January 2019 (30 Days!)

Wow, I am blown away!  Words cannot do justice for the profound level of love and gratitude exuding from my heart.  


This experience has been easily the greatest blessing and gift I have ever received.


I developed a completely new relationship with the sensations of pain, broke through many fears, blocks and cleared and felt through so much stuck energy in my body.   


I have explored the depths of me and continue to blossom into all that I am.


I feel so connected to the divine.  To the power of my heart, to peace, and have an overflow of love.


At Quepasana it became crystal clear to me that I had been searching for EVERYTHING I desire out there...when truly EVERYTHING is right here, in the seat of my soul.

Quepasana is a DNA code activation. We are turned on & tuned in to the medicine & magic we carry with us in every step.


Quepasana is heaven on earth!


I have gone deeper in my meditation practice in a year than in my whole last decade of practice. The program truly works!


I can't remember ever feeling this nurtured.


This has been the most generous, monumentally life changing, meaningful and transformational gift I have ever received.


Quepasana has provided me a tool that I will use for the rest of my life.


Coming here is quite possibly the best decision I've made in my life.


My tears have always come from of place of sadness, but at Quepasana I have experienced tears of joy for the first time in my life. I am overflowing with joy. This is the gift you have given me.


My heart is bursting. My mind and my limits expanding.


Quepasana has shown me that the silver lining – the golden light – was inside me the entire time.  It was always mine. It never left.


Changing people’s lives by giving such a profound experience.


I see beauty and love everywhere I look.  Blessings and hugs.


I feel such joy and freedom in my mind body and spirit.


I have received the greatest gift of all.  My own presence.


I would have never thought I would want to meditate.  Turns out I do and I love it. It is fascinating. You can learn about yourself when you give yourself the time to do so.


What a beautiful way to be in this world.  My heart is overflowing with loving gratitude.


No one has ever given me anything nearly as beautiful and profound as Quepasana


Quepasana seems, to me, to be the gift that never stops giving.  


The world definitely needs more time breathing, being and slowing down.


Through my practice here I have come to realize that I have been running all my life from challenge and potential and the unknown but through experiencing my inner world I now have the strength to realize that the unknown is not as scary.  In fact, the unknown depths of myself is the place where I have found the most solace, the most peace and it is profound in the most minute ways.


What you guys are creating here is an absolute miracle!


This is the awakening experience of my dreams.

A personalized, eloquently delivered invitation from spirit to dive within.  


Every detail thought of offering, so pure it beckons the spirit to re-emerge.  Just how good life can really be. That is what is really all about.


A once in a lifetime opportunity to meet and welcome a more woke self.