fair trial and that when judgement arose in my mind I would take responsibility for it and be with it.  I let go. This was/is the perfect medicine for me Jorge!  I am learning to let go and feel everything at the same time.  Because of my conditioning as a child and the structure of the Vipassana courses, I was partially motivated by fear, that if I missed a moment of awareness/equanimity I was failing.  So I was hard on myself and generated a lot of tension during my practice. And if I missed a sit at home, I could not relax and I had to be a well behaved boy!

The mixture of Yin Yoga with such beautiful music, the freedom to swim with such beautiful fish and enjoy the beauty of the Aina. The super alkalizing, superhuman work of Wim Hof breathing leaves me present.  Humbled and in so much peace in my heart, ease and gratitude to you Jorge and all of the Jedi servers.  Cooking up such lovely meals and bringing such childlike innocence with her smile and laughter.

I know that I will easily weave these practices into my daily life.  Due to the lack of pressure to do so!  And I intend to host parties like this in our home.   You do throw and epic party Senor!   And you can count on me to come and serve in the future.  I work just right down the road from here.  So call on my if you need anything.  I know it seems like I knocked the Vipassana courses a little, but really it was my conditioning that gave me these problems.  I have grown so much there also.  I intend to keep sitting these courses too. Minus the rigid thoughts and self-criticism.  Malama Pono Uncle.


Once again another incredible journey on the Quepasana train. I am hooked.  Not only can I see how much goes into creating this experience for so many, but I can deeply feel the love permeating behind it all.  Quepasana has deepened my relationship with my body and spirit.  This community is one of a kind.  The teachings, so simple, and spoken with such childlike enthusiasm from Jorge makes this whole journey so FUN.   I have learned more than I could put into words.  I am deeply honored to serve in this collective of Jedis.  I am contently awaiting the unfolding bliss that is Quepasana.  I am so GRATEFUL.  Thank you from the depths of my soma and soul.

Dear Jorge,

Teamwork truly makes the dreamwork. Every time I come back for a Quepasana I am more and more deeply honored to be a part of this Ohana.  And being of service to the collective vision.  This is so so special, and it gets more and more amazing every time.  Deep gratitude for welcoming my ohana this course.  What an incredible and healing experience to have everyone here!!!!  Three generations all meditating together.  Extending the family one Jedi at a time.  Me and this little angel in my womb, are sending our hearts to yours.  So much love and aloha.

Dear Quepasana family,

Infinite mahalos for your kindness and service.  Y’all take such good care of us and it is impossible not to leave here with such great warmth in our hearts and a huge smile on our face.  Jorge, you are such an inspiration.  Your generosity, state of being and genuine happiness is a blessing to all who grace your presence.  It is beautiful to witness your dreams come true.  May all your moments be filled with eternal bliss and joy!

Cosmic Queen of cuisine,

You BLOW my mind with all the high vibe num nums you pour out of the kitchen every day!   WOW!  Thank you for nourishing us inside and out.  Who would have imagined we would be blessed with a mama bear cooking comedian?  I absolutely adore you!  Deep reverence for all the crystal balls you are juggling and how you show up as a love and pure presence.  That popcorn performance had me giggling for hours and the poppy was the best I have ever tasted.  Keep shining and being you! Big bear hugs!


I have already attended more than one time.  This course and each time it has been a blissful and blessed gift.  during these days I have received tons of messages with many many many tones and nuances that I am not ready to share yet. And one of these nights the moon was up in the clear sky smiling.  She was just above the island in front of the infinite beach cove.  Given a bright subtle light to the gentle rippled ocean.  An unexpectable quality of silence sets me out of time and space and I begin to observe the moonset.  She was gently approaching the horizon like a sacred dance.  Before she disappeared she played with a bunch of little clouds and her smiling shape morphed with them in different luminous sacred geometries.  Then her entire smiling face touched the earth.  And went to rest behind while in the sky full of stars several of them were shifting in many directions.  This is what happens inside of me as well.  And this is your gift from Quepasana.  In reverence with infinite gratitude.

Jedi Yant,

We meet again in this lifetime.  The story of how I ended up here in Makena in January 2017 for a 20-day course.  So synchronistic.  My life has shifted many dimensions since, and Quepasana was the mother ship that took me home to my true essence.   I have been an intense truth seeker myself:  this that and everything here and everywhere. The sacred launch pad here in the South side of Maui took me home to the earth.  I feel honored to be here again for my fourth course.  It warms my heart to see the pilgrims wake up every day committed to the sacred (and sometimes challenging) experience.  You are a model of new earth leaders.  Humble, generous, humorous, and playful.  Instead of creating followers, you are creating leaders.  Simply by creating a safe space for us to come home.  You are holding down a strong essence of the balanced masculine.  Something this realm desperately needs in these times of massive shifts and frequency!   You inspire me on many levels in how you choose to show up!  My awareness and equanimity continue to deepen.

November 2018

Dearest Jorge,

What a GIFT!  This magical week, this magical place and this magical man who is holding, guiding, inspiring, and visioning the best possible experiences for loving transformation.  You are a Gift!

What a godsend to have your unique capacities of vision and manifestation.  I have also thought about how I would do Vipassana differently – but you- you manifested the best possible version.  Combining Yoga, meditation and your style.  You are one cool dude! I love the effortlessness that you present. So refreshing and clear.   You seem to embody it and THAT is super inspiring. Your apparent “egolessness” is truly a wonder to behold and I have to say it again, A GIFT! Really I was amazed time and time again as you let it be and refused to puff yourself up to take any credit. We had a special week.  (They may all be this great) But I loved the combo of a woman teaching Yang Yoga and you offering the Yin Yoga.  Something in that balance touched me deeply.  It was perfect for me.  I feel SO BLESSED!

Can we clone you?  We need more Jorge’s on this planet!  Embodying the sacred masculine in balance!

I hope you are gifted with a group of male assistants to support you and in turn learn from you.  (My own dream I know – but so necessary at this time on the planet).  How can we learn about the sacred masculine if we have no visible role models?  (Oh dear- I have plans for you) May you be showered with all the blessings and necessary elements for you to continue on your journey of awakening and sharing.  May you receive a thousand fold the love that you give.  I feel SO BLESSED!  Thank you and beyond!


Dear Jorge,

My gratitude for you, this practice, QueSPAsana, dreams of Kidpasana, this land, Makena! Each an eternally opening, infinitely emerging delicate petals of the most exquisite flower I could ever feel.  Each petal another drops of gratitude filling me with sensational ecstasy!   Thank you feels like an absurd understatement. My practice is ever deepening – awareness expanding and contracting, ebbing and flowing – yet my commitment to myself and this noble work… may it never waver!  I will stay diligently aware of grasping or chasing pleasure.  And I am equally feeling gratitude for feeling all the challenging discoveries about myself.  We are such fascinating beings! Surrendering, letting go feels like a lotus flower, ever opening and revealing new levels of holding on.  Sweet clever darling ego has been holding on! I Realize that my optic nerve/eye muscles don’t even remember what truly relaxed feels like.  The deeply seated tension/strain feels bottomless.   I will continue to practice the ten-point meditation, full body breathing, releasing tension to the Earth…

Jorge (and all those who co-create to make this happen)

Whaaaaaat!?!?!  Quepasana is pure GOLD.  Thank you for the gift of this beautifully guided journey to help me remember and FEEL the interconnectedness that permeates all that is. As the illusion of separation between self and everything else slowly slipped away, I dissolved into a genuine knowingness that all is well, “as it is”, right now and forever. This meditation practice is the most direct way to tap into that sweet spot of truth that I’ve experienced, and I will continue to use it as a tool to remind me that it’s always here –right inside- and to continue learning and growing into a more peaceful, loving, happy and content human being.  Feeling and accepting all of it. Sometimes I journeyed to the infinitely infinite depths, blissed out and entranced, and other times all I could think about was the “pain” in my body and when you were gonna dong that damn bowl!  All equally valuable and profound and rich learning. The heavenly curated space and sensual experience that is Quepasana is pure MAGIC.  Definitely my kinda flava flav.  From the structure, practices, and spaciousness, to the food, music and people, the overall vibe of Quepasana is just extraordinary.  A little bubble of bliss!  I especially love the added delights of guided meditations (whoa!), yin yoga (with the best music) and the reading materials available during breaks. Over the last several days I have experienced waves of gratitude and joy big enough to fill my eyes with tears and make me explode with cosmic giggles at the ridiculousness of it all.  Thank you for sharing this – Gently, softly, fully with me and the world.

The rememberance and love cultivated in this course ripples out into the world…. With effortless ease… grace in motion.  I love you.


Jorge, you are an angel!  Actually you are better than an angel because you are human (A next level human), but extraordinarily human nonetheless.  Exhibiting, embodying, being, giving, sharing and showing kindness, LOVE and abundance in an amazing way. Beyond that, you are teaching acceptance -equanimity- to the “not so good” things, the PAIN.  I have learned so much through your encouragement, to just sit with pain, to think of it as sensation, and to just let it be – as it is… then move on… The beauty that is Quepasana is an amazing gift you are giving.  I have never felt more pampered and safe in my life.  Sitting was certainly hard for me, but hard in a good way, like a deep soul massage.  Words do not do justice to the deep gratitude I have for you – for this experience- for your existence in this world.  Thank you for doing your work.  It is a poignant reminder for me to find, and do mine as well.  There are so many actions (and non-actions) we can take in this life, thank you for showing me, reminding me, teaching me that I must act from a place of love.  I can’t help but imagine all the many bundles of humans who have also had the opportunity to witness this beautiful gift.  I know that ripple effect of good heart centered love is spreading outward beyond and around you.  Thank you, thank you for being a beacon of good. I guess it is a little silly that none of us asked any questions about the practice during the course, but you pretty much explained it all:  AS IT IS….  Also, having Beyond the Breath books around was a really nice way to get clarity on what exactly I’m supposed to be doing as I sit quietly on my mat.  I guess the biggest thing I learned is that answers aren’t the answer.  If I’m confused, I’m confused.  If I’m bored, I’m bored. If I’m antsy, I’m antsy. And then just sit as still as you can and watch that feeling and eventually it changes, or if it doesn’t either way, it is all “as it is”. Truly, this was one of the most special weeks I have ever had.  For me to say yes to this –for me- is big.  I don’t do things just for me enough and I will take the lessons of feeling, how I feel going forward.  The ‘cleansing’ has been amazing.  The food has been amazing and elaborate… and three times a day!  I am very unscheduled usually and never alone.  – So being alone and having a consistent regiment has felt soooo good, even waking up that early has felt great. Thank you Jorge.  You sweet sweet sweet sweetie.  For providing all this magic!  I feel so lucky.  PS.  If I could stop time anywhere, it would be that place after the chi machine stops moving and the sound bowl is resonating through your being.   Infinite love and gratitude.


Girl, I love you so much.  Thank you for making QueSPAsana happen, and for welcoming me into this special little world of magic and bliss.  Thank you for being you, and twirling your way into Maui and meeting Jorge and doing this!  You’re really doing it! And doing it well. You are a one of a kind gem, you embody unconditional love and all things warm and fuzzy.  You are unconditional love.  I love you more than you love gummy bears and ice cream sandwiches, believe dat!!




Jedi Jorge,

My gratitude for this experience is wordless and immeasurable.  I have been rocked to the core of my soul and rooted in essence.  Thank you for guiding a disciplined, yet graceful journey into the now.  I am in awe of the beauty I’ve experienced here internally and externally.  This sanctuary space, the delicious food, I felt so held and provided for.  Thank you thank you thank you for embodying unconditional love. So gracefully, so kind, so generous, giving, playful.  You have touched the purest place of my soul.  This experience brought me home to myself.   I have so much ease in my body.  My womb feels alive, my heart is open, I am inspired to create, I am in touch with my sensitivity, I know myself better, I have more love living through me, I feel a greater embodiment of my truth, power, light and divinity.  I had some good cries while I was here, physical traumas released, many visions and revelations.  In this moment I feel my biggest take away is acceptance for everything.  The suffering, the beauty, myself, the world, the moment, everything.  I know the practice of allowing and accepting is ongoing, but I am forever grateful for the personal experience with this key.  Thank you for creating such a profound experience.  I loved everything. The combination of yoga, meditations, rest time, food, ocean, was nourishing on all levels.  The gift of receiving all of this expanded my receptivity to receive love and opened me to worlds of possibility.  The world is a better place because of Quepasana.  I am a better human.  Thanks again for bringing me home.  I am excited to get to know you, to come back and serve, and to deepen the journey into myself with these practices.  You are a legend.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.





Beloved Jorge:  Where do I even begin? You know last Quepasana I had every intention of writing you a Quepasa-love-note, but every time I would sit down to write to you, my eyes would fill with tears and I couldn’t get anything out. It’s hard to put into words how I feel, but I’ll do my best and try ☺.  You are like no other human I have ever witnessed in my life.  I truly did not know people like you existed on this planet, you are definitely one of a kind.  I hope to one day be able to give to the world the way you do.  This is so much more than a meditation and yoga course, for me, this was the most life altering event that has completely shifted the way I see the world.  I can’t believe how you give with so much love and zero expectations.  To offer something like this not only changes those who sit with you, but I can feel the vibration of the whole planet shifting, and I never thought one person could change the world, but you’re doing it Jorge and it’s UNBELIEVABLE.  I thought for sure India was my most life changing event for me, but then I landed here, into a slice of heaven to sit with my ego, my chaotic mind and it wasn’t like I hadn’t been doing the same in India the last two months, but this was different, very different, because this Mexican dude with his team of Jedis are just serving from their hearts, treating me like a queen, feeding me nourishing foods and I’ve given them nothing-- Like, what???? This really exists? Am I dreaming? Why me? How did I get so lucky?  Did I win the lottery of life?  Yea, I still don’t know how I got so lucky, but I did and I’m running with it!  And I’m ready to make this my life, where do I sign up?  Coming back a second time, this time serving was even more rewarding.  I got to be part of the Jedi team and give from my heart, and again my life is changed!  And boy was it a hassle to make it, but Quepasana was calling my heart, and I had to listen.  You are a rock star Jorge, one of the most profound humans in my life, you inspire me in so many ways and I will give back the way you do as much as I can.  I love you Jorge, you changed my life and I am forever grateful for that.



If Vipassana is for the “householder”, Quepasana is for the “heart holder”.  Quepasana brings the heart and love into this tradition by honoring the need for ease and freedom within such a challenging task of being with the self.  To be given the space and nurturing for diving deep into myself as a witness is a gift beyond any other.  It is the most precious gift I believe anyone can receive.  BIG mahalo!

I’ve heard that the center point is actually the organ of presence.  So it’s getting the best work out here!

Thank you Quepasana team!  I appreciated the supportive body movement work alongside the traditional Vipassana style meditation.  I was worried that the other practices would not leave enough time for meditation but I was pleasantly surprised to find that was not the case.  Keep sharing your gifts and let your light shine! Quepasana:  Boot camp for light workers.  Vipassana with a little love, movement, music and laughter.  First rule of Quepasana:  FEEL EVERYTHING!

The way Lauren woke me up one morning that my alarm had not gone off, was so KIND!  The gentle quality of her voice, pulling me from slumber, back to earth body, was gentle and kind.  I was in a state of shock/confusion, and felt embarrasses that someone had to come and get me.  But to me her attitude transmitted acceptance and understanding rather than my pre-conditioned fear that I’d be made out to be bad for not being present on time.  Thank you!  That is the quality of consciousness I operate from in life.  It is so kind to receive it returned.  Angel Lauren, Mahalo.  I appreciate the compassionate communication I have received from her as a course manager.  Kind loving speech is a skill for many people to develop, so I really notice it!



I am sure that the realizations from the course will continue to reveal themselves for years to come.  As of now, I can say I definitely got what I came for:  reconnection to myself on a soul level.  I’ve been so exhausted for the past 3 plus years after becoming a parent.  I thought it was sleep deprivation, but now (Still not having slept much here) I know it was more soul deprivation.  Here at Quepasana, I rediscovered my relationship with every cell, every feeling, every thought- JUST ME!  The friends I knew who did this course in the past came home glowing and I wanted that too – time, space, discipline and support for going deeply inward to rejuvenate.   I had no idea how healing this time would be! It’s a magical combination of the epic place, profound inspiration, course design and environment of safety.  This grass, Oceanside soft luxuriation in every footstep was one of the delightful highlights, so grounding, welcoming and alluring for play.  The overall playful atmosphere amid the deep work and noble silence feels like the perfect middle path to me.  Hula hoops, chi machine, snorkeling right out our door helped me integrate everything in digestible ways.  The sacred space is strong and clear, yet has such a lightness and flexibility versus a dogmatic rigidity.  Plus, the Yin Yoga changed my life in and of itself.  I’ve been studying yoga for 18 plus years and I learned so much in the poses you shared.  I thought I had a relaxed approach before, but I learned how to let go so much more here.  Watching my poses change with focus on center point continues to astound me and will affect how I practice and teach Asana from here forward! You have inspired my love of Yoga all over again and I didn’t even realize I was disembodied in poses before.  Now center has a whole new meaning for me. I am so in love with this place- The caress of the breeze at the perfect moments, the glorious coral reef, the majestic old trees with dancing arms and abundant shade.  And then the ono-licious food.   Come on – It’s such a delight in every bite and I don’t think it’s just due to increased awareness???  Over the top nourishing, love filled fuel for sure.  The birds even chant coos of ‘I love you, I love you, you, you.’  You have created a blissful place to unplug from busy distracted life and immerse ourselves in what’s really real.  It’s truly an unbelievable gift.  I felt so held and safe while given all the space needed to blossom here this week.  Mucho mahalos!  I feel at least five years younger and ready to live from center from here forward.  Though I love my home, family and life outside I’d stay here diving deep in for at least a month, maybe a year.  Thank you thank you thank you Quepasana team for an experience more impactful than words can describe!  P.S.  The Yoga Nidra intention came manifest almost immediately! Wildly powerful!

Wanna know what PARADISE feels like?

This was the perfect place to heal. A profound reverence washes over me…. A pause to kneel. Jorge’s words:  Drop in, check it out, and to deeply feel.

Aloha Jorge, thank you, thank you, thank you!!  It is with much love, deep respect and genuine admiration that I am writing.  Quepasana is among the greatest gifts I have ever been given.  I have a good friend who is a devout Christian.  Lately he and I have been discussing the nature of heaven and whether it is a concept or it exists on earth.  This past week you gave me a concrete knowing that heaven is here in this moment inside each one of us.  For what could possibly be a more complete vision of heaven than what you have created here?  The meditation is what we come for, and you are a great teacher of the practice.  But beyond that it is the whole experience that makes me cherish Quepasana as much as any other community I’m a part of. From the welcoming atmosphere to the unbelievable food to the world class location… the land, the spirits here, and most importantly the people.  The way that you hold space has enabled all of us to feel held, loved and fully accepted – Not to mention AT PLAY!  As we do the deep work that we all and the world are now crying out for.  Heaven on earth.  Thank you.  I admire your journey very much.  You are a model and an inspiration for us all.  Thank you for empowering me to serve and reminding me of the importance of contributing to a creative community during a time I was questioning the meaning of work.  I am always here to help you and the QP community in any way I am able.  I pledge to infuse this experience into everything I do and carry this back out into the world.  To “the skipper” on this incredible intergalactic Gilligan’s island.  Much love, much aloha, mahalo as always and deep gratitude.

