In over 40 years of practicing I have done many meditation retreats and yoga retreats.  But nothing as amazing as this.


Amazing use of Yoga and movement and music to open the body so that meditation can be still and profound.


Wow, it is an amazing honor to do a Quepasana course.  


It has helped me to reach into the most tender, delicate spots buried deep within and heal them through the dynamic process of self-realization.


I really appreciated the crystal clear instructions of the techniques and the light-hearted attitude with which it was presented.  


My shoulder pain has since been GONE! The mere fact that I was able to witness the pain coming and going with my mind through body scanning was such a huge shift.


This experience has been beyond my dreams.


I have traveled the world and had many extraordinary adventures, and this has by far exceeded them all.


What the world needs now is Quepasana, sweet Quepasana. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.


I doubt I would have ever realized the extent of my inner chatter without coming here.  For this I am eternally grateful


The food is spectacular! So tasty, filling and perfect!


Quepasana = Vipassana + Yoga + Being Human + Magic


This course consistently allows me the opportunity to dive deeper into my source.  As I bring this life to completion (when the time comes) enabling me let go and fly high with ease.


I highly recommend this silent course experience.  You deserve to give yourself an opportunity to connect with your higher self and to gain powerful tools to guide you on your journey and its turbulent times.


You learn how to release the stress trapped in your body based on your inability to accept life as it is and to seek the lesson and growth that it offers us.  


These tools will enable you to free your body from disease and addictions which are caused by an inability to surrender to life challenges and discomfort.  


The meditation helps you to locate those areas and with awareness and focused breath relieve it for those areas.


The power in silence helps you to stop and disrupt the negative thought patterns.


You will strengthen your mind and body with Yin Yoga and organic vegetarian meals that help to raise your vibration and to make massive changes in your thinking patterns.


The privilege to feel so cherished will give your mind a rest to recharge and get back to your life feeling empowered, calm and well rested with amazing tools to take away that will greatly enhance your life forever


Thank you for this phenomenal experience.  It has filled me with grace.


Come for the meditation, stay for the food


So my rating on the five hearts scale is ∞/5 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥……….


I will never forget this amazing week where I for the first time in my life was still and I got a chance to give thanks and praise to my soul.  


I will remember to pause and scan my body to identify my stress and release it with acceptance for life as it is and to meditate before I take action to make the best choice available to me.


Quepasana has positively changed the course of my life and I look forward to “paying it forward”


OMG.  I think I have died and gone to food heaven.  Amazing! Cooked up with so much love and wanted nothing in return.  How awesome is that?


Here we go again…….  What just happened?


Quepasana = a florucopia of insight, awareness, meditation, nutrition, change, flow, here today, gone tomorrow but always present, always there.   


Oh yeah, sunshine, wind, rain and rainbows.


I am so deeply touched! This has been an amazing exquisite experience.


Just what I was longing for:  diving into the spaciousness and beauty of silence, being held and cared for by angels, and in one of the most sacred places in the islands of Hawaii; a true refuge, a refuge of nature, a refuge of love, a refuge of hope for the troubled times we live in.

To sit in silence and just be – so simple yet so profound.

Thanks for all the heart renderings, honesty, safe space to go deep and look forensically within to become a kinder being.

Quepasana helped me take, live, be my first breath on this planet, it seems.  Eternally grateful for every moment,


The ego free offerings and clarity of thought and speech are truly edifying, easy to get and assimilate.


I have done more Yoga these 7 days than in the past 20 years and happily, pain and injury free.  Gentle guidance and constant reminders to stay in the comfort zone helped this happen for me.


The final inner transformation is deep, intense, simply a magical blessed life change experience!!!  7 days printed in the golden book of my destiny!


The food was a perfect example that every human on our planet should have at any time, so delicious, so health and so much love inside.


Thank you for this opportunity to tune in!


This has been an extraordinary week!  I can’t remember feeling so cared for, nourished and supported on so many levels.


