February/March 2018

Daily meditation has become as essential to me as breath. It enables me to live more peacefully and helps me to more consistently present myself in the world with conscious, loving authenticity.


Incorporating yoga practice –ICU in particular – into my daily routine has gained me considerably greater physical flexibility than I had 30 years ago!


Every Quepasana course that I participate in enhances my practice and helps to anchor my discipline. I’m also reminded to have fun in the process.


At the Ashland Oregon and Maui courses we’re bathed in unimaginable natural beauty, treated to amazing, healthy vegetarian meals, welcomed to comfortable accommodations, and showered with all the loving support needed to make the experience an unforgettable opportunity for enriching self-awareness.


Remarkably – more like astoundingly, the entire experience is wrapped in an atmosphere of joyfulness and genuine, downright party–hearty kickass fun!


When all is said and done, the most valuable part of my Quepasana experience is what I take home.

I leave notably stronger and more energetically centered. I am rested and peaceful of mind.


My resolve to continue my meditation and yoga is more strongly cemented.


I am more aware of opportunities to choose loving kindness.


The gates of my gratitude are opened ever wider as I apply my evolving skills to bring myself to the world with peaceful, loving presence.


Quepasana is crafted with tremendous sensitivity, I appreciate how the day flows, how meditation takes us to uncharted territories, how Yin Yoga opens the body, the soma, to move even further with grace and ease.  


I feel like I arrived home.


Not just a momentary blissful experience has been generously bestowed, but much more:  The inspiration is knowing this mind/body/spirit is always capable of this big, beautiful, spacious openness and health


We have tools to keep ourselves in this state of grace perpetually.


The loving invitation to wakefulness is exactly what I needed.


Wow is the most descriptive word I can use to explain what has been happening these last 8 days.


Through this gift of Quepasana meditation teachings and yin yoga practice, a surge of reclaimed energy flow is liberating this body in a way that I have only dreamed was possible.


I feel more aligned with my higher purpose and the ability to create from the core, the truth of my being.  


Many layers of resistance and lack of love for this self were removed so that the greater self may emerge and co-create with spirit in a way I have not experienced in this lifetime.  


These 10 days of Quepasana have been life altering, revealing to me a new way of being, having greater alignment with source energy than ever before or even dreamed possible.  


My heart is wide open, my mind is realigned and I am abundantly taken care of.  Thank you so much for this experience.


It is the first time I remember as an adult where I felt my every need and desire truly taken care of.  


Thank you for reminding me I am the one that is truly worthy of all my love and attention.  


Coming to Quepasana was a gift of time to myself and by giving myself this gift I felt so cared for and loved.


Oh where to begin—how about right here, right now!  


Quepasana has been life changing.  I can’t tell you how exactly at this moment but I know it has changed the course of my life.  


The food, prepared with so much love has nourished my soul as well as my body and mind.


Quepasana is amazing!


My heart has been opened and my soul cries out for all people to be able to live in this sweetness.


Mahalo for this incredible cosmic carpet ride into inner awareness and higher consciousness.


I am filled with loving kindness.  It bubbles up from hidden springs, fills and overflows me and silently it sings.


I am peaceful and at ease. Rain and tears they come and go. I rest in natural great peace. Moment to moment, as it is. I feel these thoughts release. Whether monsoon winds are blowing or gentle breezes through the trees, breathing through yin yoga and sometimes aching knees.


What an incredible gift this has been. Thank you for the simplicity, accessibility and authenticity of the teachings.


This experience has been filled with beauty, wonder and openings.  


Quepasana is spreading peace, love and joy throughout the world.


This really is it, this is the work and thank you for reminding us all.  


Thank you for creating a forum through which meditation and celebration can meet through the physical senses, in deep appreciation and “respect” for one another.


Quepasana invites beauty to meet majesty, delighting in the sensual while honing the deliberate focus of free will divine will…  Not just lost in space, but deeply seeded in the body.


A ‘coup de grace’ my friend. The Quepasana odyssey will continue to inspire awe: Witnessing the wonder of our growing Sangha, weaving the web of the cosmos through the human collective and participating in the revelation as the personal and the transpersonal.


THANK YOU – I still can hardly believe something like this exists.


Mahalo Nui Loa for this heart opening and healing experience much was gained and received.  


So much gratitude for a safe place for me to feel who I am.  


This course is a shining jewel in the world.  


Thank you, thank you, thank you.  A million times, thank you… For not trying to correct my postures, for giving me the grace to find my own way, and for simply and continuously pointing the way to True North.


Things just appear as they are when I polish the diamond Quepasana offers me.


From spectacular to emptiness and back again. Thank you so much. Everything is amazing here. To live the dream of life. Quepasana.


Everywhere I C is generosity.  Thank you.


I am at a loss with words yet can express that there have been a handful of times in my life when I have felt such genuine generosity and so gently cared for… this is one of these times I and I will carry the goodness in my heart always.