Thank you for making me slow down.  There is a lot of wisdom and thoughtfulness in how you have put together this course.  I didn’t realize how much I needed to unplug.  A Sabbath.  I used to live like this.  I really resonated with what you said about when we were kids and had NOTHING to do.  I am grateful you helped me re-member this experience.  I want to live more like this.  I call it slow living.  Being human.  A more humane way. I highly value the psychological/ideological freedom manifesting here too. I’d say you are doing a damn good job of sticking to your wish to present a space that is free of dogma, so it leaves the offering available to ALL.  Very important to me, as many vehicles to enlightenment somehow, somewhere don’t “fit” me.  So I highly appreciate those I come across that can uphold this space of freedom and structure.  The wisdom of the body.  Brilliant.   This is the best of “both” worlds.  Best meditation courses for including somatic inherent wisdom.  Thank you for all the body care, body love, we needed this.  It helps me heal SO MUCH.  Our bodies also get stuffed into conditioning.  I feel so LOVED here.  Because my body is included.  This means to much to me.  This is the first meditation retreat I’ve been on without a dress code of moderation.  I think as women we have been oppressed because our bodies have been made into objects and projected upon.  There is even more healing here for me in that regard. Reggie Ray:  He is like one of my spiritual grandfathers.   I am receiving deep amounts of profound healing from the sessions of his you have shared. Affirmation and validation of myself, and my personal journey in this life. To walk barefoot on the earth every day.  To be with the natural cycles of light, dark, moon, wind, trees, ocean, birds.  To be in a community of mindfulness where I get the social human connection without the heads and personalities blasting.  To see each and every one as a unique beautiful human.  I love who we are this way.  Bodhisattvas R&R.  My inner practitioner has been nourished by this atmosphere. The wisdom of the middle way.  The gentle/soft touch approach is exactly in alignment with the way I have harmonized to live my life.  I know it is right for me and I project it is what the whole world could use more of.  At least the “developed” world.  I am grateful you found this “way” within yourself and have the skillful means to execute sharing with so many others.  It has been such a restorative week for me.  Totally in alignment for me.  I feel BLESSED!  I feel LOVED and CARED.  For as an empath, teacher, healer in this world it has been a gift to receive.    My abundant Aloha.

Dear Jorge,

There is not combination of words I can find to fully express my gratitude for the Quepasana experience at this point.  I think more will come later.  Just want to send big LOVE to you and the whole team for sharing this gift with me and many others.  Feels like I finally understand the essence of ALOHA.  Mahalo for everything.

Dear Jorge,

It’s almost impossible to find the words to express the depth of gratitude I feel for you.  What a total delight to be greeted by her warmth and enthusiasm for an experience I had no idea was about to unfold. 21 years ago I had an out of body experience and traveled through the galaxy to see my ex, who died a torturous death that left be bereft.  It was such a gift to see him in a peaceful place before I was sucked back into my body, in bed that night.  Yesterday was the first time since then that I experienced the same bliss and peace when you guided us through the whole body meditation, which I will treasure.  Thank you. I am very excited to start my new meditation practice.  My life was changed forever because of your generosity.  It took me almost a year to get here and this was the perfect time.  I look forward to giving back to this community as our journey continues.

My heart is filled with gratitude and appreciation for this experience. That has deeply touched my soul and consciousness.  These have been days of going deep within, slowing down, taking in the beauty of this place and allowing silence and the practice of sitting to reveal a sense of ease and oneness.  I have been “meditating” for many years but have never been able to go as deep as I did towards the end of my experience here.  I found true stillness and the technique I learned allowed me to really experience unity and inner peace, a true “aha” moment in my life. I am beyond excited to get into the world and practice and my heart is filled with gratitude for the gift I’ve been given from you Jorge and all the rest of the Quepasana family.  So much love and infinite gratitude.

Dear Jorge and Quepasana ohana:  The word “divine” comes close to what I am experiencing right now – blissful- peaceful and like I’m finally “catching up to myself”. I came in exhausted from just my daily life as a CEO/leader of a large organization- but that wasn’t really what was exhausting me – It was this internal “hurry up and do it” energy/voice/drive that was getting me so tired.  I knew it mentally and these days of silence have allowed me to get it at a visceral level—where I am catching myself when I am rushing inside in my head and for no reason at all.  I have re-set my inner clock and this gift is beyond measure. Jorge, your poise, generosity of spirit, your simplicity, your teachings, your humor, your “Latin-ness” is so wonderful.  A good man that has found good things to do with his money.  That’s what my life has been about for 40 years.  Inspiring, teaching, organizing entrepreneurs to do this.  It’s my dharma.  You move and inspire me further.



Aloha.  WOW!!!  Thank you for your heartfelt sharing of your life practice.

Jorge, A stellar setting, a celestial cast of characters.  Truly an incredible blessing!  What an amazing experience.  I feel all the immense love, thoughtfulness and consciousness that has gone into the creation of Quepasana, down to every last detail.  I feel so loved and supported to do the work I came here to do, and I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have this experience.  Thank you for helping me to reconnect with myself, with my passion and with my purpose.  Life has truly rocked me to the core lately with so much shift and nothing solid, even the earth that quaked me as I lay upon her and her solidity turned to liquid molten lava on the big island a few weeks ago.  Where to find solid ground when nothing is truly solid?  Only in returning to all that is, the great consciousness that I am!  I so appreciate the somatic awareness Quepasana offers as well.  Supporting the embodiment along with celestial consciousness. Thus this I believe is how we bring heaven to earth.  The work I do here on this planet is all about embodiment, and I had a clear reminder about that while I was here.  So grateful to be reconnected with my purpose.   I so appreciate your wisdom and humility and the simple essence that you bring forth in your teachings.

Aloha,  Blessings of love and light.  Mahalo, Gracias, Dandisvad, Terima Kasih, THANK YOU.  Whatever language I use is still not enough to express how grateful I am for your sharing of your heart, life, home, wealth and teachings.  I have been on this spiritual path for 40 years now, attending many retreats, teaching etc.  Here on Maui and the world.  This is by far the deepest I have ever dived into my soul.  The best tool of all that I lovingly and graciously shared in such a divine, nurturing safe environment.  Every detail taken care of to its fullest.  I am very impressed, grateful and give abundant thanks. Jorge, your heart and soul shine thru the service that you provide.  Sharing your experience in such an easeful way that is so easy for one to “get”.  May the abundance you share with us be returned to you at least 100 fold.  I look forward to living more alive through the teachings of the course as I now will embody and live from this place of peace with ease and grace.  I also look forward to doing this here on Maui again and hopefully in Ashland.

I have nothing but immense gratitude and thankfulness for the experience that you so expertly share from your heart and soul.  Keep on keeping on.  May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide your way on.  Many blessings and immense gratitude and thank you for your life’s work.  You are living your dream and following your heart.

Dear Quepasana Ohana,

Mahalo Nui Loa for all the love and support.  I am honored to be a part of this ohana.  I am infinitely grateful for the guidance through so many forms of self-love (thus love for all)

In so many ways I have been blessed by just being here, and by this I am inspired to continue being the best that I am, and motivated to continue the infinite practice of self-discipline (AKA self-care), to do as I love and to love as I do, no matter the experience I shall remain true to thyself, because this the best I can do to bless all that is. To love thyself unconditionally is thy purpose – to accept thyself, just as I am, with the understanding in every moment, there is an opportunity to grow, thus be reborn into a new and consciously change our belief systems, into healthier habits that serve the betterment of all creation. I will continue to pray that all beings be blessed with sacred temple spaces, an abundance of clean water, an abundance of clean air, clean foods, and all around clean environments- and may all be blessed with everything one needs to fully be and to fully express one’s creative gifts – May all be as blessed as I have been and am.  Mahalo nui loa.  And may we all continue to rise up within ourselves to share our magic and healing with all who need it. Mahalo Nui Loa Jorge for supporting thy dreams to come to life – where we are all equal leaders, where we all get the opportunity to share our gifts and to equally humble ourselves to receive other’s gifts.  The dream where we can create harmonious, compatible and self-sustainable living.  PS- Your dreams shall be passed down from generation to generation.  We love you Jorge.

WOW WOW WOW into infinity.  Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo into infinity.  I have written affirmations- done vision boards and my dreams have come true.  Only thing left is more travel and days off with my beloved.   Loved everything.  Heaven (I have been to the gates and just a little past).  I had some rough moments from thinking about world news so I know what’s going on in the planet and what to pray for.    I had millions of thoughts.  Too many.  Was heavenly when I had breakthroughs and became a pebble in the universe and there were infinite waves from me out to the universe. Really appreciate everything.  Tents, being here at Ponomakena again, The Yin Yoga, especially with the guys doing gongs and drum instruments.   I could hear your singing bowls for hours.  Loved my air mattress, snorkeling and chi machines a hammock.  The food – Could go on and on.  Phenomenal. Loved silence.  The comfort-  chairs, yoga pads, eye pillows, chi machines.  Loved the big white tent.  Also appreciated the few times where we were lying down and touched us and put oils on us.  Thank you.

Love your voice and your teaching.  One thing that stood out was when you said: “relax, relax, meditate – All your needs are taken care of” Ahhhh Ahhhhh so true. They have been.  Whoa, then the body work.  What a surprise.  It was extraordinary.   Loved the smoothies and chia desserts.  My body loves the vegan food. I give a lot too and love to give free.  It’s awesome.  I see how it has affected the Maui community.  In the last year I have watched people coming through your courses that have been touched so hugely.   I have been working on my prosperity consciousness the last 3 months and then manifested this course!


My Quepasana experience:

Heaven and Hell, Love and Hate, Bliss and torture!!!  I guess I’m still in the duality zone.  Your generosity is immense.  Thank you for sharing.

Dear Quepasana crew,

This portal which you are holding space for is truly profound and what is sooo needed in this world right now.  In this moment all is perfect and there is truly nothing to change but to simply allow for our beingness to shine through.  What a precious gift you have tapped into and sharing it with others.  From the bottom of my heart Mahaloooo!  Infinitely grateful.


Subtle Realms: I shall meet you, In the subtle realms, In the quiet times, And in between the lines, In the stillness, I shall meet you here, As you relax your mind, And embrace the divine, A sweet communion, We shall dance as one, In the timelessness of time, One with the sublime, Shoshumna Nadis, Open, activate, In you, the sun the moon the stars, They celebrate! Nowhere to go, Nothing to do, In the stillness you shall find the truth! I will meet you. In the subtle realms, In the quiet times, And in between the lines! With so much gratitude for the work you are doing on this planet from the bottom of my heart – an infinite well of love!  Mahalo!

Now here’s something entirely different!  I have sat and served many Vipassana courses with Goenka teachings.  It has been very helpful for me to come back to myself.  But I also noticed an aversion to the rigidity of the practice.  Quepasana has been a breath of fresh air (literally too!) A beautiful balance of strong determination with the ease and freedom of playfulness and quite simply put “humanness” of being alive in a body.  Blessed be, what a precious gift this is for everyone. What a well-constructed and orchestrated “Silent meditation festival” on Maui!  I look forward to contributing my gifts to this in the future.  Eternally grateful.  NOW FEEL THAT!

Dear Jorge,

You increased my standards with men.

Thank you for Quepasana!

These were truly the best 8 days of my life. For a good amount of time the inner dialogues came to a stop and I was able to truly be in the moment.  My inner introvert relished in the noble silence and I took time to be with myself.  The fantastic food and the well balanced schedule soothed my body, even when it ached from the yoga.  I was glad to have my arnica 30c with me!  The greatest breakthrough was during the body scanning.  When I spent most of the time inside my lungs and freed up some areas that had constricted my breathing for decades.

Jorge, I am deeply impressed by your creation and immensely grateful. I think you are a true genius and in the original creation of Quepasana you have solved many puzzles that blocked the flow of transformational work. Spirituality and money.  This has always been a point of conflict that has kept spiritual evolution in a closet.  Austere monasteries and ashrams don’t attract many.  Expensive workshops, on the other hand, raise expectations that you can “buy enlightenment” and restrain access.  Quepasana solves this through its paradigm.  Breaking all-free, full-serve, total-luxury model.  It is still hard to wrap my mind around it, after decades in the world of workshops, dealing with scarcity issues or fee-for-service structure.   Jorge, you took a sledge hammer to all my concepts of spirituality and money, and freed up my wind!! Spirituality and religion.  Again and again, throughout the ages, a mystic achieved great heights and shared them with an inner circle.  As the movement spread, dogmas and rituals emerged purportedly to facilitate the transmission, but often as a means to power by the leaders.  Quepasana breaks this circle in different ways; A) Direct experience only.  No teaching of concepts B) secular down to earth language that avoids mostly the resonance of belief systems and premeditated concepts C) No hierarchies by having staff and organizers blend into the course participants.

You throw a good party.  Thank you for this life changing practice.  Mahalo.

Dear Jorge and the Quepasana family,

Mahalo for your magnificence, your pure hearts and your genuine generosity.  I am truly grateful to have had this opportunity to spend the weekend here.  It is challenging to describe with words but I will try.  Being here, receiving the beauty, the peace, the amazing meals, the teachings, it is so powerful learning to ride the waves within and using gentleness as my only weapon is getting easier.  Thanks to Quepasana it feels great to have discovered my well-spring within and to now have a chance to nurture and nourish it here.  What a remarkable blessing.  Feeling relaxed and at ease is not my MO, and yet this too is getting easier, feel welcome, safe and grateful.  Thank you for all the time energy and attention to detail.  I am honored to be of service and look forward to many more Quepasanas.

My Quepasana experience has been extraordinary.  After a few days. (here time morphs) of various practices guided by you, Jorge with your sense of grace and warm integrity and a suffuse touch of playfulness, an “aha moment” is arisen.  Most of the time you’re asking to the group to keep their eyes closed to concentrate on your inner self, but when I had my “aha moment” I opened my eyes and I felt the extraordinary shifts and becoming a moment of ordinary life where on a pristine piece of Maui land with crystal blue oceanfront with the breeze that was caressing my skin every time the strength of the sun was unbearable.  And amazing human beings appareled in a periodic noble silence agreement sharing their gifts and competent talents, massaging under a big tent or close to a tree, preparing delicious food with lots of love inside, creating sculptures with the rocks on the beach inspired by your teaching, gardening in the area dedicated to fruit trees or flowers, swimming with the colorful fishes, dancing with birds and butterflies, playing any sort of sacred instruments to inspire our meditation to go deeper to encounter the place where the soul of our heart is merging with all….   Here my “aha moment” morphed more of the time.  A sort of freeze- to show me the harmonious unity grid of love where we can be magnetized into and live within every instant of our life.  My aha moment ended up with the image of gorgeous daikini chasing each other with a crystal bowl in their hands with the most delicious, colorful fruit cakes that you, Jorge- gifted to the group during happy hours.

“Aha Moment”? dream? Reality”? Maybe all in one. Tears of infinite gratitude touched my face.  Thank you Jorge for who you are, for what you’ve manifested, for the high quality of what you are offering and for all the “cool” people you’ve attracted to co-create this remarkable experience. What can I say more?  A lot, and I prefer to feel it, layer after layer, with my entire body, with all my heart.  Mahalo.

Begin again, allowing these words to wrap me in light and a sense of a true starting point, deepest mahalo for this profound gift.  So much beauty to behold within as I allowed the natural time to re-synchronize.  Through this process I literally felt I was re-mamboing Self, pouring awareness in on the cellular level, awakening through the portal of the body.  As a body worker the sensitivity and directness of the felt sense really speaks to me, and I feel I have a whole life to apply this deepening awareness.  And as the prayers of flags blow where the wind goes, the destination not so important as the intention.   With more space to really feel that current coming through me, I notice more trust to listen and allow the best of me to rise, and that the moment will show me all I need to know.  Thank you, I love you.

My deepest , heartfelt gratitude to you, dear Jorge. I travelled literally around the world (Berlin) with a 12 hour time difference and arrived on Maui with my energy being less than zero.  I was exhausted, frustrated, impatient and altogether not in a happy place.  Today, after being here for 7 days I find myself laughing during my Yoga practice, for no other reason than being THANKFUL! I am again fully motivated, full of vision and aspiration, full of life energy, tested, inspired and so, so happy.

I will take your shake, rattle and roll meditation back to Berlin and will share it at my workplace (trust me, it is needed!!) and with my family and friends. This experience here at Quepasana was another life shifting moment for me.  It is truly paradise here.  The incredible view, the beautiful scenery, the colorful flowers and palm trees, the happy singing birds and butterflies and the sound of my beloved Pacific Ocean will be with me in my meditation from now on.

Dear Jorge,

For the last year I have been needing silence from my everyday life.  A friend who completed your course told me about Quepasana.  I applied not knowing if I could go because of my everyday responsibilities- and the dates worked out.  This silence that I needed was the meditation that you so patiently taught me the last 7 days.  I am ever so grateful of your life’s work.  You are truly changing the world at the very core of it all – By mindfulness. There are several things that I learned that I will take back with me.  I am going back to full time mothering of 3 young children, and a sweet loving husband:

Taking time to pause. Everyday meditation practice, early before the children arise.Introducing the concepts of meditation to my children, by a 1 min family meditation once a week.  I hope this will plant the seeds for them to experience true happiness, contentment, well-being and peace. Accepting things as they are in the moment. Thank you again for sharing your vision.  All at the same time it has been challenging, painful, delightful, and nourishing for my soul.  Peace and happiness to you.

Mahalo Nui Loa Jorge for staying true to yourself, enough to understand what your heart’s desire is and your soul purpose in this lifetime.  Because of this we are here with you now.  Because you remain true to your purpose- we are blessed with Miracles-I am proud of who you have chosen to be.   I appreciate you, brother.  Bless you infinitely.

THANK YOU!!  Wow!!  How to even begin to put this experience into words?  I feel completely rejuvenated, revolutionized, awakened, whole, healed, centered, balanced, refreshed, INSPIRED, happy and at ease, peaceful and content, well and FULL OF LOVING KINDNESS. From the magic of your property, the cleansing kisses of the ocean, and the sweet embrace of meditation and yoga- you have truly found a way to encompass and embody a true, noble experience.  I will be ranting and raving about this time spent to those willing to listen, and will absolutely be back again to offer my services to the lucky individuals who have yet to enjoy the serenity of Quepasana.  Thank you for being YOU.  For your generosity and unwavering support through this experience.  Your humility has both grounded and inspired me.  I hope to create a legacy of service that matches your own.  Mahalo a thousand times.  You are a beautiful soul and WE, all of us are so lucky to have you in this world with us.  With all the love, all ways, always.

Dear Jorge, A deep bow of gratitude to you. This refuge of peace and love has been such a gift to me.  I work in a busy profession and to drop out for nine days has brought me back to my true self. Beauty is a nutrient!  To be surrounded by beauty on this stunning Makena property, with grass like velvet under your feet, and the ocean sounds, and distant birds, is a healing paradise. Thank you Jorge for also choosing the vegan food choice.  As a 38-year vegan, this is the first retreat (And I have been to many!) that practices “ahimsa”.  It is a diet for all reasons – the planet, the animals, our health and for consciousness raising.  I hope to return someday.  All is love.

