June 2019 (Ashland)
Thank you so much for being you. Through your authentic expression of self, so many of us found healing, peace and love within ourselves. Your generosity is profound. I have learned so many beautiful lessons with just observing the way you share your love with wisdom and resources with each soul you come in contact with. It is unlike anything I have ever witnessed, and I am deeply moved by who you are.
I thank you so deeply for sharing this experience with not only me, but my mom, my sister and so many dear friends. WOW. It has been so special to meditate in community.
Thank you so much for allowing me to step forward and teach. Quepasana once again has been the ultimate container for learning, growing, love, health, healing and true being.
Infinite gratitude always.
Dearest Jorge,
Oh, how sweet is this gift. The gift of self. Of the light and love within of infinite value and given so selflessly again and again. I feel my heart stretch as I learn to believe that I truly am worthy of continuing to walk this path with you. So divinely guided. This practice continues to open me, allowing me to discover how to forgive myself, hold myself and offer compassion to the wounds of my spirit in this world. And through this I uncover in the collective field what has always been there: Love, love, love, peace and joy!
A continent beyond understanding. Thank you for creating a space to deepen my practice, while also getting to offer my soul’s gifts: preparing food, offering touch, and sharing song. When I serve these courses, I feel I am fulfilling exactly the longings of my deepest purpose. I delight in riding the galactic tidal wave with you. As spirit guides the expansion and sharing the Quepasana with all that desire this sacred work.
I love you infinitely, my sweet teacher and dear friend.
Thank you for sharing the gift that truly keeps on giving and giving.
Dearest Jorge,
You will forever be known as the Bohemian Bodhisattva to me. Thank you for your incredible generosity and genius in bringing to life the immense beauty that is Quepasana. It is and will continue to be a great gift to humanity.
I experienced such a deep and profound cellular unwinding and hit levels of somatic relaxation and ease that have healed and renewed me. Your guidance and beingness have inspired me to unprecedented depths that will reverberate a lifetime. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Deep gratitude and love.
Dearest beloveds,
My heart is overflowing with love and divine grace. Blessed are we. I can feel this energy in the depths of my being- a new earth is here now, and we get to experience it together. What a privilege!!!
This was my second course, and for the second time the most beautiful 10 days of my life. A dream come true, living in communion with our inner selves and other truly special souls walking this path of awakening together as one.
Words can hardly describe my feelings of gratitude for being guided by spirit to this present time and space reality in the here and now at Quepasana. Looking back at how nourished, held and expressed I felt while being in Noble Silence during the past 10 days. I see a totally magical dimension of reality that I love and enjoy navigating in. I am riding this wave with an open heart and an open mind, trust in inner knowing that this is exactly where I am supposed to be at this time in my life.
The passionate fire of service is ignited in my heart. I see Quepasana as the place/the landing pad of the feminine rising and with that the creation of a highly spiritually evolved civilization seeding the new humanity.
This is a portal of love, pure joy, sweet kindness, ever abundant generosity overflowing through everyone, radical acceptance and inclusiveness that evokes and allows the healing of the parts of us that forgot who we are.
This is the portal of enlightenment where we remember and keep remembering every time we return (home).
Sweet Jorge, what a special soul you are! Thank you for existing and for sharing yourself so selflessly in humble service of the divine that you see in each of us. It is a true honor and privilege to have you as a guide. You are the embodiment of the wisdom and the truth of life’s golden key. You are precious beyond measure, and so is your vision for Quepasana community contributing to the evolution of human consciousness. Where everyone lives in harmony with the rhythms of nature, in harmony with the self and others, where everyone is self-expressed in their gifts and service, with unbounded imagination. Where everyone’s needs are met, and where everyday life is a dream in manifest reality.
This is spirit working through us, expanding our essence of love, becoming ever more familiar with our presence of grace and remembering our true nature.
Thank you Jorge for being our guide. You are exceptionally amazing. With love.
What a fabulous week. Probably one of the best weeks of my life. I so admire your generosity, dedication to this practice, authentic presentation and happiness. Your teaching of Vipassana technique was more thorough and detailed this time, which made it easier for me to make the transition from Anapana. You have my continued support and appreciation for the good work you are doing here. Love and peace.
