December 2018
Dearest Jorge,
Words cannot describe the profound level of gratitude, love and admiration I have for you and Quepasana. This experience has changed the trajectory and fabric of my being for the rest of my life. Thank you for your boundless love, generosity and purity of heart. You are a true leader, one that guides people to discover their own inner truth. I feel like I have been gently carried into the infinite depths of unconditional love. And within Quepasana I will continue to unravel into my truest essence. Thank you greatly for allowing me to serve people in their tender moments and offer sound to support their journey in. Every single aspect and detail of this experience is infused with such care, attention and love. I am in awe with who you be, and the embodiment of unconditional love that you are. The sacred space that is created has allowed me to let go and to come home. To loving all parts of myself, to returning to nature and the infinite, to being nurtured, to expanding my heart and my mind. You are a living breathing inspiration on so many levels to my in so many ways. I know this is just the beginning of our journey. You are now, and will continue to change my life for the better. I am forever grateful, humbled and honored to walk this path shining with you.
This work is the revolution from the inside out. The ripples from this experience I feel are “fractaling” out from this experience to all the planet. Thank you for holding this vision, living your dharma, and doing it all with such ease, grace, humility, integrity and truth. Gratitude for the land that so gloriously holds here and works with healing, clearing and composting all that isn’t serving. Gratitude to all the Jedis putting their hearts and souls into making this experience so impeccable. And to Maryann for holding it down with her radiant joy, fierce grace and mastery and organizing and in the kitchen.
I am grateful for everything that has led to these Quepasanas being possible. What a gift, breathing gratitude into all that I am and offering my greatest thanks to everything that brings Quepasana to life. All my love and gratitude.
It feels as though it was just yesterday you and Libby were in Kipahulu at Laulima stand drinking their infamous coffee and telling me of the dreamland you are currently manifesting. To be able to experience the magic you have created is beyond sensational. It has indeed taken me a while to make my way here after your invitation years ago. However, the timing was divine. To finally be at a place to receive the blessing of this gift I was inherently able to fully receive the experience when it was needed most.
My time here has challenged me in ways I did not know was needed. With that being said, I feel the most grounded version of myself. Who knew all I needed to do was be quiet for a long while and “roll around on the earth..?” Ha! I will definitely continue to put what I learned here into a daily practice with clarity and grace. Your gift of giving is beyond priceless. Thank you for creating and providing a safe space to go deep within and put the skills you learned throughout your life into practice. Thank you for this gift and doing all the work you do. Silence was truly golden.
You are one of a kind. Your presence alone radiates love. Your nurturing food provided my soul with the nutrients I needed to really get through the work being done here. I appreciate you more than words can ever convey. I would be honored and look forward to being of service in the near future. Love and light.
Dear Jorge,
It’s truly inspiring to see someone living their truest dharma with such a joyful open heart and a vastly expanded spirit of generosity. I have the deepest gratitude and appreciation for all you shared with us. I feel open, expanded, enriched and deeply transformed by my experience here. The practice is profound, and I feel like a different being than the one that arrived here a week ago. It’s a coming home to myself, to my true nature. Your joyful presence is so contagious and alive in the land here. The mana of this land is incredible. I felt embraced by love and joy the moment I arrived. Everything began to soften.
The attention to detail and your dedication to that is deeply touching. Caring for us in so many ways and on so many levels with such loving support I feel I have been able to touch into some of the deepest places in my being and let go of so much.
The world needs this right now and your vast generous spirit is an inspiration to us all to step up and make a difference. Such a spirit of unconditional giving gives me faith in our future and just knowing this is not only possible but it’s here, alive and growing. If we all open to such joyful generous awakened nature what a beautiful world it can be. May all of our awareness awaken and continue to light up the universe. Thank you, thank you, thank you. With the deepest gratitude and respect.
If you are desperately seeking to unlock the secret to life’s meaning, come to Quepasana. Where you find the key.
Jorge and Maryann and Jedi volunteers,
The gratitude I feel is beyond words. Can you feel that. J thank you from the bottom of my heart for the great care that you put into every moment. I could relax and immerse myself fully into the meditations because of the sacred container you each helped create. I was most nervous coming into this wondering if my body was going to suffer and be in pain all the time sitting. I am happy to report because of the well placed variety of movement and stretching that my body feels great. I also appreciate the times of lightness, laughter and joy throughout. I am leaving feeling lighter, more comfortable and powerful in my body and being. I feel great peace and clarity. All that I have learned and experienced here I am taking with me and will share with others. I am eternally grateful for this gift you have given me and so many others. Massive love and blessings to you all.
Thank you for being a steady pillar for all of us pilgrims. “And Jedis too” At Quepasana. Your infectious smile, open heart and welcoming energy immediately put me at ease when arriving. I am feeling so nourished by the amazing meals you so tenderly crafted. Your delicious, healthy filling food allowed me to deepen in my meditation practice. You are absolutely dynamite and I feel so blessed to have met you. Thank you for all that you are and all behind the scenes efforts you do to support this course. It does not go unnoticed. With love and gratitude.
You are a joyous being of light. What an honor to be in your presence. Your generosity, thoughtfulness, compassion, love and care is astounding. My deepest gratitude for welcoming me into your home. Allowing the space, cultivating the environment, nurturing my body and feeding my soul. I will leave these grounds as a new person. An awakening ember sparked by your flame. In this moment my spirit is beaming and I know I have been given all the tools to stoke my fire thanks to you. Forever indebted. You are a legend. With all my love and aloha.
Quepasana: For those to seek to find a path home. Quepasana is home.
Dear teacher,
I have a vivid memory of being in the 4th grade and having the realization that I was not present in my body. I would pinch myself and say “wake up! Your life is happening now and you are missing it.” I have spent most of my life since then trying to figure out how to live a place of presence in my body. It has taken my down many paths and rabbit holes. Picking up different nuggets of wisdom along the way. I gravitated towards outer outdoor adventures and sports because those activities forced me into presence, while at the same time connected me with nature. And now, I find myself on the last day of Quepasana feeling alive in my body, my cells drinking in the awareness of my experience in this moment. I AM HOME! It turns out I did not need to keep pinching myself. I just needed to sit in this silence and feel all of it. J. The Quepasana experience was the most physically grueling thing I have ever done. Multiple times throughout the week I thought “This is more difficult than the longest race I have ever done” My back was in a lot of pain in almost every sit. But your story of how you sat in your pain and chose to torture yourself gave me the courage to face my own pain and the fears surrounding it. So I sat in it, tortured myself, felt it, acknowledged it, embraced it even! This pain that I had been carrying around in my back for years I had never fully felt it before. I was afraid. Thorough the process of sitting in the fire of this energy, so many things shifted, released, became known, were realized and healed. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for you and this amazing gift. It is truly the most loving kind and life changing gift I have ever received. There are many times that I felt I was out of my league. I was sure that everyone else was probably way more evolved than me in my meditation. But your confidence in me/us and constant words of encouragement and stick with the practice, trust the process and be persistent gave me the courage to do just that. And I am soooo grateful. I will continue my practice going forward and feel excitement for finally having the tools to live my life more fully embodied than ever before. I look forward to coming back to Maui to serve and also will help with whatever you need for courses in Ashland. Thank you again. I feel honored to know you and to call you my teacher. What an amazing life we get to live. With gratitude in my heart and loving kindness for you.
Jorge, a thousand thank you’ s for creating an environment where I can deepen, soften, smile, cry, and just simply…. Be. Yes, I am feeling all of it! Quepasana has shown me how to have a sustainable meditation practice all by removing much of the rigidity of a traditional Vipassana course, and incorporating movement and yoga. You are a clear and inviting teacher, a sturdy space holder, and a gentle and calm presence. I am feeling much more centered and absolutely stoked on these newfound tools I have learned. May this beautiful offering of Quepasana continue to flow with ease, like the butterflies who coast when they catch a breeze. I look forward to returning one day to serve. Until then… begin again. With love and gratitude.
Dear Jorge and Maryann,
The lesson that came home to me this week was that I am imprisoned by my grasping. My unconscious grasping takes over and lives through me. Having been aware that I am the grasping type according to Jack Kornfield, I never so deeply grasped J. The power that the unconscious grasping has in my life.
From experiences, sensations, channel changes, things, novelty on and on and on. From one to the next I hop like a kangaroo always yearning for more. Now I must not grasp onto this perception of self. Just witness and let go. To be reborn with each inhale and die with each exhale.
Also, I am grateful for so many bits and moments and details. The details!! Thank you for taking away my phone. Thank you for choosing Makena- calm, blissful, serene. (I love that it is both an Irish and Hawaiian word) I love that we are the first verdant property coming from the lava flow. Where life begins. You guys must water the grass a ton between sitting courses.
I love how it is emphasized that this is a course, not a retreat. I love the focus on Vipassana with the spice of tantra-Reggie. I love that the chi machines and shake rattle and roll and roll your own and get high from your own supply. So grateful for all the somatic experiences that reminds us that it starts from within our body. Begins and ends in our body.
So grateful for the Vipassana plus body love. What a compassionate gift. Let us witness what is and then heal ourselves. The balance of Yin and Yang are masterfully played with. The playfulness is glorious and an important reminder to be lighthearted. That there is a place for serious and a place for play.
As this was my first time serving, it was so very different than being a pilgrim. Practicing, giving in a balanced way while still receiving so much. So many potent teachings, especially as I am a chronic over giver. Meaning my lesson in the last five years has been to give from a full place, not an empty one. To keep up my self-care and not fully self-sacrifice like my mother. Giving at Quepasana was a beautiful gift. To give from my heart from a place of fullness. So enlightening. So grateful.
We must not forget how grateful I am to Maryann. What a light and example of generosity. Bringing humor, compassion and integrity to Quepasana. Leading us with Grace and dignity. So very grateful. It touched my heart so deeply. The compassionate care she gave my heart when I wept. Thank you.
And Jorge, thank you for your humility and clarity. Your vision and perseverance inspires us to be brighter, more focused and more sincere. What a gift it was to work with you this week. Thank you for your open hearted embrace of my gifts. Thank you for opening me and being a catalyst for healing energy to move through both of us.
Finally, I am very excited to go home with a deeper clarity of myself and a wide open heart. May I continue the daily practice and inspire all who meet me to do their own work and shine the light of spirit. May I continue to shine until all beings are happy, peaceful and free. WE ARE THE WAY.
Surfing the sea of chaos with infinite grace. We are the way. The Dao.
Quepasana—A mindfulness masterpiece.
Quepasana # 60. Wow! Feel this! This is my first Quepasana, and quite frankly I am left speechless. Literally when I try to describe my feelings I begging to cry. My heart is full of so much gratitude for the love and kindness expressed here with and without words. I heard this somewhere: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” It took a lot of letting go and surrendering to get the total benefit of this course. I pushed, pulled, resisted in every way. However, you Jorge, remained vigilant. Mahalo Nui Loa Quepasana. You guided me back to my truth.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Maryann, not to mention the amazing food she provided, but more so the whole lesson surrounding the kitchen. Every task or assignment had a lesson. Thank you for your beautiful heart, loving spirit and “ono” food!
Last but not least, all the Jedis who showed up to serve. You are love and light. Mahalo Nui Loa. Awareness, letting go, love, freedom, GRATIDUTE. More will be revealed J
Sweet beautiful soul Jorge,
How do I begin to describe my gratitude for all that you are and all that you do?!? This is my fourth course, and I am starting to feel a dramatic shift at a cellular level. I am changing. Well, that is the point right? Everything is always changing, all the time, but I can FEEL it really and truly. I have never felt more excited, grateful, and peacefully unattached to my life as I do when I am at Quepasana. I had literal tears of Joy this week, when I stopped and reflected in the moment here, in breathtaking Makena, amongst such insanely vibrant beautiful souls watching the sunset together after a monumental meditation. Wow! What did I do right in my past lives to feel such deeply profound experiences!?
The courses keep getting better with all of your unique additions and (Samadhi!! O MY GOD/DESS! Powerful!) I am at the edge of my seat in anticipation for what lays ahead on this magical road of Quepasana- but as you have shown me, its key to sit back, observe, and take it all in- Moment by moment
Dear Jorge,
As I sit writing this note to you on the driftwood throne by the water’s edge the sun has just came up and a humpback whale has emerged from the watery depths I am feeling an overwhelming burst of gratitude in this moment.
Finally, the ability to express myself in words, - a pen and paper! I am laughing at myself with this desire to express my feelings of appreciation.
And to know that this has all been given so freely with immense generosity of spirit, warmth and humor, humility and love. You are a true generator of energy and a rare example of a much needed role model for generosity. The world needs more men like you. I am beyond grateful for the words that my son and I had the opportunity to bask in your kind presence. #60 was EPIC! Congratulations. Everything about it. The switching up of healing modalities, the evocative music comforted with yin yoga every day. The surround audio visuals and Wednesday night was truly uplifting. I love how you bring in world class musicians and healers that so willingly give themselves. A real participatory happening you created All of my life I have been aware of eschewing conditioning. On building new paradigms and responding to a sometimes mysterious sense of innate wisdom and knowing. Your Quepasana has taken me to a whole new level (for lack of a better word).
I imagine those who find you and end up on your course are ripe for this learning experience. I have certainly deepened and grown in this course this past week. I have experienced some gnarly moments, some despair, shame, guilt, judgement recrimination and envy. One night I awoke with fear not knowing why or where it came from. “No need to label or judge, just allow yourself the opportunity to observe and experience what is” A reminder that all we can do when faced with an adversity and the complexity of our human beingness.
Many of the wounded souls, most who have PTSD or childhood trauma I work with in my practice could reap the benefit of this experience. I imagine those who are ready will come to you in following the web of creation. Although I most often use interactive guided meditations and somatic experiencing I am coming out of this week with an intense deepening of my own meditation practice. I am re-inspired by your dear Quepasana. To help myself and others increase a capacity for tolerating and observing negative feelings. And being to integrate positive metta. Messages that embody peace, wellness, power, grace and love most of all.
To have this experience of depth without distraction of technology immersed in the natural beauty and kindness has rare and infinite value. To be offered this harbor and sanctuary for the body and soul is a treasured gift. Thank you.
PS did I mention the food? Fresh, clean delicious and lovingly prepared by MA.
You are a gem! Thank you so much for welcoming me, for nurturing my body with carefully crafted meals. All of it was scrumptious! Looking forward to serving and being a part of your team. With all of my love and Aloha.
Aloha Jorge!
It’s amazing how much the body has to say when there are no words and stillness. I am not sure if you remember this, but I came to your house in big beach 5 years ago and did a mini Quepasana with you and a handful of friends. I remember the 4:30 AM wake up bell, the blue lotus chai, the chi machines on fur in the ICU and the morning sunrise sit. I will never forget that experience, it stayed in my heart all these years. It is so amazing to finally get to experience a full course with you and see how much you have grown this vision and all the people you touch with your heart, your generosity, and your loving kindness. This time here with myself has been extraordinary with so much cracking open inside and so much trust with myself unfolding. I had to break through my fears to make it here. My fear of being in too much pain in my back. My fear of spending this much time in silence without connection to anyone else but me. I feel like the Chrysalis transforming into the butterfly, and I know this is just the beginning of my journey with my practice and with myself. You have given me a tremendous gift and I am eternally grateful. Mahalo from my heart to yours.
If I were to create an adequate metaphor for Quepasana I would compare it to a wedding, my wedding. Not a wedding to another, but a wedding to myself. Upon getting engaged, or accepted to the course, I began a big preparation for this internally. I went through all the conceivable emotions as my psyche got ready to arrive. This course itself has been one long every unfolding ceremony. Tedious at time, yet full of blissful memories that will forever be embedded in my mind. Like a wedding, I even noticed what everyone around me was wearing. People seemed to be so well dressed, nonetheless this is not about the others and that was the point.
This course greatly helped me to reconnect with myself in new and profound ways. Before arriving here, I had sat 3 ten day Goenka Vipassana courses as well as one 20-day course. Without a doubt, these courses brought me immense value and knowledge of the technique. However, something was missing that I could not speak clearly through. What I realized is that I needed to understand Vipassana in a much more grounded and embodied way. Even after so many retreats I found it challenging to consciously mix my Vipassana practice with my other yoga practices.
I have been told that I must choose only one form of spiritual practice and nothing else. “Vipassana or no passana”. This understanding which I now realize is false left me confused and discouraged in keeping my sangha. Now after this glorious week full of Yoga, movement and overlapping practices I now feel in my own heart that being a Vipassana meditator is always possible no matter what I am doing. Thank you Jorge and thank you Maryann. While many knots inside are being untied due to this experience the knot of commitment to myself has been tied ever so deeply.
Quepasana Ohana Mahalo!
Here I remember and fully ascended into the wise medicine woman I have been for lifetimes. I reignited my childlike star. I am forever grateful for this moment of silence and moment to be my own true self. It is in this time I was my own mirror and did not seek to find myself within someone else. I was silent enough to hear myself, my own unique soul imprint. Some of the techniques taught here were reminders of things I did naturally as a child. Body scanning was a nightly ritual when I was young, when all was quiet at home and I was with myself. I remember being in the forest when I was 7 years old and, because of a very abusive father I told myself “I am OK with whatever happens, I don’t need to react”. It was only as a teenager when others found out about the abuse I suffered that I was told to be angry, I was told I was hurt and I was told I was sexualized. A great truth was blindfolded for years- now I see myself again, now my true light will continue to beam brighter. I knew all of my contentment and peace all along- years of deprogramming and this experience is my lotus flower crown. Thank you immensely for giving me the quiet beauty and space to return home. I see me, I see you, I love me I love you. My heart is full, I am content, peaceful and in this beautiful moment once again.
Aloha Jorge
Thanks for letting me come for a day. My life and consciousness increased in joy and happiness and peace went up from being here in May. I have been wanting to come back and service in Haiku keeps me there. I finally said “take a day to come back”. I quickly got into the rhythm and flow. Loved everything again. Many mahalos and love and blessings to you and to MaryAnn. Great food. Organizing of the center, mother nature having conscious books here and humility and love.
Dear Jorge,
Wowza! What a magical and healing experience this has been. I prayed for a place like this. And now here I am feeling the warmth of the sun on my back and listening to the sound of the ocean waves. ON the day of my arrival here I heard a strong message from within… I said, TRADE IT ALL IN FOR LOVE. Thank you!! Thank you, Mahalo, Gracias. Your gentle spirit and caring heart have been great medicine for my soul. This entire week has been a reset button that I have been waiting to push for years. My wish for you is that you will always have the support and love that you need to continue to grow and thrive in the ways that light your soul on fire. With a heart full of gratitude and peace.
Even though we have only spoken a few word with each other. I feel that you are my sister, friend, and mother all wrapped up in one shiny beautiful gift. The moment the gate opened upon my arrival here you made me feel welcome and at home. Every single meal you prepared had love within each bite. I look forward to returning to serve, helping you will be an honor and a privilege. My wish for you is that you will always take time to rest and take care of yourself. I hope someone cooks for you sometimes in the way that you cook for all of us. May you feel the love in your heart that you showered us with while we were here every day and always. Thank you, Mahalo, Gracias.
I am so very grateful, where to start… First of all, the setting could not have been more beautiful, I am so grateful for the constant breath of the ocean which has carried me through unwavering, the beauty, the comfort/having our own tent! The amazingly nutritional food, the silence, the uplifting music, and the whales. That already puts me at ease and happy and content. Thank you for offering your own home that way for us!
I really appreciate the care and the thoughtfulness that went into every little detail to create a sacred space for us. Like the selection of the movies or the music, it helps me to relax into trust that I am in good hands. Most importantly, what I am most grateful for is the personal work that you have put in to embody what you teach. I feel like you have been practicing equanimity and “observe and let it be” deeply yourself so when you say it, they don’t sound like empty words to me.
I also appreciate that you hold the container and the meditation not too loose and not too tight. I have been to many silent retreats. Funny enough most of them with Reggie ray, and this is one of my very favorites. I feel like I could be here in retreat indefinitely, but since there is no future I will stick with it right now. I love being here right now. Thank you thank you thank you.
Aloha Jorge and Family!
Mahalo Nui Loa! For this gift. Jorge, I am so grateful, giving your time, resources, front yard and the rest of this beautiful land with love and vigor is so generous, and you are seen and appreciated!
I have been meditating Vipassana for about 7 years, sat and served many courses and in other ways too. I grew so much from the first moment that I dedicated my life to it. And because it helped me so much I jumped on the rigidity train because I heard Goenka say “This is the one and only path to enlightenment” In truth, some of my motivation was fear based. And this non-flexibility closed my heart to anything. I thought “I wasn’t on the path”. I would be tolerant in the surface, but inside I was judging others and simultaneously poisoning myself. I began widening my view and softening my heart when introduced to the Thai Forest Monastery in the Ajahn Chah lineage. And even more so when I came to Maui A couple of seven years ago and started drinking ayahuasca. I could again see the sacred in many forms. I had a daily practice of Vipassana for 7 years and was working towards becoming a monk at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery. And then I was introduced to Wim Hof! I say that I shifted in that moment from Vedanta to Tantra and I let all practices go. And I maintained my health by intuition. By letting it all go I released so much rigidity around other ways.
Six months ago I met my beloved, we are here together. I needed to let go of discipline, to heal rigid tension from holding too tight to it. Then I started missing my Vipassana practice. I noticed that I was not as sharp, and my memory was not as good in the short term. This is a line I wrote from a piece I created “My mantra is surrender, tantra in a blender, with Vedanta never severed, there is time for self-restraint, and time for the child to finger paint” And that is what I truly found at Quepasana, freedom and discipline rolled into one!
When I first got here, I had a lot of resistance come up. Because of my clinging to what my idea of what meditation course should look like. And I judged you too, thinking “who is this guy? He may be polluting the dharma” Instantly I knew that I was just reacting to my own projections. And I got some good advice from my beloved: Beginners Mind. I vowed that I would give this a fair trial and that when judgement arose in my mind I would take responsibility for it and be with it. I let go.
This was/is the perfect medicine for me Jorge! I am learning to let go and feel everything at the same time. Because of my conditioning as a child and the structure of the Vipassana courses, I was partially motivated by fear, that if I missed a moment of awareness/equanimity I was failing. So I was hard on myself and generated a lot of tension during my practice. And if I missed a sit at home, I could not relax and I had to be a well behaved boy!
The mixture of Yin Yoga with such beautiful music, the freedom to swim with such beautiful fish and enjoy the beauty of the Aina. The super alkalizing, superhuman work of Wim Hof breathing leaves me present. Humbled and in so much peace in my heart, ease and gratitude to you Jorge, all of the Jedi servers and MaryAnn. Cooking up such lovely meals and bringing such childlike innocence with her smile and laughter.
I know that I will easily weave these practices into my daily life. Due to the lack of pressure to do so! And I intend to host parties like this in our home. You do throw and epic party Senor! And you can count on me to come and serve in the future. I work just right down the road from here. So call on my if you need anything. I know it seems like I knocked the Vipassana courses a little, but really it was my conditioning that gave me these problems. I have grown so much there also. I intend to keep sitting these courses too. Minus the rigid thoughts and self-criticism. Malama Pono Uncle.