Thank you for being such a stand for inner peace, love, simplicity and truth.  I am taking home some great distinctions on how to “come home” to center every moment – I know that in my “business” I may need a reminder every once in a while-  And I’m sure that my daily practices will keep me on the path.

I have been a meditator for 10 years, never miss my practice twice a day.  Your teachings took me to another level and to go back to the physical movement and breath!  Thank you!  Gracias!

I am going home more loving, open, peaceful, joyous, relaxed, and ready to re-set my schedule priorities, tasks and team to support my maintaining this peaceful easy feeling.  My heart is filled with love and gratitude for you all!  And I look forward to cooperating, supporting and to have the world work for 100 percent of humanity.  It’s a beautiful journey to be on.

Jorge and staff:

Generosity, love, caring, teaching wisdom, service, compassion, nourishment, wonder, deep gratitude.

These are a few words that was over me from the love I have felt these past few days from you.  Thank you for being present to all of us.  This is what brings peace and love on earth.  May you and the staff receive a profound blessing for all you do in service.  Mahalo Ke Akua!!  I LOVE YOU!

Jorge, I am in such gratitude to you for this incredible experience.  The gift of this time will forever be with me and the layers will just keep dropping off.  You have inspired me on so many levels.  Thank you for living activated in your heart and with gentle potent devotion to this practice.  Through your love of it and the reflection of the juicy results all around me this week.  I have been given an extra yummy push inward and outward.  This land, this space, the people, and above all else the genuine authentic expression of this practice have gifted me (and all the trillions of my cells) for lifetimes to com.  You welcomed us in as honored guests.  Shared your everything with us.  And asked only that we dive all in and let go.  WOW!  This is a special gift and I am so humbled to have been part of such a transformational experience. You lite up Yin for me- yet again!  You showed me so many ways to go deep with embodiment within the meditation and you made it so fun!  There’s a trillion other things, but for now let me just say:  Grateful for the divine within you-me- and all things.

April 2018

Dear Jorge,

With anicca (Impermanence) as a universal tenet of existence, may Quepasana continue to ebb and flow as the ocean of all with grace and ease as our guides.  With our intent focused on beginner’s mind, we are sure to learn and grow as a community in play with life as art eternal each moment.  Thank you for opening the dance with spirit to include new perspectives that embraces the senses, bubbles and all.  ☺

Dear Quepasana, dear sweet precious Quepasana – Thank you.  From the depths of my soul.  A friend told me, that if I could sort my life out to ever do a Vipassana course, it would be the greatest gift to myself.  I could not understand that until now.  This week has been incredible.  It is day 9 and I feel like my entire brain, body and soul has been at the best spa on the planet. I’ve felt so taken care of, nourished and respected by you and the crew.  I am deeply grateful.  Thank you for this once in a lifetime experience.  From my cozy cabin, the gentle bell reminders, my own mat, blanket, bolster and even a lavender eye pillow!  To delicious meals served with love, the tea always made and not to mention this glorious setting!  The views are breathtaking, the cove is magical, the shade of the trees, the comfy furniture, hammocks and toy filled gazebo are amazing!  From the gorgeous music to soothe our souls, to your careful and skillful instructions…  Thank you, thank you, Thank you.  What a beautiful offering you have here.  Thank you!  If anyone is ever considering doing a Vipassana course, thank your lucky stars if you are able to attend Quepasana.  All love. But wait, there’s more.  From the thoughtful, tender adjustments in Yin Yoga, to what the what?!? Chocolate chip cookie bake for breakfast!  And perfectly steaming hot cacao drink in the evenings.  Each moment I was pleasantly surprised, awed, delighted and grateful.  From the carful crafted playlists, special guest’s musicians and talented body worker, along with the dreamy sprays, spritzers and aromatherapy.  To the bubbles.  Bubbles dancing in the afternoon sun.  My senses were soothed, my cells renewed and readjusted.  Thanks for your careful answers to all our questions, large and small.  And most of all thank you for your vision and foresight and for attracting and gathering this incredible Jedi tribe to host this.  All love and then some!

A love notes:

Since arriving here at Quepasana, I have felt so taken care of.  Everything is wonderfully organized and Jorge’s leadership really shines through.  At around day 8, I started to really understand the reason behind why the course is structured the way it is.  It all makes perfect sense.  I really feel like I have learned a lot about Vipassana and a lot about myself.  I have many gifts that I am taking home with me.  So THANK YOU for a truly exceptional experience.  It is one that I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life.  Mahalo.  PS.  Day 10 was so FUN!!

Aloha Jorge and the Quepasana Family,

Thank you from the inner chamber of my beating heart for your generosity, authenticity, wisdom and humility.  My experience here has been profoundly transformative and deeply relaxing.  The ride began one week before the start of the course when I serendipitously received an invitation to attend.  I knew it was meant to be so I surrendered and started making moves to get my bases covered in order to step away from life for a much needed sacred pause.  What a truly incredible blessing and gift to receive.  I am deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to share sacred space in this breathtaking property, with these magically powerful souls.  It’s not a coincidence that we have been breathing and awakening our bodies and minds in Hawai’i – Breath of Life! Quepasana is a pure example of Aloha.  My interpretation of Aloha is to joyfully share life energy in the present moment.  Not only is this experience a dream come to life, it’s also the birthplace of endless inspiration for stepping into my purpose with confidence and to dream the BIG dreams – In service to the world.  Throughout the course I felt tremendously cared for.  So much loving attention to detail clearly went into the planning, the teachings, the container, all of it.  Mahalo for the love that was poured into the whole experience from health delicious meals, comfy cabins, cushions, and inspiring sound healing, music and so much more.  Much has been healed and released over these last 11 days in the receiving of the practices in this special place.  The pure joy you transmit with your heart makes the world a better place.  Thank you for sharing your vision.  I feel as though I’ve been bathed in love through light and sound and awakened to the power of my inner intelligence.  I look forward to sharing what I have received here for years to come and aspire to be an ally and support to the Quepasana foundation as it continues to blossom.  As we say in Shamballa, our warrior’s cry, Kiki SoSo!  Which translates to the view from here is victorious.

Jorge and Quepasana Ohana: Mahalo Nui Loa!  Wow, what an incredible sacred offering this has been for me and the baby growing within me.  Such a precious unique opportunity to unplug, unwind, dive deep, open wide, listen more fully in silence and stillness, spaciousness and allowance, accept and appreciate all that is, commune with the elements, wisdom words programming the cells of our being, special gifts and surprises with each new day with music, instruments and other amazing “toys” and healing modalities.  I could not imagine a more perfect way to pass through the portal of my first to second trimester and have this potent bonding blessing with the child I’m carrying.  With the most nourishing and delicious meals, such thoughtful intentions put into every detail, so much loving care I felt.  To be held in such nurturance,  to gain courage and confidence and clarity, to move towards this rite of passage with clarity to help me and baby; strengthening and challenging relaxation and reflections, reset of my nervous system, wonderful dreaming, heart opening, mind taming, more trust, move love, more prepared to communicate more efficiently and lovingly and to relate to others with more compassion, generosity and equanimity,  I will keep practicing, I will pay it forward in service and devotion.  I will be eternally grateful for all you’ve done for me, we, this community and all of humanity.  I will keep smiling and sharing the ways this has touched my soul and the one inside me – I honor you.  Infinite thanks.

And laughter returns. For the past 3 days I fight back loud outbursts of laughter.  It is the bubbling up of joy through a loose and loving body.  I had lost my laughter, and now I have lost my mind.  Good riddance.  My practice once strong shall remain strong again for years to come.  I say so with certainty, but with no attachment.

Jorge, your generosity, this place, and the sea inspire me.  Thank you for your offering.  It has been deeply received.

Chimes ringing….  It’s time for Quepasana.  Slowly I awake to the mynah birds, morning doves and a solo cardinal singing to my heart.  I hear the crashing waves of the ocean calling me to remember who I really am.  Wake up!  Wake up!  A wondrous and magical walk under the sparkling stars, looking up I marvel at the mystery of our galaxy and the wisdom shining brightly – I am this wondrous brilliance of love shining boldly and courageously.  Shake Rattle and Roll, I feel my body charging up, liquids flowing, tingly is my body, electric and alive!  Sitting and listening to the subtle energy within my body…. A tingle there…tension hiding over here… mind in a torment and strain…. Jorge says, be with whatever arises with equanimity and awareness.  I breathe deeper… I am not afraid and plunge into this moment, this reaction.  Struggle turns to acceptance, it is another thought, emotion and moment. I rest into this experience and watch it dissolve into nothing…  I am one with infinite love spiraling deeper into this amazing excellence within.  I am alive and free. Thank you Jorge for taking us on a cosmic silent camel ride as Jedi students learning to accept the energy and constant change of the mind and body.  I marvel at your dedication, generosity and service to all of us.  Helping us to soar to new heights of wonder and mystery into the cosmic love within.  Acceptance is the biggest gift I received from this training.  The meals nourished my body and helped in the process of awakening into more love within.

Holy Frijoles!  Literally words do not amount the level of gratitude I have in my heart for the gift of this experience.  I feel so loved, supported and nurtured during this intensely profound transformative experience. What a once in a lifetime opportunity.  I feel so humbled to be able to complete this course.  And from the infinite depth of my heart and spirit, thank you Jorge and the rest of the Quepasana tribe for providing this gift to the community and may the work that is being done here raise the vibration of this planet.  I look forward to being of service for future courses.  And can’t wait to bring KidPasana to reality!

Aaah, Quepasana.  I feel everything. From a tear right here, to happiness and loving kindness and yet I’m still speechless.  You’ve done it so well and so right and left I am inspired on the best way to share my light.  I have felt so taken care of on all levels.  Mahalo.  I love U.  We are truly blessed!





Jorge and the whole Quepasana circus.  Thank you for allowing me to see my own dissonance show up, feel it and allow it, actually verbalize it to you Jorge and watch it disappear by owning it in all sensory motor skills.  Polishing da diamond with bubbles!

The Quepasana crew and foundation concept are such a beautiful example of our earth moving from a world of service to self to one of service to others, and that becoming one’s passion for life.  The model of being of service to others at Quepasana has been such an honor to witness how successful a service to others practice can be. The Course in Miracles suggestion to “Give All to All” are in full practice at Quepasana.

Jorge! Nowhere else could I have discovered my own personal non-typical meditating seating position.  You said “make it your own” Just follow these simple rules for meditation: Sit up unassisted; Be still (It’s OK to adjust, but beware of fidgeting); close your eyes and observe, as it is.  I followed those directions!  (It took 5 days).  Thank you for being an open-minded, open hearted leader.

In such gratitude

Quepasana crew, thank you for offering your services in this way and making this experience possible.  The gift I was given by this course is tremendous and very much needed.  I intend to carry this practice and discipline with me into everyday life and recommend it to everyone.




Beloved Jorge,

Once again deep appreciation and gratitude.  Of all the billions of humans on this planet us 50 very lucky ones get to be here.

I sincerely thank you and your team for such an amazing, beautiful, healing opportunity!  I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love for what you are giving to humanity.  As each one of us will carry the peace, being an inspiration of awakened consciousness, and individually loving ourselves which in turn is humanity. As this course is free, it’s amazing to me how even in a “semi-enlightened” group, there can be criticism and judgement.  You are giving an abundance of energy, time, resources and love.  And I wholeheartedly appreciate it.  As it is!  I love the essence of fun, music, body work and of course the nourishing delicious food!  You’ve thought of so much…. Entertainment, body work, flow toys, structure, healing and with a heart full of love through the criticism. I found it particularly helpful to receive body work and physical touch, even if it was just hands on my feet in Savasana.  As much as this is an individual experience, the human need for connection or reassurance is important.

Thanks for the thrills, the chills, the spills.

Thank you so much for this divine opportunity to go deeper into ourselves.  To listen, to feel and to love ourselves in peace and harmony.  This has been such an enlightening journey, all of us together.  Aloha and Mahalo.




Dearest Luke Skywalker and entire Jedi Academy team:  WOW!  I know that we are supposed to constantly be practicing equanimity, yet after observation of this entire 11-day course and my own personal transformation throughout this life changing experience, you make that practice challenging in the best way possible. They say gratitude is one of the highest of vibrations, and with that alone, this course takes one to nirvana.  From the serene locale, to the tastiest vegan meals that both nourished body and spirit; to top it all off with this entire program being out of service, blows the mind in ways only unconditional love and giving can. As one of my favorite Gene Keys, the 35th states that unconditional love can defy the laws of the cosmos, create wormholes through different dimensions.  This creation of yours, and all those who support it are doing exactly that, changing the collective vibration in every moment, feeling thought and action.  Sending more than a ripple out in the pond of the universe. And this is no way aiming to give the impression that this has been some type of cake walk.  As probably everyone here can attest to, we were challenged for greater than I could have consciously imagined.  From arriving here with one working leg that has been keeping me immobilized for months, to not being able to breath out of either nostril for the first few days, I was reminded of acceptance of what is.  Observe and allow.  It seemed just as I was learning and mastering control of these situations, new obstacles would arise.  Thinking what could possibly be worse than sitting cross legged in once position for an hour with a knee that did not want to bend, well my answer promptly came to me…. In the form of not 20 minutes into sunset meditation, I soon discovered the random spot I chose to sit just happened to be where a not-so-friendly fire ant colony had taken up residence.    Talk about “experiencing all that”.  At first I didn’t realize they were more than just curious little ants exploring slowly the underside of my crossed feet and legs.  I thought “what a cool sensation”.  I was quite confident that this would add to my, at the time, pleasant meditative experience.  My entire lower body became electric, pulsating in fire. Breathing became my ally, along with the constant reminder of observing and allowing, telling myself of the impermanence of each moment.   Maybe not one of the most pleasurable experiences, but certainly one of the most memorable. So thank you again, Jorge and staff.  I am sure you didn’t plant the fire ants, but you definitely supplied the space and time to allow us all to have our own unique experiences during the 11 days. I am overjoyed that you have not only found your calling in this life, but that you also had the courage to answer it.  Not everyone finds their purpose, and even fewer answer it when found. I have come to see the power in consistent daily meditations and early morning start times, realizing that practice is key.  I have heard that power is strength over time.   I plan to keep this as a mandatory part of my life.

A farewell note:  I would like to say goodbye to a few of the friends I met during my time here:  Goodbye to the giant green leafy bug with the red eyes that stared at me from the restroom window.  So long to the small bug who flew in my ear and got stuck in my hair during evening meditation.  See ya later to the hundreds of little bugs who landed on me during meditation.  I loved the sensation your dirty little legs gave me while I did body scans.  Bye bye to the 2-inch wasp that had a shower with me yesterday.  And finally, last but not least, adios to the big brown spider on day 4.  Rest in peace.  You will be missed, but not by me.  On a serious note, thank you for a truly exceptional experience.  Much love.

I love you so much.  Thank you for everything you do Jorge.  Embodying unconditional love and surrender.

I cry, as I fly, why, we try, we trust, our wills.  I love you.  Thank you ninja Jedi team.  You are all amazing beings of light and love.



Don’t believe in yourself.  Believe in me, who believes in you!

If burning man and Vipassana had a love child:  Quepasana.  Though that won’t sum it up for anyone even if they have done a Goenka course or been to burning man.  Like meditation, like everything, it’s all in the experience. I came here 7 months pregnant, with the intention to experience a final long respite of quietude before our baby arrives.  A chance to reconnect with myself, which had been muffled in all the daily to-do of raising children, being a wife, running a household and working.  I also saw this as a unique opportunity to connect one-on-one with this being inside me, to have “our time” before he is out in the world with everything and everyone else. I got from these past 10 days isn’t quite what I bargained for.  But let me explain—having previously completed a Goenka 10 day Vipassana course, I knew, somewhat, what I was signing up for.  I did that course in CA 11 years ago and still remember how incredibly challenging it was for me.  Being that had suvived that course, a young, terribly naïve 23-year-old with zero previous meditation experience, I thought, ok 11 days of Quepasana meditation with half the amount of hours logged each day, in a location that is nothing short of paradise, no big, right? Wrong.  Maybe it’s because it’s my second course and as Jorge said “you go deeper each time”, maybe because I’m feeling everything even more being pregnant, maybe just because – but this course has been the equivalent for me of “soul Rolfing”.  Terribly painful, but deeply therapeutic. I contemplated leaving daily, until day 8.  My mind was a whirlpool of fears and anxieties: “will my kids be OK?”; “Will my husband still love/want me when I return?”; “am I hurting the baby feeling so much?”.   And those were just the ones on repeat.  I had a slurry of other random anxieties popping up in spaces between.  And then, during a meditation or Yin Yoga practice, there would be a spark of insight, something clicking into place, fear being supplanted by acceptance, trust and allowing.  These moments were my buoy.  They kept me afloat to the end, despite my mind trying to convince me: “I’m not OK and need to go home”. During a particularly strong surge of fear and home sickness, I spoke with Jorge and I told him that I had asked myself “Should I stay or go?” and had heard “go”.  He told me that intuition is usually a feeling, and that the mind uses words.  Oh fair enough Jorge, I believe you and I’ll stay one more day.  And now, day 10, nearing the final day tomorrow I am so grateful I stayed.  I have heard that if you keep having the same reaction to something, you create ruts, you keep trying to move out of but are stuck.  Fear has certainly been this for me.  It wasn’t always this way, but over time I became fiercely protective of what I did not want to lose. What I had not seen was how these fears had cut me off from life, from the experience of being alive.  Sitting and not reacting to my fears for 10 days has given me my power, and in a real way, my life back. During this course, Jorge will say: “This is a Hero’s path”.  This meditation, this kind of practice, and truly it is.  And yet, through any other work I’ve done, I’ve not found anything to be so deeply transformational as Vipassana meditation.  It is so simple, and with the lightest touch it just tears you open, in the best way possible. If anyone reading this is considering doing this course, I’d recommend feeling into it.  If you feel Yes, then do it despite your mental chatter. Show up and stay the course. If could be the best thing you ever do, for yourself, your family and the world.

I also want to mention how affecting the music was.  The drums, guitars, bowls, really all of it, was incredibly helpful in showing me viscerally, how to feel sensation.  I’ve never felt music quite like that, and it’s just one of the gifts I get to take away. Jorge, thank you.  You are a gift and an inspiration.  Your work is leaving behind an incredible legacy that the world over gets to benefit from.

I learned to meditate.  And that will serve me and everyone I come in contact with.  Thank you.





Quepasana may not be for everyone.  Meaning it is not a traditional silent meditation experience.  If that’s what you are expecting, you will have to be flexible.  That being said, Quepasana is a cutting edge exploration of consciousness and mindfulness.  I loved it and I think you will too.

AMAZING!  Thank you Quepasana ohana and Jorge for all you are and embody.  This is more than I could have ever expected.  I am so deeply in me, with parts of me that had been dormant, now fully awake and aware.  The simplicity of the practice is pure gold – a true treasure to be shared and taught.  Keep up the good work.