In my lifetime, I’ve grown accustomed to working with heavy duty explosives. So much so that I have forsaken far too long the chisel and the brush. Thank you for the time and space for a much needed deep dive. It was a blessing to share the Summer Solstice with your tribe.
Quepasana: Enlightened Decadence – Inspired indulgence – Conscious Opulence – Tenderized Transcendence. Big Love
Another Quepasana for the books! I am consistently blown away by the transformative power of these courses. Jorge, Tara, Sara, and all the Jedis are such pure examples of what it means to show up for others, give unconditionally with humility and unapologetic silliness. I am so grateful to have found this oasis and to be a part of such a world changing movement. I have no doubt in my mind that this experience is raising the collective consciousness and bringing us all closer to peace on Earth. I will continue to hold you all in my heart, whether silently sitting across from you in meditation or globetrotting as we all seem to do. Thank you, thank you for all that you do and all that you are. Thanks for saying yes to your dreams and inspiring all of us to do the same. Thank you for holding such pure beautiful space, so we may all come to know ourselves deeply and truly, and heal all the wounds-mental, emotional, physical, inherited, etc.
Can’t wait to see you beautiful souls in the ether of pure consciousness during our next sit.
Finding the words is difficult. Thank you from every cell, thank you until the end of time. This best-ever gift will be used in the best way ever, to create the best world ever. It has been an equanimous pleasure to partake in Jedi training with all of you.
Beloved Jorge,
What words could possibly express the gratitude and reverence I carry in my heart for you? So much is felt beyond these words in the silent, intuitive pulses, the gentle psychic nudges, the warm energetic waves of deep knowing and belonging. All of this I feel here, all of this because of your great gift. Thank you dear one for listening to your guidance to manifest this glorious realm of healing, a sanctuary fortified by divine grace. The experience I have been blessed with here has brought me back home—to my mission here, to the earth, to myself. May all beings be presented with this immense opportunity to grow and blossom in such a well-tended garden as yours. May you forever be blessed, protected and supported. May you only be finding love and deeper love. Mahalo Nui Loa. Now go ride that camel into the sunset.
Dear Jorge,
You have been a huge blessing to my daughters, and now to me as well. I am not sure how the universe worked its magic, but first my girls were taken into your generous heart. They speak of you so fondly and tell me how amazing you and your vision for Quepasana are. They adore you and giggle at your endearing ways. Now I have experienced your wonderful spirit and the simple beauty of Quepasana.
I was not sure what I would experience here during 10 days of silence and yoga and a whole lot of meditation, but I know when Tara asked me to come, that I had to come. What a life changing, grounding, re-centering, re-focusing experience it has been. Everything was perfect!!!
The flow of events and the daily schedule was very balanced. Your property is beautiful. I love all your flowers and plants! So, Jorge. Thank you for allowing me to come. I really needed it! Thanks to Sara for managing so effectively with grace and ease. Thanks to Russ and Jennifer, the food was delicious. Every single meal was Wow! The green smoothie, chick peas and brownies were so crazy good! Oh and my Tara, I am so proud of her. Thank you for letting her grow her skills. She was wonderful in her Yoga instructions.
There are so many words spinning around in my head and swirling in my heart from this experience. But its overwhelming to digest it all at this point. So, I will say Thank you again for this huge gift and for being placed in our lives. You are so special!!!
Wisdom’s Embrace
Air, she sings through me,
Our wisdom’s breath we embrace,
Earth, she plays through me,
Our wisdom’s breath we embrace,
Water, she swims through me,
Our wisdom’s breath we embrace,
Fire, she dances through me,
Our wisdom’s breath we embrace,
Space she flies through me,
Our wisdom’s breath we embrace,
In the unobstructed infinite expanse of pure awareness she emanates inconceivable manifestations, beyond time and space she communicates liberation to the most fortunate fate, we have a date.
Without limitation I am free
Highest vibration, I am free
Beyond hesitation, I am free
Ultimate Destination, I am free
From the primordial beginning, I am free.