Jorge and MaryAnn,
Once again another incredible journey on the Quepasana train. I am hooked. Not only can I see how much goes into creating this experience for so many, but I can deeply feel the love permeating behind it all. Quepasana has deepened my relationship with my body and spirit. This community is one of a kind. The teachings, so simple, and spoken with such childlike enthusiasm from Jorge makes this whole journey so FUN. I have learned more than I could put into words. I am deeply honored to serve in this collective of Jedis. I am contently awaiting the unfolding bliss that is Quepasana. I am so GRATEFUL. Thank you from the depths of my soma and soul.
Dear Jorge and MaryAnn.,
Teamwork truly makes the dreamwork. Every time I come back for a Quepasana I am more and more deeply honored to be a part of this Ohana. And being of service to the collective vision. This is so so special, and it gets more and more amazing every time. Deep gratitude for welcoming my ohana this course. What an incredible and healing experience to have everyone here!!!! Three generations all meditating together. Extending the family one Jedi at a time. Me and this little angel in my womb, are sending our hearts to yours. So much love and aloha.
Dear Quepasana family,
Infinite mahalos for your kindness and service. Y’all take such good care of us and it is impossible not to leave here with such great warmth in our hearts and a huge smile on our face. Jorge, you are such an inspiration. Your generosity, state of being and genuine happiness is a blessing to all who grace your presence. It is beautiful to witness your dreams come true. May all your moments be filled with eternal bliss and joy!
Cosmic Queen of cuisine,
You BLOW my mind with all the high vibe num nums you pour out of the kitchen every day! WOW! Thank you for nourishing us inside and out. Who would have imagined we would be blessed with a mama bear cooking comedian? I absolutely adore you! Deep reverence for all the crystal balls you are juggling and how you show up as a love and pure presence. That popcorn performance had me giggling for hours and the poppy was the best I have ever tasted. Keep shining and being you! Big bear hugs!
Dear MaryAnn,
Every day I am more thankful for you and grateful for the awe inspiring woman that you are. It should not be surprising “You are born on the best day of the year after all” But I so appreciate your consistency and rock solidness. In this world that can be rare and it is truly a gift. Thank you for holding this space down. Thank you for seeing every one of us. Loving us and making sure our needs are met. Thank you for always coming back in your heart. I love you. I appreciate you. You are truly incredible.
I have already attended more than one time. This course and each time it has been a blissful and blessed gift. during these days I have received tons of messages with many many many tones and nuances that I am not ready to share yet.
And one of these nights the moon was up in the clear sky smiling. She was just above the island in front of the infinite beach cove. Given a bright subtle light to the gentle rippled ocean. An unexpectable quality of silence sets me out of time and space and I begin to observe the moonset. She was gently approaching the horizon like a sacred dance. Before she disappeared she played with a bunch of little clouds and her smiling shape morphed with them in different luminous sacred geometries. Then her entire smiling face touched the earth. And went to rest behind while in the sky full of stars several of them were shifting in many directions. This is what happens inside of me as well. And this is your gift from Quepasana. In reverence with infinite gratitude.
Yes, Jorge. I believe and trust that you truly are a friend and brother to all. The truth of my inclinations and feelings from childhood and adolescence had subsided to over-responsibilities in adulthood, and materialistic concerns for my family’s welfare have made me unable to simply relax. Even Yoga, meditation and music has had a stressful aspect, and took a back burner to the needs at hand. And I took to chain smoking for the stress, even in my meditations! All the spiritual people and places (excepting my indigenous family, who’s messed up anyway) seem extra fake and pretentious, rootless and trying instead of sincere. I have looked for sincerity, and in the “no bull” silence, no one had the chance to blow it for me. It has been extra hard for me to be around my kind of people finally, and unable to connect with them; yet if it were not for this setup, all the people would allow me to delude myself again. So, when I am sad and angry, I got it all to myself (mostly, I hope), and surprisingly I did not get stuck there. Actually, I got unstuck, no small miracle. I quit coffee to get ready to attend, but was chain smoking on the way over; I meant to leave my smokes behind, but some snuck into our vehicle. While here I made a sankalpa and feel the sacred voice empowering it, though I could not even want to let go of my bad habits before.
In this time and space, I have been touched by grace: I have remembered those sacred years of my life when I was liberated, which I had forgotten, and have learned to love myself beyond the grand disappointment I was feeling in the considerable potential I wasted. (Sort of, I’m not really wasting my life at all, but there is underxpressed greatness in me).
I feel like I could face death better now, remembering our infinite oneness. The element of Chaos I felt here has been beneficient to me, I have relaxed and trusted, and been through my own wringer, but feel confident that I will stick with my own meditation practice and be able to accomplish much of what I have been attempting with my main obstacles (stress) removed. It has been hard. I’ve argued with the system presented here, yet accept now that acceptance makes much more possible. I almost argued out loud, but wanted to honor the “no bull” silence, and all I could do is cry at you, and for the first time in my life I cried on a hairy man arm, fatherly. You never got even a little mad at me for questioning your authority, and you never claimed this sanctuary as “your property”. The spirits of the land, aumakua, must love you too, for the life here is “no ka oi”, butterflies, coral, birds, fish and island sunsets. May the peace our Jedis anchor bring the aloha home to Hawaii. Mahalo, Gracias with tears of freedom. Let’s sit.
Jedi Yant,
We meet again in this lifetime. The story of how I ended up here in Makena in January 2017 for a 20-day course. So synchronistic. My life has shifted many dimensions since, and Quepasana was the mother ship that took me home to my true essence. I have been an intense truth seeker myself: this that and everything here and everywhere.
The sacred launch pad here in the South side of Maui took me home to the earth. I feel honored to be here again for my fourth course. It warms my heart to see the pilgrims wake up every day committed to the sacred (and sometimes challenging) experience. You are a model of new earth leaders. Humble, generous, humorous, and playful. Instead of creating followers, you are creating leaders. Simply by creating a safe space for us to come home. You are holding down a strong essence of the balanced masculine. Something this realm desperately needs in these times of massive shifts and frequency! You inspire me on many levels in how you choose to show up! My awareness and equanimity continue to deepen.
November 2018
Dearest Jorge,
What a GIFT! This magical week, this magical place and this magical man who is holding, guiding, inspiring, and visioning the best possible experiences for loving transformation. You are a Gift!
What a godsend to have your unique capacities of vision and manifestation. I have also thought about how I would do Vipassana differently – but you- you manifested the best possible version. Combining Yoga, meditation and your style. You are one cool dude!
I love the effortlessness that you present. So refreshing and clear. You seem to embody it and THAT is super inspiring.
Your apparent “egolessness” is truly a wonder to behold and I have to say it again,
Really I was amazed time and time again as you let it be and refused to puff yourself up to take any credit.
We had a special week. (They may all be this great) But I loved the combo of a woman teaching Yang Yoga and you offering the Yin Yoga. Something in that balance touched me deeply. It was perfect for me. I feel SO BLESSED!
Can we clone you? We need more Jorge’s on this planet!
Embodying the sacred masculine in balance!
I hope you are gifted with a group of male assistants to support you and in turn learn from you. (My own dream I know – but so necessary at this time on the planet). How can we learn about the sacred masculine if we have no visible role models?
(Oh dear- I have plans for you)
May you be showered with all the blessings and necessary elements for you to continue on your journey of awakening and sharing. May you receive a thousandfold the love that you give. I feel SO BLESSED! Thank you and beyond!
Beloved Jorge,
Another turn in the arms of Quepasana. This time, when you first saw me, you embraced me and said “Welcome home”. Those words pierced my heart- they brought me back to my first course where I felt with crystal clarity: “This is my home”.
What a profound feeling – To have home.
This course, unlike some of the others, was spectacularly ordinary. A real gift – allowing me to settle into the luxury and beauty of my own ordinariness. Such variety, these courses! Each one seems to have a life of its own. The field was so silky and deep this time. Settled, lovely! I guess, like meditating, let it go and we will see what the next course brings! J.
Once again, I am flooded with gratitude – your offering – inspiring, daunting, invigorating- calls me to listen more deeply, fully and more openly to big possibilities waiting to be offered through me.
Such blessings, such grace, infinite gratitude, and all-encompassing love.
We live in an abundant universe. Did I need more proof? The divine is in the details: A full moon on thanksgiving and watching her sink into the sea at dawn, took her turn to bless the day.
Oceanside outdoor life.
Blessed bounty prepared by beauty – 5 star vegan chef Maryann and happy helpers.
There is plenty in the planning.
Mahalo to the forces that brought Jorge to this time and place and we pilgrims to the party.
Zip in and zip out of individual space. Trees to shade, plants to admire, an infinity pool in which to bathe. Fish happy to share their space around coral beaming beauty while sea urchins warn “don’t touch me”. Waves wave, tides turn, everything dances. Even the red tailed flags on the meditation tent move in yogic flow. From the chi machines to the hammocks, everything sways. I love it!
Except my tongue – It is still while talking goes on in my head. No problem when I feel the feelings and scan the soma. Good stuff.
I especially appreciate not being encouraged to read or write.
There is a learning curve in this practice.
7750 is a Maui miracle: A Savasana sanctuary: New age trim to an ancient practice, sharing big time and paying it forward. What a gift. Thank you thank you thank you.
Aloha Jorge,
Wow brother! Deep deep bows to you and the whole team for this experience. The container was impeccable, you all took such good care of us and I am forever grateful to be a part of this Quepasana Sangha.
I have been efforting a lot these last many years and I have been slowly winding back inward which brought me here. As someone who has had to hold a lot, it was a true gift to let myself sink in here and truly receive and not have to hold anything. Here is my quote for you: “Quepasana is a fully 5D Vipassana”. Man, the frequency is so high here and this land and the beauty is stunning. As someone very sensitive to energy it was a blessing to tap into the field you all culminated here. I had many peak and heightened experiences during my course. From openings, insights, rememberances, releases, and so many meaningful moments of awareness that were very nourishing to my process. This was the perfect place for me to integrate a very intense last 2 years on Maui. I felt such a constant reverence in this space. My Qi Gong practice went to a whole other level and I found myself moved often by this reverence, energy and awareness. One of my highlights was merging fully with the ocean amongst the reef, balling my eyes out at the beauty and magic of PachaMama’s creation. I have not experienced something like that since the great barrier reef in 2004. I know all the sitting and practice primed me for that moment. Upon coming back I felt my commitment to environmental protection and music on fire! I also felt deeply moved on Thanksgiving. The love field was so potent it cracked me open, another pattern interruption into receiving. The gratitude continues to overflow. Silent prayerful reverence for the sacredness of this experience. I definitely received the soul reset I was intending for myself; re-sourced and so deeply nourished.
I needed to charge up for this next chapter and I know this experience (will have) had a lasting impact on my life already.
My love, respect and passion for Yoga, Qi Gong, somatic release, meditation and mysticism is fully stoked.
I am so excited to be reinvigorated and committed to these practices again!
I see what you are up to here, hermano. The space you hold and the many people who will come “home” here. My sincerest love and gratitude. Keep going. Keep us laughing, and also focused!
With appreciation and reverence. Mahalo.
Dearest Jorge,
Thank you for your dedication, authenticity, generosity and commitment to assisting our human family into freedom. This is a beautiful property, and thank you for sharing.
Of course, I got exactly what was needed. Dealing with a health challenge and coming to Maui to cleanse and heal, this was my first process after arriving on the island.
I am a 40 plus year practitioner of Raj Vidja (meditation on light, celestial music, primordial vibration and nectar). I have been unable to “sit” for meditation for several months. Coming here was a huge leap of faith and although I spent 90 percent of the first 8 days in my pain body (talk about suffering), the “gift” came during Yoga Nidra, I saw clearly what was going on in the body and my recent neglect of the lower chakras, and I saw what was needed while sitting in the pain (not in stillness, my prayer was that I was not disturbing others) and there was incredible grace as I was able to shift 60 percent of the pain.
Thank you for providing the space to do this intense work. BTW, one of the songs that came on was “You can’t rush your healing” which of course I took as a personal message. I have enjoyed a healthy body for 70 plus years and was not “accepting” what is, now. I feel this time of silence has allowed me to be more accepting instead of just wanting to fast-forward to wholeness.
Thank you again and so many blessings on your journey.
Best. Experience. Ever. I feel more charged up and inspired than ever before!
Getting in touch with and more familiar with my lower belly and center point has been absolutely transformational and inspiring.
Movement feels new, graceful, playful and exciting.
After a lot of time away from my Yoga practice, bringing my newfound awareness of center point to our yoga sessions created a surge of life and momentum to dive back in. I experienced poses in a brand new way.
Beginning each day with shake, rattle and roll has been so much fun!
I plan to continue to start my days that way.
I have been spending much time facing and feeling some powerful emotional energies that have been suppressed for a long time, and the fear and protective mechanisms that come along with them. I have been able to be with them without reacting more so than ever, and it feels as if at least one spot of emotion has been released. My relationship with these energies has shifted completely. I have named the powerful emotions Bert, and the protective mechanisms Fred.
I see them as friends and do my best to accept them into my experience.
MaryAnn, your presence and your presents, (delicious and fun meals) have brought me so much joy and gratitude. THANK YOUUUUUUUU!!!
Jorge, your embodiment is SO inspiring, your humor nourishes my soul. Your commitment to service is doing wondrous good in this world. It has TRULY been a gift. The best gift EVER!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
PS. Thank you for taking my phone away for 10 days. I needed that.
Good morning my dear. I did not have a chance to say goodbye to you. I think the reason is that we are going to meet again. Thank you so much for this beautiful magic. I have so much gratitude to you, it is amazing what you do. I am ready any time to come and serve at Quepasana again and again…. After living in Yoga ashram in India for 4.5 years, finally I found all this here in Maui. No need to travel so far. The home is here. Many kisses to you my dear.
Please stay in touch and let me know when I can come again. Love you.
Dear Jorge,
Your creation is my dream come true. I’ve been hearing my soul crying out for this exact experience and to receive it is a full-on mind bending, reality changing, eye opening doozie. Why is this a doozie? Well, this is my path. My present in the moment as I sit here in your yard - Yes… but also my future. I feel called to follow in your footsteps, share with an open hand and home, lead with humble grace all while letting meditation, silence, nature, yoga, music, bodywork, healthy food and the open sharing of love and patience do its work. Before coming into this experience I knew that it would rattle me and wake something up. Now I know what that is. It is the unraveling of my tightly wound grip on “making money”. As I have found myself in the current situation of looking for a new career and all of my new interest being spiritual, I have felt a dilemma. What should I do? How can I follow my true hearts knowing that I meant to be working in the field of awakening with the desire to keep the channel of giving as pure and protected as possible? I have been at a cross roads, a standstill. Analysis paralysis as I now understand it.
Being here at your sanctuary gave me the motivation to look deeper into the “problem” and feel for the first time a real and pure desire to create a business. I know that from that business resources will flow in and thus I will be able to comfortably let them flow out. This model of a property with mixed uses is resonating in a major, major way. Thank you for opening up your home for this work, it really is part of the healing for myself and so many others.
I feel a little stuck on where to begin if I’m being honest. I trust that the timing of everything is divine and yet with my ease and grace flow state I’m in after today’s meditation I’m fearful of leaving the gates with this question heavy on my heart? What is my next step? I am feeling so eager to be in action towards this calling of service right now and yet I’m new to the work.
Up until this moment in my life no one has struck me in the way they have chosen to creatively express this strongly until you and Quepasana. I am forever grateful for your leadership and stewardship of this precious vision. It’s ahhhhmazing. Mahalo Nui.
When we did the loving kindness prayer, Jorge asked us to picture who represents that to us. His, Karen’s and your face came up!
I just wanted to let you know that you reflect that for me so beautifully!
Mahalo for this incredible blessing. I don’t often use that word, but that is exactly what this is, a blessing. Although I had my share of hardships, I’ve also been blessed in so many ways. Raised by loving parents, surrounded by caring friends my whole life, allowed to flourish professionally, and now, being able to attend my second Quepasana course, this one in beautiful Maui. What a unique and magical opportunity this is. How often do people get the chance to sit, to serve, to tap in to check it out, and to really feel everything. I’m just so incredibly grateful, both to work for Plexis and to get to experience Quepasana, right here, right now. It’s hard to really put this experience into words, but I can say that I’ve never felt emotion like this before. During sunset meditation on the 5th day, I found a place inside that I’ve only every glimpsed before, a way of feeling and observing that was so pure and so completely in line with the earth. Afterwards, I watched the sunset, and the beauty of the moment brought me to tears. Then I kept crying, crying for all the sadness I’ve seen in my life, not because of the sad things themselves, but because of how heartbreaking it was to realize how much time I’ve spent being sad. I almost can’t describe it. It was like my emotions transcended to the next level. It was without a doubt the most profound and meaningful experience of my life, and I could not be more grateful for it, so
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
And thanks to MaryAnn for the amazing food! When I had a craving for dairy, there she was with delicious butternut squash and cashew nacho cheese, or coconut yogurt – I can honestly say I don’t miss real dairy right now! And she kept the experience mindful while serving, so thank you so much for that. Thank you both for your beautiful loving hospitality, for creating such a wonderful Quepasana for us all.
You are a breath of fresh air. You are the birds singing in the sun over the ocean. You are the leaves dancing in the wind. You are the ripples illuminating the rain drops. You are…. Love, Wonder, Awe, Innocence, wisdom, light and JOY.
I am so incredibly grateful that I found my way to you and Quepasana in this spiraling, twisting, magical and surprising ride we call life! Thank you for welcoming me and supporting me with open arms. Thank you for continuously guiding me back into the depths of truth that exists within me. Right here, right now, as it is. I love you deeply.
Thank you for creating such a nurturing experience for us to explore our inner world. And for helping us remember that the inner journey is just as potent as our outer.
You are a bright light in this world. Reflecting back to us the most simple path home. Bless you in this moment and very moment. Love you.
Dear Jorge,
When we first met you called me a Jedi. Now I see you as a Jedi Master. You and the knights here have done an outstanding and meticulous job of creating a container to hold all of us while we activate. You are such a beautiful and mischievous human, thank you from the deepest well of gratitude for sharing your light and magic with the world. Experiencing Mama Maui from this blissful nectar pocket melted me again and again. I’m still melting, the rising sun is touching me and the birdsong entrancing me. Your magic is woven into this place and the magic is pouring forth. I am honored to be given this opportunity. This is IT!
I am happy and content, with a smile on my face I tilt my light saber to you.
Wow! You really know how to throw a party! Your generosity is overwhelming. Thank you for sharing your heaven on earth with us.
The beauty of this place was very healing for me.
This experience was fun, challenging, transformative and peaceful. It was such a great combination of experiences. I am blown away by all the details that you thought of when considering the overall experience.
I am so appreciative of your gentle and loving nature. As my first Vipassana course I was fearful of what limits I would come up against. Thank you for sharing the wisdom of your experiences as it helped me ease into the 10 days. Thank you to MaryAnn for her meals made with love. I am grateful for healthy food I received during this journey. Thank you to Katherine for her expert lead in Yoga and for encouraging the ride inside. I really enjoyed her instructions as they really helped me get into the positions more fully.
From the amazing tents and comfy beds to the delicious meals, from the massages to the dance party, from the serene location to the tea and books. (I could go on). All of it created a magical experience for me.
From my numb legs and scattered mind came peace, calm, and loving kindness.
(\Still working on patience, though feel better prepared to allow an experience to just be what it is. With so much gratitude!
This experience has been absolutely exquisite. The timing of this in my life could not be more perfect. I arrived far more exhausted than I knew, coming from a wildly full life. This pause has been divine., and has provided a level of rest and spaciousness for self awareness that I forgot existed. While I teach mindful living, open-hearted communication and authentic play through adventure… I had forgotten to take care of myself… forgetting to “put on my oxygen mask first before helping others”, if you will. Thank you for helping me to adjust my mask. Oxygen is flowing once again. I have come to tears of gratitude, almost daily during this course. Again, exquisite.
I am in awe of your spirit, your generosity and your humility. The way in which your humor naturally weaves into this tapestry has had me smiling and laughing on a regular basis. While I’m not leaving this course in a state of nirvana (in fact, I can hardly get through one body scan without being completely distracted and taken for a ride on some story in my mind) I am rested and clear about some of the work I get to do now. It has clarified the 5-6 stories/wounds/obsessions/neurosis that I get to now unpack in their own unique ways, grow from, and be able to offer myself to serve in a full and more empowered way.
I can feel, already, the ripples this sends into my life, my program, and those I serve… youth, adults, families, and my community.
In deep gratitude and honor for the path you walk. I bow to you, full prostrate.
I feel my old practice got a defrag and a reboot! And Reggie Ray was awesome!
Thank you so much.
What I love about Quepasana is its unique and unexpected pairings:
· Discipline meets freedom
· Kundalini mixed with shake rattle and roll
· Sufi grinds and hip hop
· Luxury and giving
· Silence and snorkeling
You speak about Yin being meditation dessert. Frankly this experience, and you Jorge, are a cherry on top of one of MaryAnn’s vegan gluten free cupcakes—and we all know how good those would be!!
Mahalo for sharing your sweet nature with us. This experience satisfied my every craving, and left me wanting for nothing. DELICIOUS LIFE.
Lucky you, an early love note. Thank you for creating such a nurturing experience for us to explore our inner world. And for helping us remember that the inner journey is just as potent as our outer. You are a bright light in this world, reflecting back at us the simplest path home. Bless you in this moment and every moment.
Dear MaryAnn,
I hope to someday come and serve simply to watch and learn from you behind the scenes – because based on what I witnessed up front- you are too amazing to be true!
Your kindness, obvious gifting of love everywhere, your oversight and combination of skills- from cooking, organizing, supervising and having eyes everywhere make you some sort of “superwoman”
At one point you said you were from the Phillipines, but my guess is that is a cover – you really come from Venus the planet of LOVE… (your height gives you away) Thank you for being ALL THAT! With a heart full of gratitude.
Dear Jorge,
Of the billions of humans on this planet now, we are the lucky ones. 55 of us, in this beautiful place doing this wonderful practice.
I want to thank you so much for inviting me to this amazing party, it is an honor each time, a great pleasure to serve this sangha. Deepest appreciation for your committed practice, your generous sharing, and your amazing capacity and inspiration.
Thank you so much for giving me the most special gift anyone has ever given me. After spending time at Quepasana, all the answers to how to “fix” my chaotic insides became clear. This course helped me confront a major internal demon that has controlled almost every realm of my life. When I leave the gates of Ponomakena Sanctuary, I can feel that life will be different. One of the greatest answers I got while being here is to keep my practice, for this is only the beginning of a truly beautiful journey.