Dear Jorge and the Quepasana Jedi team,

THANK YOU for being such incredible super humans and bringing this profound gift to the world!  You hold such an impeccable space for inner transformation to flourish, blossom and bloom!  I am reminded of how much better, clearer, and attuned my life is when I practice daily, and my motivation to stick with it is now reawakened!  If everyone in the world took 10 days to be with themselves in noble silence with body scanning, yoga and the metta, this world would be so bright and peaceful that it may just shift to a higher dimension!  Or stay in this beautiful one with a renewed sense of awe.   I love that this vision is growing.  I especially love the ideas of Yin Yoga on floating beds, a permanent Quepasana community center, and self-sustaining centers with food growing on site and renewable energy powering everything.  That sounds like a truly harmonious and world changing beacon of hope for our world.  Mahalo, gracias, thank you, I am so grateful to be a part of this Quepasana experience and family.




Quepasana can only be described as the sacred love child of traditional rigors of insight meditation and a psychedelic consciousness expansion festival.  It was the meditation medicine I have always desired with the sweet syrup of smiles to make it go down easy.  EPIC.  Epically challenging, epically deep, epically beautiful and so much more.  Jorge is truly a kind.  A simple man with lots of meditation and smiles to share.  What he has created is a model for consciousness expansion and new world creation.  Thank you.

February - March 2018

Hey Brother,

I hope this finds you happy, healthy, getting ever younger and enjoying the heck out of life!

So this, my friend, is my belated Quepasana “love note.” My intention was to comment on the lasting effects of the course – those enlightening gems that have remained part of my daily experience after the glow of newness and excitement has faded. The thing is, they haven’t faded much at all! So I’ll go with what I know:

To my beloved brother, Jorge

I feel tremendously blessed to be part of the QP experience since its very beginning. From my unique perspective of a very long friendship, I have beheld first hand your deeply personal quest for greater health, happiness (fun) and self-realization. I can attest to the many years of dedicated persistence with which you pursued the wisdom and insight necessary to reinvent yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually into the marvel you are today. Never have I seen such a transformation in another adult human being. I celebrate your extraordinary personal journey as it has evolved into a practice that brings life-changing awareness to so many others. You are an extraordinary teacher, Jorge, one I honor with highest regard. I know how you’ve “earned your chops” and I know you to be the “real thing” as illustrated by the authentic passion and generosity with which you share your gift. Most of all, I deeply respect your understanding that you serve as a humble steward of that profound gift of Grace.

Participation in several courses as student and/or in service has definitely affected my life path in significant ways. Daily meditation has become as essential to me as breath. It enables me to live more peacefully and helps me to more consistently present myself in the world with conscious, loving authenticity. Incorporating yoga practice –ICU in particular – into my daily routine has gained me considerably greater physical flexibility than I had 30 years ago! Every Quepasana course that I participate in enhances my practice and helps to anchor my discipline. I’m also reminded to have fun in the process. I find each Quepasana event to be a totally fresh experience. The very nature of the course along with the intentions set forth by Jorge and staff invariably draws the perfect group of participants. Even in noble silence – perhaps, especially in noble silence, I feel lifted by the very presence of the loving souls around me. Whether attending as a student or in service I feel completely nourished in every sense of the word. At the Ashland Oregon and Maui courses we’re bathed in unimaginable natural beauty, treated to amazing, healthy vegetarian meals, welcomed to comfortable accommodations, and showered with all the loving support needed to make the experience an unforgettable opportunity for enriching self-awareness. Remarkably – more like astoundingly, the entire experience is wrapped in an atmosphere of joyfulness and genuine, downright party–hearty kickass fun! When all is said and done, the most valuable part of my Quepasana experience is what I take home. Short course or 20-day, I leave notably stronger and more energetically centered. I am rested and peaceful of mind. My resolve to continue my meditation and yoga is more strongly cemented. I am more aware of opportunities to choose lovingkindness. The gates of my gratitude are opened ever wider as I apply my evolving skills to bring myself to the world with peaceful, loving presence. These are the takeaway gifts that continually enrich my life and for which I am thankful beyond measure. With greatest love, appreciation and respect


Thank you for modeling kind boundless generosity and FUN!!!  I absolutely loved the earth meditation.  Kitchen staff is amazing.

There’s a message on the board in the kitchen that reads: “The signs are everywhere”.  The signs of your kindness are everywhere in this land.  My heart is full with joy witnessing existence passing on the keys of this majestic treasure to you, the place where the full power of nature meets grace. I know beautiful passionate souls started this project long ago, and now in its new incarnation it is to meet deeper depths.  I am again touched by the dance of introspection in the midst of sharing scents and taste and moving by looking inside.  Deep gratitude to existence and to you!   Quepasana is crafted with tremendous sensitivity, I appreciate how the day flows, how meditation takes us to uncharted territories, how Yin Yoga opens the body, the soma, to move even further with grace and ease.

Today is a sunny day and I wish we could have been able to work more in the gardens, but we were blessed also by the rain, showers of surrender to make the soil ready. I feel like I arrived home.  There is something so sacred, here now, with this group of people in this precious land sharing a transformative vision.  I can’t thank you enough.  All I can say is please count me in, I am amazed at the incredible luck of being here, part of this group, at the edge of this cliff.  Count me in to help this vision thrive and to serve others. Often in the midst of the rain I thought that we could make a work weekend, with a taste of meditation of course, to come and give more time to the gardens.  I’d totally be up for that.  Mahalo a million times. May Quepasana flourish as it is already doing.  May it spread far and wide and transform our beloved earth.




Earth majik spins sweetly...ever gently this morning, Silent miracles abound, I am a part of this holy whole, I know it in my bones, A love making of pre-dawn energies intoxicate, Whirling me abliss for a breath, Spirals of delight coalesce, as infinite designs of beauty weave me anew, I am a part of this holy whole. Thankful ✨🔥🌊🌎🌊🔥✨

Jorge and Quepasana Team:

Not only filled with wellness, contentment and loving kindness – But also inspiration. Not just a momentary blissful experience has been generously bestowed, but much more:  The inspiration is knowing this mind/body/spirit is always capable of this big, beautiful, spacious openness and health – We have tools to keep ourselves in this state of grace perpetually.  Our middle age bodies need not be aching and worn out!!  Many many mahalos for your generosity, wisdom, and service.

Jorge and Kitchen Mamas:

Love is always felt and received wherever I go.  Mahalo for the wonderful garden you provide for our own nurturing.

Words cannot express how meaningful Quepasana has been for me.  But I’ll give it my best go.  The loving invitation to wakefulness is exactly what I needed.   I was on the right path (that’s how I got here), but now my eyes have opened to just how beautiful this path actually is.  I am so grateful for this experience and all of the excellent people who have shared so much of their energy and love to help make this experience exceptionally amazing.  Awareness and mindfulness are two important qualities I have been lacking in my life.  But now I am understanding and confident at my ability to cultivate them through my personal practice.  Although concentration meditation has its place, sensation experience has already taught me more than I thought possible.  I am excited to see what other gifts the universe has in store now that I am opened up.  But this gift of presence is one I will carry with me throughout this reality, and into others.  Many, many thanks from the bottom of my heart to Quepasana and crew.  I look forward to offering my love and support to more people ready to open their eyes.

Awareness, Intensifies and becomes focused, In the dark calm stillness, Of the early morning, That is punctuated by the sounds Of the waves, breath of the whales and The songs of the birds. The radiant sun rises over the mountain As the earth warms, I stretch and relax. Fully feeling the pain, tension, everything. Not labeling, not judging. The tension releases, the pain dissipates. And I am able to more fully feel everything. Diving deeper, deeper deeper into the ocean. And into my inner ocean of consciousness

WOW JORGE!!!  Wow is the most descriptive word I can use to explain what has been happening these last 8 days.  What a big powerful loving human (from a far-away galaxy) you are!  Thank you for showing up in the ways you have, thank you for blazing a new trail, thank you thank you thank you for extending this Quepasana familia. I had an extremely powerful memory, energy emotional eruption (very unbeknownst and unexpected, ha ha ha) It was extremely uncomfortable and disturbing; but on other levels so necessary.  You are an inspiration in so many ways.  I will keep doing the work!  Mahalo

In the 21st century, Santa Claus got the North Pole fully automated.  With free time on his hands, he decided to reinvent himself.  So he shaved his beard, lost weight, moved to the tropics, got a tan, and now he and his elves go incognito on Maui, giving the greatest gift of all while spreading real peace around the world.  They are giving the gift of meditation -  Santa has evolved from giving out presents to giving out presence.   Too funny but true.

In the X-men movies, Patrick Stewart plays the role of a mutant with superpowers who started a school for other mutants with superpowers.   It’s called a “school for the gifted”.  I refer to Quepasana as “Jorge’s school for the gifted”.  Mahalo! I’m only half joking.

Dear Jorge and staff:  WOW.  So much gratitude fills my heart thinking of all the love all of you who have given so much.  I am grateful for the delicious food.  During times of stress, the food was loaded with so much nurturance and loving care.  I had tears of happiness feeling a deep warmth shine deep into my soul.  I would feel the heaviness dissolve with each bite of your food and vibrant meals and treats.  Thank you for all who helped the flow of the schedule.  I was profoundly blessed to have Jorge teach with such clarity, ease and wisdom.  I feel more present and quickly let go of the mind chatter returning to this sacred moment within the body.  I would like to help with Kidpasana for my students.  My heart is filled with joy and happiness.  I would also like to serve the next Quepasana.

Entitled “How to change your life in 10 days”

Dear Jorge, through this gift of Quepasana meditation teachings and yin yoga practice, a surge of reclaimed energy flow is liberating this body in a way that I have only dreamed was possible.  I feel more aligned with my higher purpose and the ability to create from the core, the truth of my being.  Many layers of resistance and lack of love for this self were removed so that the greater self may emerge and co-create with spirit in a way I have not experienced in this lifetime.  These 10 days of Quepasana have been life altering, revealing to me a new way of being, having greater alignment with source energy than ever before or even dreamed possible.  I have a new practice:  daily Vipassana meditation and yin yoga, clarifying me for my dharma with confidence.  You have my deepest gratitude for this life altering experience opening ways of being that I am astounded to witness within this self. Eternally grateful

Wow so perfect in every way.  I kept thinking of all the beautiful people in my life who would benefit from Quepasana, so many loved ones and then I realized I am here, I am it and this total experience at every level is for me.  My heart is wide open, my mind is realigned and I am abundantly taken care of.  Thank you so much for this experience.  It is the first time I remember as an adult where I felt my every need and desire truly taken care of.  Thank you for reminding me I am the one that is truly worthy of all my love and attention.  Coming to Quepasana was a gift of time to myself and by giving myself this gift I felt so cared for and loved.  Mahalo Nui Loa.  May you continue to share and inspire others.  So much love and gratitude.  I will be back to serve.

You guys have managed to create one of the most beautiful spaces I have ever come across.  So much love, so much wisdom, so much growth…  I’ve been blessed to be a part of it and so incredibly thankful that I was allowed to be a part of it.  Thank you guys so much.  This place will never be forgotten.

Quepasana Love Note

Oh where to begin—how about right here, right now!  I have been crying since our very first session this morning all the way through lunch.  The tears are of sadness, grief, sorrow, as well as for joy, gratitude and happiness.  Quepasana has been life changing.  I can’t tell you how exactly at this moment but I know it has changed the course of my life.   Receiving the love, care and nurturing from all of the servers has been overwhelmingly wonderful and uplifting.  The food, prepared with so much love has nourished my soul as well as my body and mind.   And the Vipassana and Yin Yoga teachings by Jorge have upleveled my meditation and yoga practice to a whole new level.  I have been meditating and doing Yoga for over 10 years, nearly daily.  In my meditation I have always tried to leave my body and go somewhere else.  This method of grounding into the body and just feel is so new and refreshing to me and has allowed me to feel feelings I have repressed for a very long time.  It feels so freeing and transformational to let it all go!  Thank you!

So yes, the tears of sadness, grief, and sorrow are for all the old, past events in my life that I was finally able to let go of.  And the tears of joy, gratitude and happiness are all for the opportunity to have attended the February 2018 Quepasana event at Makena Hawaii.  Love and blessings on the continued journey of Quepasana and I look forward to returning to be of service to the future lucky participants to your wonderful party!

Beloved Jorge.  You are awesome.  Quepasana is amazing!  This land is sublimely sacred.  You have taught us loving kindness by your example and embodiment of your teachings.  My heart has been opened and my soul cries out for all people to be able to live in this sweetness.  Mahalo for this incredible cosmic carpet ride into inner awareness and higher consciousness. Thank you for saying Yes to your mission!  Thank you for inviting me to this cosmic joy love fest!  I have been deeply touched by all of it.  Sweet dolphin kisses and blessings beyond belief to you.

I am filled with loving kindness.  It bubbles up from hidden springs, fills and overflows me and silently it sings. I am filled with loving kindness and deep gratitude for “effortless ease”, Mula Bandha please and inspiring delicious food. I am well, I am WELL rings the chime of every bell.  Health and goodness flow, well in Kipahulu Frog, well in leaping Jedi Pose.  And through the layers I peel, sensational awareness in the silence and the still. I am peaceful and at ease.  Rain and tears they come and go.  I rest in natural great peace.  Moment to moment, as it is.   I feel these thoughts release. Whether monsoon winds are blowing or gentle breezes through the trees, breathing through yin yoga and sometimes aching knees.

I am happy and content.  Owl and stars in evening, whales and tales after dawn.  Thankful for warm hearted care and views from on the lawn.  Happy in the shala, happy in my tent.  These precious days and moments could not be better spent.


I thoroughly enjoyed the simplicity of your voice, the tone and the commands.  Thank you so much for sharing this paradise.

What an incredible gift this has been.  Thank you for the simplicity, accessibility and authenticity of the teachings.  This experience has been filled with beauty, wonder and openings.  Quepasana is spreading peace, love and joy throughout the world.  Thank you for all your efforts.  You are so appreciated.

So far, what I can understand about life is that the only reason for being here in this plane is to be of service to others without expecting anything in return.  Quepasana is doing it.   You got it.  That’s it.  Gratitude and love.  PS “If you can’t feed one hundred people, then feed just one” (Mother Teresa)

QUEPASANA – Find your own inner guru = Tantric Yoga.  So very much gratitude!


Thank you Jorge….  Your commitment is infectious.  You are a great teacher and facilitator.



Thank you again Jorge.  It is an honor, pleasure and great good fortune to be part of your wonderful family.

You really are throwing the best party on island!  This second time has deepened so much for me, in meditation and yin practice.  I stopped fidgeting and needing to keep moving on the mat and I could just let it all go and fall into deep relaxation!  I always said I loved yin, yet struggled to stay present and “do nothing” for 2 hours.  It was a bit of torture in paradise.  But finally I surrendered and am hooked.  I can’t wait for the playlist as I’m doing it daily along with a recommitment to meditate daily – no exceptions.  Plus, I cannot live without the daily chi machine.  Thank you for awakening me to another level and deepening my love of my life, my body and me!  I am a Quepasana member for life and look forward to the next time I come to this side of the world to play again.  So much love and gratitude for the love you share so generously.

Dear beloved musicians – Thank you for sharing the music medicine that comes through you.  It is potent and magical.  I especially enjoyed the last song.  Quepasana has shown us the way, now it is up to us. I also wanted to share that while you were playing during meditation I was a bit confused as to why, so I opened my eyes to look around and at that very moment a whale jumped out.  Wow!  Mahalo.

A sidereal waltz takes place at four in the morning between the big dipper, Scorpio and Venus.  Four shooting stars.  The quiet, gentle before anyone stirs from slumber….  Breathing in the stars, exhaling in the ocean.  The day unfolds; meditation, yoga, fuel, rest, stretch, meditation, yoga and so it flows.  Each space deeply considered for our benefit, separated only by the ringing of the bell.  In gratitude for the honor of being asked to serve.

Thank you for showing up with all the beautiful gifts u seemed to be so thankful to be giving us.  I am so thankful to receive so much from Quepasana from the seen and the unseen, flowing river of gifts of gratitude, thankfulness, nourishment, awareness, joy, beauty, community, health.

Just wanted to share that this morning’s meditation was the very first time I sat in one pose the entire time!!  It may also be the one and only time, but AS IT IS ☺.  The hardest part of the whole course, besides sitting still for more than ten minutes, is not being able to hug everyone.


You are an inspiration to me!  Thank you for taking the time in your life to cultivate loving kindness, wellness, peace and ease, happiness and contentment.  You genuinely model this and I have been touched deeply.  May the goodness keep flowing for you and all your relations.

January 2018

OMG!  How good is this? I go to THE MOST INCREDIBLE SPOT ON EARTH.  To discover the most incredible place on earth (me ☺).  Awesome.  Mahalo.

Jorge, Libby, and Eric,

I am so incredibly inspired by the work you are doing and by the people you are and the way you live and love and give so much love. To provide this space to come and just be.  To surrender fully and feel so completely held, safe, loved and deeply nourished throughout it all… is such a gift, a truly precious gift I am boundlessly grateful for.  THIS IS IT.  This really is it, this is the work and thank you for reminding us all.  In just one ordinary moment you can return into the aliveness of the sensory world, sink into the mystery, drop into the muddy earth, and set aside the urgency to be anything other than what you are.  Your imagination is holy, your vision is open and there is no temple greater than your own body.  There are colors here, eyes to gaze into, warm ones to hold and water to drink, sunsets to commune with and hearts to attune to a birdsong from another world.  A new dream is forming.  I love you all deeply and am here to support you any and every way I can.  XOXO

Beloved Jorge,

Sitting on the lawn preparing to leave this paradise:  The music of the birds chirping, the waves lapping; the feast of ocean and sky, trees and grass, the gentle kiss of the breeze as the sun warms my face and shoulder.  This moment – Perfection.  As it is. Can I receive what is offered so freely and abundantly?  This is my Aloha Koan. I came to this course with the expectation of being in the lap of beauty, nourishing my body and soul with Yoga, meditation and good food. What I did not expect was total transformation.  A “course” correction. I did not expect to be surrounded by exquisite, gentle beings.  To have my heart melted in song. I did not expect to discover that the greatest paradise is within the weave of this body – that as magnificent this piece of property is (The best on Maui, perhaps the best in the world), it doesn’t hold a candle to the prime real estate of my body. 32 years ago I took my one and only mushroom trip. It was a magical journey through the interior of my body.  It was life as I knew it was meant to be—multi dimensional.  When the trip completed I fell into a deep depression – the return to the cardboard world.  Knowing I could not live my life on drugs I’ve spent the last 32 years exploring ways to meet life and supporting others on that journey.  (bodywork…Meditation, inquiry)

Day 4 with the introduction of the body scan opened me to the direct experience of my body as I had met it on the mushroom journey.  I experienced my body as light.  My joints as crystals.  I felt beautiful, bountiful, blissful! As I scanned my body – welcoming, meeting it all – as it was I experienced awareness as loving kindness.  It became brilliantly clear that I am filled with loving kindness when I am present to awareness.  Always available.  Nothing wanting.  Pure love – in that simple act of scanning. Later that day the backlash (we call it rebound in the Diamond work):  Sciatica pain.  My body, no longer an expanding palace of light, but of dense unbearable pain. The Hell realms! Your story about day 4 and the emergency room was so helpful.  I was ready to leave.  I was at my limit of unbearable, over the top intolerable. Day 5 the meditation instruction takes me to a new level of awe, wonder.  Penetrating my internal body, I travel to ancient times, see ruins under the sea.  The reality that the whole universe abides within me is irrefutable direct knowledge.  I am merged into oneness. I think of Tibetan Buddhist terms – teachings that are hidden in rocks or minds, to be revealed when a culture is ready to receive the knowledge.  I feel my body is waiting to be discovered.  I am in awe of who I am, of who each of us are. There is so much more to say – so many gifts – so much gratitude.  Let me end by saying that one of the greatest gifts was you.  Being in your presence.  Being in the wake of your leadership. You are: Direct. Clear. Pure. Simple. Unpretentious (in a non-self-effacing way).  Enthusiastic, authentic, genuine, kind, grounded and open.  You walk your talk.  You live your vision. I’ve declared your name a verb: Jorge: To act with boundless, overflowing generosity. Can I receive all this?  All this beauty, abundance, bliss – within and without? That is my new course.  I am deeply grateful.  In love.