April 2019 (Earth Nation)
Dear Jorge, Maryann, and Quepasana Team
Wowza!!! Are there even words to describe how grateful I am, how much love I have for you? I think not. Dejavu. I find myself sitting here once again with paper and a pen thinking, "maybe if I read more books, maybe if my vocabulary were more extensive, I would be more capable of expressing how profoundly you have changed the course of my life with this gift." It's only been a few hours since you set out the writing materials for Quepasananotes and I'm observing people already returning their notepads and pens. "How is this possible!?" I think, "Did they find the words!?" Well it's Official. I've decided that in my case, there simply aren't words vast enough to express my oceans, my galaxies, my infinity times infinity INFINITE times of gratitude. I've sat a few of these courses now, and I've been witnessing you build your dream team of magical people doing magical things to help make this experience even more magical. Cultivating their gifts, their growth, and contributing to quepasana in their own unique ways, to enhance this experience. It inspires me. They are using their skills for a higher purpose. It also triggers my insecurities. This practice has made me very aware of my thought patterns. For me so far Quepasana/meditation has felt like staring at myself in the mirror... staring within. Sitting with my thoughts, witnessing my mind and it's dysfunction. I can no longer ignore my bad habits, my negative thought patterns. I'm tired of letting them run my life. It's holding me back from my potential. My time here has inspired me to develop healthier ways of thinking. To focus on my growth/bettering myself so I can better serve and help others. I'm tired of feeling Unworthy of life's gifts, such as Quepasana.
Tired of feeling like I'm not good enough, tired of using my trauma and abuse as an excuse to not seek a better way of being. I'm tired of being tired of all of this and not doing anything about it.
I'm ready to make the shift. To recondition my mind. I want to love myself and my life and I'm ready to do what I need to do to change. Sitting with myself has felt like torture at times but it was the push I needed. Who knows how long it would have taken me to come to this realization without Quepasana. It's not what I've been through that has been the cause of my suffering, it is my mind, my reactions to these experiences and the destructive thought patterns I've developed along the way.
Thank you for helping me wake up. Thank you for being you and for all that you do. Endless gratitude to you and the dream team.
Much love 💖
This has been a truly profound experience and SUCH a gift! From the first time I heard of Quepasana I knew I had to see what was going on. Upon committing there were so many doubts and reasons why I should not go… All part of the process. Experienced the most anxiety the first day when we turned everything in. And I felt like I had good control of my technology uses before then. Ha! Another big thing that came up for me was the food. I was worried I would not get enough. This turned into one of the biggest breakthroughs around me feeling “full enough” and the lack of listening to my body that I had experienced the past few months while holding on and gaining more weight than I ever had. The list of side effects has been profound and I am so grateful to you and the team who helped create such a nurturing experience! I can feel the care and love poured into everything. I look forward to my return! Blessings.
Wow! First, thank you so very much for the past 10 days. So many times I have wondered what I did to deserve this. And you helped me rediscover my light. This journey has been amazing from start to finish. This is a very profound experience that I hope to work with for years to come and help you bring to as many people as possible. Much love and light to you.
Dearest Jorge, Maryann, and our unsung heroes, Jeff, the captain, Mark and of course our camp counselors, Adam and Matt. My deepest gratitude for you all in helping to create a space that is so supportive. So deeply nourishing. The countless hours you have spent in both intention and action to this beloved space comes through with effortless ease. Thank you to MaryAnn for always knowing what to serve and at the most perfect time. I don’t think I have ever been so grateful to receive a gluten free chocolate chip muffin in my life. Thank you to Courtney and her beautiful orchestration of musical choices and the songs selected, woven, sung and shared. All of it divine. Bre, your gifts are undeniable and radiate through your being and your voice. Thank you for your offerings.
Thank you to our yogini leaders Tara and Sara helping to give magic and precision to my practice.
Thank you to Jennifer for the beautiful Hawaiian chant you shared with us honoring and welcoming.
So much to be grateful for!! Each brave soul that arrived here both exulting themselves and surrendering themselves. And yes, thank god for the flow toys. Wow! Those were fun.