Dearest Jorge,
WOW! Mahalo Nui Loa from the heart. Thank you so very much. You are an amazing being of light. A true Bodhisattva practicing boddihatta for REAL! The course is quite a profound journey. I can see why you call it a course. I certainly learned a lot. I had done some of the Goenka Vipassana sits, and they were so arduous, I hated them but realized the benefit of sitting. Your Quepasana course is a transformative experience, you make it palatable and even really juicy. It’s touch at times to sit with your stuff, but you make the climb up the mountain a little easier. There is so much love, kindness and general nurturing that is so encouraging.
Jorge, you are masterful in how you orchestrate the course. It is done with so much love, patience, meticulous attentions to detail, kindness and joy. Your generosity is so beautiful and inspiring. You really have attained that Siddhi (Spiritual Attainment)
For me the experience has been deep, and I feel a renewed sense of commitment to my meditation practice. I also love how you have integrated the different somatic practices. For me it was the missing link.
Ponomakena – What’s to say? The beauty leaves me speechless (that’s good J) This is one of the best spots anywhere.
I appreciate beautiful Katherine’s Yoga classes. It was a pleasure to have a teacher of her caliber teaching us. She is a treasure.
MaryAnn: Could not do it without her. She has so much love and boundless energy to keep the ship running. She does it all with so much grace and humor. I love her giggles, they are contagious. And last but not least, the food was so nourishing and supportive and had so much love. It was really delicious.
So from the depths of my heart I bow in gratitude to you dear friends. All my love.
PS. I love your sense of humor. It was so uplifting.
Dearest Jorge,
Quepasana has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life thus far. One of the top 3 in fact, along with hang gliding over the amazon rain forest in Brazil and hiking into Waimea Valley on the Big Island. Yes, comparable to the beauty of nature in its most epic forms! I cried several times feeling so grateful for the gift of this experience. The sheer magnificence of this piece of art coming from your heart, mind and soul is absolutely astounding. I put together and executed a medium size festival last year that I put thousands of hour and every single one of my skills, so I am one of the rare people that can have a sliver of understanding of what goes into something like this. Holy WOW!!!. All the details – from the lighting, the feminine products in the bathrooms, the perfectly thought out schedules (which have to change last minute because of some people not coming, I am sure) The name tags on the tents and spots – I mean, EVERYTHING was so very thoughtful and full of loving kindness.
I appreciate the insects like never before! The ants taught me to be mindful to clean up after myself ASAP. The flies crawling on me while I meditated brought me back to presence and gave me pleasure. The choke butterflies were gorgeous reminders of my personal growth, and all THE BEES!!! YES! These girls I appreciate the most because my husband is a bee charmer and I could feel him with me through them. On thanksgiving they covered my hand and also surrounded me at breakfast and lunch! I cried and was so grateful for the REAL honey that was served that they rob every day at the tea table.
I am grateful to myself for having been diligent to my practice for the last 6-7 months and to my friend for waking up and sitting with me for so many of those hours. It made my experience much less torturous, I am sure of it. In fact, the only torturous things were boogers running down my face, hormones running wild, and missing my daughter so dearly. She is almost 7 and is looking forward to KeikePasana. She also has a practice.
The food has been so amazing! I usually eat vegetarian and gluten free. It digested really well and was lovingly prepared. I especially loved when MaryAnn was serving us with that big smile on her pretty face and her heart taking up the whole table. The Nachos were my favorite! So Ono!
You have really met your match in MaryAnn. I can see how much of her love sweat and tears have been shed to make all this happen. I am happy for you that you have her. Sara and Attar were great too.
I would love to come back and serve. I am so grateful to everyone here who sat. they all showed me reflections of myself that were invaluable and have changed my life forever. The personal growth I received was monumental and will ripple out to every eye that I meet. I have cried so many times out of gratitude
PS. I love your voice.
You are such a stellar role model Jorge. Watching you during today’s party, pulsing with aliveness and leading us with a huge smile gave me a lot of joy to feel and my own huge smile. You are a rock star for throwing these parties! Mahalo.
Dear Quepasana Ohana,
Thank you for creating this space where we can gather to learn about Vipassana in a more accessible way. I feel the addition of the movements and Yoga, Yin Yoga and the music added playfulness and a touch of grace.
I greatly admire your drive to live your passion of service and contribution. Maryann, you run a tight ship! You have made what most people would consider the most stressful job in the world into fun and joyful service.
Beloved Jorge,
I feel so deeply grateful that I can experience Quepasana with you in this unbelievable beautiful space.
It’s all so magical, lots of letting go, moving into whatever will unfold.
I started my meditation journey with Vipassana in the South of France when I was 20 years old. It led me to Osho, and now being 60, I feel almost complete circle.
For me, you have a lot in common with Osho. You like beauty and combine it with playfulness and love for fun and helpful toys.
The depth I felt with Osho I feel here right now…
Thanks for making me love Maui again.
Hope to be able to come back to serve in any way I can.
MaryAnn, you also bring so much to the experience. Your smile, your amazing food and your organizing skills and so much love. Happy birthday.
Thanksgiving was so much fun….
Goenka without the Dukka, Vipassana without the psychology. A treat without the RE, of course. How sweet it is to be bathed in loving kindness and beauty and random acts of Savasana for 10 days. The heart expands and I take the gift forward. Mahalo mahalo.
Dear Maryann,
The Mother Presence you bring to this experience feels so good to my soul. To know that I can rest and that you have the reins for my health and well being for this week is deeply comforting. The way you express love through your thoughtful meals, thoughtful smiles, thoughtful popcorn makes being here magic. You are incredibly graceful and super-efficient management and creation of systems such that being in your grace feels like being in a well-tended unconditionally loving home. Sitting in your spotless beautiful kitchen feels like being right back at my mother’s side watching and learning from her flow. I look up to you and your positive, giggly, bright and cheerful ways. You have an incredible style and radiance that is so pure and uniquely you. You add so much to Quepasana. It simply would not be the same without you.
Eternally grateful and deeply inspired.
Jorge and Maryann,
It is such luck to be part of this gathering. I feel exquisitely blessed! Can’t think of any other place and circumstance in this earth that could compete with the fortune of sharing and cultivating our being with such generosity. Thank you for your infinite caring.
What a marvelous dance, blessed by the rising and setting of the sun and the moon, playing with the sea, painting the clouds, this is paradise on steroids. In the midst of battling with Samsara, a mighty stride up the hill of the mind, to reach to most profound “natural great peace” a deep rest into bliss.
Thank you a million times, for this jog, having each one of us touch the depth of our soul, rising back is like tasting a new fresh aliveness and honesty.
May the love you shower bless you a thousandfold.
Dear Jorge, Maryann, and team,
Although I would like to begin with a simple “thank you” for making this available, possible and accessible to me. It is hardly enough to explain the feeling of gratitude I am leaving with tomorrow.
The feeling of well being, truly being nurtured is worthy of one thousand thank yous. Thanksgiving was the first day I have been served in the true sense of receiving a loving heartfelt meal, the community and awareness of what gratitude means.
The last day, I finally began to drop into my stillness, my own mind (monkey mind) yapping away is enough to continue this for the rest of my life. I sat without any agenda, and desire to work out an issue. Simply to create space within the confines of my being. How amazing. The meditation practice I had done for many years was conflicting. Understanding the reason behind the body scan was initially hard for me (thinking, overthinking) What was I trying to accomplish? The understanding of “uncomfort” and still remain in stillness is extraordinary. Simple and profound.
As a life wellness coach and meditation teacher in schools, this tool I have learned to apply in my own life, will touch so many others. For that again, I am most grateful.
In the accommodation, food, service, tea, yoga, music,
movies I am most humbly grateful to accept.
I would love to serve for you in the future. Please let me know how I can do that. Now I understand Evelyn’s insatiable need to sit in silence. This will change my life, as well as the lives of others. Blessings to you all.
October 2018 ( class of #58!)
YES! This is the energy pulsing through every cell of my being – Body mind and spirit. I am in awe of the perfection of what has been created here to serve so many, it is evidence of the magic that persists in this universe and you are evidence of the magic that happens when we truly let it all go. The past 4 years I have been living my dream of being a lovingly present papa, a supportive husband, a mentor and an educator, and a production farmer, among other roles. I have a great capacity to hold and carry forth in service. I have been inspired and energized and highly productive. And it has taken its toll.
While caring so deeply for the world around me, I have completely neglected caring for myself. This time here has reignited passion and awareness about who I am. The practices have sung to my soul and I am confident I will carry them forth. Even as someone who is addicted to doing, I could continue to live this way for weeks, months, or years. The sense of purpose embodied in these practices seem much more relevant than the strong sense of purpose that guides my life.
I am leaving with clear guidance on how to continue rediscovering myself in every moment. Thank you! Thank you for your overwhelming generosity in sharing your gifts with us all. Thank you for sharing your humanness and your willingness to do your work. Thank you for answering the call to nurture a concept truly needed at this time. I am grateful to be able to continue to grow with and serve this community for years to come.
With overflowing love.
So much to say, the words don’t do justice to my feelings. There is a quality of sacredness in this oasis of love and in you! I am sooo proud of you. For having listened, for having understood, for applying every learning received. The only way to teach is by exactly the way you are doing it. BY EXAMPLE!
Your commitment, your love, your enthusiasm, your generosity, your light, your thankfulness, your presence, your every word, your every breath is to be imitated so all can find a path to the peacefulness and joy you express and reflect.
I have been on the path for more than 30 years. I have been around many, many teachers and I have NEVER had the joy of encountering a soul so pure and with so much love and joy!
We are at a very special moment of evolution. We are here to WAKE UP! Wake up to love and joy, and the only way to find those is inside ourselves. So thank you my dear “love soul” for showing us with your example, how to find it within.
Thank you for your generosity in sharing this beautiful sanctuary of love and peace with all of us. Your generosity goes beyond limits. You have thought about every detail. From the shala and the music to the cabins with their so comfortable beds and privacy. To the simple bathrooms, to the wonderful showers. And what can I say about the magnificent garden and the GREATEST swimming pool in the region. Every detail: From the soap to the tampons to the toys and….. a very special thanks to Maryann who with her motherly quiet love filled our stomachs with delicious food and our hearts with her soft caring love.
To everyone that participated in making this course a complete success.
All of you under the kind and gentle guidance of our dear beloved Don Chingon.
I feel overwhelmed by the knowing that: I have arrived “home with my tribe”. I can’t wait to continue with this loving experience that has left my heart so full.
Thank you my dear Jorge. May god continue to shower you with enthusiasm, health, love, abundance, peace, joy, faith, will, perseverance, everything, EVERYTHING!
Thank you for shining for us the way you do! Thank you for leading by example, without rigidity, only wisdom, clarity and love.
Feel, feel it ALL!
I feel: elated, I’m flying, full of love, marveled, @awe, blessed, loved, contained, supported, pampered, emotional, in love with mother earth, an opened heart, complete, awakened, @ peace, grateful, healed, special, good, powerful, motivated, full of energy, replenished, understood, well, insane J, astonished, wonderful, high vibes, healthy, full of love, wanting to give back, serene, joyful, attuned with nature, at home, my(our) soul is in the fifth dimension.
I always have the most difficult time writing QuepasaLoveNotes because there are no words to do Quepasana justice.
The level of deep inner, life changing, world shifting being done here is profound. I know it down to my bones, which is why I come back time and time again. It is an honor to help serve on this journey. To help each being who walks through the gate come closer to home, to themselves, to source.
It is with deep gratitude I open my heart to receive the countless blessings you share.
Thank you so deeply for crating this sacred container of Quepasana.
I am shining, we are shining, thus the world is shining so much brightly because of this experience.
Thank you for helping us remember who we truly are.
Dearest Jorge,
Wow! What a wonder you are. True living Jedi Master. Kind, funny, wise, humble, open hearted, empathetic, strong and sincere. The generosity of your spirit shines through in every way, every day.
Thank you for being an illustration and divine teacher of what is possible to accomplish through dedication and commitment. I began my meditation practice in India and the Dalai Lama’s teachings in 1997. My commitment to my practice has waxed and waned over the years. In 2010/2011 I did a 10 day Vipassana course in Peru. It was a huge awakening, yet the strict format and patriarchal tone kept me from returning. And again my daily practice was lost.
Quepasana feels like the perfect balance of format and fun. Thank you for breathing new life into an ancient tradition. Thank you for bringing the sweet healing balm to our troubled world. I loved the inclusion of Yoga and shake rattle and roll! The yin practices were so therapeutic – all a meditation. Deep self-care and love.
I also greatly loved the inclusion of the crystal bowls and gongs. The sound vibration helped me attune more fully to the vibrational matrix of my inner cellular body. To really feel everything! Cells vibrating – body dancing. Pure awareness.
Oceans of gratitude and infinite love.
Dear Jorge,
Bless your bountiful abundant heart for so generously sharing this incredible experience with so many of us.
Bless your brilliant beneficient mind for coming up with this soulful scheme and the resources to make it happen.
Bless your beautiful beloved spirit for the inspiration behind this exquisite vision and for picking you to manifest it.
A thousand thank yous..
Dear Sweetest Jorge
Tears of gratitude boil up from my heart as I try to give thanks, and put this experience into words. My world coming forth will not be the same. You have guided me to find the lost world within myself. The love and joy that flows out from deep within me is pouring out from every cell, each of them so happy to be felt. You have planted/this experience has planted, a seed of awareness in my body and I’m ready to nurture that seed and witness what unfolds.
To me this experience was perfection. To the never ending epic peace and beauty of your land, to the food… the FOOD (MaryAnn is so golden), to the core, which was the beauty of your facilitation and how much Jorge love was just everywhere. It all cradled me in loving comfort that when the hard times came up I was supported.
Jorge, my body swells with gratitude, it swells with love, from the deepest depth of my body, thank you.
Dear Jorge,
First of all deepest thanks for your seemingly endless generosity, and for a wonderful course. I, too was thankful for the sound system issue during the week, but most of all I am thankful that no animal was taken for my meals. I was able to put aside my reflux meds for a week and did not miss my daily coffee regimen or evening drink.
While I did not ascend to the heights of Satori or dive deep into the depths of the earth and beyond, I was most appreciative of the meditation practice, and to resume a Yoga practice after a 40 year hiatus. Thanks again, and again, what a gift!
Oh my beloved Jorge!
Thank you –
Always for your generous heart and
♥ for claiming, stepping into and honoring your dharmic offering
♥ For allowing so many different kinds of people to come together to listen within
♥ For sharing this beautiful land so freely, so fully, with such integrity. (The Maui gods are smiling on you!)
♥ For embodying and living Aloha
I am so deeply appreciative and grateful for your capacity to course correct.
From 53 to 58. WOW.
In the quiet- without the continuous reaction to the external noise – I had the opportunity to hear the internal noise … which was louder, more chaotic, more rattling than any display from 53!
Each time I come there is a hell realm I encounter, inevitably alongside of a bliss state/experience
3 of the last 4 courses I have been thrown into the pit of sciatica pain, this course, by far the worst. The pain was so intense that there was no rest at night, and not possibility of doing Yin Yoga (Until day 8 when my homeopathic remedy kicked in, along with unwinding the underlying issues).
I loved the silence, the lack of external input. I’m left with resounding chorus of the birds, and the symphony of the crashing waves.
And yet, how sorely I missed the yin yoga heart melting music! That one afternoon when the sound system allowed (briefly), unlike you, it worked for me. My body went into a pavlovian response… a deep surrender, a gentle opening. ( and I’m hoping it was not me who jinxed the sound system J)
I love how you mix the very serious task of training the mind with the dance of high play-joy. It is rare in my experience. And I appreciate it.
I also appreciate the ever changing library. A powerful support for my process this time was reading “How to Meditate”. I was surprised by his clarity and insight, and it helped by reminding me that this is the work of allowing all of ourselves. I took that to the sciatic pain.
Once I realized that I was trying to get away from the intolerable physical pain, and going to all kinds of thoughts like – I am NEVER EVER coming to Quepasana again! It‘s not good for me, I just hurt myself, I’m trapped here, etc.
I turned to the feeling/felt sense that I could not bear it (The pain), and just allowed that. The kindness of that. With that turn came a tsunami of rage, which I held in the arms of allowing all of it. So potent. So powerful. To see my hate- as bad or worse than any neo-nazi skin head! With that full allowing, the shift from separation/alienation to oneness the utter relief of wholeness!
These gems: Life altering. Course corrections!
The gift of Quepasana.
Another huge gift. Almost goes without saying -- MaryAnn. This time her mastery as a teacher of cooking lit up my time in the kitchen. The whole process of how she approaches food – with such delight, clarity and spontaneity is another layer of the course. Her caring attention of all of us from the start to finish of the course (beyond just the food) really grounds the field. What a team!
To my Quepasana family:
On our first day together I had you each sized up by your appearance, your choice of clothes or scarcity thereof, your spiritual materials or scarcity thereof, etc. I could tell whether and how much and in what way I liked you.
As scales fall from my eyes and I fall into my actual experience of me, each and every one of you has evolved. I marvel (and laugh) at the absurdity of wanting you to be anything other than exactly what you are.
Watching each of you fall into your own selves (so I tell myself – for all I know you could each be enlightened masters here to demonstrate the way), has created space for me to do the same. I bow to you, all of you, and each individual among you.
Dear Jorge,
Thank you for this gift.
I am honored to have this experience – it is a gift that has changed my life.
You are an inspiration.
You have shown me that discipline and work are along the path of life along with love, acceptance compassion, allowance and JOY.
Wow!! This place, the ocean, the fish, the air, the dreams, the land, the food, the love! It is infused. It is truly a paradise. You have created a beautiful heaven, a place of healing, nurturing, and calm being. I feel so loved. I love you! Thank you! Thank you for providing this for us, for life!
My mind has always had a tendency to be like a screaming infant, crying, yelling, anxious. Day seven was a moment where “I” could see my mind as a part of my body, of who I am. But it is not ME. My mind is a part of my body, you have given me a framework to use to calm my mind. It’s a path that requires work and effort, but it is so calming.
This path can allow me to “feel everything”. FEEL THAT
I have an even more special relationship to silence
I was terrified before starting this course. Not of the work, but what it could reveal. What would I find? I found that my fear is just a feeling! How does that feel? My ego was afraid its tricks may not work. My ego mind, the petulant child, what a creative part of me. This space allowed me to take space to let it (almost) exhaust all its tricks. I say almost because I know now I must sustain my mindful practice. I know it is possible to “see” outside my mind, see/feel myself as a part of an interconnected, beautiful universe. I feel calm. I feel loved.
Thank you! Thank you to the servers. Amazing! I am humbled, and inspired that such a place, space and person such as you, who decided to make this happen exists with us, as us, for us, on EARTH. Thank you. Love.
#58 group
Despite life’s impermanence, through your guidance with the support of your staff on a sandy beach corner of heaven, I find infinite possibilities.
I love what you do. I love you, Man of Makena
We must be doing something right to end up here—heaven on earth!
Or maybe to rephrase, we are being something, nothing and everything all at once. The side effect is heaven on earth! What a glorious blessing. Thank you all for the vision and dedication to your practice and the metta that overflows – through you and right in through me.
Gotta love the side effects of passing it on and paying it forward! Gratitude abounds.
NOW is my present. I have offered myself the possibility of observe and feel each moment as it is. Now is my PRESENT. It’s a gift indeed. I am grateful to all the Quepasana team for their loving kindness. Keep helping people arising consciousness and make the world a better place.
I also want to thank my Quepasamates. A bunch of lovely people. What an interesting experience to hang out in silence with strangers. What we lived is beyond words. Meditating with all you guys. Tuned into my own vibration, then yours, each so unique, then all in one with the universe. Wonderful!
This is a life-changing experience, this is my key-pasana. I have now a pass to unity, an unlimited access to the place where ones float in bliss. Now is my FUTURE.
More than a practice, I want to make it a lifestyle. I am my own fortune teller. I’m not the best with discipline and routine but I will do my best and surrender to the humble witness of grace.
(A poem)
My Quepasana Experience:
When I first heard “Quepasana” – not a word I knew
Was this a queue (a line) for the toilet (the loo)?
My friend and I filled my application with joy
With only an inkling of what I was in for – Oh boy!
I soon realized my pretzel with moves and much more
Our “Yoda” said feel everything – I did! It was sore
I got some relief in the hammock I found a wave of sweet sleep, then a thud to the ground.
The thing had just ripped and tossed me down onto grass
Not sure what hurt more, my head or my (Pass)
It was suggested to not use my chair, but the mat.
Now everything really hurt, it brought out my brat
When our “yoda” said fidgets were a restless mind
I realized my clients were first, while I’d left me behind
Food has been good and line’s quite fast and then there was popcorn – oh what a blast
To say I feel blessed, this experience sublime,
Could be the understatement of all time
I intend to continue to keep opening the door
With the hope I can one day sit still on the floor
When I first came to Quepasana I was assembling a puzzle with no picture reference. Then you came in, gave me the picture. Smiled and said “have fun with it.” Now I can remember what a fun game this is! My deepest of gratitude to you and the whole Quepasana crew! Love you fam!
It seems to be rare that I experience such unconditional giving as what has been created for us to receive here. It is truly inspiring to witness and partake in this gift. Not only is this course an opportunity to be completely within myself, it is provided so abundantly, fully, gracefully, comfortably – that I feel nourished and safe to really let go and surrender to that pure, unconditional presence that is held in this space.
And believe it or not, it is actually enjoyable! And all this time I thought being with myself was a rough ride. J
If I could sing to you I would, for I am full; full of my-self; full of love and delight and a new hope
I reach: through fingertips I had left empty. Through a stomach I had made too full to feel.
Through the back gate of my heart, between my wings where I had forgotten to leave the latch unlocked
Oh sweet opening, sweet revelation between my toes, sweet mask peeled from my face, blinking eyes to see. I see.
Through each pore, each membrane, each river of blood flowing to and from my heart. I am humbled. A beginner again.
A first time owner of this brand new spine. Its tail wags back and forth, it dances in spirals, and atop it a skull perches, offering its up and its down, like mother rocking baby, it says yes, yes, I choose to be here. I pour water into mouth and set eyes on ocean.
I am it
Animated water, skipping on twelve toes. I slosh and slish and slide out eyelids for love, for fear, for grief I had forgotten and again I become still and glossy. The morning summer lake. You could skate on me for now
I make no promises, hold no fist closed around a shiny thing.
Not to say we cannot shine.
I see a man whose face is soft. Head bowed a bit to the side, revealing the veins of his skull, sun’s kiss upon his shoulders, a heart whose veil is lifted
Generous and humble, he speaks only what he has learned from his own flesh, which he honors with the most precious gifts he has: Time and attention. He holds this world as he holds himself. With gentleness and trust, with faith that nature will have her way.
I see him not through pupils under eyelids from aorta pulsing red electric mana. It floods my body, fills my brain, which crackles like arctic ice, fissures through hard held beliefs.
I forget that men in power do harm. Forget that forests are cleared and left fallow, I am hope and light, and a bridge to a new way clears. It is here, now!. This creature in the shape of an omen, teaches me to breathe into my belly and see a truer world. And here we are. She the earth, he the fire, I the water and they the wind, none of whom can be extracted from the other. And so it is. And so it is. And so I guess what I’m saying is thank you.