Dear Jorge,

Thank you for creating a forum through which meditation and celebration can meet through the physical senses, in deep appreciation and “respect” for one another. For those of us that are prone extravagant mental acrobatics, there will always be a more ascetic place in Goenka’ s version of Vipassana to clarify our connection between the mystery and the logos.  Ever so grateful that you heard the call to expand that great road called “the middle path” with Quepasana.  You have woven your unique essence into a program that actually encourages one to unify fun with meditation.  Quepasana invites beauty to meet majesty, delighting in the sensual while honing the deliberate focus of free will divine will…  Not just lost in space, but deeply seeded in the body.  A ‘coup de grace’ my friend. The Quepasana odyssey will continue to inspire awe: Witnessing the wonder of our growing Sangha, weaving the web of the cosmos through the human collective and participating in the revelation as the personal and the transpersonal.  With deep bows.

Dearest Quepasana Family –

This has been, by far, the most generous, nourishing and invigorating gift I have EVER been given.  I was very much in need of a full reset – After spinning through life, off center, lost and confused.  It was as if by magic this experience came into my world.  So, THANK YOU – I still can hardly believe something like this exists.  It inspires me to be even more generous, but from a grounded centered place.  My hope in the world has been restored.  I love you and I thank you.  From the depths of my heart.

Blessings, Mahalo, Great Gratitude!

Turns out the missile heading toward Hawaii…  was a missile of love heading straight to Makena!  My heart is awakened…. Deeply touched and nourished.  My second course, more layers penetrated with awareness…  More able to feel the truth of who I am…. The love that I am.  The generosity here is mind blowing!  It is a gift that calls forth generosity, kindness and love from everyone – Jorge is a living example of this!!  He is beyond words in his capacity to inspire and truly lead by example.  I will return.  Again and again….  With tender gratitude from my awakening heart.

Thank you so much for this profound experience.  It enabled me to bring a much needed softness and acceptance to my meditation practice – Life changing indeed.  Much love and gratitude.



Beloved Jorge,

I am filled with loving gratitude!  WOW!!  It is mind blowing what a generous offer this is!  How is this even possible?  Never mind. ☺.   I pinch myself every day that this is real and I get to have this experience on this beautiful aina and how lucky I am and how lucky we are.  Did I do something special to deserve this?  Was it your karma to create this gift to those who seek it?  At what point in your journey did you get inspired to offer this?  What a gem!


One of the greatest gifts we can give is sharing the things we love with the people we love.  I will be sending some magical beings your way!  I want to share Quepasana with EVERYONE.

Mahalo Nui Loa for this heart opening and healing experience much was gained and received.  So much gratitude for a safe place for me to feel who I am.

Infinite gratitude for all you are creating here. ☺  Looking forward to our Quepasana family growing and growing… Your complete devotion to this practice and community is inspiring. What an incredible blissful joy and absolute immaculate honor it has been to share such a tender, loving, playful, nourishing, rejuvenating, and inspiring time with you all.  Wow.  I am blown away.  Back at the end of our first full day, at sunset, I was moved to tears – “can I really have something this good?  This wonderful? … I am brought again to tears writing about it.  I am so grateful.  This course is a shining jewel in the world. Jorge – You said to us: “We don’t climb mountains because it’s easy”.  But, honestly, if it was you organizing the expedition, even Everest would feel doable.  I rarely have meditated for an hour at a time and I was surprised to find it so much easier than I anticipated.  A big part of that was that I always felt *invited* to do the work, not *obligated*.   Your warm heart and caring presence helped me to make breakthroughs in my ability to focus as well as relax and let it be.  THANK YOU!

Three courses and I haven’t found my center point!  I must be anatomically challenged.  I have concluded that I have no point!  What joy and freedom!  The egrets dance and the whale breach in celebration even Reggie Ray gives a high five from 6 feet under.  What more could a person want than to spend the week with you here at Ponomakena Sanctuary.  Life is good.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  A million times, thank you… For not trying to correct my postures, for giving me the grace to find my own way, and for simply and continuously pointing the way to True North.

Things just appear as they are when I polish the diamond Quepasana offers me.  Thank u.

From spectacular to emptiness and back again.  Thank you so much.  Everything is amazing here.  To live the dream of life.  Que Pasana.

Most gracious Jorge,

Mahalo Nui Loa for your light, your generosity, and your example.  Not every person has been blessed with the desire to make service to others his/her life purpose.  You have been so blessed.  Quepasana is your gift to the world.  As one who truly treasures every sacred breath I have taken during this past week, know that I will share what you have so freely shared with us.  The spiritually transformative insights of Vipassana and somatic meditation practices.  The” journey within” is the subject matter of my follow up book to my recently published “The Pono Principle”, so thank you so much for helping me in giving birth to this new work.

Everywhere I C is generosity.  Thank you.

Thank you Jorge!  I love you!

I was moved deeply this afternoon.  Seems as if a layer of protection around my heart has dissolved and I was able to really let in the beautiful offering of Quepasana.  I am at a loss with words yet can express that there have been a handful of times in my life when I have felt such genuine generosity and so gently cared for… this is one of these times I and I will carry the goodness in my heart always.  Mahalo for giving me the opportunity to believe that I am truly deserving of such sweetness…. Strawberry love to you both!

Jorge, I feel blessed beyond!  Thank you…  This course and how you facilitate it is extraordinary.  Full of love, nurturance and a firm grounded commitment to pursue TRUTH.  Thank you, thank you! Thank you!  It has been profound for me to give myself this time to BE.  In the beginning I felt a bit restless at all this relaxation and thought maybe I was wasting my “time” and “should” be out there achieving my goals on the physical plane… But quickly realized this is where the “time” is best spent.  With me.  With my blocks, fears, wounds and pains that despite years of “awakening” work are still creeping out and hiding in buried deep places.  Thank you for this super safe and nurturing container for me to shine the light on them and release them FOREVER!  I love myself even deeper and love my life so much more.



Jorge,  Thank you for the Quepasana experience.  A few times per day I ask the universe to help me reach my highest potential for uplifting humanity, nurturing mother earth, and being a good balance for the planet.  These courses have steered me toward my highest potential.  I have become a believer in the enormous positive effects of sitting quietly a few times per day.  Please keep up your incredible and inspiring courses.  When I think of you my heart lights up and I smile.  All the best to you.

Thank you so much for this experience.  Your altruistic sharing of your practice, beautiful land and wisdom is most inspiring.  I am yet again changed at depth with this new cathartic experience.  I first sat with Vipassana 15 years ago while processing the grief of a dear friend passing.  To come back and sit again without grief is very different.  Thank you for the reminder of what this practice is and does.


Thank you Jorge for inviting me to this truly amazing experience.  In over 40 years of practicing I have done many meditation retreats and yoga retreats.  But nothing as amazing as this.  The combination of Goenka style Vipassana and Yoga with beautiful music is exquisite.  In all my years of doing Yoga, lip service was paid to yoga as preparation and integral to meditation.  Well, this is it.  Amazing use of Yoga and movement and music to open the body so that meditation can be still and profound. Wow, it is an amazing honor to do a Quepasana course.  And then there is the location.  The most beautiful beach estate in Maui has got to be one of the most beautiful places on earth.  Jorge is so incredibly generous to provide everything, good tent cabins, beds, great food, and so freely offered.  I am amazed and inspired, grateful, appreciative and more.   I feel more rested and deeply relaxed than I remember.  I have stopped a 4 cup of coffee per day habit, no wine with dinner, probably lost 10 pounds and feel great.

Thank you Jorge for such a profound time here – so revitalizing, renewing and resetting.  So glad to be able to purge out all that no longer serves me.  Thank you for holding such a deep and agenda-less loving presence.    It has helped me to reach into the most tender, delicate spots buried deep within and heal them through the dynamic process of self-realization.  Blessings.

What a beautiful experience.  Thank you so much for this incredible gift!  I really appreciated the crystal clear instructions of the techniques and the light-hearted attitude with which it was presented.  You are a phenomenal teacher and I am so grateful for your immense generosity in sharing yourself and creating this amazing space for growth and healing.  I felt completely supported and genuinely cared for through the presence of you and your staff. The location, food, and accommodations were all superb.  I highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to deepen their meditation practice.  PS.  My baby was dancing wildly in my belly every time you played the singing bowls.  Thank you for welcoming us here and for offering such a magical, potent journey. Blessings and Aloha.

First, and foremost I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of Quepasana. The fact that it all came together was a blessing in itself. My soul needed Quepasana on every level, and even though I didn't get to talk with Jorge please tell him that his caring energy, guidance and gift of Quepasana was so INSPIRING!!! My heart will forever be so full due to everyone's loving support and presence. After it all, I was definitely overwhelmed with emotions of love, awe, excitement and having to talk again! I had so many profound experiences that were overwhelming to express at the time, and I'm definitely a cry baby lol! I since have written everything down, and been able to digest it all. If you can also let Jorge know that my shoulder pain has since been GONE! The mere fact that I was able to witness the pain coming and going with my mind through body scanning was such a huge shift. He seriously makes me want to pursue my goal of teaching people how to meditate. Meditation already had been a huge part of my life and made me more mindful, peaceful and present, but the eliminating of pain was completely unexpected. I remember him answering one of my questions and saying "keep doing the work" lol and "the pain will eventually loosen its grip on you" - but all that was going through my mind was "BUT HOW LONG WILL THAT TAKE?!" Silly me. That part was all up to me too, and the fact that I honestly haven't felt any pain since I left is just a plain miracle because that pain has been consistently present in my life since 2013.... and I've tried so many things to make the pain stop. Everything was truly magical! With the fullness of my heart, peace in my mind and light in my spirit - MAHALO NUI LOA to Jorge for his amazing contribution to humanity, to you for making sure everything was comfortable, easy and delicious and the entire Quepasana family for being a presence of loving energy.

Warmest Aloha,

I am truly grateful for this amazing experience where I feel truly given to and loved.  This experience has been beyond my dreams.  The instructor is humble and wise.  Thank you for making this experience gentle and loving with the frequent breaks and easy flowing movement with a voice full of compassion and thoughtfulness.  I have traveled the world and had many extraordinary adventures, and this has by far exceeded them all.  The environment, the great care that made me feel loved and facilitated the journey to my soul was extraordinary and life altering.  I feel strong and ready to handle life’s challenges.  Wow!  You are a giving and loving person.  I love your smile and gentle ways.  Thank you.

Dearest Jorge and Servers – Mahalo from the bottom of my heart.   What a gift you are giving, and to take this time to sit, be silent and receive was the best gift I could give myself.   I have been wanting to do Vipassana for a long time, but was intimidated and never made the time.  But this version of a course seemed so nurturing and inviting, and it was! I am excited to bring this practice into my daily life, and am so inspired by what is possible.  I loved the LED lights, aesthetics, cabins, attention to detail and the extra love put into all of it.  I look forward to serving future Quepasana courses in any way I can and am happy I live here on Maui!  As for Ponomakena, I am so glad this special land is in your care now!   My daily snorkel was a spiritual experience I cherished greatly.  (Saw a 6-foot eel, several turtles and a barracuda). Also, I have never felt so loved and nurtured in a massage before –   Truly an angel that brought me to tears. I am so excited to share this lifestyle with others!

Friday was the best Yin Yoga EVER!  It’s great when you lose track and take a spontaneous talk

What the world needs now is Quepasana, sweet Quepasana.  It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.  I am extremely grateful.  You all are awesome.  A chance to go deeper and deeper.

Before attending this course I considered myself aware of the extent to which my mind acts on its own accord.  Someone who may be considering attending a Quepasana course and is thinking it will be a peaceful, relatively thoughtless and clear minded experience is in for quite a shock.  We are ALL far crazier than we think.  I expected that my mind’s activity would lessen because I was not speaking or interacting with the world through my phone screen, which I do for hours every day.  On the contrary, my mind has never seemed more active, bothersome and disruptive to my attempts at meditation, no-thought and awareness.  As if it felt threatened, or understood that its dominion was being challenged, it came, full force and consistently pulled my attention away from the present moment.  In the book Power Freedom and Grace, Deepak Chopra states that of the 60,000 thoughts we have per day, 95 percent of them are the same ones we had yesterday, and so on.  However, during my stay at Ponomakena, my mind exhumed thoughts and memories I had not entertained in years.  I found myself remembering things I had all but forgotten, especially trivial content from movies and such.  It made me regret all the time I spent watching stupid things through a screen as they endlessly tormented me in my attempts to stay focused.  I doubt I would have ever realized the extent of my inner chatter without coming here.  For this I am eternally grateful


The food is spectacular!  So tasty, filling and perfect!

I love Quepasana.  It is an enormous privilege to be here now, thank you so much for hosting all of this all of us.  Eternally grateful

I got the breakthrough I was hoping for this morning when I remembered something you said last night as I was fighting away fatigue in one of the last sits for the day.  You described how one can often chew on thoughts like a dog chews on a bone.  The insight hit me like a jolt.  Big I immediately ordered little i to fetch up one body scan.  As soon as little i did that, Big I ordered it to do it again -  fetched for almost one hour!

This has been a great experience.  I feel so welcome.  Although the schedule is rigorous it is very doable.  Jorge is passionate about sharing Vipassana with some unique and very helpful twists.  He has a lighthearted sense of humor as well.  It is clear that the entire course was developed very mindfully including the location, the cabins, meals and schedule.  Having all the little extras was fantastic.  Candles, notes about meals, music, lighting, etc.



I just wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you and all of the beautiful people who have made this course possible.  I feel that you have found the ideal balance in Vipassana and this real world we live in.  I had been searching for four years for the right place to do this and when a friend told me about Quepasana I knew I had found my home! Quepasana = Vipassana+Yoga+Being Human+Magic

On a side note, I thoroughly enjoyed the Kundalini and the Yin Yoga and also found the ten-point meditation recording helpful.  The talent last night was soul touching and the food! (need I say more?)

Interestingly enough, in my early life it was much easier to be a critic than a celebrator.  With years of building pockets of stillness- along with honesty and humility, I can happily say that I’m now a celebrator. I celebrate life, the beauty of all living things, this spectacular planet, the ability to soften my heart, all those that came before and those of the future.  In this moment of time I celebrate you all that make this course a reality.  Jorge, your land, your amazing open heartedness, including all the pieces of the process that brought you to Mother Maui.  I particularly love what the younger generation gleams from this course. – Only to shape their lives, their integrity with the fierce and powerful message to listen to their heartsong and that it will never forsake them. For myself, at this chapter of my life where I am putting the finishing touches to my life – this course consistently allows me the opportunity to dive deeper into my source.  As I bring this life to completion (when the time comes) enabling me let go and fly high with ease. We are beautiful like-minded friends from time without beginning.  I love you.





I highly recommend this silent course experience.  You deserve to give yourself an opportunity to connect with your higher self and to gain powerful tools to guide you on your journey and its turbulent times.  You learn how to release the stress trapped in your body based on your inability to accept life as it is and to seek the lesson and growth that it offers us.  These tools will enable you to free your body from disease and addictions which are caused by an inability to surrender to life challenges and discomfort.  I was grateful for the body scanning and the guided meditation that helps you stay in your body and observe where your negative trapped emotions exist.  The meditation helps you to locate those areas and with awareness and focused breath relieve it for those areas.  The power in silence helps you to stop and disrupt the negative thought patterns.  It felt great to stop the victim story and be in a state of awareness and acceptance with all these powerful tools to take back with you.  You will also strengthen your mind and body with Yin Yoga and organic vegetarian meals that help to raise your vibration and to make massive changes in your thinking patterns.

I was pleasantly surprised with the hour of massage and the opportunity to play crystal bowls and charge my crystals as well.  The bonds of friendship I made with like-minded spiritual friends will be cherished.  The spiritual facilitator was extraordinary with his profound words of wisdom and guiding you to honor your body by being gentle.  There are a variety of sitting arrangements for your comfort.  I highly recommend it.  You deserve it.  I don’t ever remember feeling so loved and given to in such abundance and happiness with kindness and compassion.  There were adequate breaks and rest time.  It was very orderly and timely with meals and snacks.  You will not be wanting for anything.  The privilege to feel so cherished will give your mind a rest to recharge and get back to your life feeling empowered, calm and well rested with amazing tools to take away that will greatly enhance your life forever!




Thank you for this phenomenal experience.  It has filled me with grace.  I am a regular meditator and I appreciated learning Vipassana and Yoga.  I am going back home and will incorporate yoga into my daily meditation program.  I had the experience during one of the meditations where I was deconstructed and I became particles in space.  I still knew who I was as particles.  The word Alchemy comes to mind when I think of this.  I found the somatic work wonderful.  I felt some of the deepest levels of rest through those exercises.  I have been resistant to yoga in the past, but no longer!  I loved the Yin Yoga and I’m going to get a bolster! I feel the contribution your organization makes to the world is priceless.  I feel very strongly that meditation is a gateway to awareness and raising consciousness.  We must WAKE UP! Much love for your work.

Each breath. Like many winds. The yin space. Like the still of Summer evenings. In the moment. To and through fields. Of passing wild flowers. The gusty turbulence Of love And love softly

Come for the meditation, stay for the food

The only problem I have is thinking I am separate from God (Source, Tao, etc).  I am here to serve and align myself with good.  May my heart greet all those that I meet today.  The only job I have is to be a point of light on the planet.

This is so beautiful.   Thank you all.  You are so beautiful.  Filled with so much gratitude.



So my rating on the five hearts scale is ∞/5 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥……….   I look forward to coming back soon.  I know we call this a course, and it’s also a great RE-TREAT, treat and treat again.  Day 1 was challenging for me and I loved breathing through it all and staying in the moment.  The rest of the week just kept getting easier and better (tho’ not challenge free) Gracias! Mahalo – Merci – thanks!