Thank you Jorge for continuously saying Yes to this experiment. For sharing your humble authentic self, for being true to the core of Vipassana. Helping me to remember who or what I truly am behind the thoughts of ego attachment, pain body, beliefs and stories. Thank you for helping me to reach an even deeper access of the now, the unmanifested, the source, the void. I am forever grateful and at your service if there ever may be a need, a desire, an intent.
Dear Jorge,
I am extremely grateful for you and Quepasana. I have been dabbling with meditation off and on for a while, but it was mostly surface level realization to good music for 12 to 24 minutes. I have had some interesting breathwork and Qi gong experience as well, but now I have a much better idea of what’s possible. I am inspired to do more yin yoga as well as to meditate for one hour plus per day.
I feel like I have given more energy than I have received for much of my life. So it feels very good to be blessed with such a nurturing experience. I would love to pay it forward and serve at an upcoming course. I really really appreciate you sharing your time, property, wisdom, humor and love with us all. I would welcome any opportunity to help/serve so I can be around you. You are a righteous and noble role model. Much love, gratitude and respect.
Jorge! AKA Playheart.
Quepasana is a profound, potent, powerful, presence portal!!!!
I am eternally grateful for your divine and playful guidance home, to the guru within, our truth and sparkling essence.
In the early days of my meditations I was shown a vision to a question I had been asking: “How do we heal the world?” The answer was…. When each being heals themselves, the globe will be healed. Now I know the answer is Quepasana
· Activating the love, we authentically are
· Uniting us in oneness
· Lifting the veil of the old paradigms and stories that don’t align with our highest self
· Inspiring us to take back our power
· To surrender to our flow and soak in the only moment that matters: Present. A beautiful gift
· Nourishment on every level
Quepasana is the most extraordinary blessing. You have impacted me to my core. Words will never be able to express. Deep reverence and gratitude. I love you to the moooooooon!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
This experience was an answered prayer on so many levels. So much that it feels like it was divinely designed just for me. The depth of body awakening that this has granted to me feels like I have discovered the holy grail. I have been searching for this kind of loving, playful, deep somatic, disciplined and filled with nourishment and beauty path to healing. And here I have found it. When the student is ready, the way forward appears. I am forever shifted in powerful, positive, freeing ways. And with the perfect tool chest of simple processes and practices that can support my continued evolution, healing and awakening. I could go on and on.
I am honored, inspired, touched and thrilled that I got to receive such a gift. Thank you from the deepest part of my center point, equanimous, aware self. Love and gratitude to you all. Thank you Jorge for following your desire and knowing.
Mahalo Jorge!
This experience serving the course has been sensational! I mean I am really feeling it! I am so grateful that I live on Maui and get to come check in so deeply. My heart cannot express in words adequate enough to convey the empathetic joy I feel for everyone that is here and gets to drink this sweet nectar. And to you, for dedicating yourself to creating the space and setting the tone for probably the most fun, peaceful, wild and ecstatic meditation course there is on earth at this time.
It has been so sweet to share this time with my beloved, who is caring for our growing Quepasababy in her belly. I got to yin assist our bell pepper size little boy, and I feel so connected to him and momma too.
I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams to be on this ride with so many beautiful angels. I love you all.
Aloha Jorge,
This is the BEST. Round 2 of Quepasana as a server has been such an incredible experience, especially with my baby Jasper growing in my belly. So many incredible moments of breakthrough this time. I was able to find so much more ease in my body and really break through some pain and fear that has resided in my body for so long. The fear and pain literally transform. They did not go away, but what changed was my relationship to them in my life. I truly could see how my thoughts were feeding my pain body, and with powerful acceptance and allowance, a whole new experience is unfolding.
I love the new addition of the “Jedi Alignment Protocol” with the pulling up on the perineum and allowing your body to shift. I was able to relax into my body and sit still for so much longer. I also loved the box of flow toys. I had not picked up a hoop in years.
I wish it were possible to sit every month remaining of my pregnancy. This is so healing for myself, Jasper and Jaime. I am so grateful to be a part of this community and family. Mahalo for holding the space for us.