Dear Jorge,
Thank you for this gift. This incredibly wonderful generous gift. Your loving kindness permeates and radiates. As a beginning meditator, the course was definitely a challenge; It illuminated how difficult it is to control the inner dialogue and how prevalent those thoughts of past and future are. Even when actively attempting to remain present! But every time I started to feel like maybe I’m just not cut out for this, when I started to get frustrated at myself- you’d say something so comforting and true and remind me that where I am on this path is OK. I am encouraged by your suggestion to commit for a period of time, and I think I am actually going to want to do it!. Despite it still being a challenge to stay present, those glimpses of “now” are beautiful.
Thank you for being so nurturing, light-hearted and genuine. May the future Earth have more humans on it like you. Hey, you’re helping make that happen!
Your light shines so brightly. Thank you for sharing it.
Dearest Jorge,
What an incredible miracle made up of particles you are! You are a shining example of power, freedom and grace, and someone who is truly walking their path. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for creating this experience to help others on their own paths. The positive impact that you are having on this world is incredible. You are making a radical difference. One heart at a time. Thank you for opening your home and heart to us. Thank you for allowing servers to return and share in the gift of giving. Thank you for creating this beautiful community that pours out light, love and abundance. I feel extremely blessed and grateful to partake in this exquisite gift.
(Those are all just words so please just FEEL the gigantic love bomb being sent from my heart to yours!) All my love.
Dearest Jorge,
Thank you for another wonderful experience here at Quepasana. I just came home from 3.5 months of whirlwind travels and needed this grounding more than ever! I did not even realize there was a course happening, but thank goddess MaryAnn texted me! It was such a blessing to find a few days to bask in the now, here at your glorious Ponomakena.
I love seeing the growth of your course. And seeing so many people powerfully transformed in this space. I feel so blessed and honored to be a part of this community and look forward to a beautiful future continuing to unfold. I’ll admit I am a little bit bummed I cannot do the 30-day course. A musician/songwriters dream. I’ve been talking about that day forever. When I would have uninterrupted peace, nature, and time to create and channel music through me. So awesome!
Thank you again Jorge. Your generous gift is so appreciated- as well as your humor. Refreshing! Love you and what you do.
Dear Quepasana team,
I am continually moved and so GRATEFUL. This happening is a sort of fantastic deep deep nurturing and restoration that blesses me to tears, so happy to be here.
I notice new things in my body now and have a sweet centering that I know will echo beautifully into my future.
Dear MaryAnn (mom)
You could serve banana peels with a smile and I’d eat them with relish. Mahalo nui
Dearest beloveds,
Words fall short of describing how profound this week has been for me.
Thank you Jorge for being a shining example of a yogi and an elder in our community. We are blessed to have you.
MaryAnn, your culinary artistry is second to none. As nourishing as it is delicious. May the spirit of bhakti carry you on.
Mahalo is a word that might earlier have come out as a very heartfelt and genuine response to what has been given. In the moment, it just is. No exchange, just MAHALO.
Just today I found that the gravel is quite nice under my feet if I walk slowly and gently. Then I meet the ground. I do not beat the ground, I just greet it.
Just today I looked down at my arm and thought “wow” Just wow. No startling facts about “trillions” of energies or what. Just wow. Just MAHALO. Just as I might, toward a tree, or a bird. MAHALO. Wow. Is. Me. Wow! Not because it did or did not do anything spectacular, BUT IT DID. It Be’d!
In the same vein, this week I seem to remember that in meditation, or any time, I can just meet with myself. Just greet MYSELF. That’s a very quiet but a brilliant sort of spectatular. And very, very sweet. Mahalo.
My actual Quepasana experience:
Dear Jorge, I came here with deep questions, real big ones. I had already answered them to some degree, but certainly hadn’t made peace with them. During meditation, holding poses and reintroducing myself to a practice I’ve let go of for ages, I found myself in turmoil. I hadn’t realized how poorly I had become at not turning inward for myself. I happen to be an awesome successful seer for others, but so what if it doesn’t include me? It’s almost as though my life was so strongly of service, I’d forgotten me. Yes, I ate better, walked the beach, found friends, lovers, some meaning to this life, but nothing penetrating deeply for me. I couldn’t understand it. How could I be such a glorious channel for so many people across phone lines, around my troubled world, and yet be so missing in action for me?
I did not have a practice.
When we were invited to go off and do our practice I had no idea what to do. I faked it, made it up, pretended to be as obvious a people standing on heads, hands, toes. I had no rituals, no practices and yet I’ve been beautifully guiding others for 26 years.
I visited rituals and practices, living on an ashram for a while, living in a Buddhist sanctuary for a time, but never adopted my own daily commitment. As a result, I can see my life as sporadic, patchy, up and down and certainly not consistent.
I came here for answers, life questions. Do I stay here and simply visit my declining love of my life (my mom) or do I drop everything and go be beside her and help her complete her time? My time here didn’t address that or any other question, and it should not be responsible for individual journeys. What my time here did is to put me first. I am intending standing on top of my hill of life, celebrating the new from within all points of my very existence. I will continue my guidance, I will shine my lantern for others, just because I can and it’s my gift, but now I will see my own light and be still within it daily.
Aloha Jorge,
Mahalo for being you! Thank you for all that you are and all you do. My heart is full of gratitude and I am so inspired by this opportunity you hold space for…. This is what the world needs. This is what we all need. Healing, awakening, feeling deep within….. Such a gift to let ourselves get to know ourselves. Our true infinite “selves” (cells). You are divine. Keep on being you.
Dearest MaryAnn,
First of all, thank you for your LOVE. I feel it so deeply and it means so much to me to have you think of me and personally invite me to come be in this experience again and again.
Having just come home from a whirlwind 3.5 months of travelling I really needed this! As the busy NYC hustler woman I am I hit the ground hard, running fast October 1st and had I not come here I assume I may have had a mini breakdown from lack of sleep, exhaustion and stress. So you helped save me!
I admire you and how you hold such a loving, powerful productive and effective space for all you do. You are a beautiful example of how joy, play and ease can help get the job done – even better!
So thank you, my dear friend. For seeing me, loving me and always inviting me home to your home and into my own.
Next time I would love to assist a whole course and work lots of shifts because I feel weird not working. Ha ha. But thank you for the gift of rest and silence this time around.
Dearest MaryAnn,
You are an angel. I felt your love and support in our first email correspondence, and continually through the course. Your humor, your steadiness throughout, your guidance and your glorious meals have given me support and solid ground so I could truly let go and surrender into this experience. It has been a week of receiving blessings. Thanks to you and Jorge and all the staff angels.
Aloha Jorge,
You are indeed loving kindness! Your generosity is breathtaking and so inspirational. What a gift you are to all.
To be here on this sacred land is deeply nourishing and that alone is enough, but it is only the beginning. The food has been healthy, tasty and prepared with such love. The accommodations so cozy, comfortable and private, even the battery candle light shows so much thought and care. The heart of the program though is the schedule. It is the perfect balance of yoga, meditation, relaxation, integration/free time. It is a perfect flow and pace, allowing us to drop in and go deeper. While being held so exquisitely by the beauty of the land and your caring support team, with attention to all the details.
Thank you for this gift! I look forward to being of service here in upcoming programs.
Dearest Jorge,
Please know how profound, awakening and ultimately life changing this gift you have brought forth is/was for me.
My immeasurable gratitude goes to the way you hold space, how simple and fun you keep things. I feel your heart of gold and your experiential wisdom.
I thank you for providing this opportunity. My view of Quepasana is that is unique, easy, beautiful and NEEDED.
Honestly, my past self thought traditional Vipassana courses sounded like torture, so when I heard about the Quepasana course I was like, “Hey, that sounds fun, I can do that” Its much more colorful, relaxed, new age, MAUI. I love it. And I would recommend it to anyone. What better way to spend time? Well, I got clear on how I want to spend time moving into the future. More art! Painting, drawing,.. and I resolve to being more of the silent witness of any aversions or explosive emotions that past “me” might be hardened or swept by.
Everyone needs Quepasana! I hope you find ease in expanding and grounding deeper this immeasurable gift.
True love, light genius you are.
Dear Maryann
Thank you for your amazing love and care throughout all the details of the program – from registration to your amazing organizational skills which kept everything running smoothly. But most of all, the food – WOW. I don’t know how you do it. The food was amazing and prepared with such love to keep us well nourished and card for on every level during this course.
And thank you for your loving heart and smile. You are amazing, such an inspiration. I look forward to serving on future programs here.
Dearest Jorge and Maryann
I am humbled in gratitude for this invaluable gift/blessing you have shared so warmly with myself and so many others. This week I feel I was able to push through some “real” perceived challenges both physically and emotionally and find true magic within and all around. The love and service yourself and the whole Quepasana crew are offering is rippling through the cosmos… so happy I was able to ride this wave with you all! Mahalo Nui Loa
Buddha to Buddha, this kiss, source to source, these lips undyingly press
It’s busy today many trains come and go. I am the station.
Dear walker of the path of mastery.
Thank you. Your avid dedication to the path is an act of tremendous service.
For the last decade I have sought countless healers, medical professionals, shamans, practices and medicines of all kinds. All this to heal the condensed trauma previously stored in my mind and back.
My extreme trauma and PTSD have created a form of ongoing agony that few people can understand.
I have spent a significant amount of time practicing everything taught here at Quepasana. However, previously these practices met with little success.
I am so happy to share with you that for the first time in over a decade, I am no longer in physical agony, numb, or feeling depressed and anxious.
Quepasana’s magical combination of yin-yoga, meditation, silence, beauty, sound hypnotism and rigorous schedule is the cure I’ve been seeking for so long.
You delight me and fill my heart with bubbling joy! You are graceful, humorous, generous and loving. I see through your actions your servant leadership, and lightness you carry in your step that all you do comes from the seat of your heart. Thank you for sharing your home, your food, your sweet energy. It is received and acknowledged for the depth and expansiveness it is. You are love, you are loved. Mahalo, mahalo mahalo!
A privilege would be an understatement to give credence to this sacred experience you have so meticulously crafted. How incredibly gracious of you to share all the physical, mental and spiritual abundance you have worked diligently to earn. I firmly believe that life ought to be a gift in service to others, and you are a shining example of this aspiration. I understand the inherent challenges of managing/guiding/holding space for so many people and their ever-changing dynamic; You achieve this with both grace and humility.
Bless you for the work you do. I have learned so much! You are a genuine teacher, and have created/manifested a unified organism that will continue to ripple out love beams for eternity J
If I can ever be of service to you in any way, as this experiment continues to unfold, please do let me know. Offering these courses to inmates/troubled youth is an excellent idea
All my love and endless blessings.
Dear MaryAnn,
Thank you for stewarding/creating such a cozy, loving and delicious experience. The love and thought you put into it all is palpable in every bite. You are a treasure.
Mahalo Nui for this peaceful container to bring transformation and awareness to the shit and the gold. When you say you are considering bringing this work to prisoners my heart and mind leapt in joyful service to those. Bring them internal freedom!
Dear MaryAnn,
You are an angel. Thank you for working diligently all week at meeting our needs for nourishing, warm, delicious sustenance. It has been such a gift to be in/around your home which is filled with so much LOVE. Mahalo for all you do and are. Blessed be.
Quepasana was not easy for me. It was not particularly grueling though. The middle way indeed. Bravo Jorge. I believe in you and what you are doing. Thank you for holding the space for me to dip into some of the deepest meditations I’ve had in years. You are a true admirable friend. Bless you.
September 2018 (Wombpasana for pregnant mommas, Ashland OR)
The sparkle in your eyes says it all! What a true gem you are. Multifaceted in nature, balancing laughter and bliss with a serious dedication to the art of meditating. You have served as a strong role model who has always led with your heart. You are the grounding energy of this course and an impeccable conduct to channel this work to others. Your path of service is inspiring and so soo impactful. This course has changed my life! I experienced more nurturing here in one day than I have over the past year. This sanctuary fosters healing. Healing so deep, on a cellular level, through mind, body and spirit. Healing that has shifted my DNA and will continue to ripple through future generations. This work and your sacred creation is that HUGE! The ripples of this week will impact my children! My whole life! My ancestors! Its infinite. Now I sit and enjoy the afterglow of that love. I am swimming in gratitude for the opportunity to have experienced this kind of magic, felt this depth of love, and basked in the true essence of bliss. The words thank you don’t seem to do justice for the deep resonant feelings I hold in my heart. Infinite love.
The meditations in the last two days have been extremely deep. In the liquid space that all energy floats/moves through, I feel myself dissolve. Infinite ripples of love expand through the space; through the liquid sea of energy. It feels as if I am being caressed by a million tiny flowers and the petals are vibrating subtly—Like the soft purring from a warm fuzzy kitten. And gravity no longer feels real in the liquid space or in the vast field of tiny vibrating flowers. With gravity gone, comes sensations of weightlessness, flying, floating, spinning and levitating in every direction. Even direction seems to melt away as the left, right up and down all become one. I have been here before. And so have you. All that exists blossoms from here. It feels so amazing to return to this place many special times and with a variety of methods for arriving. Quepasana is certainly a well-made, beautiful method! Thank you Jorge for helping us help ourselves to drop in. Thank you for creating the container for people to feel inner peace. I can feel my pineal gland dripping warm DMT nectar throughout my entire being. I am very grateful for the sharing of various meditation techniques. I especially love the Earth Descent guided meditation, feeling inspired artistically by the amazing use of visualization in that practice. Big mahalos all around! Jorge and to all the crew! PS Thank you for picking such a great crew of powerful individuals. I feel all the love and intention and hard work that has been feeding this transformative 8 day course! You’re amazing.
Dear Beautiful Jorge,
How do I even begin to thank you for being such a kind, compassionate, generous, caring genuine, bright , beautiful soul? I am still in awe of the grace and ease with which you execute these mindful, soul movement, life changing meditation courses, time and time again!
I can’t believe this is my THIRD course in only 5 months. Crazy to think that in May I had NO idea that my entire existence was going to be forever altered, in the best way possible. My heart soars with deep gratitude that our paths crossed, and that I am lucky enough to be a part of your ever-growing Quepasana family. I know that before I know it, this movement will be felt world-wide. Creating peaceful, altruistic communities wherever it lands.
Thank you for honoring your soul’s purpose of service with such humility and poise. You are a true example of a noble soul. I am constantly inspired by you, and hope to continue to grow within my own journey, to be more kind, giving, loving, peaceful, happy and content! You are magic! This Wombpasana blasted open my portals of time, giving deep acknowledgement to my ancestry and blood lineage- While also reminding me deeply of my infinite connection to all that is and will be. Today, yesterday and tomorrow.
My womb is overflowing with creative expression and opportunity. I am SO excited to take this powerful energy with me into the “real world” (Ha! Yeah right, THIS is the real world, right here in that portal of a dome!)
I will be using the next two months to spread Quepasana love to all who cross my path, while I eagerly await our next reunion in December!
Then we get to spend a whole month together in January to really go deep and blast off! Ah! I can’t wait!!! Until then, now that I am always sending you my unconditional love and gratitude with unwavering magnitude and flow.
Thank you for being you. Thank you for allowing me the honor and humble opportunity to be of service to these mamas to be. It means the world to me more than words can ever truly express. You have allowed me to heal my own inner child more deeply and for this I am so grateful. LOVE YOU, always and always.
So, Jorge, when are you opening the Quepasana Ashram?
Wow, I am not sure where to begin. How about with Thank You. Thank you from every particle of my being. This week I have remembered so much I hadn’t realized I’d forgotten. Haha. I have learned, realized and come to peace, as well as been irritated, scared and pissed off. haha. Gosh this life thing is fun.
Deep gratitude for providing Watsu. I connected so deeply with my baby. Truly such a gift. I feel blessed to be here. The absolute perfect place to be as the chapter of pregnancy comes to a close and birth and motherhood come forth. I feel so honored to be here. I feel honored, cared for, held, and sooo nourished. What you are offering and co-creating is truly something special.
I really look forward to being a part of future courses and being of service.
Love Note:
Wahe Guru, Master Jorge! Jorgeji! Exquisitely orchestrated. The angels are abounding here. I received a massive healing, regaining a sense of wholeness within myself – Much deserved and needed after nearly six years of being a mother with another on the way. I wept so many tears of supreme gratitude, feeling myself completely held by everything. Thank you for re-inspiring my practice of Self Love. I am forever grateful. And goddess bless my husband for encouraging this venture. I pray that he, too will have this opportunity to be filled back up.
I am looking forward to the opportunity to serve when life presents this gift. I am SO HAPPY that I said YES!!!! To coming here through all my fears and layers of protection. May I always remember “I am held, I am loved, I am love. Everything is for me, and nothing is against me” With a deep deep bow and so much gratitude and love.
PS. May blessings of peace and well-being shower you. Thank you for listening to the call of spirit and for sharing your kindness, generosity, potent transmissions of how to be in both worlds, ALL worlds.
Bless those who served SO well. My body has never felt more love, thanks to the masterful skills of Tom, Sadie, Danielle and Dasha. Wow! Such pure love and devotion. I am amazed and steeped in gratitude! And! Bless our epic chef with the benefit or our practice. I laugh now at the fear of thinking there wouldn’t be sufficient food. I’ve been ravenous at home, being 4 months pregnant, but not here! I’ve eaten WAY better here than I have at home. Think my meals have been re-inspired! Where’s the recipe book?
Aloha beautiful,
Thank you with all my heart for our connections. I really feel blessed to have met you. Your presence has been so heavenly in the space and it has fully been magical. I hope I can connect more soon. All in the magic flow.
By far this has been the most fulfilling and coming home to myself moment of this life. I am infinitely grateful for this service which gets shared so heart-opening and devotionally. To everyone, muchas gracias!
Ahhhhhhhhh! (Deep breath) Thank you. I love you. Silence is important in a time of pregnancy. I can really feel it all. Blessings to all the mamas, babies and wombs. I’m dancing and smiling and loving and being. What a precious gift of joy this experience has been. I feel all the beauty and love from you all! XOXOXO
Beloved Jorge,
A love letter… Yes, this is a love letter in the form of recognition. What a pleasure it is to take this moment and recognize and appreciate all that has come together for this experience to be!
Thank you for opening up your home to me, to everyone. Thank you for saying “yes” and accepting me to the course. I recognize the incredible amount of time, resources and energy you have invested for this course. From the website to the dome, essential oils, food, electricity, and the water! Hallelujah for water ( we would not get far without air and water)
Yes, you are the glue holding this all together and my recognition and appreciation extends to the many, many helping hands (seen and unseen). I heard the man who came out earlier in the week to check the water well. I am grateful for his service. I do pray all is well with the wells! And thanks to another unnamed man who was around the property seeming to check the grounds. Thank you to Danielle, Hanna, Sophie, Tom, Rachel, Sadie, Cree, Eve, Joseph (Wow! Joseph worked so hard. God bless that man). Everyone worked/served so much and Joseph’s contribution with meal prep was constant and impressive. Dasha, Harmony, Destiny, Lauren, Leisha, Tara. What a joy and an honor to share this time/space/experience with such loving and creative radiant souls. THANK YOU.
And thank you to MaryAnn who communicated w/me on email to coordinate my space here. I imagine she was the beautiful woman who quietly came in and out w groceries, etc? If that was not her, then thank you to whomever brought and bought the food.
I could go on and on in rapture, for my appreciation has no limits. This is a luxurious and precious gift you offer the world. Most of all thank you for reminding me and practicing w/me the miracle of life. The gift of life; Thank you for guiding me home, and doing it style and grace and smiling all the way! You are a treasure!! May you be reminded of this all the days of your life. I sure am grateful you chose to shine so bright so I could find you and write you this love letter. So I could appreciate you and bless you w/my humble words! Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are a miracle!
With all my heart and spirit I am truly forever grateful. This has been one of the best experiences of my life. Such deeply healing, deepening, peaceful, and transformative experiences. I am just so blown away by the beauty, profound beauty of this land, the elementals, the flowers, the waters, the loving kindness in each blade of grass, the embodiment of understanding and compassion rippling through your voice, holding such a divine pillar of love, peace and care has given me hope, faith and, trust and deep clarity on my destiny path. Thank you on behalf of all life through me for holding this container, inviting the people of the earth to learn a little about themselves. I honor you. I see you. I respect you. Mahalo mahalo mahalo.
I love so many pieces of this course. The prayer: “I am light, I am peace, I am loving kindness” has been one of my favorites for some time and as you spoke this prayer into our field today I could feel the reminder of expansion, healing the pain I was experiencing in my leg and lymph and allowed the higher perspective to enter and flood my being. And remembered on a deeper level that “I am not the body” and could feel through my freedom of choice light take over…. And finally I got some relief through the pain. It came from such a deep surrender/relaxation. So forever grateful for this guidance as the pain was really kicking my ass throughout the night and morning.
I love how we did the chi machine and you guided us to stop the machine and we all got to feel the sound vibration, all healing through the crystal bowls. My body loved it.
You are truly a huge gift to this earth community! Thank you so much for your huge, generous heart shaping all this time and space with us. It’s profound.
Jorge. Aloha, Mahalo nui loa, muchas gracias. When I embark on writing to you I become quiet and go deep inside. That is the ripple effect. Thank you for offering exactly as you are. Thank you for all the work you have done to be where you are and to listen and sharing. Thank you for saying yes. The words I write may the flow like water eternally flowing the river of love of awareness. Your gift, the gift, the offering of your presence in action is one that myself and so many others gratefully receive. What an honor, a truly exquisite gift to offer this opportunity for others to go within!! And to offer this for free, no expected money, really as a true gift, sovereign, pure. And thank you for doing the work, inner and outer to be able to offer this way. Transformational. Exactly as it is. Your presence, and everyone else’s as well, taught me greatly.
As I go within the infinite place, oh thank you for the Jedi training! In the beginning I was feeling like I had to get out of here, or I’ll leave Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, any day but the last day, and then thanks to time, all our practices, my strength and everyone’s presence I stayed, actually arrived here even deeper and deeper and deeper and now I’m at the point where I was wishing this was longer, imagined continued levels of Jedi training, excited to continue the practice or simply being, being within, seeing ways this service could be offered and extended accessible to all the cells. To infinity and beyond. Aloha nui.
You glow beautiful one. Thank you so much for your light in the space. Your willingness to be here fully and show up to do this work, be it, and hold the pillar alive through your divine union and birthing this child into this world. All my blessings to you and your family.
A big and heartfelt Thank you to you and every being here that has shared their magic and beautiful light with us all, to help make this experience come to life!! I can feel the light of creation, the seed of love, coming alive inside me!! Shining the light back into our bodies, connecting deeper into the cosmic and earth womb, awakening to our centers!!
This journey is soul fulfilling and with each moment I move from the heart –womb- I can feel the abundance and grace of the divine overflowing my chalice of life. And wanting to share my heart with the world. To open up and give freely. To open up and receive fully.
