April 2019
This has been a truly profound experience and SUCH a gift!
You helped me rediscover my light.
This journey has been amazing from start to finish.
This is a very profound experience that I hope to work with for years to come!
My deepest gratitude for creating a space that is so supportive.
So deeply nourishing.
I feel like I have given more energy than I have received for much of my life.
Quepasana is a profound, potent, powerful, presence portal!!!!
I am eternally grateful for the divine and playful guidance home, to the guru within, our truth and sparkling essence.
Quepasana is the most extraordinary blessing.
Quepasana has impacted me to my core. Words will never be able to express. Deep reverence and gratitude.
This experience was an answered prayer on so many levels. So much that it feels like it was divinely designed just for me.
I have been searching for this kind of loving, playful, deep somatic, disciplined and filled with nourishment and beauty path to healing. And here I have found it.
I am forever shifted in powerful, positive, freeing ways. And with the perfect tool chest of simple processes and practices that can support my continued evolution, healing and awakening… I could go on and on.
I am honored, inspired, touched and thrilled that I got to receive such a gift; Thank you from the deepest part of my center point, equanimous, aware self.
Thank you for creating the space and setting the tone for probably the most fun, peaceful, wild and ecstatic meditation course there is on earth at this time.
I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams to be on this ride with so many beautiful angels.
This is the BEST.
I was able to find so much more ease in my body and really break through some pain and fear that has resided in my body for so long. The fear and pain literally transform.
Thank you for creating this masterpiece of an experience.
These ten days have been a game changer for me.
Quepasana helped me shift from conceptualizing enlightenment through my mind to having my body become the arena of awakening.
I am now in a state of awe and curiosity.
My desire to create and play has turned on again.
I now remember who I am.
My existence has meaning and I am pure consciousness.
To be a participant at Quepasana is to live in a harmonious existence.
I am overfilled with joy.
My being is nourished and tuned in. I feel so much more now. I am in the now. I feel endless gratitude
There are truly no words sufficient to express my deep gratitude for Quepasana.
Thank you for the simple, yet profound reminder of how to love this way.
I feel as though I have been given the most precious gift by participating in Quepasana. The gift of knowing myself, trusting the process, and lightening up.
Last spring, I attended my first Quepasana and it catapulted me into living my dreams.
With my new awareness has come great responsibility and a call to show up and serve beyond what I thought possible.
Thanks to my meditation practice and gratitude consciousness I am equipped to walk forward in life with more confidence and ease as dreams make manifest my new reality.
Finally, at 40 I am ready to begin playing this thing called life and thrilled to see the beauty unfold as another Quepasana comes to a close and my heart and mind open even more.
This is something of legendary proportions.
The amount of awareness that is gained here is huge, HUGE! The amount of nourishment and love and thoughtfulness is unheard of.
I basically have been hoping for something like this most of my life, but I did not know what form it would take until now.
Yeah, Psychedelics and plant medicine are cool, but have you ever tried Quepasana?
Wow, what an amazing transforming experience. I don’t even have the words to describe it.
Quepasana just made me FEEL above all. I have never experienced anything like it, to feel aware of my own body, inside, outside, and everything around me.
For once in my life, I was able to completely disconnect from technology, from social programming, from my false self, and even from my thoughts.
I am really looking forward to making meditation an important and essential part of my life, that is if I want to live a happy peaceful life.
Quepasana did not show me, it reminded me to keep connecting with myself, check in with myself and love myself.
Wow, the future is here now! Ours is a world filled with loving kind beings of blissful beauty, giving the greatest gifts imaginable to each other for free so we can all thrive as one!
My experience of Quepasana has been nothing short of pure magic.
My body feels incredible after 10 days of meditation, yoga, stretching, relaxing, and of course eating the most nourishing healthy food.
My mind has never felt so at ease and peaceful.
All participants can really walk away from this course and maintain the practices and techniques in their daily lives.
This is the most magical, transformative event I have ever attended.