Silent course feedback:

I find the location and setup to be aesthetically appealing and really set the stage for a dynamic experience to be still and to experience my soul and the universal life force.  I am grateful to have my own living space and to sleep in peace.  Thanks for putting up the hammocks, a great addition.  I was delightfully impressed with the crystal bowls and having the opportunity to play and charge my crystals with.  I hope when I return I have the pleasure of playing them.  The body work was a WOW.  I was not expecting that and was grateful to have my body experience such delight and feeling of being loved.  I cannot say enough about the frequent and delicious meals.  I felt full here with such amazing care.   What an amazing cook!  It is going to be hard to go back to my cooking.   I save the best for last.  I consider you to be an amazing spiritual guru.  I really appreciated feeling comfortable to be gentle to my body and being constantly reminded to do so.  Your voice is soothing and compassionate.  The frequent breaks for my sore body were needed.   I love your music choices.  It put me in the mood to silence my busy mind.  I loved your words of wisdom and find them to be powerful and I will take them back to my daily grind. I really liked how you kept changing up the meditation options and exercise routine especially Sunday the free style dancing and guided meditation.  I will never forget this amazing week where I for the first time in my life was still and I got a chance to give thanks and praise to my soul.  I have such great tools to take back to my daily life to make this world a better place for me and others.  I will remember to pause and scan my body to identify my stress and release it with acceptance for life as it is and to meditate before I take action to make the best choice available to me.  Thank you for your wisdom.   I will honor universal consciousness expressed as my soul in this short term body by meditating first before I start my day so that I may be better equipped to surrender to life lessons and challenges instead of responding out of fear and anger negatively contributing to the chaos that we have globally co-created.  Thank you for creating a powerful ripple effect to make this world enjoyable and to live together in peace. May abundance of health, wealth, joy, love and happiness be with this place and all who enter it.  You are valued and appreciated by me more than words can express.  You have positively changed the course of my life and I look forward to “paying it forward”

OMG.  I think I have died and gone to food heaven.  Amazing!  Cooked up with so much love and wanted nothing in return.  How awesome is that?

Tuesday I cried in front of everyone and it was a big, big challenge.  When I felt my tears coming up I asked my guides to wait to be alone to cry out, it was the time of release!  Do you know why I cried?  Sadness?  Suffering about being broke or poor? Fear to be in my situation?  No, my soul cried out of pure joy, thankfulness and reverence for all that has happened to me…. It was a deep time of humbling letting go of unnecessary pressure on my shoulders accumulated since years of spiritual initiations and missions.   About Thursday morning, my soul faced my lower dimensions due to a lack of nicotine.  The intense breath of fire helped me transmute… or try to… because my resistances were intense!  I’m thankful for this experience on Thursday morning during yoga and meditation, being pulled down by addiction like that did show me what I need to be doing to free myself of what does not serve me anymore. Thank you for what you do for the spirit, the one, the unity.  This is beautiful beyond measure and to have served you during this week was a deep honor.


Thank you from my heart, spirit, mind and body for such a heavenly setup.   It could not be better to come home in such a roly poly playful, blissful, accepting way.  The gods must have sent you and your crew to help us see the endless mystery in ourselves and all around us.  My wish is to contribute to this awakening, I will listen closely to the whisper of the gods.  My heart and spirit is in tune with yours.  Thank you to everyone.

Here we go again…….  What just happened?  Touching, feeling the love of who I am with profound and deep gratitude for who and what you bring.  For all the persistent work and coming through yet another layer.  And mostly for showing up fully with such a big heart.  You give freely what works for you.  The ability to guide with your verbiage is a poetic truth for us to rest in the natural great peace – which we all deserve.

Quepasana = a florucopia of insight, awareness, meditation, nutrition, change, flow, here today, gone tomorrow but always present, always there.   Oh yeah, sunshine, wind, rain and rainbows.

I am so deeply touched!  This has been an amazing exquisite experience.  Just what I was longing for:  diving into the spaciousness and beauty of silence, being held and cared for by angels, and in one of the most sacred places in the islands of Hawaii; a true refuge, a refuge of nature, a refuge of love, a refuge of hope for the troubled times we live in.  I would not have enough paper to express my gratitude.  Thank you, gracias, mahalo.  It is easy to dream, but it takes so much more to manifest.   Regarding the practices, I think it is brilliant the way you are bringing Goenka and Reggie Ray (Tibetan Buddhism) together.  The way Ray works with the Soma brings in a whole new dimension to the meditation practice. I very much enjoyed the earth descent practice today.  I was surprised I had trouble staying awake for the 10-point practice although I have listened to that or other similar recordings before.  Maybe the fact that today it was earlier in the day made a difference.  I very much like Ray’s work and in this context it very much expanded my exploration. I think this is the perfect medicine for a lot of us longing to go deeper but not able to find the context, the holding or the method. I definitely would like to offer my energy to support this vision and hopefully to be able to be one of the angels, either offering massage, or anything else that might be needed.

So much grace!  Alleluia!

I spent a good part of my late teens and 20s following the touring musical rock group the Grateful Dead.   My all-time favorite lyric is from a song called Terrapin Station.  The line is: “statements just seem vain at last”.   To sit in silence and just be – so simple yet so profound.  Thank you Jorge for being the change we all wish to see in the world.  Infinite blessings upon you and the whole Quepasana team.  May Quepasana continue to blossom and touch people for many years to come.  A Hui Ho!

Thanks for all the heart renderings, honesty, safe space to go deep and look forensically within to become a kinder being.  Thank you for your loving humane service.


Quepasana helped me take, live, be my first breath on this planet, it seems.  Eternally grateful for every moment, your kindness love and grace…  Mahalo Nui Loa, thank you.  Infinite love and gratitude.

Mahalo for all that you are and all that you offer, Jorge.  I offer my deepest gratitude to Libby and yourself for so graciously and openheartedly hosting my ohana.  We are so blessed and thankful.

Quietly, Unwinding, Entering, Peace, Aware of, Sensations, Accepting, Now. All ways.

I was already in love with Ahihi-Ke’anau, where these courses are held.  And now I am in love with Quepasana and ALL IT IS.  I feel great gratitude for what you have created Jorge.   You are a true visionary, manifestor and generous being who has attracted and gathered an amazing team/family to throw a great party! Jorge, your ego free offerings and clarity of thought and speech are truly edifying, easy to get and assimilate.  (You’re pretty funny too, even your corny jokes! ☺) Congratulations on making it happen and living your dream and sharing with us. At first I hated Reggie Ray’s 10-point meditation and voice, and I hung in there and got it the third time, yay!  Earth Descent meditation affected me profoundly in finding my roots and groundedness and will balance nicely with my watery-ness.

How to find the right words to describe with the right energy and measure why Quepasana is so important and efficient to awaken and heal each of us for the creation of the new world and what it is truly about? It was my first one and this week has been simply magical.  So deeply grounding, healing purifying to connect with our higher dimensions, our body and beyond….To have found a way to combine the use of the five senses in the process of the healing is a genuine idea!  The transformation becomes so efficient and intense!  Yin Yoga was much more challenging for me than I could have imagined… And so, so much inner bliss and relaxation come after those challenging moments!  Equanimity, equanimity…To combine Yin Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, massage music is the perfect support to optimize our Vipassana meditation practice at its best!!! The alchemy takes place with wonder during all the week, step by step, layer after layer, release after release! The final inner transformation is deep, intense, simply a magical blessed life change experience!!!  7 days printed in the golden book of my destiny! Thank you to all the diligent and organized members of the Quepasana team…  Thank you to every Jedi student, brothers and sisters like me who decided to co-create this moment of eternity, this moment of profound communion, fraternity and reflection. And thank you Jorge, a soul like no other.  I know how rare it is to see a man devote himself, his time, his energy and his money to heal as many souls as possible!!  This is extremely rare and precious.  Jorge, what you have accomplished, dreamed and created deserve all the support and benedictions of our creator, the force, the infinite realms of love!!!  And so it is and will be as it is…. As it is….May Quepasana continue to flourish, to free more and more souls at this so special time of the creation of the new world, the new reality, the new unified earth nation. These 7 days have been a pure reflection of consciousness and love, a pure example for the creation of the new paradigm.  And the food was a perfect example that every human on our planet should have at any time, so delicious, so health and so much love inside.

Long, long life to your soul mission Jorge.  May the love and the seven rays of the creations shine through.   THANK YOU ten thousand times and much more.  Infinite recognition love and kindness. Soul to soul, heart to heart, Jedi to Jedi!

Thank you again and again.  I cannot express my growing love for this process.  I fall in love in layers and layers.  Never ending goodness!! Thank you for this opportunity to tune in!

Mahalo!  This has been an extraordinary week!  I can’t remember feeling so cared for, nourished and supported on so many levels.  The generosity of the land, water, teachings, staff, food and, of course you have left me humbled and awakened.  Turning 65 this year I definitely noticed a downshift in my aliveness.  I am reset!  The spark of aliveness has returned with new motivation to continue.  Not having had a consistent yoga practice for many years – I spent the first three days meditating on the sensation of pain – then a shift, a softening.  I turned toward essence, toward emptiness in my body a reminder of who I really am.  You are a unique combination as a teacher:   Joy, creativity, profound generosity – a delightful vital being!  I will return.  I have returned!  With a softened grateful heart.

What a trip!  I really can’t express what the experience was like with just words.  I’m sure that has been said before, but it’s true.  A picture may be worth a thousand words, but an experience is worth everything.  I was brought to tears more than once with gratitude for all the servers and the people that made this happen.  I had some of the most powerful and subtle experiences of my life.  This really should be experienced by everyone.  Jorge, thank you more than words can express.  You’ve impacted my life more positively and powerfully than you’ll ever know.

To start, a HUGE THANK YOU to Jorge and everyone who helped in making this experience so beautiful.  Having attended a Vipassana course before, I came with expectations…. I know, not good!!!  So of course I got to deal with my frustration all week.  I guess that was my lesson this time.  Not what I expected but I had to face it through a lot of pain, anger, no concentration, scattered mind, I got through.  This sunset meditation everything finally clicked! ☺ I feel blessed for being here.  I feel peace and ease, happiness and love.  Once again, thank you!  Oh, I forgot to say the place and the food could not be more perfect.  Gracias!!

Dearest Jorge,

What does one say when one’s heart has been blown wide open?  To have the time to really be quiet in a setting that is beyond magnificent.  To get to know oneself, to dive deeper, to feel my breath, my core, my heart, my joy and my tears.  To be so relaxed and enjoy a rhythm that is so nourishing.  There was nothing to do, to fix or plan, to take care of, truly a freedom that is rarely known. And with just a word to bring a smile to my face, but more penetrating an inner smile to my being.  All this and so much more because of what you offer here.  Such a heart you have to offer such a gift!  A gift so grand and so heartfelt I have never experienced in my personal life.  I have deep gratitude for you and the opportunity you present to all who are willing.  And such a beautiful gift to the community here.  Maui is already such a heart centered place, bestowed with endless beauty.  And now Quepasana is opening heart after heart, creating a network of individuals who are now connected in such a rich way, comrades of a higher ground can raise the vibration of our beautiful island and ripple out to so many.  I love your analogy to be as a prayer flag, fly high.  I wish more people to step into their power and calling, as you have, thru the silence so we can really hear one another.  You have provided an extraordinary experience, comfortable, nourished with words that break it down to its simplest purest form.  I thank you for all the thought and love you have put into it – and all the work.  And to swim with all my colored fish friends everyday- Just topped it off for me.  Glorious, stunning.  I will take home a new relationship to silence and to myself.  My inner journey continues to flourish.  A thousand thank yous until we sit in silence again.  In deepest gratitude and love.

Dear Jorge,

Honored to share common ground in the sacred silence with you at Ponomakena.  You have created a Vipassana beacon of light for communion with the Aina.   Blending spiritual perspectives and lineages has always resonated best for me.  While many staunch Buddhists may say Quepasana is watering down the purity of the original transmission, I say Vive la Difference!  Your joy de vivre, humility, equanimity and Mexican flair are a welcome breath of fresh plumeria laced aloha air.  Many will welcome the spaciousness that you have opened into the Vipassana tradition.  The moving meditation practices of Yin and Kundalini yoga are brilliant and effective in building bridges of centered awareness through breathing life between the worlds of meditating and activity.  All that lying on the Earth in the daylight hours in Savasana was an unparalleled nourishing experience.  In my own confrontation with Mara, it was as your somatic recording teacher said in recounting the Buddha touching the earth….  A transcendent heart opening experience I will never forget.  I look forward to joining the Quepasana community in service.  Deep bows.

From day one onwards I am getting deep insightful downloads effortlessly just looking at the ocean, waiting for a meal, resting in bed.  The formal meditations were a struggle until day 6 sunset when I let in the body sensations which surprisingly only were telling me what an incredible life I have lived and how precious our time here on Earth is in these bodies.  That was the first moment I truly let in a phone call from one day before Quepasana.  My doctor was arranging for specialists and more tests since this one did come back positive for cancer.  Every moment, every sensation, every thought, every action has the clarity of being precious if we let it in.

“The art of living – Real living is feeling free and uninhibited and, instead of being guided by external forces, following the internal direction of the heart.”  I wrote that many years ago, but did not realize exactly what it meant until this week.  You guys nailed it!  Thank you!  What a blessing! Forever grateful for this life changing opportunity.

When I first signed up for the Quepasana course, I thought it was 10 days.  Then I found out it was only 7 days and I thought, that’s enough.  Now I wish it were 10 days.  I look forward to sharing this experience of Quepasana with you again.

Team Quepasana,

My whole being is full of GRATITUDE.  For this 7 days of self-love.  I have been a believer that gentleness is powerful and this meditation course allowed that wisdom to sink in another layer.  The land the course is held on is quite possibly the most peaceful place I’ve been.  The birds singing, ocean waves, pleasant breeze, hardly any car noises made the experience peaceful and I felt safe to dive into my awareness.  The time in silence is PRICELESS.  I really enjoyed the “shake rattle and roll” warm up.   I would love if you could make a video and send it to all of us to assist in integrating this into every day.  This was also the first time I’ve spent many hours connecting to center point and I am hooked to add it into my daily meditation practice.  I’ve done a Vipassana course before and really appreciate there is movement in this course, it feels necessary to keep the chi moving so the sits can be more accessible.  Absolutely loved the playlists, especial the dharmic music during Yin Yoga.  Would love that too if it’s on Spotify.   The somatic guided meditation was a fun way to explore the body and the 10-point practice allowed me to access deep fear that I had no clue was sitting in the bones of my feet.  Also, really appreciate the humor and dance party we enjoyed.  It feels that the spiritual life can be so serious and it seems healthier to smile, play, laugh more when appropriate. Big thank you to the kitchen crew!  Holy yummmmm. Everything was delicious, healthy and nourishing.  Makes me consider going back to eating mostly vegan since all this fiber and bone broth really eased my digestive issues I’ve been having the last year. One area of improvement could be to hold and request the silence be honored.  I saw many friends and partners talking a lot and one person came up and started sharing that he was having a hard time and wanted to leave.  I felt rude not to respond but I wish he had not started to share with me in the first place.

This has truly reconnected me with the yin of my being.  I am excited to recommit to a daily movement and one-hour sit practice.  It is not only necessary for my evolution but I know it is assisting the universal frequency to be higher and higher.  Much love and many blessings.

Thank you again Jorge for taking us on this fantastic voyage into ourselves.  Even before the course I knew it would be great.  But I had no idea it would be so awakening.  I had taken a Vipassana course a decade ago and truly had a breakthrough experience but over the years have slipped back into the painful illusion of our “normal society”.  Even having some expectations to fill, this course was above and beyond what I could have expected.  Thank you for giving me the gift of myself! It feels very liberating to know that the constant search isn’t necessary and we are already here.  You have inspired me to deepen my personal practice and prioritize my spiritual life to become the forefront again.  I want to let you know that if you ever need any help, or someone to connect to I will always be available.  I know in my heart we will be crossing paths many more times to come.  Mahalo!!

Aloha Jorge,

The last day in the yoga shala you placed some wonderful essential oil on me.  So comforting.  Perhaps you had a sense of me being in a sensitive state.  Later when I started to sob I felt your presence and caring heart, your loving kindness.  It helped me to move through my emotions.  Thank you.  I was crying because my heart felt so open I could feel everything and I could especially feel the earth and all its dwellers, the birds, the trees, the blue ocean and all the beautiful fish, how their lives are being threatened and their safety unknown if left in the hands of those who do not act from their hearts.  Being present to myself and all of us here at Quepasana this week gave me a sense of participating in something greater than myself – whose vibe and intention and words spoken and unspoken, were added to the something unspoken, and energy that can help bring our beautiful planet forward into balance.  Again thank you for your helping to infuse the world with loving kindness.  May it ripple out to all beings.

Quepasana is the best thing that’s happened to Maui in a long time!  Yeah!

Overwhelmed with kindness, joy, happiness for that which is being received while here.  Learning so much awareness, creativity, continuous flow into the unknown awareness of being.  Mahalo Quepasana

Well it worked!  At the mornings early meditation, I sat down, got myself in position and no sooner had I settled in I had a strong pain.  I just sat down, I was frustrated, I did not want to sit like that for an hour; I was ready to give up….Then you reminded us to scan our body, so I did just that and started to bring awareness to the painful area, I poured loving attention into it and it suddenly started to disappear!  Thank you for your guidance.  Most grateful.

Thank you!  I love you, and your family and what you create.  I believe a gong would be extra amazing along with your crystal bowls.  As far as the somatic meditation, this really opened up my inner eye to go deeper, breathe deeper.  I took a couple or three somatic meditations for it to kick in, and it did.  Thank you for continuing to play them. I like the music but towards the end of the final days best.

Thank you for holding such a sacred safe space here.  I am able to penetrate into my deepest shadow side and not be disturbed by outside distractions.  Thank you for your generosity of spirit and holding such an impeccable peaceful presence.

Lost for words.  Magical!  Profound!  Deep!  Healing! Beautiful!  Amazing timing!   Dream Team, all of you beings.  Magnificent space on all levels.  Family!   Friends! Loved Earthlings!   Love you all.

Haole means “no breath” in Hawaiian.  “Spirit” means “breath” in Greek.  Anapana practice is what gives Haoles access to spirit.  Mana is energy, or life force.  Mana is in the air we breathe.  By breathing in Maui air, we are charging our systems with Mana.  Anapana practice is how we revitalize our bodies with Mana…  You are an excellent Vipassana teacher, and I fully support the somatic exploration of Vajryana tantra, but I want to encourage you to keep Anapana practice as the primary tool used to purify the mind, revitalize the body and connect us with spirit…   Thank you, thank you, thank you. With Metta, Bless!

Thank you Quepasana for your hospitality and love!  I appreciate everything that has been shown to me…. Grateful for your private words during my tough moments and your joy for life is contagious Jorge!

Mahalo Nui Loa.  Thank you my wizard friend.  Body, mind, soul, beingness is soaring more than I could ever wish for.

Thank you always for this creative heartfelt experience.  This one truly changed my life.  You have given me space to reset my system which has aligned me back to source.  I felt my essence in a way I’d never had to date.  The best description of it is the “I’m with us” photo.  Feeling the way in which all thoughts are energy forms that if we resist literally get stuck.  Our beings and heart center are natural frequency transmitters.  We help transmute the energies of the planet through our bodies.  I felt that on a level I never have beyond an intellectual process and into a knowing and feeling experience.  And when we resist certain energies they get stuck until we learn to surrender…. Then they begin to shift… the body work I got with the essential oils aided in the release and stuck energy.  I’m inspired… more creativity to play with.  Thank you for all you do.  I look forward to Maui.

Ever since I was very young I have suffered with the effects of a temper.  My mother used to force me to count to ten.  At times she would have to place a hand on top of my head to hold me down.  I’ve had difficulty throughout my life expressing my emotions in acceptable ways.  Being socially awkward gave bullies an easy target.  People who I considered friends betraying me, lovers hurting me and leaving and many other circumstances has left a lot of emotional residue.  I have need quick to defend, quick to anger…. anger, the one emotion I show clearly.  If I am hurt, even sad or depressed it all comes out as anger.  The only place I have ever felt any peace is at Quepasana where in noble silence I am left alone with my thoughts.  Where, through meditation I can begin to break down my patterns of resistance and reaction.  For the first time in 30 years I am hopeful that one day not only will I love myself again, but I will truly feel and be at peace.  I am so grateful for this gift you have given to me.