Thank you for sharing this gift of meditation. To choose to do the work and face ourselves is the biggest gift of loving who we are in every moment of life.
July 2018 (QueSPAsana, Ashland OR)
My Love Letter to the QuePasana Community & Don Chingon Jedi Jorge ~
Jorge, it is inspiring to bear witness to your evolution as a teacher and the expansion of these non-dogmatic, potent and accessible teachings.
Fullness is the state of my heart. Gratitude abounds. Remembrance of my Divine Self.
Sitting for my third and longest course, I realize that each sit offers a new depth of experience, connection to myself and to all of life. Each course is more rich and deeply layered than the previous.
Jorge, your vision is revolutionary. This cutting-edge take on Vipassana offers a well thought out and structured retreat format for each practitioner to drop into their hearts, bodies, and minds. The curriculum of meditation, yoga, chi machines, sound therapy, and clean food, in a natural, all inclusive environment holds each student with steadiness and ease, and allows for each of us to move deeply through the layers of our being. To unplug and be totally provided for is such a gift! Thank You!
For me, each time is a new discovery. My DNA gets rearranged, my spine reorganized, my mental afflictions revealed and broken down. All by becoming quiet and still and being with things as they are. Awareness & Acceptance.
Moving through the layers is a process, but after each course I am in more radiant and aligned health. And the echo that is left in my body and heart is:
"Only LOVE Remains. Only LOVE Remains."
Keep expanding. The world needs more Jedis!
Dearest Jorge,
So many things to love:
I love the way you make it so plain that you are not the guru… Just the guy throwing the party so all of the gurus within us can emerge and source together. One big “free-for-all”
I love the way you open your heart and your home to friends and strangers alike (often trading places as their shadows feel safe to emerge). Your generosity knows no bounds. The innocent inspiration of this inherent quality forges a path of mutuality that is the elixir of unity consciousness. Bravo!
I even love the way without any conscious effort of your own, spirit knows all my soft, sore and most tender spots to shine through your words and actions putting the spotlight and center stage on all my shadows and samkaras. I can love them all into the fathomless dissolution of the self to source and source to self. An unraveling magical mystery tour that leaves me agape and in awe.
Thank you for modeling such gentle tenderness in your tones and the rhythms and inflection of your words. They teach me how to be kinder to myself so I can be kinder to all. I feel kissed by grace to be a part of the Quepasana community.
As you said earlier tonight, it’s rather difficult to put a meditative experience into words, but I will do my best. The last 8 days have been nothing short of life changing. The beauty and vibrant energy of this land, coupled with the feng shui magical elegance of the house and of course endless opportunities to dive into self-care – created the perfect environment for self-realization and deep meditation. I feel beyond humbled for the opportunity to have shared the past few days with you – what you are creating here is truly healing, on a deep universal level. The watsu treatment still has me in complete bliss – what an incredible gift. Thank you!
I can honestly say that I am not the same person I was when I drove up 8 days ago. My vision is cleared, my heart is so full, and my spirit is aligned. I am energized and empowered to get back to work offering my healing to all those in need.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much unconditional LOVE and GRATITUDE for YOU. Much love, all ways, always.
From my heart to yours:
Thank you for your kindness, your generosity, your wisdom, your gentleness, your guidance, your care, your joy, your creativity, your thoughtfulness, your patience, your curiosity, your beauty, your presence, your love.
Thank you for so warmly and lovingly inviting me into your home, your community, your life. Thank you for giving me this unbelievable nurturing space to heal, to receive, to relax, to learn, to transform. This has been an incredibly challenging year of change, and you have given me the gift of time, space, stillness and grace; the gift of a practice that has changed my life. All that I receive here goes back into the world and my community tenfold as I show up more present, more resilient, more peaceful, and overflowing with love. I look forward to expanding with you and Quepasana for years to come. With love and deep gratitude.
My heart feels in awe at the beauty of your life and service. I am profoundly moved to have tastes of joy and moments of loving-light shine so bright in sometimes the darkest night. Thank you for your gift of sharing your light to our hearts so we can soar with elegance thru the storms with loving grace. Thankful for all that is you. You are the brilliance of that divine sparkle!
I feel so lucky to have the good fortune to be here now at Quepasana with Jorge and the other special beings that inhabit White Oaks in Ashland Oregon. What an opportunity for insight, meditation, and inspiration. So grateful to be here. Always grateful for the deepening practice.
One of the ways/reasons Quepasana is such a life celebration for me is that it is dogma free and there is no Guru! How refreshing. It meets me at my own soul’s desire and yearning for a meaningfully engaged meditative community, with no dogma! This is a huge treasure to my life. And perhaps rare? Or rare so far. As I have sought and practiced in many communities. Gratitude for your ability to be a guide and a co-conspirator on the path. I appreciate and admire the ability to teach from one’s own experience and not get pulled into acting as an oracle. It is a relief and makes this practice available to me.
I have been calling the Quepasana experience Unicorn Superfood. It’s a match to a longing desire of my soul and I want to continue to participate and be involved in flourishing this reality on earth.
Both my courses have been deeply meaningful, the space providing me the opportunity to get really subtle, slow down, and experience awakenings, small and larger. These sweet gifts- embodied awakenings I take with me, into all parts of my life.
I love you and appreciate all these yummy opportunities you are offering us from your abundant heart.
Aloha Jorge,
Mahalo for creating such a divine easy flowing container for us to dive deep into our heart and soul. This has been a deep dive for me into my true essence. Greatly appreciated. This was a supportive very present group of souls on their inner quest. I was able to reach clearer, calmer peaceful parts of myself. Blessings on all you do and share.
I deeply appreciate your presence and wisdom sharing so freely and with dedication. Thank you for opening your gorgeous home and giving profoundly and effortlessly. I feel so honored to be here and to deepen more into magnificent spirit and true self. Chi machines, delicious healthy food, gorgeous property, amazing people of service and love, your kindness, generosity, patiently guiding us to awaken; your devotion, awareness, desire for us to know, your effortless discipline, sharing of all your toys and playful humor, these you give so freely and lovingly. I feel more accepting and in love with what is and that is a profound gift from you. Aloha.
Que Pasa Amigos?
Nada y todo. Nine days and nights, meditation, service, tranquil, stillness. Spacious awareness unattached to thoughts, good or bad. Yoga, Yin, loving from within and without. Union of body and mind. What great fortune to have this time.
Jesus Christ! I have repressed and avoided acknowledging my negative emotions. This morning’s meditation I felt tears of joy and freedom acknowledging judgements, fears, rejections, abandonment, grief, sorrow, attachment, sadness, lust, greed, rage, anger, frustration, betrayal, anxiety, etc. They used to be dragons and now they are puppies wanting attention, consciousness, love and acceptance. This brings a lightness to my heavy heart that was so dominant. Jorge, thank you for guiding me and our community into a deep acceptance of the yin and yang of life while deepening my awareness of the pure energy of love within. You are a profound blessing to this cosmic awakening on our planet and to my life.
May/June 2018
I'm so grateful for all the gifts from Quepasana that I continue to use and utilize to nurture myself and my life on a daily basis. These practices help the individual and ultimately that really makes an impact on the world around me💗💗 You are in my prayers and well wishings daily. My wish that these gifts touch and support the lives of many
You would giggle if you knew how many times I tried to write you this Quepasa-love-note. Words cannot do justice to the amount of gratitude I have for you and Quepasana. I feel it from a cellular level out into the cosmos of the universe. ♥♥♥ Quepasana feels like it was created from the deepest, sweetest, nectar filled essence of my imagination. I had no idea how much I would enjoy waking up at 4:30 AM, shaking, giggling, letting it all go, letting it all in, breathing in the stillness of the moment. These mornings, these moments, these days are some of the most beautiful I have known. I have felt so loved, so nourished and so held through your gift of Quepasana. Every Quepasana course I find my breath deeper, the moment more still, and my awareness further expanded into realms I did not know existed.
And my heart giggles when I think of your childlike smile, your clear spirit, your bright heart and the firmness you hold when you tell us to never rush, for anything at all.
Your generosity inspires me, and to have you as a mirror is so deeply precious to me. The list would never end if I were to name all the little things I am grateful for. Matcha lattes at 5 AM, brownies at noon, a bed to sleep in during this pilgrimage, crystal bowls singing to my ears, beautiful grass to walk upon, a cup to drink out of, countless meals shared, the community created that is carried out into the “real” world…. Every one of these things are so sweet, but your presence is my favorite present! Hours spent in stillness, with few words spoken only to guide me back to my true essence… It is beyond priceless, and it is something that I will cherish until my spirit leaves my body, and then it will be carried with me to my next cosmic journey!
In this lifetime I know I have crystalized into higher states of awareness through this deep inner work. I believe that this is the case for every pilgrim that has entered through the gate and sat with the work.
I truly believe that Quepasana is offering what the world needs. With every pilgrim, every bell ring, and every moment we are creating a resonance of heaven on earth. And for you, Jorge, I am endlessly grateful. Thank you from the depths of my heart and with the expansiveness of my being. As it is. I LOVE YOU!!!
Jorge, Lauren, and all the rest(ful) who are a part of cultivating this magnificent experience. THANK YOU.
What a loving, healing, and needed gift you are providing for the world. Your efforts have already supported myself, and many others, in our spiritual growth. Please be happy and content to know that your love and kindness has brought many souls the peace and ease closer to what their hearts deserve. Much gratitude for the cosmic reminder that we are all well.
Dear Jorge,
My love and appreciation for you resides in my heart as an eternal meditation in gratitude. You are right - center point is a Playground! And one of infinite delight; where a living, breathing pearl emanates liquid rainbow light into every cell of my body and beyond. How incredibly sensational!! Jesus spoke truth – The kingdom of heaven is within. I weep with tears of joy – I found my way home. Thank you for the profound gift of the space in which I have wholeheartedly fallen in love with myself and Everything. Fallen deeply as if there is no bottom. And discovering I can fly!
And it’s only the beginning.
Dear Quepasana friends,
I received news that my cousin passed away yesterday. I had known when I came here that he was just admitted to the hospital, but we were all hopeful he would wake up and be fine, so this is very shocking news. I am sad to leave, but I feel an important call to be with my family and grieve.
It has been such a gift to be here with you all. To drop in to a deep center point together.♥ I feel blessed to be in this space when I received the news because I feel like we are in the arms of angels here. I would love to come back again! I am sorry to miss our celebration day together and to see each other’s faces light up with joy, and to hear the stories you will all share of your inner journey.
If you found your way to QUEPASANA, you know you’re doing something right.
Can I get an AMEN?!
Dear Jorge,
My gratitude for you, this practice, QueSpasana, dreams of Kidpasana, this land, Makena! Each an eternally opening, infinitely emerging delicate petals of the most exquisite flower I could ever feel. Each petal another drop of gratitude filling me with sensational ecstasy! Thank you feels like an absurd understatement.
My practice is ever deepening – awareness expanding and contracting, ebbing and flowing – yet my commitment to myself and this noble work… may it never waver! I will stay diligently aware of grasping or chasing pleasure. And I am equally feeling gratitude for feeling all the challenging discoveries about myself. We are such fascinating beings!
Surrendering, letting go feels like a lotus flower, ever opening and revealing new levels of holding on. Sweet clever darling ego has been holding on! I Realize that my optic nerve/eye muscles don’t even remember what truly relaxed feels like. The deeply seated tension/strain feels bottomless. I will continue to practice the ten-point meditation, full body breathing, releasing tension to the Earth…
Jorge (and all those who co-create to make this happen)
Quepasana is pure GOLD. Thank you for the gift of this beautifully guided journey to help me remember and FEEL the interconnectedness that permeates all that is.
As the illusion of separation between self and everything else slowly slipped away, I dissolved into a genuine knowingness that all is well, “as it is”, right now and forever.
This meditation practice is the most direct way to tap into that sweet spot of truth that I’ve experienced, and I will continue to use it as a tool to remind me that it’s always here –right inside- and to continue learning and growing into a more peaceful, loving, happy and content human being. Feeling and accepting all of it.
Sometimes I journeyed to the infinitely infinite depths, blissed out and entranced, and other times all I could think about was the “pain” in my body and when you were gonna dong that damn bowl! All equally valuable and profound and rich learning.
The heavenly curated space and sensual experience that is Quepasana is pure MAGIC. Definitely my kinda flava flav. From the structure, practices, and spaciousness, to the food, music and people, the overall vibe of Quepasana is just extraordinary. A little bubble of bliss! I especially love the added delights of guided meditations (whoa!), yin yoga (with the best music) and the reading materials available during breaks.
Over the last several days I have experienced waves of gratitude and joy big enough to fill my eyes with tears and make me explode with cosmic giggles at the ridiculousness of it all. Thank you for sharing this – Gently, softly, fully with me and the world.
The rememberance and love cultivated in this course ripples out into the world…. With effortless ease… grace in motion. I love you.
Jorge, you are an angel! Actually you are better than an angel because you are human (A next level human), but extraordinarily human nonetheless. Exhibiting, embodying, being, giving, sharing and showing kindness, LOVE and abundance in an amazing way. Beyond that, you are teaching acceptance -equanimity- to the “not so good” things, the PAIN. I have learned so much through your encouragement, to just sit with pain, to think of it as sensation, and to just let it be – as it is… then move on…
The beauty that is Quepasana is an amazing gift you are giving. I have never felt more pampered and safe in my life. Sitting was certainly hard for me, but hard in a good way, like a deep soul massage. Words do not do justice to the deep gratitude I have for you – for this experience- for your existence in this world. Thank you for doing your work. It is a poignant reminder for me to find, and do mine as well. There are so many actions (and non-actions) we can take in this life, thank you for showing me, reminding me, teaching me that I must act from a place of love. I can’t help but imagine all the many bundles of humans who have also had the opportunity to witness this beautiful gift. I know that ripple effect of good heart centered love is spreading outward beyond and around you. Thank you, thank you for being a beacon of good.
I guess it is a little silly that none of us asked any questions about the practice during the course, but you pretty much explained it all: AS IT IS…. Also, having Beyond the Breath books around was a really nice way to get clarity on what exactly I’m supposed to be doing as I sit quietly on my mat. I guess the biggest thing I learned is that answers aren’t the answer. If I’m confused, I’m confused. If I’m bored, I’m bored. If I’m antsy, I’m antsy. And then just sit as still as you can and watch that feeling and eventually it changes, or if it doesn’t either way, it is all “as it is”.
Truly, this was one of the most special weeks I have ever had. For me to say yes to this –for me- is big. I don’t do things just for me enough and I will take the lessons of feeling, how I feel going forward. The ‘cleansing’ has been amazing. The food has been amazing and elaborate… and three times a day!. I am very unscheduled usually and never alone. – So being alone and having a consistent regiment has felt soooo good, even waking up that early has felt great.
Thank you Jorge. You sweet sweet sweet sweetie. For providing all this magic! I feel so lucky. PS. If I could stop time anywhere, it would be that place after the chi machine stops moving and the sound bowl is resonating through your being.
Infinite love and gratitude.
Girl, I love you so much. Thank you for making QueSpasana happen, and for welcoming me into this special little world of magic and bliss. Thank you for being you, and twirling your way into Maui and meeting Jorge and doing this!
You’re really doing it! And doing it well.
You are a one of a kind gem, you embody unconditional love and all things warm and fuzzy. You are unconditional love. I love you more than you love gummy bears and ice cream sandwiches, believe dat!!
Jedi Jorge,
My gratitude for this experience is wordless and immeasurable. I have been rocked to the core of my soul and rooted in essence. Thank you for guiding a disciplined, yet graceful journey into the now. I am in awe of the beauty I’ve experienced here internally and externally. This sanctuary space, the delicious food, I felt so held and provided for. Thank you thank you thank you for embodying unconditional love. So gracefully, so kind, so generous, giving, playful. You have touched the purest place of my soul. This experience brought me home to myself. I have so much ease in my body. My womb feels alive, my heart is open, I am inspired to create, I am in touch with my sensitivity, I know myself better, I have more love living through me, I feel a greater embodiment of my truth, power, light and divinity. I had some good cries while I was here, physical traumas released, many visions and revelations. In this moment I feel my biggest take away is acceptance for everything. The suffering, the beauty, myself, the world, the moment, everything. I know the practice of allowing and accepting is ongoing, but I am forever grateful for the personal experience with this key. Thank you for creating such a profound experience. I loved everything.
The combination of yoga, meditations, rest time, food, ocean, was nourishing on all levels. The gift of receiving all of this expanded my receptivity to receive love and opened me to worlds of possibility. The world is a better place because of Quepasana. I am a better human. Thanks again for bringing me home. I am excited to get to know you, to come back and serve, and to deepen the journey into myself with these practices. You are a legend. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Beloved Jorge: Where do I even begin? You know last Quepasana I had every intention of writing you a Quepasa-love-note, But every time I would sit down to write to you, my eyes would fill with tears and I couldn’t get anything out. It’s hard to put into words how I feel, but I’ll do my best and try J. You are like no other human I have ever witnessed in my life. I truly did not know people like you existed on this planet, you are definitely one of a kind. I hope to one day be able to give to the world the way you do. This is so much more than a meditation and yoga course, for me, this was the most life altering event that has completely shifted the way I see the world. I can’t believe how you give with so much love and zero expectations. To offer something like this not only changes those who sit with you, but I can feel the vibration of the whole planet shifting, and I never thought one person could change the world, but you’re doing it Jorge and it’s UNBELIEVABLE. I thought for sure India was my most life changing event for me, but then I landed here, into a slice of heaven to sit with my ego, my chaotic mind and it wasn’t like I hadn’t been doing the same in India the last two months, but this was different, very different, because this Mexican dude with his team of Jedis are just serving from their hearts, treating me like a queen, feeding me nourishing foods and I’ve given them nothing-- Like, what???? This really exists? Am I dreaming? Why me? How did I get so lucky? Did I win the lottery of life? Yea, I still don’t know how I got so lucky, but I did and I’m running with it! And I’m ready to make this my life, Where do I sign up? Coming back a second time, this time serving was even more rewarding. I got to be part of the Jedi team and give from my heart, and again my life is changed! And boy was it a hassle to make it, but Quepasana was calling my heart, and I had to listen. You are a rock star Jorge, one of the most profound humans in my life, you inspire me in so many ways and I will give back the way you do as much as I can. I love you Jorge, you changed my life and I am forever grateful for that.
If Vipassana is for the “householder”, Quepasana is for the “heart holder”. Quepasana brings the heart and love into this tradition by honoring the need for ease and freedom within such a challenging task of being with the self. To be given the space and nurturing for diving deep into myself as a witness is a gift beyond any other. It is the most precious gift I believe anyone can receive. BIG mahalo!
I’ve heard that the center point is actually the organ of presence. So it’s getting the best workout here!
Thank you Quepasana team! I appreciated the supportive body movement work alongside the traditional Vipassana style meditation. I was worried that the other practices would not leave enough time for meditation but I was pleasantly surprised to find that was not the case. Keep sharing your gifts and let your light shine!
Quepasana: Bootcamp for light workers. Vipassana with a little love, movement, music and laughter. First rule of Quepasana: FEEL EVERYTHING!
The way Lauren woke me up one morning that my alarm had not gone off, was so KIND! The gentle quality of her voice, pulling me from slumber, back to earth body, was gentle and kind. I was in a state of shock/confusion, and felt embarrasses that someone had to come and get me. But to me her attitude transmitted acceptance and understanding rather than my pre-conditioned fear tht I’d be made out to be bad for not being present on time. Thank you! That is the quality of consciousness I operate from in life. It is so kind to receive it returned. Angel Lauren, Mahalo. I appreciate the compassionate communication I have received from her as a course manager. Kind loving speech is a skill for many people to develop, so I really notice it!
I am sure that the realizations from the course will continue to reveal themselves for years to come. As of now, I can say I definitely got what I came for: reconnection to myself on a soul level. I’ve been so exhausted for the past 3 plus years after becoming a parent. I thought it was sleep deprivation, but now ( Still not having slept much here) I know it was more soul deprivation. Here at Quepasana, I rediscovered my relationship with every cell, every feeling, every thought- JUST ME! The friends I knew who did this course in the past came home glowing and I wanted that too – time, space, discipline and support for going deeply inward to rejuvenate. I had no idea how healing this time would be! It’s a magical combination of the epic place, profound inspiration, course design and environment of safety. This grass, Oceanside soft luxuriation in every footstep was one of the delightful highlights, so grounding, welcoming and alluring for play. The overall playful atmosphere amid the deep work and noble silence feels like the perfect middle path to me. Hula hoops, chi machine, snorkeling right out our door helped me integrate everything in digestible ways. The sacred space is strong and clear, yet has such a lightness and flexibility versus a dogmatic rigidity. Plus the Yin Yoga changed my life in and of itself. I’ve been studying yoga for 18 plus years and I learned so much in the poses you shared. I thought I had a relaxed approach before, but I learned how to let go so much more here. Watching my poses change with focus on center point continues to astound me and will affect how I practice and teach Asana from here forward! You have inspired my love of Yoga all over again and I didn’t even realize I was disembodied in poses before. Now center has a whole new meaning for me.
I am so in love with this place- The caress of the breeze at the perfect moments, the glorious coral reef, the majestic old trees with dancing arms and abundant shade. And then the ono-licious food. Come on – It’s such a delight in every bite and I don’t think it’s just due to increased awareness??? Over the top nourishing, love filled fuel for sure. The birds even chant coos of ‘I love you, I love you, you, you.’ You have created a blissful place to unplug from busy distracted life and immerse ourselves in what’s really real. It’s truly an unbelievable gift. I felt so held and safe while given all the space needed to blossom here this week. Mucho mahalos! I feel at least five years younger and ready to live from center from here forward. Though I love my home, family and life outside I’d stay here diving deep in for at least a month, maybe a year. Thank you thank you thank you Quepasana team for an experience more impactful than words can describe! P.S. The Yoga Nidra intention came manifest almost immediately! Wildly powerful!
Wanna know what PARADISE feels like?
Oh my Maryann.
You are so much more than I can put into words, calling you a rock star or super mom just doesn’t do it justice. You really inspire me, the way you show up with such good spirit, shining your light everywhere you go, and the way you give so freely, I can really see that giving fills your cup! Your happy heart can brighten even the darkest room, you shine so so bright and it makes just being around you a joy and a gift. Thank you for all that you do and for being such a huge blessing in my life! You really have no idea how much you teach me just being around you. Your energy reminds me a lot of my own and I can tell you’ve done so much work and come a long way; I witness how you handle each individual with so much compassion and love even those that are challenging. You shine your light and your heart and come back to love! You are truly an amazing teacher Maryann and I have so much gratitude for you. I love how you always have a smile on your face and how you bring fun humor and laughter to all situations. I love how you give hugs to literally everyone and how you talk so highly of your husband Jeff. I haven’t witnessed too many people like you in my life and my life will forever be changed because now you are in it. Love you MaryAnn!
This was the perfect place to heal. A profound reverence washes over me…. A pause to kneel. Jorge’s words: Drop in, check it out, and to deeply feel.