Dear Jorge,
Thank you for creating this masterpiece of an experience. Not only is it a physical heaven on earth, but the practices led me to the cosmos within my own soma.
With the curriculum of practices: Vipassana, somatic meditation, Kundalini, Yin Yoga, Wim Hoff breathwork, Shake rattle and roll. It is like attending the hippie Hogwarts school for somatic wizardry.
Seriously, these ten days have been a game changer for me. You helped me shift from conceptualizing enlightenment through my mind to having my body become the arena of awakening. This is a massive shift. I cannot thank you enough for showing me the way, and in paradise nonetheless.
MaryAnn, your dedication behind the scenes made this all possible. Thank you a thousand times for healthy, amazing food prepared with love. It was definitely felt.
Before coming here, I was struggling with my existence. I was actually considering “being normal and growing up”. What I mean is that I was almost ready to give up on the quest for living an extraordinary life. I was thinking of limiting myself and going along with society and social conditionings. I was feeling detached and alone. These feelings were not of my body though. They were actually thoughts. Being able to feel the difference and tune into my true nature is a precious gift that has been graciously given to me. I am now in a state of awe and curiosity. My desire to create and play has turned on again. I now remember who I am. My existence has meaning and I am pure consciousness.
Aligned, centered, present, awareness. These are words I truly cherish. My experience brings me into these states. My understanding of them has reached a new level of depth. To be a participant at Quepasana is to live in a harmonious existence. I am overfilled with joy. My being is nourished and tuned in. I feel so much more now. I am in the now. I feel endless gratitude for Jorge and MaryAnn. Thank you. My heart sends you love beyond words.
Dear Jorge and goddess MaryAnn,
There are truly no words sufficient to express my deep gratitude for you both and for Quepasana. Mahalo Nui Loa for your dedication, your love and your passion. I feel honored to serve this exquisite community you are ushering through transformation. I appreciate the principles and intentions with which you approach your life’s work and the organization as a whole. Thank you for the simple, yet profound reminder of how to love this way. More importantly, how to give this way. I feel as though I have been given the most precious gift by participating in Quepasana. The gift of knowing myself, trusting the process, and lightening up. Arising to meet the love that is my essence and what we all share. It is right here, right now, in the breath.
Last spring, I attended my first Quepasana and it catapulted me into living my dreams. With my new awareness has come great responsibility and a call to show up and serve beyond what I thought possible. Thanks to my meditation practice and gratitude consciousness I am equipped to walk forward life with more confidence and ease as dreams make manifest my new reality.
I know it’s not about the things, the externals, the stuff, any of it. Jobs, projects, relationships. These are mere side effects from years of practice. However, the integration and awakening that has occurred within the last 365 days is unreal and awesome. I look forward to sharing more with you all as it continues to unfold. Allowing my life to be a prayer flag, like you say. Thank you for giving me permission to dream bigger, love more, feel more and be with all of it as it is. While honoring gentleness above all. Mahalo for nourishing the soul, body and mind with the meticulous attention to detail, charisma and soft touch. Finally, at 40 I am ready to begin playing this thing called life and thrilled to see the beauty unfold as another Quepasana comes to a close and my heart and mind open even more. Gently, gently.
Jorge and MaryAnn,
You deserve a bazillion gun salute, with neon fireworks, a full ensemble marching band (equipped with hand drums), your name written in the sky by planes, that then zip overhead screaming praise as they go. People will be dancing and feeling how the dance affects them. New mothers will line to have you tickle your newborn’s feet. Everyone will be drinking spiced cacao, getting drunk on pure love. You will be carried on palanquin through the streets, streamers blowing lazily in the wind. As you go by, the people will be yelling “we love you, thank you, boom shakalaka” You will be taken to the top of a pyramid that was erected in your honor. The crowds will be surrounding you in all directions as far as the eye can see. MaryAnn will say over a loud speaker so that everyone can hear: “how is everyone doing tonight?” And the crowd starts screaming and yelling how good they are. You will both take your seats, and Jorge will say: “Begin again” and everyone will meditate. The largest group sit in recorded history gathered there that day for you.