Not having had a consistent yoga practice for many years – I spent the first three days meditating on the sensation of pain – then a shift, a softening.  I turned toward essence, toward emptiness in my body a reminder of who I really am.


This really should be experienced by everyone.


“The art of living – Real living is feeling free and uninhibited and, instead of being guided by external forces, following the internal direction of the heart.”


You guys nailed it!  Thank you! What a blessing! Forever grateful for this life changing opportunity.


My whole being is full of GRATITUDE.  For this 7 days of self-love.


It feels that the spiritual life can be so serious and it seems healthier to smile, play, laugh more when appropriate.


Holy yummmmm. Everything was delicious, healthy and nourishing.  


Thank you for taking us on this fantastic voyage into ourselves.


I knew it would be great.  But I had no idea it would be so awakening.


Quepasana is the best thing that’s happened to Maui in a long time!  Yeah!


Lost for words.  Magical! Profound! Deep! Healing! Beautiful! Amazing timing! Dream Team, all of you beings. Magnificent space on all levels. Family! Friends! Loved Earthlings! Love you all.


Body, mind, soul, beingness is soaring more than I could ever wish for.


This one truly changed my life.  


You have given me space to reset my system which has aligned me back to source.  


I felt my essence in a way I’d never had to date.


The only place I have ever felt any peace is at Quepasana where in noble silence I am left alone with my thoughts.  Where, through meditation I can begin to break down my patterns of resistance and reaction. For the first time in 30 years I am hopeful that one day not only will I love myself again, but I will truly feel and be at peace.  I am so grateful for this gift you have given to me.


On the mat I sat

I sat and I sat

I sat and I sat

And my mind kept the chat

I thought about this and

I thought about that

Am I fat?  Should I get a cat?

Is the earth maybe flat?

And I sat on the mat

I sat and I sat

Wondering, wondering where it’s at

Playing, paying tit for tat

Ego being such a brat

I sat and I sat

On the mat I sat

Wishing for a hat

Sneaking like a rat

I need a doctor “stat”

On the mat I sat

I sat and I sat

I sat and I sat

Wondering where it’s really at

Then it hit me like a bat



The food is exquisite! Amazingly yummy!


This experience has given me a fresh perspective on so many things I couldn’t even begin to write it down on paper right now.


What just happened?


This experience has nurtured and upgraded me in so many ways, and many others to come.


I must declare that this was, is and will be remembered as one of my peak life experiences, both for the moments spent within the course, on and off the mat, and for the far reaching effects that cannot help to continue to influence my personal development.


The practice has eased my life into a state of grace, acceptance clarity, gratitude, love and longing for further growth and alignment around my heart and soul.  


Thank you for Quepasana-  a safe and sacred space for us to gather as one and cleanse our soul.


Thank you for helping me come into the truth of acceptance and surrender.


Thank you for this rare and wonderful experience.


I will continue to practice to be more loving, kind, sharing, honest, giving and grateful with consciousness in stillness with gentleness for myself and others.


Thank you, I have never felt more held and nurtured than in my few days here.


Ain’t no party like a Quepasana party!


This cocoon of silence and support helped me to dismantle many mind made forts.  

Quepasana is like being coddled by mother.


I will return to the world seeking to share this gift that I have received. Be present. Be mindful. Be joyful, accept the painful. Be curious of the change, it’s there moment to moment.  


Unraveling the entanglement:  The kind gentle approach!


This course reminded me how important it is to forgive myself and that I can’t give forgiveness to others until I forgive myself.  


Six-year-old me thanks you guys


Recognizing and claiming my own self-inflicted pain has been the most freeing.


This was probably one of the most profound experiences of my life.  It’s still revealing its gems to me.


A momentous event in my life to have found my way to such magnificent utopia, to have sanctuary for quiet to explore my patterns and reactions, feelings in my body and PRECIOUS company to float in a particular form of solitude, gives me great pause to consider what else I might allow into my life.


What is created here is such a treasure and will enrich everyone’s life who has the opportunity to take part in it, and beyond.


Quepasana has helped me to discover a space in me that I didn't know existed and I am forever changed.