Dear MaryAnn, It is with the deepest love and respect that I write to say Thank you, you’re amazing and to express my gratitude for who you are and all you do. I have attended and helped build so many experiences over the years, and the professionalism and love that you brought to “producing” Quepasana is on a level that is truly unseen anywhere. Beyond that, your ability to stay centered, loving and positive throughout all the “minor disasters” that happen during the week is AMAZING, inspiring and truly contributes deeply to creating a container for all of us space cadets to not only travel to Mars, but to feel like we are at a 5-star luxury mindfulness retreat, and actually even to feel more safe and deeply seen. Your work is crucial to what is happening here and so appreciated!! thank you for making me feel so cared for.
Aloha Jorge, Thank you, thank you, thank you!! It is with much love , deep respect and genuine admiration that I am writing. Quepasana is among the greatest gifts I have ever been given. I have a good friend who is a devout Christian. Lately he and I have been discussing the nature of heaven and whether it is a concept or it exists on earth. This past week you gave me a concrete knowing that heaven is here in this moment inside each one of us. For what could possibly be a more complete vision of heaven than what you have created here? The meditation is what we come for, and you are a great teacher of the practice. But beyond that it is the whole experience that makes me cherish Quepasana as much as any other community I’m a part of.
From the welcoming atmosphere to the unbelievable food to the world class location… the land, the spirits here, and most importantly the people. The way that you hold space has enabled all of us to feel held, loved and fully accepted – Not to mention AT PLAY! As we do the deep work that we all and the world are now crying out for. Heaven on earth. Thank you. I admire your journey very much. You are a model and an inspiration for us all. Thank you for empowering me to serve and reminding me of the importance of contributing to a creative community during a time I was questioning the meaning of work. I am always here to help you and the QP community in any way I am able. I pledge to infuse this experience into everything I do and carry this back out into the world. To “the skipper” on this incredible intergalactic Gilligan’s island. Much love, much aloha, mahalo as always and deep gratitude.
Thank you for making me slow down. There is a lot of wisdom and thoughtfulness in how you have put together this course. I didn’t realize how much I needed to unplug. A Sabbath. I used to live like this. I really resonated with what you said about when we were kids and had NOTHING to do . I am grateful you helped me re-member this experience. I want to live more like this. I call it slow living. Being human. A more humane way. I highly value the psychological/ideological freedom manifesting here too. I’d say you are doing a damn good job of sticking to your wish to present a space that is free of dogma, so it leaves the offering available to ALL. Very important to me, as many vehicles to enlightenment somehow, somewhere don’t “fit” me. So I highly appreciate those I come across that can uphold this space of freedom and structure. The wisdom of the body. Brilliant. This is the best of “both” worlds. Best meditation course for including somatic inherent wisdom. Thank you for all the body care, body love, we needed this. It helps me heal SO MUCH. Our bodies also get stuffed into conditioning. I feel so LOVED here. Because my body is included. This means to much to me. This is the first meditation retreat I’ve been on without a dress code of moderation. I think as women we have been oppressed because our bodies have been made into objects and projected upon. There is even more healing here for me in that regard. Reggie Ray: He is like one of my spiritual grandfathers. I am receiving deep amounts of profound healing from the sessions of his you have shared.
Affirmation and validation of myself, and my personal journey in this life.
To walk barefoot on the earth every day. To be with the natural cycles of light, dark, moon, wind, trees, ocean, birds. To be in a community of mindfulness where I get the social human connection without the heads and personalities blasting. To see each and every one as a unique beautiful human. I love who we are this way. Boddhisatvas R&R. My inner practitioner has been nourished by this atmosphere.
The wisdom of the middle way. The gentle/soft touch approach is exactly in alignment with the way I have harmonized to live my life. I know it is right for me and I project it is what the whole world could use more of. At least the “developed” world. I am grateful you found this “way” within yourself and have the skillful means to execute sharing with so many others. It has been such a restorative week for me. Totally in alignment for me. I feel BLESSED! I feel LOVED and CARED. For as an empath, teacher, healer in this world it has been a gift to receive. My abundant Aloha.
Dear Jorge,
There is not combination of words I can find to fully express my gratitude for the Quepasana experience at this point. I think more will come later. Just want to send big LOVE to you and the whole team for sharing this gift with me and many others. Feels like I finally understand the essence of ALOHA. Mahalo for everything.
Dear Jorge,
It’s almost impossible to find the words to express the depth of gratitude I feel for you and MaryAnn. What a total delight to be greeted by her warmth and enthusiasm for an experience I had no idea was about to unfold.
21 years ago I had an out of body experience and traveled through the galazy to see my ex, who died a torturous death that left be bereft. It was such a gift to see him in a peaceful place before I was sucked back into my body, in bed that night. Yesterday was the first time since then that I experienced the same bliss and peace when you guided us through the whole body meditation, which I will treasure. Thank you.
I am very excited to start my new meditation practice. My life was changed forever because of your generosity. It took me almost a year to get here and this was the perfect time. I look forward to giving back to this community as our journey continues.
My heart is filled with gratitude and appreciation for this experience. That has deeply touched my soul and consciousness. These have been days of going deep within, slowing down, taking in the beauty of this place and allowing silence and the practice of sitting to reveal a sense of ease and oneness. I have been “meditating” for many years but have never been able to go as deep as I did towards the end of my experience here. I found true stillness and the technique I learned allowed me to really experience unity and inner peace, a true “aha” moment in my life.
I am beyond excited to get into the world and practice and my heart is filled with gratitude for the gift I’ve been given from you Jorge and all the rest of the Quepasana family. So much love and infinite gratitude.
Dear Jorge, MaryAnn and Quepasana ohana: The word “divine” comes close to what I am experiencing right now – blissful- peaceful and like I’m finally “catching up to myself”.
I came in exhausted from just my daily life as a CEO/leader of a large organization- but that wasn’t really what was exhausting me – It was this internal “hurry up and do it” energy/voice/drive that was getting me so tired. I knew it mentally and these days of silence have allowed me to get it at a visceral level—where I am catching myself when I am rushing inside in my head and for no reason at all. I have re-set my inner clock and this gift is beyond measure.
Jorge, your poise, generosity of spirit, your simplicity, your teachings, your humor, your “latin-ness” is so wonderful. A good man that has found good things to do with his money. That’s what my life has been about for 40 years. Inspiring, teaching, organizing entrepreneurs to do this. It’s my dharma. You move and inspire me further.
Aloha. WOW!!! Thank you for your heartfelt sharing of your life practice.
A stellar setting, a celestial cast of characters. Truly an incredible blessing! What an amazing experience. I feel all the immense love, thoughtfulness and consciousness that has gone into the creation of Quepasana, down to every last detail. I feel so loved and supported to do the work I came here to do, and I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have this experience. Thank you for helping me to reconnect with myself, with my passion and with my purpose. Life has truly rocked me to the core lately with so much shift and nothing solid, even the earth that quaked me as I lay upon her and her solidity turned to liquid molten lava on the big island a few weeks ago. Where to find solid ground when nothing is truly solid? Only in returning to all that is, the great consciousness that I am! I so appreciate the somatic awareness Quepasana offers as well. Supporting the embodiment along with celestial consciousness. Thus this I believe is how we bring heaven to earth. The work I do here on this planet is all about embodiment, and I had a clear reminder about that while I was here. So grateful to be reconnected with my purpose..
I so appreciate your wisdom and humility and the simple essence that you bring forth in your teachings. Maryann is truly a gem and her food was infused with the love and yumminess of her spirit.
Blessings of love and light. Mahalo, Gracias, Dandisvad, Terima Kasih, THANK YOU. Whatever language I use is still not enough to express how grateful I am for your sharing of your heart, life, home, wealth and teachings. I have been on this spiritual path for 40 years now, attending many retreats, teaching etc. Here on Maui and the world. This is by far the deepest I have ever dove into my soul. The best tool of all that I lovingly and graciously shared in such a divine, nurturing safe environment. Every detail taken care of to its fullest. Maryann and her helpers provided the most awesome nutritious delicious food and drink consistently. So simple, so good. I am very impressed, grateful and give abundant thanks. Jorge, your heart and soul shine thru the service that you provide. Sharing your experience in such an easeful way that is so easy for one to “get”. May the abundance you share with us be returned to you at least 100 fold. I look forward to living more alive through the teachings of the course as I now will embody and live from this place of peace with ease and grace. I also look forward to doing this here on Maui again and hopefully in Ashland.
I have nothing but immense gratitude and thankfulness for the experience that you so expertly share from your heart and soul. Keep on keeping on. May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide your way on. Many blessings and immense gratitude and thank you for your life’s work. You are living your dream and following your heart.
Dear Quepasana Ohana,
Mahalo Nui Loa for all the love and support. I am honored to be a part of this ohana. I am infinitely grateful for the guidance through so many forms of self-love (thus love for all)
In so many ways I have been blessed by just being here, and by this I am inspired to continue being the best that I am, and motivated to continue the infinite practice of self discipline (AKA self-care), to do as I love and to love as I do, no matter the experience I shall remain true to thyself, because this the best I can do to bless all that is.
To love thyself unconditionally is thy purpose – to accept thyself, just as I am, with the understanding in every moment, there is an opportunity to grow, thus be reborn into a new and consciously change our belief systems, into healthier habits that serve the betterment of all creation.
I will continue to pray that all beings be blessed with sacred temple spaces, an abundance of clean water, an abundance of clean air, clean foods, and all around clean environments- and may all be blessed with everything one needs to fully be and to fully express one’s creative gifts – May all be as blessed as I have been and am. Mahalo nui loa. And may we all continue to rise up within ourselves to share our magic and healing with all who need it.
Mahalo Nui Loa Jorge for supporting thy dreams to come to life – where we are all equal leaders, where we all get the opportunity to share our gifts and to equally humble ourselves to receive other’s gifts. The dream where we can create harmonious, compatible and self-sustainable living. PS- Your dreams shall be passed down from generation to generation. We love you Jorge.
WOW WOW WOW into infinity. Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo into infinity. I have written affirmations- done vision boards and my dreams have come true. Only thing left is more travel and days off with my beloved. Loved everything. Heaven (I have been to the gates and just a little past). I had some rough moments from thinking about world news so I know what’s going on in the planet and what to pray for. I had millions of thoughts. Too many. Was heavenly when I had breakthroughs and bacme a pebble in the universe and there were infinite waves from me out to the universe.
Really appreciate everything. Tents, being here at Ponomakena again, The Yin Yoga, especially with the guys doing gongs and drum instruments. I could hear your singing bowls for hours. Loved my air mattress, snorkeling and chi machines an hammocks. The food – Could go on and on. Phenomenal. Maryann from the beginning so gracious, efficient and informative. Once here, she welcomes you and stays gracious the whole time.
Loved silence. The comfort- chairs, yoga pads, eye pillows, chi machines. Loved the big white tent. Also appreciated the few times where we were lying down and touched us and put oils on us. Thank you.
Love your voice and your teaching. One thing that stood out was when you said: “relax, relax, meditate – All your needs are taken care of” Ahhhh Ahhhhh so true. They have been. Whoa, then the body work. What a surprise. It was extraordinary. Loved the smoothies and chia desserts. My body loves the vegan food.
I give a lot too and love to give free. It’s awesome. I see how it has affected the Maui community. In the last year I have watched people coming through your courses that have been touched so hugely. I have been working on my prosperity consciousness the last 3 months and then manifested this course!
My Quepasana experience:
Heaven and Hell, Love and Hate, Bliss and torture!!! I guess I’m still in the duality zone. Your generosity is immense. Thank you for sharing.
Dear Quepasana crew,
This portal which you are holding space for is truly profound and what is sooo needed in this world right now. In this moment all is perfect and there is truly nothing to change but to simply allow for our beingness to shine through. What a precious gift you have tapped into and sharing it with others. From the bottom of my heart Mahaloooo! Infinitely grateful.
Subtle Realms:
I shall meet you
In the subtle realms
In the quiet times
And in between the lines
In the stillness
I shall meet you here
As you relax your mind
And embrace the divine
A sweet communion
We shall dance as one
In the timelessness of time
One with the sublime
Shoshumna Nadis, Open, activate
In you, the sun the moon the stars
They celebrate!
Nowhere to go
Nothing to do
In the stillness you shall find the truth!
I will meet you
In the subtle realms
In the quiet times
And in between the lines!
With so much gratitude for the work you are doing on this planet from the bottom of my heart – an infinite well of love! Mahalo!
Now here’s something entirely different! I have sat and served many Vipassana courses with Goenka teachings. It has been very helpful for me to come back to myself. But I also noticed an aversion to the rigidity of the practice. Quepasana has been a breath of fresh air (literally too!) A beautiful balance of strong determination with the ease and freedom of playfulness and quite simply put “humanness” of being alive in a body. Blessed be, what a precious gift this is for everyone.
What a well constructed and orchestrated “Silent meditation festival” on Maui! I look forward to contributing my gifts to this in the future. Eternally grateful. NOW FEEL THAT!
Dear Jorge,
You increased my standards with men.
Thank you for Quepasana!
These were truly the best 8 days of my life. For a good amount of time the inner dialogues came to a stop and I was able to truly be in the moment. My inner introvert relished in the noble silence and I took time to be with myself. The fantastic food and the well balanced schedule soothed my body, even when it ached from the yoga. I was glad to have my arnica 30c with me! The greatest breakthrough was during the body scanning. When I spent most of the time inside my lungs and freed up some areas that had constricted my breathing for decades.
Thank you for such a perfect organization! Every day went smooth and easy. Maryann, you are such a great organizer. I was glad of your encouragement to let ourselves be served and cared for. – Something that I usually don’t let in. And thank you for all the helpers who completely blended in, so graciously.
Jorge, I am deeply impressed by your creation and immensely grateful. I think you are a true genius and in the original creation of Quepasana you have solved many puzzles that blocked the flow of transformational work.
1) Spirituality and money. This has always been a point of conflict that has kept spiritual evolution in a closet. Austere monasteries and ashrams don’t attract many. Expensive workshops, on the other hand, raise expectations that you can “buy enlightenment” and restrain access. Quepasana solves this through its paradigm. Breaking all-free, full-serve, total-luxury model. It is still hard to wrap my mind around it, after decades in the world of workshops, dealing with scarcity issues or fee-for-service structure. Jorge, you took a sledge hammer to all my concepts of spirituality and money, and freed up my wind!!
2) Spirituality and religion. Again and again, throughout the ages, a mystic achieved great heights and shared them with an inner circle. As the movement spread, dogmas and rituals emerged purportedly to facilitate the transmission, but often as a means to power by the leaders. Quepasana breaks this circle in different ways; A) Direct experience only. No teaching of concepts B) secular down to earth language that avoids mostly the resonance of belief systems and premeditated concepts C) No hierarchies by having staff and organizers blend into the course participants.
You throw a good party. Thank you for this life changing practice. Mahalo.
Dear Jorge, Maryann and the Quepasana family,
Mahalo for your magnificence, your pure hearts and your genuine generosity. I am truly grateful to have had this opportunity to spend the weekend here. It is challenging to describe with words but I will try. Being here, receiving the beauty, the peace, the amazing meals, the teachings, it is so powerful learning to ride the waves within and using gentleness as my only weapon is getting easier. Thanks to Quepasana it feels great to have discovered my well-spring within and to now have a chance to nurture and nourish it here. What a remarkable blessing. Feeling relaxed and at ease is not my MO, and yet this too is getting easier, feel welcome, safe and grateful. Thank you for all the time energy and attention to detail. I am honored to be of service and look forward to many more Quepasanas.
My Quepasana experience from the first moment of Maryann’s welcome has been extraordinary. After a few days.. (here time morphs) of various practices guided by you, Jorge with your sense of grace and warm integrity and a suffuse touch of playfulness, an “aha moment” is arisen. Most of the time you’re asking to the group to keep their eyes closed to concentrate on your inner self, but when I had my “aha moment” I opened my eyes and I felt the extraordinary shifts and becoming a moment of ordinary life where on a pristine piece of Maui land with crystal blue oceanfront with the breeze that was caressing my skin every time the strength of the sun was unbearable. And amazing human beings appareled in a periodic noble silence agreement sharing their gifts and competent talents, massaging under a big tent or close to a tree, preparing delicious food with lots of love inside, creating sculptures with the rocks on the beach inspired by your teaching, gardening in the area dedicated to fruit trees or flowers, swimming with the colorful fishes, dancing with birds and butterflies, playing any sort of sacred instruments to inspire our meditation to go deeper to encounter the place where the soul of our heart is merging with all…. Here my “aha moment” morphed more of the time. A sort of freeze- to show me the harmonious unity grid of love where we can be magnetized into and live within every instant of our life. My aha moment ended up with the image of gorgeous daikini chasing each other with a cristal bowl in their hands with the most delicious, colorful fruit cakes that you, Jorge- gifted to the group during happy hours.
“Aha Moment” ?dream?reality”? Maybe all in one.
Tears of infinite gratitude touched my face. Thank you Jorge for who you are, for what you’ve manifested, for the high quality of what you are offering and for all the “cool” people you’ve attracted to co-create this remarkable experience.
What can I saymore? A lot, and I prefer to feel it, layer after layer, with my entire body, with all my heart. Mahalo.
Begin again, allowing these words to wrap me in light and a sense of a true starting point, deepest mahalo for this profound gift. So much beauty to behold within as I allowed the natural time to re-synchronize. Through this process I literally felt I was re-membering Self, pouring awareness in on the cellular level, awakening through the portal of the body. As a body worker the sensitivity and directness of the felt sense really speaks to me, and I feel I have a whole life to apply this deepening awareness. And as the prayers of flags blow where the wind goes, the destination not so important as the intention. With more space to really feel that current coming through me, I notice more trust to listen and allow the best of me to rise, and that the moment will show me all I need to know. Thank you, I love you.
My deepest , heartfelt gratitude to you, dear Jorge and the lovely Maryann and your entire serving team of loving kindness for this once in a lifetime (Hopefully more often in the future) experience.
I travelled literally around the world (Berlin) with a 12 hour time difference and arrived on Maui with my energy being less than zero. I was exhausted, frustrated, impatient and altogether not in a happy place. Today, after being here for 7 days I find myself laughing during my Yoga practice, for no other reason than being THANKFUL!
I am again fully motivated, full of vision and aspiration, full of life energy, tested, inspired and so, so happy.
I will take your shake, rattle and roll meditation back to Berlin and will share it at my workplace (trust me, it is needed!!) and with my family and friends.
This experience here at Quepasana was another life shifting moment for me. It is truly paradise here. The incredible view, the beautiful scenery, the colorful flowers and palm trees, the happy singing birds and butterflies and the sound of my beloved pacific ocean will be with me in my meditation from now on.
Dear Jorge,
For the last year I have been needing silence from my everyday life. A friend who completed your course told me about Quepasana. I applied not knowing if I could go because of my everyday responsibilities- and the dates worked out. This silence that I needed was the meditation that you so patiently taught me the last 7 days. I am ever so grateful of your life’s work. You are truly changing the world at the very core of it all – By mindfulness.
There are several things that I learned that I will take back with me. I am going back to full time mothering of 3 young children, and a sweet loving husband:
1) Taking time to pause
2) Everyday meditation practice, early before the children arise
3) Introducing the concepts of meditation to my children, by a 1 min family meditation once a week. I hope this will plant the seeds for them to experience true happiness, contentment, well-being and peace.
4) Accepting things as they are in the moment
Thank you again for sharing your vision. All at the same time it has been challenging, painful, delightful, and nourishing for my soul. Peace and happiness to you.
Mahalo Nui Loa Jorge for staying true to yourself, enough to understand what your heart’s desire is and your soul purpose in this lifetime. Because of this we are here with you now. Because you remain true to your purpose- we are blessed with miracles-I am proud of who you have chosen to be. I appreciate you, brother. Bless you infinitely.
THANK YOU!! Wow!! How to even begin to put this experience into words? I feel completely rejuvenated, revolutionized, awakened, whole, healed, centered, balanced, refreshed, INSPIRED, happy and at ease, peaceful and content, well and FULL OF LOVING KINDNESS.
From the magic of your property, the cleansing kisses of the ocean, and the sweet embrace of meditation and yoga- you have truly found a way to encompass and embody a true, noble experience. I will be ranting and raving about this time spent to those willing to listen, and will absolutely be back again to offer my services to the lucky individuals who have yet to enjoy the serenity of Quepasana. Thank you for being YOU. For your generosity and unwavering support through this experience. Your humility has both grounded and inspired me. I hope to create a legacy of service that matches your own. Mahalo a thousand times. You are a beautiful soul and WE, all of us are so lucky to have you in this world with us. With all the love, all ways, always.
Maryann: How did you know the exact day we would need chocolate? Or how much beet burgers were going to make us smile? Or that we would totally smell the granola baking on the 3rd day? LOL. OK, I only know that you were reading my mind at least! Thank you for every single detail that you and all those who served saw to each day in order to create a safe yummy space for this experience. You and all those who live to share Quepasana in this way are my heros! I am such a fan! I wanted to hug you so many times this week in deep gratitude. Blessings on everything you touch (because it’s already gold) Big love and thanks to the whole team and all the details that seamlessly were attended to each moment!
Dear Jorge,
A deep bow of gratitude to you and Maryann. This refuge of peace and love has been such a gift to me. I work in a busy profession and to drop out for nine days has brought me back to my true self.
Beauty is a nutrient! To be surrounded by beauty on this stunning Makena property, with grass like velvet under your feet, and the ocean sounds, and distant birds, is a healing paradise.
Thank you Jorge for also choosing the vegan food choice. As a 38 year vegan, this is the first retreat ( And I have been to many!) that practices “ahimsa”. It is a diet for all reasons – the planet, the animals, our health and for consciousness raising. And Maryann, kitchen goddess, Divine server. Watching you has been a delight. You always have a smile on your face. You are so very warm and welcoming. You embody selfless service. I hope to return someday. All is love.
Thank you for being such a stand for inner peace, love, simplicity and truth. I am taking home some great distinctions on how to “come home” to center every moment – I know that in my “business” I may need a reminder every once in a while- And I’m sure that my daily practices will keep me on the path.
I have been a meditator for 10 years, never miss my practice twice a day. Your teachings took me to another level and to go back to the physical movement and breath! Thank you! Gracias!
Finally, wow to Maryann and her team of volunteers and in-house crew. Especially her lovely husband, who helps maintain the most beautiful, nourishing, comforting, yummy environment. This property was meant for this work. Kudos to you for putting it to such magnificent use! The bodywork was also exquisite!
I am going home more loving, open, peaceful, joyous, relaxed, and ready to re-set my schedule priorities, tasks and team to support my maintaining this peaceful easy feeling . My heart is filled with love and gratitude for you all! And I look forward to cooperating, supporting and to have the world work for 100 percent of humanity. It’s a beautiful journey to be on.
Jorge and Maryann and staff:
Generosity, love, caring, teaching wisdom, service, compassion, nourishment, wonder, deep gratitude.