On the mat I sat, I sat and I sat I sat and I sat. And my mind kept the chat. I thought about this and I thought about that. Am I fat?  Should I get a cat? Is the earth maybe flat? And I sat on the mat I sat and I sat. Wondering, wondering where it’s at. Playing, paying tit for tat. Ego being such a brat. I sat and I sat On the mat I sat. Wishing for a hat. Sneaking like a rat. I need a doctor “stat”. On the mat I sat I sat and I sat I sat and I sat. Wondering where it’s really at, Then it hit me like a bat. I AM ALL THAT

Gratitude flows from my heart to yours.  You have been an angelic blessing on my journey.  This year has been a huge year for me already.  Many breakthroughs, and it all started with Quepasana!  I believe January and February courses really pulled back the sling on slingshot, aimed me, and set me off into right alignment with my higher self and the cosmic forces at work.  Your strong presence to show up is extremely contagious.  I hold you and Libby and all the Quepasana foundations in high respect for the beautiful service you are making available to the public.  I feel honored to be able to be a part of this sacred service in any way that I can.  Your heart is wide open!!

Angels from heaven.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.




Everything about Quepasana is suffused with love.  I’ve never been in a setting where so much was given so purely.  The way the grounds were prepared, the food, the music, the administration, coaching and teaching – were all given from pure love.  It’s been a beautiful and unique life experience I will treasure.

It brings me to tears to tap into the depths of love and kindness you express through your gifts.  You are the vibration of love and generosity.  I feel deep gratitude and appreciation for the teachings of self-love, grace, kindness that have been bestowed upon me.  To all the sweet helpers that made this dream possible:  Thank you for all your contributions of time, gentleness, body work, song, nourishment, creativity, cleaning, organizing, bell ringing and love.  I see all of your generosity returned to you tenfold.  The light of love surrounds us, guides us, is us.  I look forward to all the ways I can contribute to this beautiful Quepasana.

…I honor your experience and ability to share the Dharma.  You lead by example.  You do a very great job conducting an experience of deepening understanding of non-self.  I have been practicing Vipassana for several years, but you have been practicing for longer than I have lived and from that dedication and discipline I am inspired. It is no simple feat so see the things in oneself that have been ignored.  When I see those parts in myself I am brought to tears.  Thank you for holding such a beautiful space of an awakening experience…. I would like to give back in any way. When there is an opportunity please reach out.



Thank you for your generosity to this community of humanity.  I have no idea how you pick and who pick for being part of the group, but I surely love how you mix all ages as you did in this group.  It is inspiring to see so many young adults being so willing open to look inside.  What an amazing gift you give to all of us, and to allow to give to ourselves.  For me, the last 25 plus years, caring for others making myself available to others, witnessing so much suffering, being exposed to people with secondary trauma.  Being able to just be there for myself, not needing to look out for someone else, paying close attention to my needs…. It is so beautiful.  You evoke this caring here, that is evidently so very gentle, so palpable.  It shows in your instructions during Yoga and meditations.  It is evident in your voice when you speak.  I love the simple clean tender words and the reminders to be gentle with ourselves.  It is also very beautiful that it feels that you have no ego involved about your messages – purely to pass on what you have learned and experienced – to pass on to others.  That way it is also received so beautifully – as it is given so generously and kindly.  The tents are fantastic!   Just perfect in every way.  Most comfy bed.  The food is exquisite!  Amazingly yummy!  The problem is that it is tempting to go for seconds, as it is soooo tasty.  The organization of the day’s schedule is very conducive to an easy nurturing rhythm.  I am always looking so forward to what new thing/surprise you have in store ☺  I love the 8-9 PM different experiences.  You truly could not have found a better combination of schedule.  Your beautiful vibes and your high spirit emanate out to the people around you.

Thank you for your great generosity of your spirit, of your time, of your place.  And that you are so willing to share the joy for life with all of us here and now.  I love your playfulness that you show with all the toys.




I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to dive deeper into my source – our source.  You have so much inside and out that creates this benevolence – this sharing to experience our beings.  Me showing up enables me to go out into the world and be that point of light and shine more brightly – only to give back all that has been given – Grace, grace, grace.  May all beings be happy!!

I am filled with tears of joy and gratitude for the opportunity to be together for this work.  You have brought such great energy, love and compassion to the teaching.   I am inspired by your energy, and life and generosity.  The way you embody the insight that comes from this practice.

Man, there is a lot going on inside my head!  I thought I’d already done a lot of internal work but I learned this week I’d only scratched the surface.  I’ve been trying so hard to fix my issues that I never before stopped to take a look at my own mind in its entirety and just observe.  I have a feeling that a lot will shift or resolve itself just by allowing myself to experience the sensations in my mind.  I also have the feeling there’s a lot more waiting to surface.  I am glad I could engage in this 9-day course.  It took a few days just to drop in and allow myself to let go of all the worries and responsibilities.  The experience built as it went so I got to practice meditation at several different states of awareness.  I did not get that in the 4-day course.  This was several times more expansive.  Again thank you for this experience.  I hope for the chance to repeat every year.

Mahalo!  This has been a roller coaster for me.  So many ups and downs, ins and outs.  Many moments of clarity and just as many moments I wanted to give up.  Your love and generosity has shown me what I already knew in my heart:  that we all have love for one another and are looking for ways to show it.  This experience has given me a fresh perspective on so many things I couldn’t even begin to write it down on paper right now.  Over the last few months I was (for the first time in my life truly), ready to shift.  I was open to a new experience to being the person that I am out in the open.  As they say: “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” I still have so much growth to do.  But life is a journey, not a destination.  This is just a glimpse of my real enlightenment.  A glimpse that has become the catalyst of my growth.

Mahalo Quepasana Ohana for warm welcoming to your home.  This Aina is sacred.  This Aina is peace.  I am loving kindness.  I am well – All is well.  I am peace flowing with ease and grace.  I am happiness. I am content.  Everlasting flow of gratitude for youniverse.  Mahalo for the blessed hands that prepared the food.  It filled with nourishment, love and kindness.  Mahalo Aina. We are sacred temples of love boundless and free

So are we really just speaking to ourselves?

I am a temple of divine love. Co-creating heaven on earth. I am an instrument of divine light. Co-creating peace on earth. Remember, just who you are. Remember, you are made of stars. Remember, all that you are worth. Remember, all the joy you can bring. Remember, all that you know. Remember, the power of love. All my worries, and my regrets, all the things I have not done yet, I let it go, I let it go, I let it go, I let it go. All the things that people say when things are not going my way, I let it go, I let it go, I let it go. Cause sometimes I gotta take a step back and remind myself that it is all a state of mind. I love and accept myself exactly as I am, in the present moment. I love and accept myself exactly as I am in the present moment Oh yeah! As I am, as I am, as I am. Goodbye worry, goodbye fear and suffering, goodbye jealousy, goodbye blame, goodbye judgement, resentment and shame. Goodbye worry, I don’t think I’ll need you again, not where I’m going. Hello joy and fun, hello healing for everyone, hello grace, hello light of the sun, hello love. It is so good to see you again, see you again, so good to see you again

May your heart burst open in unconditional love.  May your mind be illuminated with infinite peace

May your presence radiate to all beings. May all of the beings in this world be happy and free

My thoughts as a first time Quepasana server:  Wow, I had a super deep and profound experience being served last February for my 6 day first Quepasana course.  I made various preparations to be ready to drop in and really “get” this as much as possible, which I think I did…   But it was not possible to know how profoundly gratifying the experience would be when also serving.  Now I am enlightened to new magic.

YEAH!  ☺

Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo!  Big thanks to Jorge and the whole Quepasana crew for making this symphony of love possible…. The Quepasana overall format feels brilliant.  I deeply believe that what is called for in these times is embodiment and transcendence.  Quepasana offers both.  I have been away from Vipassana and a meditation practice for a while.  This was a very kind re-entry.  Jorge’s instruction has been excellent.  Grounded, wise, compassionate and playful, he has held a solid container for us.

I thank you again for the deeper levels of self-empowerment you have helped awaken inside me.  You are a true leader.  The mark of a true leader is one whose main interest is in empowering you to lead yourself instead of binding you to them.  True leadership, like true education, does not impose itself on anyone.  It is the gift of being able help others find their own way forward in life, rather than taking away their individual power.  You have a powerful magnetic presence and just from being in your aura people come to deep clarity about their own direction.  Many of the greatest leaders in the world often pass unrecognized by mass society.  Your work and service lives through me and is contagious to all I come in contact with.  Much love Malama Pono.

Once again, how amazing it is to witness and receive a gift so selflessly and intuitively created.  The warmest tones, the pastel strokes – defined, yet only in the matter of presence.  The entire planet, by grace sprouting lilies, as ones you’ve shone to paint upon a canvas all their own.

Mahalo Nui Loa!  It was a pleasure, joy and true honor to be a part of your positively life transforming practice still yet ever eternally and beautifully unfolding in divine bliss.

I was actually concerned about the many hours of yoga, as I never really loved yoga before but you know how to make it so fun and I look so much forward to those hours.   I totally see how much work and thought you put in it to match the songs to the poses.    Yes, your joy for life is contagious!!  You are a master at guiding us to get deeper, so we can be “home” more again.  That’s what it feels like to me. I arrived back home more again.

Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you feeding us, opening your beautiful home and so many things so that I/we would meditate.  I hope your heart is filled with oceans of love grace and happiness.  In deep gratitude and state of bliss.

What just happened?



Another stellar course.

Forgot to express in my last note that the food was GREAT and so clearly made with love.  I am so deeply thankful to have had this experience.  I would be grateful to have it again and feel the world needs Quepasana.  It is so very welcoming.  Thank you again for your brilliant leadership.  Thank you ALL!

You leave us speechless with your ongoing generosity, kindness and love.  You inspire us so much and every time we come here we come HOME.  We are in deep gratitude for you in our lives.

And now the work begins….

We are the keys to unlocking love’s greatest potential.  Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo for providing such a pristine container for the soul to fully remember.  This experience has nurtured and upgraded me in so many ways, and many others to come.  Infinite bows.  Sat Nam

Where do I start?  Firstly, the generosity, care, love and SEVA that has been put into this course continues to astound me.    The people, the land, the ocean, the air and the nature have been giving and giving and giving and giving of themselves/itself for the past 6 days.  Such love and service changes lives.  It has changed mine.  To be provided for and allowed (forced J) to be still has provided fertile ground for me to be better able to SEE, HEAR, LISTEN to myself.  I have been confusing numbness with equanimity.  As the world and the inner chatter became less, I could more clearly see all of the ways I numb, distract and avoid or cling to anything BUT the present moment.  How funny??  When being in presence is where all suffering ends, and yet I spend 99 percent of the time trying to end my suffering by avoiding the present moment.  It is so amazing!  I hope to come back, if the opportunity opens up again in the near future.  This week has forever changed me and my prayer is that it will continue to deepen, deepen.  A million mahalo.  What grace and infinite blessings.

To all who helped create the Quepasana experience that has been transforming me since my arrival on this magical property, including Buddha, Goenka and the rest of the teachers, I must declare that this was, is and will be remembered as one of my peak life experiences, both for the moments spent within the course, on and off the mat, and for the far reaching effects that cannot help to continue to influence my personal development.   I’ve traveled to faraway lands and spent thousands of dollars for other experiences, but taking a week off work and driving 20 minutes over here has easily been worth as much or in many cases even more!

Since the Quepasana I attended in June I haven’t written much.  It has been quite the process since that first most life changing moment.   The amount of unconditional love you show within shows clearly and brilliantly around an open heart, feeling place—ever present, pure and beautiful.  The experience you offer, the practice and the space held is unfathomably gorgeous.  For me, the practice has eased my life into a state of grace, acceptance clarity, gratitude, love and longing for further growth and alignment around my heart and soul.  The simplicity, consistency yet ever slowing and unique way you deliver the teachings is so refreshing.  I feel so honored to have shared space, served and (Just Be’d) … in harmony with you.  It is the first time I have felt a real home in several years.  Infinite love, infinite gratitude, may it shine upon you for eternity.




I am filled with deep gratitude for time shared together in the richness of each other’s loving presence.  Each sit uncovers more layers bringing me closer to my core and deeper into my heart and my compassion.  I shed attachments and old judgments I didn’t even know I had.  The reveal themselves to me and then bid their “adios”.  Thank you for Quepasana-  a safe and sacred space for us to gather as one and cleanse our soul.  Much love and Aloha.  Mahalo Nui Loa.

Thank you for challenging me to enter into deep meditation.  I have dabbled for years but never allowed myself to be dedicated to a daily practice.  I see the benefits of meditating through every moment and how that is the most important part, to find mindfulness in every moment – but practicing that takes a lot more patience and a lot of concentration with relaxation of the mind.    I had no idea what places meditation could take me to -- life is a different, more vivid reality in a meditative mindset.  Thank you for helping me come into the truth of acceptance and surrender.  I hope to use my inner strength for coming into a daily meditation practice. So so so many mahalos for all the light work you all do with these courses…. Allowing spirit to flow through you and spread the love and light all around.

Thank you for this rare and wonderful experience.  The place feels like a Buddha field.  The organization (food, lodging, yoga, meditation) is spectacular.  Very caring, loving spontaneous energy.  I found so much peace and acceptance in me through the loving support of place.  I lived in India with Osho for years and I feel the same peacefulness and the openness to let everything come to light.  It is easy to fall into oneness here.




Mahalo for sharing this silence with us.  Thank you for teaching me how to meditate in Vipassana style.   I am so grateful and admire that you open up your property for this opportunity to share consciousness with so many.   Thank you to all the helpers who cooked and cared for us in so many ways.   And thank you for the glamorous camping accommodations.  Words really don’t encompass all that has been experienced and all the gratitude I wish to express.   I will continue to practice to be more loving, kind, sharing, honest, giving and grateful with consciousness in stillness with gentleness for myself and others.

Thank you, I have never felt more held and nurtured than in my few days here.  Thank you for allowing us this time and space and giving of your time.  Thank you!

Thank you Quepasana.  Everything is wonderful.  I love this program.  I am filled with loving kindness, I am well, I am peaceful and at ease, I am happy and content.  I am thankful for Quepasana.  Keep up the good work.  This changes people’s lives for the better.  This changes the world and makes it better.

Ain’t no party like a Quepasana party!

This cocoon of silence and support helped me to dismantle many mind made forts.  An environment of loving humans and healing water turned grasping and resistance into equanimity fodder.  Nourishing sustenance and staff chopped chattering thoughts clear in half.  Yin yoga and Vipassana sitting hold a type of twin flame fitting.  From one battered soul to another—Quepasana is like being coddled by mother.  Now well armed with tools of the mind, we peaceful warriors all shall embark in kind.  Daily life re-emerges with all of its woes, our sheer acceptance, our knowing, that’s how it goes.  After releasing our tension, our pains in our knees, we now fly like the birds on the wind in the trees.  Ongoing and onward, moving about like a whiz.  Realizing our oneness, in the present moment, as it is.

I was aware before I came here that I have many blessings.  I am the mother of three beautiful souls.  I found my soul mate in my loving husband.   I am self-employed in 3 jobs that I love in health and nutrition.  I give all that I can to all these roles but I have struggled increasingly as the years have passed.  Now I know why.  After spending these 5 days with myself, with all my usual demands evaporated by this paradise.    While there may be beauty and grace and giving and serving, I learned and remembered that I too am worthy and in need of the same gentleness and consideration – From me.  If I cannot first nurture, calm comfort teach love and accept myself, how can I be as effective in helping others do the same for themselves?  So, I will return to the world seeking to share this gift that I have received.  Be present.  Be mindful.  Be joyful, accept the painful.  Be curious of the change, it’s there moment to moment.  Thank you for this gift.

It is with immense gratitude that I thank each and every one of you who contributed to create this Quepasana.  Special thanks to Jorge for sharing your wisdom, grace, love and kindness.  You are truly a brilliant being and I am honored to have you as a teacher and a friend.  Many thanks to all of the generous, talented and loving people who prepared all of our meals.  The food was fantastic and nourishing to the soul.  Your effort and kindness are greatly appreciated.  Blessings to this land and the many people it is healing and helping.  The Mana here is an overflowing source of replenishment and power.  To all of us who participated: many blessings on our way to love, kindness, well-being, peace, ease, happiness and contentment.  May we all shine brighter from this collective experience.



Amazing!  What a beautiful experience.  Thank you for not only sharing your inner richness but also your abundance in the outer world.  Thank you for the simple method so effective and insightful.   I loved the yin yoga with this heartfelt exquisite music.  Just what the doctor prescribed.  The scanning is a real gift for me for learning more sensitivity.  Perhaps one day we won’t need x rays any more.   The evening surprises just like a warm good night kiss.  The cooks and their love warmed by belly and heart.  Thank you for making this experience in my favorite spots on Maui.  Thank you for enriching the Maui spiritual community.

Unraveling the entanglement:  The kind gentle approach!

To Quepasana:  I am overjoyed to share that this was such as wonderful experience.  First off, the accommodations (the staff the excellent food, the personal tent and the various activities) were outstanding and could not have asked for more.  I am very grateful, second, I was not sure what to expect when arriving with 27 guests, but everyone was not only friendly and courteous, they were so mindful and participatory that it made my experience that much more enjoyable.  Third, the practice.  I can’t tell you how much stress relief I have in being more limber in a mere five days than I may have been in my life.  The introduction into Yin Yoga was so profound, that I’m immediately purchasing bolsters when I arrive home so I can continue the practice.  The meditation was at first very difficult, even with my experience in meditating.  It wasn’t very long before my focus was able to last the full hour meditations.  The clarity I have gained in my stay is so immense that even when I veer off into the future, its merely objectives to complete, lacking the stress, anxiety, judgement, and constant repetition that it once had.  I can’t tell you how pleased I am with my progress and have you to thank for it.  Here’s to you and this program.  With love, respect and happiness.

Here's a little note I wrote.  You’re going to read it word for word.  Quepasana makes me happy.  Now that I’ve channeled my inner Marley….   Hello from the mainland.  If you asked me 8 months ago if I would do another course, I would have been unsure.  I was terrified about 5 days of meditation, yoga and noble silence.   I was in a dark place and needed to find a new direction.  I did not know if this was it or not but I decided to give it a go anyhow.  I have now been cigarette free for almost 9 months now. I quit to come to my first Quepasana.  I have a renewed energy and vitality for which I am so thankful.  Has Quepasana been a cure-all?  No, by no means.  It is a step in the journey.  Now that I am more aware of sensations I have become ultra-sensitive and over time I realized it was time for a Quepasana booster shot.  After my first course I tried to keep up on a yoga and meditation schedule but it fell away….  I just could not remember what I thought I needed to.   I forgot to forgive myself.  This course reminded me how important it is to forgive myself and that I can’t give forgiveness to others until I forgive myself.  I am a long way from being where I want to be.  I have much personal development needed but I am one step closer.  I am so thankful for the opportunity.  It means more than I can express.