I came to Quepasana with hopes that this method would help alleviate the pain and fatigue so I could be more present for my mission. It did that and more! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
My adult life has been a healing journey, I struggled with chronic fatigue since age 9 and chronic pain since age 19. Using other methods, I was able to heal about 75 percent of the fatigue and recently physical therapy helped me with about 50 percent of the pain. The past few days have been practically pain free and I have had more energy than I can ever remember having. And I sense this is just the beginning. Coming to Quepasana was one of the best decisions I have ever made!!
To put words on a page to describe my experience at Quepasana is not easy, but I’ll do my best. This experience has altered me (and my life to come) in deep and profound ways.
This course has so generously, graciously, lovingly and nourishingly given me the tools to stop telling myself false and limiting stories I have been believing were real. So that I may embody and live as the infinite being of pure potential who I came to this life to be.
So refreshing to find myself again and to lose myself all at the same time. I experienced profound moments of ecstasy and rapture.
Thank you does not even come close to expressing the depth of my gratitude.
This course is one of the most special things that I have ever been lucky enough to be a part of.
The course has enabled me to reconnect with my deeper self both spiritually and physically.
I truly feel the course has altered the course of my life in the best possible way.
This amazingly simple practice took me deeper than many other hours of meditation beforehand.
Everyone needs a Quepasana in their life.
The awareness and focus that is developed in 10 days is extraordinary.
Fly, bike or swim to Maui. Quepasana is what the world has been looking for… Or maybe… What the world (you and me) needs.
Part vacation, part prison, and 100 percent fun! Best way I have seen to reconnect with the full you.
I have had a great life, truly exceptional, and I never felt more held, nourished, cared for, encouraged, loved up and considered.
This experience has opened me back up to the spaces in myself I thought lost or dead.
The joyful essence of my youth turns out is not my youth… It is simply My Essence… What I really am… I got to know intimately that part of myself again.
If you can afford to go, (It’s free, and they feed you and house you) You should. For you would be doing yourself a huge disservice by not going.
Total game changer.
I am grateful I was guided to experience Quepasana.
I have not done any Yoga in 50 years! So that was interesting! My muscle memory was working well, so I could see big improvements each day, and my body feels so much better. And I could feel the energy flowing in my body more freely – which helps everything!
I feel very inspired and uplifted by my Quepasana experience.
I am so grateful I decided to take a deep dive into the Quepasana course.
The gift of self-knowledge is a gift not easily wrapped.
My mind, body, emotions and soul have new levels of charge and clarity.
Not only do I feel more passion to live as consciously as possible, I now know how!
This is the best homemade vegan food I have had in my life!
This course is such a specific manifestation of the answer to so many questions vital to my evolution.
Yin Yoga here has done more for me than any other yoga in my life.
It is a humbling process to see and feel how I am connected to all things around me.
The desire to force myself to do things is fading. I realize my pace is naturally in line with the collective greatest good and my heart will chime when it is time for action.
It takes the average person a lot of work to reach deep levels of mind, but the way Quepasana put everything together in this program facilitates… a quickening.
I am proud and grateful to have reached Jedi status in Quepasana’s strong presence of activation.
Quepasana holds the space for protection, strength and grounding on all those levels. As well as showing those who can see especially the ‘me’ what truly feels right, and what does not. And the courage, clarity and awareness to take the right action on all levels.
This has been the most profound, mystical experience I have ever had in my entire life.
I have been moved and shaken in so many beautiful prolific ways.
Have no expectations because they will not come close to what happened here.
I was in complete surrender and for the first time in years I had finally cried. I was holding on to so much, always giving with very little gratitude and leaving so little time for myself. Old wounds from my father, mother and most of my family, like so many of us have. I felt all of my channels open and I only wish I could have cried harder.
I felt the best I have ever felt in my body.
Quepasana and all the amazing loving staff have forever changed my life.
My life as an entrepreneur will be forever changed and the way I show up in all my relationships.
I must say, I have not felt this great in a long time!
Never do I give myself the time to take such good care. It is the greatest gift I have ever given myself.