These are a few words that was over me from the love I have felt these past few days from you. Thank you for being present to all of us. This is what brings peace and love on earth. May you and the staff receive a profound blessing for all you do in service. Mahalo Ke Akua!! I LOVE YOU!
I am in such gratitude to you for this incredible experience. The gift of this time will forever be with me and the layers will just keep dropping off. You have inspired me on so many levels. Thank you for living activated in your heart and with gentle potent devotion to this practice. Through your love of it and the reflection of the juicy results all around me this week. I have been given an extra yummy push inward and outward. This land, this space, the people, and above all else the genuine authentic expression of this practice have gifted me (and all the trillions of my cells) for lifetimes to com. You welcomed us in as honored guests. Shared your everything with us. And asked only that we dive all in and let go. WOW!. This is a special gift and I am so humbled to have been part of such a transformational experience. You lite up Yin for me- yet again! You showed me so many ways to go deep with embodiment within the meditation and you made it so fun! There’s a trillion other things, but for now let me just say: Grateful for the divine within you-me- and all things.
April 2018
Dear Jorge,
With anicca (Impermanence) as a universal tenet of existence, may Quepasana continue to ebb and flow as the ocean of all with grace and ease as our guides. With our intent focused on beginner’s mind, we are sure to learn and grow as a community in play with life as art eternal each moment. Thank you for opening the dance with spirit to include new perspectives that embraces the senses, bubbles and all. J
Dear Quepasana, dear sweet precious Quepasana – Thank you. From the depths of my soul. A friend told me, that if I could sort my life out to ever do a vipassana course, it would be the greatest gift to myself. I could not understand that until now. This week has been incredible. It is day 9 and I feel like my entire brain, body and soul has been at the best spa on the planet. I’ve felt so taken care of, nourished and respected by you and the crew. I am deeply grateful. Thank you for this once in a lifetime experience. From my cozy cabin, the gentle bell reminders, my own mat, blanket, bolster and even a lavender eye pillow! To delicious meals served with love, the tea always made and not to mention this glorious setting! The views are breathtaking, the cove is magical, the shade of the trees, the comfy furniture, hammocks and toy filled gazebo are amazing! From the gorgeous music to soothe our souls, to your careful and skillful intructions… Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. What a beautiful offering you have here. Thank you! If anyone is ever considering doing a Vipassana course, thank your lucky stars if you are able to attend Quepasana. All love.
But wait, there’s more. From the thoughtful, tender adjustments in Yin Yoga, to what the what?!? Chocolate chip cookie bake for breakfast! And perfectly steaming hot cacao drink in the evenings. Each moment I was pleasantly surprised, awed, delighted and grateful. From the carful crafted playlists, special guests musicians and talented body worker, along with the dreamy sprays, spritzers and aromatherapy. To the bubbles. Bubbles dancing in the afternoon sun. My senses were soothed, my cells renewed and readjusted. Thanks for your careful answers to all our questions, large and small. And most of all thank you for your vision and foresight and for attracting and gathering this incredible jedi tribe to host this. All love and then some!
A love note:
Since arriving here at Quepasana, I have felt so taken care of. Everything is wonderfully organized and Jorge’s leadership really shines through. At around day 8, I started to really understand the reason behind why the course is structured the way it is. It all makes perfect sense. I really feel like I have learned a lot about Vipassana and a lot about myself. I have many gifts that I am taking home with me. So THANK YOU for a truly exceptional experience. It is one that I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life. Mahalo. PS. Day 10 was so FUN!!
Aloha Jorge MaryAnn and the Quepasana Family,
Thank you from the inner chamber of my beating heart for your generosity, authenticity, wisdom and humility. My experience here has been profoundly transformative and deeply relaxing. The ride began one week before the start of the course when I serendipitously received an invitation to attend. I knew it was meant to be so I surrendered and started making moves to get my bases covered in order to step away from life for a much needed sacred pause. What a truly incredible blessing and gift to receive. I am deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to share sacred space in this breathtaking property, with these magically powerful souls. It’s not a coincidence that we have been breathing and awakening our bodies and minds in Hawa’ii – Breath of Life!
Quepasana is a pure example of Aloha. My interpretation of Aloha is to joyfully share life energy in the present moment. Not only is this experience a dream come to life, its also the birthplace of endless inspiration for stepping into my purpose with confidence and to dream the BIG dreams – In service to the world. Throughout the course I felt tremendously cared for. So much loving attention to detail clearly went into the planning, the teachings, the container, all of it. Mahalo for the love that was poured into the whole experience from health delicious meals, comfy cabins, cushions, and inspiring sound healing, music and so much more. Much has been healed and released over these last 11 days in the receiving of the practices in this special place. The pure joy you transmit with your heart makes the world a better place. Thank you for sharing your vision. I feel as though I’ve been bathed in love through light and sound and awakened to the power of my inner intelligence. I look forward to sharing what I have received here for years to come and aspire to be an ally and support to the Quepasana foundation as it continues to blossom. As we say in Shambala, our warrior’s cry, Kiki SoSo! Which translates to the view from here is victorious.
Jorge and Quepasana Ohana: Mahalo Nui Loa! Wow, what an incredible sacred offering this has been for me and the baby growing within me. Such a precious unique opportunity to unplug, unwind, dive deep, open wide, listen more fully in silence and stillness, spaciousness and allowance, accept and appreciate all that is, commune with the elements, wisdom words programming the cells of our being, special gifts and surprises with each new day with music, instruments and other amazing “toys” and healing modalities. I could not imagine a more perfect way to pass through the portal of my first to second trimester and have this potent bonding blessing with the child I’m carrying. With the most nourishing and delicious meals, such thoughtful intentions put into every detail, so much loving care I felt. To be held in such nurturance, to gain courage and confidence and clarity, to move towards this rite of passage with clarity to help me and baby; strengthening and challenging relaxation and reflections, reset of my nervous system, wonderful dreaming, heart opening, mind taming, more trust, move love, more prepared to communicate more efficiently and lovingly and to relate to others with more compassion, generosity and equanimity, I will keep practicing, I will pay it forward in service and devotion. I will be eternally grateful for all you’ve done for me, we, this community and all of humanity. I will keep smiling and sharing the ways this has touched my soul and the one inside me – I honor you. Infinite thanks.
And laughter returns. For the past 3 days I fight back loud outbursts of laughter. It is the bubbling up of joy through a loose and loving body. I had lost my laughter, and now I have lost my mind. Good riddance. My practice once strong shall remain strong again for years to come. I say so with certainty, but with no attachment.
Jorge, Your generosity, this place, and the sea inspire me. Thank you for your offering. It has been deeply received.
Chimes ringing….. It’s time for Quepasana. Slowly I awake to the minah birds, morning doves and a solo cardinal singing to my heart. I hear the crashing waves of the ocean calling me to remember who I really am. Wake up! Wake up! A wondrous and magical walk under the sparkling stars, looking up I marvel at the mystery of our galaxy and the wisdom shining brightly – I am this wonderous brilliance of love shining boldly and courageously. Shake Rattle and Roll, I feel my body charging up, liquids flowing, tingly is my body, electric and alive! Sitting and listening to the subtle energy within my body…. A tingle there…tension hiding over here… mind in a torment and strain….
Jorge says, be with whatever arises with equanimity and awareness. I breathe deeper… I am not afraid and plunge into this moment, this reaction. Struggle turns to acceptance, it is another thought, emotion and moment. I rest into this experience and watch it dissolve into nothing… I am one with infinite love spiraling deeper into this amazing excellence within. I am alive and free.
Thank you Jorge for taking us on a cosmic silent camel ride as Jedi students learning to accept the energy and constant change of the mind and body. I marvel at your dedication, generosity and service to all of us. Helping us to soar to new heights of wonder and mystery into the cosmic love within. Acceptance is the biggest gift I received from this training. Maryann and Ninja servers, thank you for your love, dedication and magical creations in the kitchen. The meals nourished my body and helped in the process of awakening into more love within.
Holy Frijoles! Literally words do not amount the level of gratitude I have in my heart for the gift of this experience. I feet so loved, supported and nurtured during this intensely profound transformative experience.
What a once in a lifetime opportunity. I feel so humbled to be able to complete this course. And from the infinite depth of my heart and spirit, thank you Jorge, MaryAnn and the rest of the Quepasana tribe for providing this gift to the community and may the work that is being done here raise the vibration of this planet. I look forward to being of service for future courses. And can’t wait to bring KidPasana to reality!
Ahh Quepasana. I feel everything. From a tear right here, to happiness and loving kindness and yet I’m still speechless. You’ve done it so well and so right and left I am inspired on the best way to share my light. I have felt so taken care of on all levels. Mahalo. I love U. We are truly blessed!
Jorge and the whole Quepasana circus. Thank you for allowing me to see my own dissonance show up, feel it and allow it , actually verbalize it to you Jorge and watch it disappear by owning it in all sensory motor skills. Polishing da diamond with bubbles!
The Quepasana crew and foundation concept are such a beautiful example of our earth moving from a world of service to self to one of service to others, and that becoming one’s passion for life. The model of being of service to others at Quepasana has been such an honor to witness how successful a service to others practice can be.
The Course in Miracles suggestion to “Give All to All” are in full practice at Quepasana.
Jorge! Nowhere else could I have discovered my own personal non-typical meditating seating position. You said “make it your own”
Just follow these simple rules for meditation: Sit up unassisted; Be still (It’s OK to adjust, but beware of fidgeting); close your eyes and observe, as it is. I followed those directions! (It took 5 days). Thank you for being an open-minded, open hearted leader.
In such gratitude
Quepasana crew, Thank you for offering your services in this way and making this experience possible. The gift I was given by this course is tremendous and very much needed. I intend to carry this practice and discipline with me into everyday life and recommend it to everyone.
Beloved Jorge,
Once again deep appreciation and gratitude. Of all the billions of humans on this planet us 50 very lucky ones get to be here.
I sincerely thank you and your team for such an amazing, beautiful, healing opportunity! I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love for what you are giving to humanity. As each one of us will carry the peace, being an inspiration of awakened consciousness, and individually loving ourselves which in turn is humanity.
As this course is free, it’s amazing to me how even in a “semi-enlightened” group, there can be criticism and judgement. You are giving an abundance of energy, time, resources and love. And I wholeheartedly appreciate it. As it is! I love the essence of fun, music, body work and of course the nourishing delicious food! You’ve thought of so much…. Entertainment, body work, flow toys, structure, healing and with a heart full of love through the criticism.
I found it particularly helpful to receive body work and physical touch, even if it was just hands on my feet in savasana. As much as this is an individual experience, the human need for connection or reassurance is important.
Thanks for the thrills, the chills, the spills.
Thank you so much for this divine opportunity to go deeper into ourselves. To listen, to feel and to love ourselves in peace and harmony. This has been such an enlightening journey, all of us together. Aloha and Mahalo.
Dearest Luke Skywalker and entire Jedi Academy team: WOW! I know that we are supposed to constantly be practicing equanimity, yet after observation of this entire 11 day course and my own personal transformation throughout this life changing experience, you make that practice challenging in the best way possible.
They say gratitude is one of the highest of vibrations, and with that alone, this course takes one to nirvana. From the serene locale, to the tastiest vegan meals that both nourished body and spirit; to top it all off with this entire program being out of service, blows the mind in ways only unconditional love and giving can. As one of my favorite Gene Keys, the 35th states that unconditional love can defy the laws of the cosmos, create wormholes through different dimensions. This creation of yours, and all those who support it are doing exactly that, changing the collective vibration in every moment, feeling thought and action. Sending more than a ripple out in the pond of the universe.
And this is no way aiming to give the impression that this has been some type of cake walk. As probably everyone here can attest to, we were challenged for greater than I could have consciously imagined. From arriving here with one working leg that has been keeping me immobilized for months, to not being able to breath out of either nostril for the first few days, I ws reminded of acceptance of what is. Observe and allow. It seemed just as I was learning and mastering control of these situations, new obstacles would arise. Thinking what could possibly be worse than sitting cross legged in once position for an hour with a knee that did not want to bend, well my answer promptly came to me…. In the form of not 20 minutes into sunset meditation, I soon discovered the random spot I chose to sit just happened to be where a not-so-friendly fire ant colony had taken up residence. Talk about “experiencing all that”. At first I didn’t realize they were more than just curious little ants exploring slowly the underside of my crossed feet and legs. I thought “what a cool sensation”. I was quite confident that this would add to my, at the time, pleasant meditative experience. My entire lower body became electric, pulsating in fire. Breathing became my ally, along with the constant reminder of observing and allowing, telling myself of the impermanence of each moment. Maybe not one of the most pleasurable experiences, but certainly one of the most memorable.
So thank you again, Jorge and staff. I am sure you didn’t plant the fire ants, but you definitely supplied the space and time to allow us all to have our own unique experiences during the 11 days.
I am overjoyed that you have not only found your calling in this life, but that you also had the courage to answer it. Not everyone finds their purpose, and even fewer answer it when found.
I have come to see the power in consistent daily meditations and early morning start times, realizing that practice is key. I have heard that power is strength over time. I plan to keep this as a mandatory part of my life.
A farewell note: I would like to say goodbye to a few of the friends I met during my time here: Goodbye to the giant green leafy bug with the red eyes that stared at me from the restroom window. So long to the small bug who flew in my ear and got stuck in my hair during evening meditation. See ya later to the hundreds of little bugs who landed on me during meditation. I loved the sensation your dirty little legs gave me while I did body scans. Bye bye to the 2 inch wasp that had a shower with me yesterday. And finally, last but not least, adios to the big brown spider on day 4. Rest in peace. You will be missed, but not by me. On a serious note, thank you for a truly exceptional experience. Much love.
I love you so much. Thank you for everything you do Jorge. Embodying unconditional love and surrender.
I cry, as I fly, why, we try, we trust, our wills. I love you. Thank you ninja jedi team. You are all amazing beings of light and love.
Don’t believe in yourself. Believe in me, who believes in you!
If burning man and Vipassana had a love child: Quepasana. Though that won’t sum it up for anyone even if they have done a Goenka course or been to burning man. Like meditation, like everything, it’s all in the experience.
I came here 7 months pregnant, with the intention to experience a final long respite of quietude before our baby arrives. A chance to reconnect with myself, which had been muffled in all the daily to-do of raising children, being a wife, running a household and working. I also saw this as a unique opportunity to connect one-on-one with this being inside me, to have “our time” before he is out in the world with everything and everyone else.
What I got from these past 10 days isn’t quite what I bargained for. But let me explain—having previously completed a Goenka 10 day vipassana course, I knew, somewhat, what I was signing up for. I did that course in CA 11 years ago and still remember how incredibly challenging it was for me. Being that had survived that course, a young, terribly naïve 23 year old with zero previous meditation experience, I thought, ok 11 days of Quepasana meditation with half the amount of hours logged each day, in a location that is nothing short of paradise, no big, right?
Wrong. Maybe it’s because its my second course and as Jorge said “you go deeper each time”, maybe because I’m feeling everything even more being pregnant, maybe just because – but this course has been the equivalent for me of “soul rolfing”. Terribly painful, but deeply therapeutic.
I contemplated leaving daily, until day 8. My mind was a whirpool of fears and anxieties: “will my kids be OK?”; “Will my husband still love/want me when I return?”; “am I hurting the baby feeling so much?”. And those were just the ones on repeat. I had a slurry of other random anxieties popping up in spaces between. And then, during a meditation or Yin Yoga practice, there would be a spark of insight, something clicking into place, fear being supplanted by acceptance, trust and allowing. These moments were my buoy. They kept me afloat to the end, despite my mind trying to convince me: “I’m not OK and need to go home”.
During a particularly strong surge of fear and home sickness, I spoke with Jorge and I told him that I had asked myself “Should I stay or go?” and had heard “go”. He told me that intuition is usually a feeling, and that the mind uses words. Oh fair enough Jorge, I believe you and I’ll stay one more day. And now, day 10, nearing the final day tomorrow I am so grateful I stayed. I have heard that if you keep having the same reaction to something, you create ruts, you keep trying to move out of but are stuck. Fear has certainly been this for me. It wasn’t always this way, but over time I became fiercely protective of what I did not want to lose.
What I had not seen was how these fears had cut me off from life, from the experience of being alive. Sitting and not reacting to my fears for 10 days has given me my power, and in a real way, my life back.
During this course, Jorge will say: “This is a Hero’s path”. This meditation, this kind of practice, and truly it is. And yet, through any other work I’ve done, I’ve not found anything to be so deeply transformational as Vipassana meditation. It is so simple, and with the lightest touch it just tears you open, in the best way possible.
If anyone reading this is considering doing this course, I’d recommend feeling into it. If you feel Yes, then do it despite your mental chatter. Show up and stay the course. If could be the best thing you ever do, for yourself, your family and the world.
I also want to mention how affecting the music was. The drums, guitars, bowls, really all of it, was incredibly helpful in showing me viscerally, how to feel sensation. I’ve never felt music quite like that, and it’s just one of the gifts I get to take away.
Jorge, thank you. You are a gift and an inspiration. Your work is leaving behind an incredible legacy that the world over gets to benefit from. MaryAnn, thank you for your support holding space for my tears, all of them, for the floss, and the snacks and for all the yummy food. And more than anything, thank you for your graciousness. Sharing and giving of yourself, your home and all your constantly uplifting energy. Also, such an inspiration! When I grow up, I want to be like you!
I learned to meditate. And that will serve me and everyone I come in contact with. Thank you.
Quepasana may not be for everyone. Meaning it is not a traditional silent meditation experience. If that’s what you are expecting you will have to be flexible. That being said, Quepasana is a cutting edge exploration of consciousness and mindfulness. I loved it and I think you will too.
AMAZING!. Thank you Quepasana ohana and Jorge for all you are and embody. This is more than I could have ever expected. I am so deeply in me, with parts of me that had been dormant, now fully awake and aware. The simplicity of the practice is pure gold – a true treasure to be shared and taught. Keep up the good work.
Dear Jorge and the Quepasana Jedi team,
THANK YOU for being such incredible super humans and bringing this profound gift to the world! You hold such an impeccable space for inner transformation to flourish, blossom and bloom! I am reminded of how much better, clearer, and attuned my life is when I practice daily, and my motivation to stick with it is now reawakened! If everyone in the world took 10 days to be with themselves in noble silence with body scanning, yoga and the metta, this world would be so bright and peaceful that it may just shift to a higher dimension! Or stay in this beautiful one with a renewed sense of awe. I love that this vision is growing. I especially love the ideas of Yin Yoga on floating beds, a permanent Quepasana community center, and self-sustaining centers with food growing on site and renewable energy powering everything. That sounds like a truly harmonious and world changing beacon of hope for our world. Mahalo, gracias, thank you, I am so grateful to be a part of this Quepasana experience and family.
Quepasana can only be described as the sacred love child of traditional rigors of insight meditation and a psychedelic consciousness expansion festival. It was the meditation medicine I have always desired with the sweet syrup of smiles to make it go down easy. EPIC. Epicly challenging, epicly deep, epicly beautiful and so much more. Jorge is truly a kind. A simple man with lots of meditation and smiles to share. What he has created is a model for consciousness expansion and new world creation. Thank you.
February - March 2018
Hey Brother,
I hope this finds you happy, healthy, getting ever younger
and enjoying the heck out of life!
So this, my friend, is my belated Quepasana “love note.” My intention was to comment on the lasting effects of the course – those enlightening gems that have remained part of my daily experience after the glow of newness and excitement has faded. The thing is, they haven’t faded much at all! So I’ll go with what I know:
To my beloved brother, Jorge
I feel tremendously blessed to be part of the QP experience since its very beginning. From my unique perspective of a very long friendship, I have beheld first hand your deeply personal quest for greater health, happiness (fun) and self-realization. I can attest to the many years of dedicated persistence with which you pursued the wisdom and insight necessary to reinvent yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually into the marvel you are today. Never have I seen such a transformation in another adult human being. I celebrate your extraordinary personal journey as it has evolved into a practice that brings life-changing awareness to so many others.
You are an extraordinary teacher, Jorge, one I honor with highest regard. I know how you’ve “earned your chops” and I know you to be the “real thing” as illustrated by the authentic passion and generosity with which you share your gift. Most of all, I deeply respect your understanding that you serve as a humble steward of that profound gift of Grace.
Participation in several courses as student and/or in service has definitely affected my life path in significant ways. Daily meditation has become as essential to me as breath. It enables me to live more peacefully and helps me to more consistently present myself in the world with conscious, loving authenticity. Incorporating yoga practice –ICU in particular – into my daily routine has gained me considerably greater physical flexibility than I had 30 years ago! Every Quepasana course that I participate in enhances my practice and helps to anchor my discipline. I’m also reminded to have fun in the process.
I find each Quepasana event to be a totally fresh experience. The very nature of the course along with the intentions set forth by Jorge and staff invariably draws the perfect group of participants. Even in noble silence – perhaps, especially in noble silence, I feel lifted by the very presence of the loving souls around me.
Whether attending as a student or in service I feel completely nourished in every sense of the word. At the Ashland Oregon and Maui courses we’re bathed in unimaginable natural beauty, treated to amazing, healthy vegetarian meals, welcomed to comfortable accommodations, and showered with all the loving support needed to make the experience an unforgettable opportunity for enriching self-awareness. Remarkably – more like astoundingly, the entire experience is wrapped in an atmosphere of joyfulness and genuine, downright party–hearty kickass fun!
When all is said and done, the most valuable part of my Quepasana experience is what I take home. Short course or 20-day, I leave notably stronger and more energetically centered. I am rested and peaceful of mind. My resolve to continue my meditation and yoga is more strongly cemented. I am more aware of opportunities to choose lovingkindness. The gates of my gratitude are opened ever wider as I apply my evolving skills to bring myself to the world with peaceful, loving presence. These are the takeaway gifts that continually enrich my life and for which I am thankful beyond measure.
With greatest love, appreciation and respect
Thank you for modeling kind boundless generosity and FUN!!! I absolutely loved the earth meditation. Kitchen staff is amazing.
There’s a message on the board in the kitchen that reads: “The signs are everywhere”. The signs of your kindness are everywhere in this land. My heart is full with joy witnessing existence passing on the keys of this majestic treasure to you, the place where the full power of nature meets grace.
I know beautiful passionate souls started this project long ago, and now in its new incarnation it is to meet deeper depths. I am again touched by the dance of introspection in the midst of sharing scents and taste and moving by looking inside. Deep gratitude to existence and to you!
Quepasana is crafted with tremendous sensitivity, I appreciate how the day flows, how meditation takes us to uncharted territories, how Yin Yoga opens the body, the soma, to move even further with grace and ease.
Today is a sunny day and I wish we could have been able to work more in the gardens, but we were blessed also by the rain, showers of surrender to make the soil ready.
I feel like I arrived home. There is something so sacred, here now, with this group of people in this precious land sharing a transformative vision. I can’t thank you enough. All I can say is please count me in, I am amazed at the incredible luck of being here, part of this group, at the edge of this cliff. Count me in to help this vision thrive and to serve others.