I know I am speaking for many when I thank you for spreading this simple and important information.  For the project, the insight and for taking me under your wind and giving me a chance to drop into Quepasana last minute.    Thank you for being such a warm guide and for making me feel so welcome, so happy and content.

As a transgender man, the duality I have lived set me into a sort of purgatory.  Unable to accurately identify in a world filled with identities, I floated along, being one thing and being seen as another.  Being raised as a woman, in many ways, has made me a better man.  In many ways it’s also made me worse.  Either way, I’ve been living life outside of myself.  A witness to an experience that isn’t really mine, a mind separate from the body, a man steering a figurine out of a female body, completely detached as an outsider looking in on the rest of the world.

Cerebrally, I was aware of the ever changing nature and non-solidity of this dream of a life.  A truth I knew inside somewhere but I was grasping for white knuckling natural urges and ignoring negative emotions.  I tried using extreme actions to break through my bark, attempting to chip away at the things I deemed bad about my personality eventually falling prey to those very traps.  At Quepasana, I leaned that my approach was backward.  You don’t get to really experience you own experience from the outside in.  The Quepasana program leads you to the tools that allow you to do that.  And the bark, it’s part of me and that’s ok.  This year I will be physically transitioning to match my insides.  I could not think of doing without first gaining these tools.  As Jorge says: “Every transition is a meditation”.  Words are never enough, but I hope these scratch the surface of my gratitude.

Six-year-old me thanks you guys

Love and infinite gratitude for all the gifts you bring and share.  3 golden nuggets you speak of:  1) You are your own greatest guru 2) Be gentle with yourself  3) all the “pain experienced in your body is connected to your mind.  Mahalo Ke Akua

This magical place has revealed how I truly look like.  I can’t be thankful enough because my life will never be the same, in a good way.  I love you guys!




The music is very helpful in times of great vulnerability; it also helps ground.  Amazing music.  It has moved many emotions in me.

Love love LOVE Yin Yogaa!!  Mahalo Nui

Incredible growth these last 10 days.   Experiencing how this can be a fast lane to freedom.  I have cultivated much self-acceptance.  This Dalai lama saying makes much more sense now: “How often did you love, did you allow yourself to feel, how much did you let go?”  Recognizing and claiming my own self-inflicted pain has been the most freeing.

Thank you from a wide open heart for your warmth and kindness and inexpressible generosity in hosting us. Each day has filled me with joy and gratitude for getting to be here with you.  Though I have sat many long sits and am steeped in the yogic and energetic arts, I am learning deeply and expanding with renewal and filling with health.  My deep grateful heart says thank you for your vision (patience, determination, steadiness) that brought all of this forward into our lives.  The combination of place, syllabus, accommodations, and warm welcoming open hearts you share with us provide a platform for deep and abiding health and clarity.

This experience couldn’t be better for me.  Many celebrations, and MASSIVE gratitude.




This enchanted spell has been sublime.  Not a beat has been missed in providing a thoroughly grounded and supportive experience.  I’ve believed for some time that insight meditation was the best method for my analytical thought process but had previously been unsuccessful at maintaining a practice, or even feeling like I was capable of getting it right.  The solid pragmatic manner you’ve presented it in, and the constant vigilance and support have gotten them through my unruly mind.  I believe you’ve provided the tools and a strong foundation to continue my own practice with.  Your constant presence on the mat with all of us, all the time was just so special and kind.  You have exhibited the highest level of graciousness and patience.  Racking my brain to think of any suggestions, but really feel you’ve got this.   The meals were so awesome and everyone was delighted.    What you teach us really works to make it possible to sit.  I get equanimity is the lesson though so it’s all been an opportunity to look at this “I”.  All I really want to express is deep gratitude for sharing so much of your beautiful hearts from the depth of my own heart.

This was probably one of the most profound experiences of my life.  It’s still revealing its gems to me.

Amazing food and atmosphere, but seriously quiet scene.   – Zagat’s 2017

Extremely grateful for this experience.  Words can’t even describe.  So much thanks to you Jorge and your spirit guides for the incredible space that was held for us all to go deep into the watery realms of the subconscious mind.  Special thanks to the servers as well for their part in holding it down for us.  The vibration you hold is so uplifting and special I am excited to keep on keeping on with our friendship and these practices.


What a joyous gift this experience has been!  Mahalo for your loving kindness and for filling our hearts and tummies with such divine yumminess.  Your servers are greatly appreciated and honored.  May the flow perpetually take you on its wings towards all that your being desires.  Thank you for all the vast sensations and for passing on your wisdom!

This has been a truly transformative 10 days.   My heart overflows with gratitude to you all for producing such an amazing experience for all of us.  Thank you for eternally amazing moments.

Thank you again for so much generosity, warmth, openness, allowance and sharing.  It has been a peaceful rich and heart filled journey.  Gratitude abounds.

A momentous event in my life to have found my way to such magnificent utopia, to have sanctuary for quiet to explore my patterns and reactions, feelings in my body and PRECIOUS company to float in a particular form of solitude, gives me great pause to consider what else I might allow into my life.  How grand and lovely might my life become?  Is it here already?  The kindness from everyone here comforts and supports so fully.  What an amazing job everyone does!  Fantastic and inspiring.  Tight ship yet relaxed.  Yay!    My mind was often out of control and this course proved difficult for me emotionally throughout.  The steadiness of the instructions and the offering of space guided and allowed for a powerful, potent deep, inside the belly of a whale opportunity.  It just is.  My gratitude just is.

I am grateful.  Thank you thank you thank you.  Inspired once again!  Summarized:  Amazing food, beautiful and magical property.  You can feel Mama Gia speaking to you on this property, especially the pace of the day felt perfect.  The container was held together with love and kindness, with a sense of sacredness throughout everything.   The blessings abound – massage I receive was wonderful from the float tank, to the chi machines to the soft yoga mats provided.  We were taken care of on all levels ---- biggest thank you! DAY 10--  I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here.  This experience is beyond words.  It feels like one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.  I did not know how to landscape before I came here.  Now I know how to create holes, dig into the rocks, and make space for trees.  People said this would be hard.  They said some days I’d want to leave.  I’ve wanted to leave every day, but I keep staying because there is so much light here.  Thank you.  The sunset we just watched was one of the most magical majestic experiences I’ve ever had.  Infinite gratitude to the QuePasana fam!

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! You are amazing.  What you created here is such a treasure and will enrich everyone’s life who has the opportunity to take part in it, and beyond.  It is truly a ripple effect.

The light you share is incredible.  Thank you.  My time spent sitting is now peaceful and effortless.

I wanted to take a moment to finally email my deepest gratitude for the gift you have given me... Quepasana was life altering.  I didn't think it was possible to actually change perspective so quickly.  It seemed subtle, how this technique might have an impact on my life, but it is ever-present and all encompassing. You have helped me to discover a space in me that I didn't know existed and I am forever changed. I'm reading the book daily and meditate at least once a day...trying for more whenever possible.  I have a small meditation group every Thursday too. Prior to this, meditation was a max of 5mins before or at the end of yoga class. Now it is my home and place of foundation and great joy (most of the time :) Your words are my touchstone...I hear you say 'FEEL’ so often.  So simple, yet exact and precise...the answer! You have created opportunities for me and all who participate that is beyond the beyond... Talk about bringing a horse to water!  Wow! The sounds, tastes, smells, scenery, space, yoga, and your wonderful team of givers are memories I will treasure and hope to repeat in the future.  I would love to come back to visit and also serve if you ever have a need. Truly... I am here.

In the meantime, I have tried to recreate and cultivate my practice at home.  The music was such an amazing part of it.  If you have an opportunity, would you mind sending me your playlist?

You are a wonderful teacher... Thank you thank you thank you






















Challenging, liberating, exhausting, inspiring, demanding, empowering, tedious, blissful, hard work, rewarding, confronting, comforting, overwhelming, and awakening.  Through this form of meditation - the art of sensory observation - I have deepened my understanding of the dualistic nature of being human. By establishing conscious awareness of what we are experiencing, we no longer need to identify with it, whether good or bad.  We can just let it go and stay in the flow.

So what did I take away from this week?  Reassurance, steadiness, optimism.  I feel stronger, calmer, and more confident in my future and what I can do with it.  Thank you for your generous hospitality in this amazing house in Ashland, the beautiful shala that I will miss very much, tremendously inspiring company, and such great food - coming from a non-vegan, veggie-hater!

I wanted to highlight the experience I had this weekend at the Quepasana course, and encourage you to take advantage of the benefit/opportunity as it is available to all of us. Driving out to the course last Thursday afternoon I was certain I had made a colossal mistake.  On the drive home after the conclusion of the weekend, I am certain my life has been irrevocably changed for the better.

I sent Jorge a note saying I would like a spot at the retreat if it was available.  I didn’t think I had a chance, but was shocked when he replied with an email a few days later including a daily agenda and welcoming me to Que-Passana.  As I took in the schedule that was attached I was filled with apprehension at the idea of 5 hours a day of meditation, 3 hours of yoga, and 4 and a half days of silence.  I had been practicing meditation, and had worked up to 15 minutes a day, I have never done yoga, and not speaking for 4 days seemed impossible. As I entered the house, I received a wonderful welcome.  My fears melting away as Jorge took me around the facility, introducing me to other teachers, participants, volunteers, and the gorgeous retreat environment.  I knew I was in good hands when I relayed my fear of a giggling fit during a mediation, and he laughed and told me it would be alright.  It was. As we headed to bed that night, the silence had begun, and with it came an experience of great introspection and personal freedom.  There were challenges along the way too.  Some hours of meditation were blissful, and over in what seemed like 5 minutes, others were arduous and challenging and as if time stood still.  I learned that my expectations had a great deal to do with the difficult sessions and through those sessions learned a new definition or depth of acceptance.  For instance, sometimes I had to accept that my mind was not going to slow down or quietly focus. The experience with yoga was often similar to meditation as there were poses that I could do and it felt amazing, and other poses where joints and resistance to flexibility could be a little frustrating.  Some of the yoga moves were so funny like the two minutes of flapping the lips together.  Who knew that there is a physical benefit from such activity?! Speaking of flapping my lips together, the vegetarian/vegan meals were delicious and satisfying.  The care in preparation and quality of food complimented the experience perfectly.

As Tuesday morning came along, I had mixed feelings about the retreat coming to a close.  I was looking forward to getting back to my kids and home, but also wished that the days hadn’t gone by so quickly.  It was emotional as we closed and started to pack up and say good-bye.  It is funny how so few words were used over the days, but the bond of shared time and experience among us created an understanding that went beyond words.  It was magical.

So I want to encourage you to look at the benefit available through Plexis for Vipassana meditation.  It is an amazing benefit.  It is an amazing experience. The Vipassana meditation is a practice which has given me greater compassion, acceptance, and serenity and I’ve only just started.  The retreat is also an experience which takes great courage, but if I can do it, anyone can do it so don’t sell yourself short.




There are a few of us who will be doing 20 to 30 minute Vipassana meditations together here at the office and if you are interested, let me know.  After the User Conference, we should have a normal schedule and you are most welcome to join.  It is easy to get the basics and my experience validates the phrase “Meditation is a gift you give yourself.”

Thank you infinitely for these teachings in the teachings in the tradition of the Buddha.  As an avid yoga teacher and therapist, I find my first experience with Quepasana full of awareness and healing.  From our first hours sitting quietly, I more than ever realized the body-mind interconnection.    Scanning gave me a sense of all kinds of sensation and the awareness of my body as a vibrational field.  Penetrating, deep.  I felt many blockages, holding patterns and emotions be released.  Cultivating effortlessness unwinding.  Letting go.  I came to recognize a great stillness and peace within me.  In my service to the world, I am blessed to teach many with disabilities and limitations. I feel renewed and more tapped into the source with my awareness to help them tap into their own body-mind matrix.  And the accommodations, food, property, petri dish, mountain view, hammocks personal chi machines, sauna, pool, dragonflies, rocks and stillness – DELIGHTFUL!

There are few words that can express my gratitude.  I feel as if a fundamentally different way of existing has been opened to me.  I knew that a person could change their path with a single decision however never before had it been expressed to me in such a personal and profound way. For so many years I have struggled with my emotions, being led and ruled by them.  What I could not understand was my emotions have always been a strength, not a weakness.  All I needed to do was to find my center, to find peace deep within so my responses to the outside world would be less dramatic...where I was once powerless now is only strength of reaction.

Sensei Jorge and the Quepasana family!  Gratitude, joy and humble appreciation for sharing these potent teachings in an abundant, nurturing environment.  I am blessed.  I am enriched.  I am healed.  I am more capable to serve.  I am grateful.  I am free.  I am loved.  I am love. I have done some meditation but never a five-day Vipassana or anything like it.  I felt the pace was good.  The breaks to rest and meditate on our own was very beneficial.  The morning yoga sessions got the blood flowing while the afternoon yin yoga took the edge off the day.  At the end of the day Yoga Nidra was an enjoyable visualization experience.  The music was enjoyable and complimented the meditative mood.  This has been a beautiful experience that will be with me for the rest of my life.  Jorge is an excellent instructor.  His calm voice and peaceful approach was a pleasure to be around through this process.  Jorge helps us quiet our minds and improve our focus until we were ready to go deeper.

This course evoked something in me that I haven't felt in a long time.  I have felt showered with love and kindness since the moment I drove through the gates.  It made me uncomfortable at first because I felt that I didn't do anything to deserve it.  I'm beginning to understand where this selfless generosity comes from and why the crew is able to give it.  One of the most impactful parts of the course was the food.  Twice I broke down in tears during a meal because the food was so nourishing and filled with love.  it was overwhelming.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.





Deep gratitude for all that you give to all.  What you have created here has given me an opportunity to explore my being & create a reality that I did not ever know could exist.  I had the pleasure to be able to serve this Quepasana. It was an honor to give back to this community.  I sat at Quepasana July 2015 and it was definitely life changing.  To be able to come back and sit was a great reflection of how far I have come.  I do meditate almost daily still and it is something that is now and will always be part of my lifetime routine.  Mahalo!

Mahalo nui loa for being such a bright light & beautiful example of what is possible!

Thank you ~ My heart expands as I contemplate the beauty inside the human heart.  There is everything else there too - hardship and suffering, greed and violence, but below it all is the beauty.  One needs simply to sit to find it.  To breathe. To connect. To let all things drop away until only beauty remains and then...expansion.  Thank you for bringing me home.

Thank you a thousand times for opening your space and providing infinite healing and mindfulness.  This experience has completely changed my mind and body and spirit on many levels.  I'm so grateful for the opportunity to see the light, the truth.

No words can give justice to the profound gift that you have given in providing this immersion and equipping us with consciousness tools that can last a lifetime.  Thank you from the deepest place in my heart.




Thanks again for throwing a bountiful QuePasana party.  It was a cornucopia for the senses: beautiful instruction elegantly delivered by beautiful people in a beautiful home in a beautiful setting with nurturing and beautiful food.   Many times throughout the week I was deeply touched by insights and the generous offerings of love, support and wisdom so freely given by you and the team that you pulled together.

For someone like me, who has dabbled in meditation off and on for a few years, to finally 'get it' in five short (or long, depending on how you look at it) days is beyond imaginable.  Really.  The artfully laid out program gave participants a taste of altered consciousness ~ while simultaneously adding in sprinkles of playfulness and humor.  I can't be the same thanks to the insights that you shared about the power of the mind and consciousness.

I found this course to be very powerful and effective. In just few days it anchored me into a consistent state of full presence and self-awareness. From this insightful state it was natural and obvious to see my own thoughts, patterns and personality. In silence and clarity, I felt like my own intuitive healer and conscious life creator. Very powerful life transformations and in a surprising short period of time, all while being deeply cared for by the teachers and facilitators in the course.

IT CHANGED my inner world – eliminated unhelpful patterns – put me more at ease.  Thanks for everything:  Happiness glimpses, YIN yoga was a highlight, the overall experience, new habit of sitting every day, and knowing there are GREAT PEOPLE OUT THERE....


The Vipassana meditation is a practice which has given me greater compassion, acceptance, and serenity and I’ve only just started.  The course is also an experience which takes great courage, but if I can do it, anyone can do it so don’t sell yourself short.

Thank you for your devotion to sharing the path of Quepasana and for being such a generous host and masterful guide for the journey inside. The Quepasana process of turning inward to feel sensations with equanimity cultivates awareness in a very practical way. The setting, food, chi machines, yoga & massage sessions all combined to create an exquisite and nurturing environment that supported the seated meditations, allowing us to dive deeper into the practice.

I left White Oaks on the first cold morning since I’d arrived, now alone with all the parting gifts in my heart.  I took one last look at the sky vibrating with stars, then fumbled with my phone searching for the flashlight app.  I felt for the handle and opened the rear passenger door, sliding my one small travel bag on the back seat, just then remembering to pick up the sandals I’d left outside the entrance to the main house.  I took one last look around that temple of peace, gratefully accepting the tears that came from thoughts that words had not yet claimed.  What a great thing it would be to wrap my arms around that place and every soul it touched, I thought. Upon returning home I serendipitously came across the book “Remember; Be Here Now” by Ram Dass that lead me to the following passage: “My universe involves using silence and not waiting for something to happen, because the silence is what’s happening…” That is what I did for five days in White Oaks. Ram Dass also said "I help people as a way to work on myself, and I work on myself to help people…” What a perfect description of my friend Jorge and what happens at White Oaks, I thought.


What I noticed when I left the course was an absence: an absence of mental chatter.  For perhaps the first time in my life, my mind was quiet.  It was such a gift!  I looked at the world from the present moment.  I related to my family from the present moment.  I came back to work with unparalleled concentration and relaxation - in the moment, what is there to stress about? It's made me a better father and husband, a more effective employee, and strangely enough a more productive person - it's amazing how much energy all that mental chatter can consume!

I went into the course without fully understanding how life changing the experience would be. The opportunity to focus on my mental and physical health over the course of the 4 days that I spent at Hale Mana was one that I would have gladly paid for time and time again. I felt as if I had received both hardware and software upgrades, leaving with increased flexibility, mental focus, and a renewed sense of awareness and peace. The community was extremely hospitable and caring throughout my stay. Though the daily routine can be challenging at times, the benefits of completing the course are long lasting and invaluable. I look forward to my next Quepasana experience and hope to participate regularly in the future.

Even with 5 hours of meditation and 3 yoga classes, there was still ample break time, to integrate, be still, contemplate and self-care with rest. I truly feel like I worked through some major issues. Additionally, the group supporting the sit were just lovely. They crafted offerings of beauty, kindness and love that created a safe container for participants to do the deep work by ourselves, yet still feel connected and uplifted by the messages and energies surrounding us. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity and plan to both serve and sit more courses. I bow at the offering and potential for change After sitting with myself for 30+ hours of the course of a 4-day silent meditation, i highly recommend that everyone start meditating... Even just 20 mins a day. All the answers, keys to happiness, and wells of infinite strength are inside you.

Thank you so much for an amazing, inspiring, peace-filled experience.  I will recommend it highly to my friends.  The beautiful surroundings, angelic staff, and the combination of activities all gave me a wonderful sense of peace and the release of grasping I so wished for as my intention for the week. I found this sense of happiness growing within me as I surrendered.  With much gratitude and Aloha.