I feel so peaceful and at ease. Honestly, I have never felt so damned happy, healthy and blessed as I do right now!
February 2019
These practices are the keys to so many doors of the universe.
Because if this journey has shown me anything it is that being a master of soma is a life of joy, of play, of exploration, of ease. And that rest truly comes so simply.
This is a master’s playground, where the fire meets the ocean and the spirits soar wild and free with the love and support of a grounded nest within and without.
These ten days have been a joyous slice of heaven, a chance to remember that heaven really does reside inside.
I am now able to scan my body and direct my attention and feel the vibration and pulse where I wish to at any moment.
All in all, this was one of the most profound, nourishing experiences for me to date.
This has been monumental. My greatest gold I will take home with me is the remembrance to be in balance with serving others, actualizing global movement, self-care, love and nurturing.
I am eternally grateful for this epic journey I have been gifted.
Well, I have never meditated this much in my life. I had never felt breath like that in my body. I never sat with so much silence. And I never observed myself in this way. Quepasana gave all of this to me. A gift beyond measure.
Thank you for revealing the universe inside of me and each of us.
Before Quepasana I felt like I was cooking in the dark. Now I feel like I am eating straight from the garden of Eden.
Quepasana has been a profound healing, nurturing and inspiring safe space for me during one of the most transformational periods of my life.
Embracing my inner kid, I had forgotten how to live until you playfully showed me how to live, to embrace each moment, simply be here now.
January 2019 (30 Days!)
Wow, I am blown away! Words cannot do justice for the profound level of love and gratitude exuding from my heart.
This experience has been easily the greatest blessing and gift I have ever received.
I developed a completely new relationship with the sensations of pain, broke through many fears, blocks and cleared and felt through so much stuck energy in my body.
I have explored the depths of me and continue to blossom into all that I am.
I feel so connected to the divine. To the power of my heart, to peace, and have an overflow of love.
At Quepasana it became crystal clear to me that I had been searching for EVERYTHING I desire out there...when truly EVERYTHING is right here, in the seat of my soul.
Quepasana is a DNA code activation. We are turned on & tuned in to the medicine & magic we carry with us in every step.
Quepasana is heaven on earth!
I have gone deeper in my meditation practice in a year than in my whole last decade of practice. The program truly works!
I can't remember ever feeling this nurtured.
This has been the most generous, monumentally life changing, meaningful and transformational gift I have ever received.
Quepasana has provided me a tool that I will use for the rest of my life.
Coming here is quite possibly the best decision I've made in my life.
My tears have always come from of place of sadness, but at Quepasana I have experienced tears of joy for the first time in my life. I am overflowing with joy. This is the gift you have given me.
My heart is bursting. My mind and my limits expanding.
Quepasana has shown me that the silver lining – the golden light – was inside me the entire time. It was always mine. It never left.
Changing people’s lives by giving such a profound experience.
I see beauty and love everywhere I look. Blessings and hugs.
I feel such joy and freedom in my mind body and spirit.
I have received the greatest gift of all. My own presence.
I would have never thought I would want to meditate. Turns out I do and I love it. It is fascinating. You can learn about yourself when you give yourself the time to do so.
What a beautiful way to be in this world. My heart is overflowing with loving gratitude.
No one has ever given me anything nearly as beautiful and profound as Quepasana
Quepasana seems, to me, to be the gift that never stops giving.
The world definitely needs more time breathing, being and slowing down.
Through my practice here I have come to realize that I have been running all my life from challenge and potential and the unknown but through experiencing my inner world I now have the strength to realize that the unknown is not as scary. In fact, the unknown depths of myself is the place where I have found the most solace, the most peace and it is profound in the most minute ways.
What you guys are creating here is an absolute miracle!
This is the awakening experience of my dreams.
A personalized, eloquently delivered invitation from spirit to dive within.
Every detail thought of offering, so pure it beckons the spirit to re-emerge. Just how good life can really be. That is what is really all about.
A once in a lifetime opportunity to meet and welcome a more woke self.