Often in the midst of the rain I thought that we could make a work weekend, with a taste of meditation of course, to come and give more time to the gardens. I’d totally be up for that. Mahalo a million times.
May Quepasana flourish as it is already doing. May it spread far and wide and transform our beloved earth.
Earth majik spins sweetly...ever gently this morning
Silent miracles abound
I am a part of this holy whole
I know it in my bones
A love making of pre-dawn energies intoxicate
Whirling me abliss for a breath
Spirals of delight coalesce, as infinite designs of beauty weave me anew
I am a part of this holy whole
Jorge and Quepasana Team:
Not only filled with wellness, contentment and loving kindness – But also inspiration.
Not just a momentary blissful experience has been generously bestowed, but much more: The inspiration is knowing this mind/body/spirit is always capable of this big, beautiful, spacious openness and health – We have tools to keep ourselves in this state of grace perpetually. Our middle age bodies need not be aching and worn out!! Many many mahalos for your generosity, wisdom, and service.
Jorge and Kitchen Mamas:
Love is always felt and received wherever I go. Mahalo for the wonderful garden you provide for our own nurturing.
Words cannot express how meaningful Quepasana has been for me. But I’ll give it my best go. The loving invitation to wakefulness is exactly what I needed. I was on the right path (that’s how I got here), but now my eyes have opened to just how beautiful this path actually is. I am so grateful for this experience and all of the excellent people who have shared so much of their energy and love to help make this experience exceptionally amazing. Awareness and mindfulness are two important qualities I have been lacking in my life. But now I am understanding and confident at my ability to cultivate them through my personal practice. Although concentration meditation has its place, sensation experience has already taught me more than I thought possible. I am excited to see what other gifts the universe has in store now that I am opened up. But this gift of presence is one I will carry with me throughout this reality, and into others. Many, many thanks from the bottom of my heart to Quepasana and crew. I look forward to offering my love and support to more people ready to open their eyes.
Intensifies and becomes focused
In the dark calm stillness
Of the early morning
That is punctuated by the sounds
Of the waves, breath of the whales and
The songs of the birds.
The radiant sun rises over the mountain
As the earth warms,
I stretch and relax
Fully feeling the pain, tension, everything
Not labeling, not judging
The tension releases, the pain dissipates
And I am able to more fully feel everything
Diving deeper, deeper deeper into the ocean
And into my inner ocean of consciousness
WOW JORGE!!! Wow is the most descriptive word I can use to explain what has been happening these last 8 days. What a big powerful loving human (from a far-away galaxy) you are! Thank you for showing up in the ways you have, thank you for blazing a new trail, thank you thank you thank you for extending this Quepasana familia. I had an extremely powerful memory, energy emotional eruption (very unbeknownst and unexpected, ha ha ha) It was extremely uncomfortable and disturbing;but on other levels so necessary. You are an inspiration in so many ways. I will keep doing the work! Mahalo
In the 21st century, Santa Claus got the North Pole fully automated. With free time on his hands, he decided to reinvent himself. So he shaved his beard, lost weight, moved to the tropics, got a tan, and now he and his elves go incognito on Maui, giving the greatest gift of all while spreading real peace around the world. They are giving the gift of meditation - Santa has evolved from giving out presents to giving out presence. Too funny but true.
In the X-men movies, Patrick Stewart plays the role of a mutant with superpowers who started a school for other mutants with superpowers. Its called a “school for the gifted”. I refer to Quepasana as “Jorge’s school for the gifted”. Mahalo! I’m only half joking.
Dear Jorge, Maryann and staff: WOW. So much gratitude fills my heart thinking of all the love all of you who have given so much. I am gratefull for the delicious food. During times of stress, the food was loaded with so much nurturance and loving care. I had tears of happiness feeling a deep warmth shine deep into my soul. I would feel the heaviness dissolve with each bite of your food and vibrant meals and treats. Thank you for all who helped the flow of the schedule. I was profoundly blessed to have Jorge teach with such clarity, ease and wisdom. I feel more present and quickly let go of the mind chatter returning to this sacred moment within the body. Maryann, thank you for your presence, dedication and ability to keep everything flowing. Your meals were so comforting. Let’s open up Café Bliss!. I am grateful for the canvas tents and private get away while being on this gorgeous property. There is such luxurious beauty and generosity of Jorge and the staff. I feel deeply nourished, supported and enriched from this experience. I would like to help with Kidpasana for my students. My heart is filled with joy and happiness. I would also like to serve the next Quepasana.
Entitled “How to change your life in 10 days”
Dear Jorge, through this gift of Quepasana meditation teachings and yin yoga practice, a surge of reclaimed energy flow is liberating this body in a way that I have only dreamed was possible. I feel more aligned with my higher purpose and the ability to create from the core, the truth of my being. Many layers of resistance and lack of love for this self were removed so that the greater self may emerge and co-create with spirit in a way I have not experienced in this lifetime. These 10 days of Quepasana have been life altering, revealing to me a new way of being, having greater alignment with source energy than ever before or even dreamed possible. I have a new practice: daily vipassana meditation and yin yoga, clarifying me for my dharma with confidence. You have my deepest gratitude for this life altering experience opening ways of being that I am astounded to witness within this self. Eternally grateful
Wow so perfect in every way. I kept thinking of all the beautiful people in my life who would benefit from Quepasana, so many loved ones and then I realized I am here, I am it and this total experience at every level is for me. My heart is wide open, my mind is realigned and I am abundantly taken care of. Thank you so much for this experience. It is the first time I remember as an adult where I felt my every need and desire truly taken care of. Thank you for reminding me I am the one that is truly worthy of all my love and attention. Coming to Quepasana was a gift of time to myself and by giving myself this gift I felt so cared for and loved. Mahalo Nui Loa. May you continue to share and inspire others. So much love and gratitude. I will be back to serve.
You guys have managed to create one of the most beautiful spaces I have ever come across. So much love, so much wisdom, so much growth… I’ve been blessed to be a part of it and so incredibly thankful that I was allowed to be a part of it. Thank you guys so much. This place will never be forgotten.
Quepasana Love Note
Oh where to begin—how about right here, right now! I have been crying since our very first session this morning all the way through lunch. The tears are of sadness, grief, sorrow, as well as for joy, gratitude and happiness. Quepasana has been life changing. I can’t tell you how exactly at this moment but I know it has changed the course of my life.
Receiving the love, care and nurturing from MaryAnn and all of the servers has been overwhelmingly wonderful and uplifting. The food, prepared with so much love has nourished my soul as well as my body and mind.
And the Vipassana and Yin Yoga teachings by Jorge have upleveled my meditation and yoga practice to a whole new level. I have been meditating and doing Yoga for over 10 years, nearly daily. In my meditation I have always tried to leave my body and go somewhere else. This method of grounding into the body and just feel is so new and refreshing to me and has allowed me to feel feelings I have repressed for a very long time. It feels so freeing and transformational to let it all go! Thank you!
So yes, the tears of sadness, grief, and sorrow are for all the old, past events in my life that I was finally able to let go of. And the tears of joy, gratitude and happiness are all for the opportunity to have attended the February 2018 Quepasana event at Makena Hawaii. Love and blessings on the continued journey of Quepasana and I look forward to returning to be of service to the future lucky participants to your wonderful party!
Beloved Jorge. You are awesome. Quepasana is amazing! This land is sublimely sacred. You have taught us loving kindness by your example and embodiment of your teachings. My heart has been opened and my soul cries out for all people to be able to live in this sweetness. Mahalo for this incredible cosmic carpet ride into inner awareness and higher consciousness. Thank you for saying Yes to your mission! Thank you for inviting me to this cosmic joy love fest! I have been deeply touched by all of it. Sweet dolphin kisses and blessings beyond belief to you.
I am filled with loving kindness. It bubbles up from hidden springs, fills and overflows me and silently it sings.
I am filled with loving kindness and deep gratitude for “effortless ease”, Mula Bandha please and inspiring delicious food.
I am well, I am WELL rings the chime of every bell. Health and goodness flow, well in Kipahulu Frog, well in leaping Jedi Pose. And through the layers I peel, sensational awareness in the silence and the still.
I am peaceful and at ease. Rain and tears they come and go. I rest in natural great peace. Moment to moment, as it is. I feel these thoughts release. Whether monsoon winds are blowing or gentle breezes through the trees, breathing through yin yoga and sometimes aching knees.
I am happy and content. Owl and stars in evening, whales and tales after dawn. Thankful for warm hearted care and views from on the lawn. Happy in the shala, happy in my tent. These precious days and moments could not be better spent.
Dear MaryAnn
You are an amazing organizer and right hand woman for this 10 day Quepasana silent meditation and yoga teaching. Three plus meals per day filled with your loving kindness, nourishment and full-flavor meals for 50 of us delivered on queue perfectly heated or cooled as the case may be. Your organizational skills are superb in managing all the servers and all of us! Thank you for delivering fully to each and every one of us. Thank you for ensuring that we get the most from this magical awakening experience.
I thoroughly enjoyed the simplicity of your voice, the tone and the commands. Thank you so much for sharing this paradise.
What an incredible gift this has been. Thank you for the simplicity, accessibility and authenticity of the teachings. This experience has been filled with beauty, wonder and openings. Quepasana is spreading peace, love and joy throughout the world. Thank you for all your efforts. You are so appreciated.
So far, what I can understand about life is that the only reason for being here in this plane is to be of service to others without expecting anything in return. Quepasana is doing it. You got it. That’s it. Gratitude and love. PS “If you can’t feed one hundred people, then feed just one” (Mother Teresa)
QUEPASANA – Find your own inner guru = Tantric Yoga. So very much gratitude!
Thank you Jorge…. Your commitment is infectious. You are a great teacher and facilitator.
Thank you again Jorge. It is an honor, pleasure and great good fortune to be part of your wonderful family.
You really are throwing the best party on island! This second time has deepened so much for me, in meditation and yin practice. I stopped fidgeting and needing to keep moving on the mat and I could just let it all go and fall into deep relaxation! I always said I loved yin, yet struggled to stay present and “do nothing” for 2 hours. It was a bit of torture in paradise. But finally I surrendered and am hooked. I can’t wait for the playlist as I’m doing it daily along with a recommitment to meditate daily – no exceptions. Plus I cannot live without the daily chi machine. Thank you for awakening me to another level and deepening my love of my life, my body and me! I am a Quepasana member for life and look forward to the next time I come to this side of the world to play again. So much love and gratitude for the love you share so generously.
Dear beloved musicians – Thank you for sharing the music medicine that comes through you. It is potent and magical. I especially enjoyed the last song. Quepasana has shown us the way, now it is up to us. I also wanted to share that while you were playing during meditation I was a bit confused as to why, so I opened my eyes to look around and at that very moment a whale jumped out. Wow! Mahalo.
A sidereal waltz takes place at four in the morning between the big dipper, Scorpio and Venus. Four shooting stars. The quiet, gentle before anyone stirs from slumber…. Breathing in the stars, exhaling in the ocean. The day unfolds; meditation, yoga, fuel, rest, stretch, meditation, yoga and so it flows. Each space deeply considered for our benefit, separated only by the ringing of the bell. In gratitude for the honor of being asked to serve.
Thank you for showing up with all the beautiful gifts u seemed to be so thankful to be giving us. I am so thankful to receive so much from Quepasana from the seen and the unseen, flowing river of gifts of gratitude, thankfulness, nourishment, awareness, joy, beauty, community, health.
Just wanted to share that this morning’s meditation was the very first time I sat in one pose the entire time!! It may also be the one and only time, but AS IT IS J. The hardest part of the whole course, besides sitting still for more than ten minutes, is not being able to hug everyone.
You are an inspiration to me! Thank you for taking the time in your life to cultivate loving kindness, wellness, peace and ease, happiness and contentment. You genuinely model this and I have been touched deeply. May the goodness keep flowing for you and all your relations.
January 2018
OMG! How good is this? I go to THE MOST INCREDIBLE SPOT ON EARTH. To discover the most incredible place on earth (me J). Awesome. Mahalo.
Jorge, Libby, Maryann and Eric,
I am so incredibly inspired by the work you are doing and by the people you are and the way you live and love and give so much love. To provide this space to come and just be. To surrender fully and feel so completely held, safe, loved and deeply nourished throughout it all… is such a gift, a truly precious gift I am boundlessly grateful for. THIS IS IT. This really is it, this is the work and thank you for reminding us all. In just one ordinary moment you can return into the aliveness of the sensory world, sink into the mystery, drop into the muddy earth, and set aside the urgency to be anything other than what you are. Your imagination is holy, your vision is open and there is no temple greater than your own body. There are colors here, eyes to gaze into, warm ones to hold and water to drink, sunsets to commune with and hearts to attune to a birdsong from another world. A new dream is forming. I love you all deeply and am here to support you any and every way I can. XOXO
Beloved Jorge,
Sitting on the lawn preparing to leave this paradise: The music of the birds chirping, the waves lapping; the feast of ocean and sky, trees and grass, the gentle kiss of the breeze as the sun warms my face and shoulder. This moment – Perfection. As it is.
Can I receive what is offered so freely and abundantly? This is my Aloha Koan.
I came to this course with the expectation of being in the lap of beauty, nourishing my body and soul with Yoga, meditation and good food.
What I did not expect was total transformation. A “course” correction.
I did not expect to be surrounded by exquisite, gentle beings. To have my heart melted in song.
I did not expect to discover that the greatest paradise is within the weave of this body – that as magnificent this piece of property is (The best on Maui, perhaps the best in the world), it doesn’t hold a candle to the prime real estate of my body.
32 years ago I took my one and only mushroom trip. It was a magical journey through the interior of my body. It was life as I knew it was meant to be—multi dimensional. When the trip completed I fell into a deep depression – the return to the cardboard world. Knowing I could not live my life on drugs I’ve spent the last 32 years exploring ways to meet life and supporting others on that journey. (bodywork…Meditation, inquiry)
Day 4 with the introduction of the body scan opened me to the direct experience of my body as I had met it on the mushroom journey. I experienced my body as light. My joints as crystals. I felt beautiful, bountiful, blissful!
As I scanned my body – welcoming, meeting it all – as it was I experienced awareness as loving kindness. It became brilliantly clear that I am filled with loving kindness when I am present to awareness. Always available. Nothing wanting. Pure love – in that simple act of scanning.
Later that day the backlash (we call it rebound in the Diamond work): Sciatica pain. My body, no longer an expanding palace of light, but of dense unbearable pain. The Hell realms! Your story about day 4 and the emergency room was so helpful. I was ready to leave. I was at my limit of unbearable, over the top intolerable.
Day 5 the meditation instruction takes me to a new level of awe, wonder. Penetrating my internal body I travel to ancient times, see ruins under the sea. The reality that the whole universe abides within me is irrefutable direct knowledge. I am merged into oneness.
I think of Tibetan Buddhist terms – teachings that are hidden in rocks or minds, to be revealed when a culture is ready to receive the knowledge. I feel my body is waiting to be discovered. I am in awe of who I am, of who each of us are.
There is so much more to say – so many gifts – so much gratitude. Let me end by saying that one of the greatest gifts was you. Being in your presence. Being in the wake of your leadership.
You are: Direct. Clear. Pure. Simple. Unpretentious ( in a non self-effacing way). Enthusiastic, authentic, genuine, kind, grounded and open. You walk your talk. You live your vision.
I’ve declared your name a verb: Jorge: To act with boundless, overflowing generosity.
Can I receive all this? All this beauty, abundance, bliss – within and without? That is my new course. I am deeply grateful. In love.
Dear Jorge,
Thank you for creating a forum through which meditation and celebration can meet through the physical senses, in deep appreciation and “respect” for one another.
For those of us that are prone extravagant mental acrobatics, there will always be a more ascetic place in Goenka’s version of Vipassana to clarify our connection between the mystery and the logos. Ever so grateful that you heard the call to expand that great road called “the middle path” with Quepasana. You have woven your unique essence into a program that actually encourages one to unify fun with meditation. Quepasana invites beauty to meet majesty, delighting in the sensual while honing the deliberate focus of free will divine will… Not just lost in space, but deeply seeded in the body. A ‘coup de grace’ my friend. The Quepasana odyssey will continue to inspire awe: Witnessing the wonder of our growing Sangha, weaving the web of the cosmos through the human collective and participating in the revelation as the personal and the transpersonal. With deep bows.
Dearest Maryann,
WOW! From start to finish serving Quepasana with you feels like a miracle in action. From the warmest welcome into the fold of the inner sanctum of creation in the kitchen to the dragon train/bunny hop led by you around the blowout dance party at the end…. A truly magical experience. Now I understand why people keep coming back to serve with the Quepasana Sangha again and again. What I appreciate most about you, Maryann is the pure joy you love to share in celebrating life itself. Over and again I hear: don’t live in the past or the future, be here now, and enjoy the pleasure of the journey. You bring this wisdom home to the heart.
Dearest Quepasana Family –
This has been, by far, the most generous, nourishing and invigorating gift I have EVER been given. I was very much in need of a full reset – After spinning through life, off center, lost and confused.. It was as if by magic this experience came into my world. So, THANK YOU – I still can hardly believe something like this exists. It inspires me to be even more generous, but from a grounded centered place. My hope in the world has been restored. I love you and I thank you. From the depths of my heart.
Blessings, Mahalo, Great Gratitude!
Turns out the missile heading toward Hawaii… was a missile of love heading straight to Makena! My heart is awakened…. Deeply touched and nourished. My second course, more layers penetrated with awareness… More able to feel the truth of who I am….The love that I am. The generosity here is mind blowing! It is a gift that calls forth generosity , kindness and love from everyone – Jorge is a living example of this!! He is beyond words in his capacity to inspire and truly lead by example. And MaryAnn… Her touch is everywhere… Her cooking divine… straight from the heart. Each meal was a joy. I will return. Again and again….. With tender gratitude from my awakening heart.
Thank you so much for this profound experience. It enabled me to bring a much needed softness and acceptance to my meditation practice – Life changing indeed. Much love and gratitude. And MaryAnn, thank you for holding a warm and loving space at the cottage and the food. I mean come on, it was always amazing!!
Beloved Jorge,
I am filled with loving gratitude! WOW!! It is mind blowing what a generous offer this is! How is this even possible? Never mind. J. I pinch myself every day that this is real and I get to have this experience on this beautiful aina and how lucky I am and how lucky we are. Did I do something special to deserve this? Was it your karma to create this gift to those who seek it? At what point in your journey did you get inspired to offer this? What a gem!
One of the greatest gifts we can give is sharing the things we love with the people we love. I will be sending some magical beings your way! I want to share Quepasana with EVERYONE.
Mahalo Nui Loa for this heart opening and healing experience much was gained and received. So much gratitude for a safe place for me to feel who I am.
Infinite gratitude for all you are creating here. J Looking forward to our Quepasana family growing and growing… Your complete devotion to this practice and community is inspiring.
What an incredible blissful joy and absolute immaculate honor it has been to share such a tender, loving, playful, nourishing, rejuvenating, and inspiring time with you all. Wow. I am blown away. Back at the end of our first full day, at sunset, I was moved to tears – “can I really have something this good? This wonderful? … I am brought again to tears writing about it. I am so grateful. This course is a shining jewel in the world.
Jorge – You said to us: “We don’t climb mountains because it’s easy”. But, honestly, if it was you organizing the expedition, even Everest would feel doable. I rarely have meditated for an hour at a time and I was surprised to find it so much easier than I anticipated. A big part of that was that I always felt *invited* to do the work, not *obligated*. Your warm heart and caring presence helped me to make breakthroughs in my ability to focus as well as relax and let it be. THANK YOU!
Three courses and I haven’t found my center point! I must be anatomically challenged. I have concluded that I have no point! What joy and freedom! The egrets dance and the whale breach in celebration even Reggie Ray gives a high five from 6 feet under. What more could a person want than to spend the week with you here at Ponomakena Sanctuary. Life is good.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. A million times, thank you… For not trying to correct my postures, for giving me the grace to find my own way, and for simply and continuously pointing the way to True North.
Things just appear as they are when I polish the diamond Quepasana offers me. Thank u.
From spectatular to emptiness and back again. Thank you so much. Everything is amazing here. To live the dream of life. Que Pasana.
Most gracious Jorge,
Mahalo Nui Loa for your light, your generosity, and your example. Not every person has been blessed with the desire to make service to others his/her life purpose. You have been so blessed. Quepasana is your gift to the world. As one who truly treasures every sacred breath I have taken during this past week, know that I will share what you have so freely shared with us. The spiritually transformative insights of Vipassana and somatic meditation practices. The ”journey within” is the subject matter of my follow up book to my recently published “The Pono Principle”, so thank you so much for helping me in giving birth to this new work.
Dearest Maryann,
By far the greatest sensation I experienced over this past week has been breathing in, deeply and most appreciatively, the heavenly aromas that the early morning breeze brought to our shala from your kitchen. Also, to see the rewarding smile on your face as you watched all of us queued in line, bowls in hand, awaiting the joy of tasting all that your prepared with aloha and loving kindness. Mahalo.
Everywhere I C is generosity. Thank you.
Thank you Jorge! I love you!
I was moved deeply this afternoon. Seems as if a layer of protection around my heart has dissolved and I was able to really let in the beautiful offering of Quepasana. I am at a loss with words yet can express that there have been a handful of times in my life when I have felt such genuine generosity and so gently cared for… this is one of these times I and I will carry the goodness in my heart always. Mahalo for giving me the opportunity to believe that I am truly deserving of such sweetness…. Strawberry love to you both!
Jorge, I feel blessed beyond! Thank you… This course and how you facilitate it is extraordinary. Full of love, nurturance and a firm grounded commitment to pursue TRUTH. Thank you, thank you! Thank you! It has been profound for me to give myself this time to BE. In the beginning I felt a bit restless at all this relaxation and thought maybe I was wasting my “time” and “should” be out there achieving my goals on the physical plane… But quickly realized this is where the “time” is best spent. With me. With my blocks, fears, wounds and pains that despite years of “awakening” work are still creeping out and hiding in buried deep places. Thank you for this super safe and nurturing container for me to shine the light on them and release them FOREVER! I love myself even deeper and love my life so much more. Thank you for gifting this time and beyond epic location and incredible Maryann cuisine and your heart I receive.
Thank you for the Quepasana experience. A few times per day I ask the universe to help me reach my highest potential for uplifting humanity, nurturing mother earth, and being a good balance for the planet. These courses have steered me toward my highest potential. I have become a believer in the enormous positive effects of sitting quietly a few times per day. Please keep up your incredible and inspiring courses. When I think of you my heart lights up and I smile. All the best to you.
Thank you so much for this experience. Your altruistic sharing of your practice, beautiful land and wisdom is most inspiring. I am yet again changed at depth with this new cathartic experience. I first sat with Vipassana 15 years ago while processing the grief of a dear friend passing. To come back and sit again without grief is very different. Thank you for the reminder of what this practice is and does.