October 2018

The sense of purpose embodied in these practices seem much more relevant than the strong sense of purpose that guides my life.


I am leaving with clear guidance on how to continue rediscovering myself in every moment.  Thank you!


So much to say, the words don’t do justice to my feelings.  There is a quality of sacredness in this oasis of love!


The level of deep inner, life changing, world shifting being done here is profound.


Quepasana feels like the perfect balance of format and fun.


Tears of gratitude boil up from my heart as I try to give thanks, and put this experience into words.


This experience has planted, a seed of awareness in my body and I’m ready to nurture that seed and witness what unfolds.


I am honored to have this experience – it is a gift that has changed my life.


You have shown me that discipline and work are along the path of life along with love, acceptance compassion, allowance and JOY.


I know it is possible to “see” outside my mind, see/feel myself as a part of an interconnected, beautiful universe.  I feel calm. I feel loved.


We must be doing something right to end up here—heaven on earth!


The side effect is heaven on earth!  What a glorious blessing.


NOW is my present. It’s a gift indeed.


What an interesting experience to hang out in silence with strangers.  What we lived is beyond words.


This is a life-changing experience, this is my key-pasana.  I have now a pass to unity, an unlimited access to the place where ones float in bliss.  Now is my FUTURE.


(A poem)

My Quepasana Experience:

When I first heard “Quepasana” – not a word I knew

Was this a queue (a line) for the toilet (the loo)?

My friend and I filled my application with joy

With only an inkling of what I was in for – Oh boy!

I soon realized my pretzel with moves and much more

Our “Yoda” said feel everything – I did!  It was sore

I got some relief in the hammock I found a wave of sweet sleep, then a thud to the ground.  
The thing had just ripped and tossed me down onto grass

Not sure what hurt more, my head or my (Pass)

It was suggested to not use my chair, but the mat.

Now everything really hurt, it brought out my brat

When our “yoda” said fidgets were a restless mind

I realized my clients were first, while I’d left me behind

Food has been good and line’s quite fast and then there was popcorn – oh what a blast

To say I feel blessed, this experience sublime,

Could be the understatement of all time

I intend to continue to keep opening the door

With the hope I can one day sit still on the floor


Not only is this course an opportunity to be completely within myself, it is provided so abundantly, fully, gracefully, comfortably – that I feel nourished and safe to really let go and surrender to that pure, unconditional presence that is held in this space.


Believe it or not, it is actually enjoyable!  And all this time I thought being with myself was a rough ride.


This happening is a sort of fantastic deep deep nurturing and restoration that blesses me to tears.


I notice new things in my body now and have a sweet centering that I know will echo beautifully into my future.


Words fall short of describing how profound this week has been for me.


This is what the world needs.  This is what we all need.


Such a gift to let ourselves get to know ourselves.  Our true infinite “selves” (cells).


Had I not come here I assume I may have had a mini breakdown from lack of sleep, exhaustion and stress.  So you helped save me!


It has been a week of receiving blessings.


My view of Quepasana is that is unique, easy, beautiful and NEEDED.


This week I feel I was able to push through some “real” perceived challenges both physically and emotionally and find true magic within and all around.


I am so happy to share with you that for the first time in over a decade, I am no longer in physical agony, numb, or feeling depressed and anxious.