Seriously though, what you have created here is something of legendary proportions. We need more Jedis in the world, and this is pumping them out like nothing else. The amount of awareness that is gained here is huge, HUGE! The amount of nourishment and love and thoughtfulness is unheard of. I basically have been hoping for something like this most of my life, but I did not know what form it would take until now. I have probably undone ten years of turmoil and hardship in just these few days we have had together. What a way to start my first ten days as a 30-year-old. Wow, could not have asked for anything better. Thank you for allowing me to come back and serve. It has been a pleasure and an honor. I love you and hope to be back someday. Definitely to help set up and eat some delicious lunch.
I basically just wanted to shower you both with gratitude in this note. So I hope you are feeling it. So much peace, love and Aloha. and everyone will meditate. The largest group sit in recorded history gathered there that day for you.
Seriously though, what you have created here is something of legendary proportions. We need more Jedis in the world, and this is pumping them out like nothing else. The amount of awareness that is gained here is huge, HUGE! The amount of nourishment and love and thoughtfulness is unheard of. I basically have been hoping for something like this most of my life, but I did not know what form it would take until now. I have probably undone ten years of turmoil and hardship in just these few days we have had together. What a way to start my first ten days as a 30-year-old. Wow, could not have asked for anything better. Thank you for allowing me to come back and serve. It has been a pleasure and an honor. I love you and hope to be back someday. Definitely to help set up and eat some delicious lunch.
I basically just wanted to shower you both with gratitude in this note. So I hope you are feeling it. So much peace, love and Aloha.
Yeah, Psychedelics and plant medicine are cool, but have you ever tried Quepasana?
Wow, what an amazing transforming experience. I don’t even have the words to describe it. After all, I would not want to conceptualize it, would I? Quepasana just made me FEEL above all. I have never experienced anything like it, to feel aware of my own body, inside, outside, and everything around me. I am this tree leaning against it. I am that ocean wave I am witnessing as I am writing this. I am everything and nothing at all. For once in my life, I was able to completely disconnect from technology, from social programming, from my false self, and even from my thoughts.
My thoughts were there, but it FINALLY hit me, that I am not my thoughts. I am really looking forward to making meditation an important and essential part of my life, that is if I want to live a happy peaceful life. This is the answer I have been looking for all along, and it is THAT simple. Quepasana did not show me, it reminded me to keep connecting with myself, check in with myself and love myself. Not to mention, Jorge’s property is absolutely breathtaking. Thank you to everyone who facilitated this experience, and made me feel safe, nurtured and loved. I will definitely be back and share this gift with others.
THANK YOU!! Aloha! It has been an absolute honor to receive your gift on my 27th birthday. This is just what I needed to kick off my blessed year yet soul far. Having sat a Vipassana course in 2014, I found myself dancing around in ecstatic martial arts free flow outside when everyone else was in bed. I truly appreciate the “roll your own” moments and all the shaking and grooving style around here. When you read my first question, you picked up on my passion for “action”, I wrote to ask why jumping the awareness around within the body was detrimental. You thought I meant literally jumping the body around. Either way, this has been a tremendous cosmic activation, especially sharing the experience with my Earth Nation family. Wow, the future is here now! Ours is a world filled with loving kind beings of blissful beauty, giving the greatest gifts imaginable to each other for free so we can all thrive as one! I will just wrap up with a thanks to my brother Bloom for telling me about this. May you Gaians be blessed “intergreatfullness” Mahalo-llujah!
My experience of Quepasana has been nothing short of pure magic. My body feels incredible after 10 days of meditation, yoga, stretching, relaxing, and of course eating the most nourishing healthy food, prepared by MaryAnn. She is an absolute wizard in the kitchen. My mind has also never felt so at ease and peaceful and I truly feel Jorge has done such a good job of passing along this transformational practice so that all participants can really walk away from this course and maintain the practices and techniques in their daily lives. Jorge is also a hilarious and extremely lovable man. A walking testament of what this practice can do for anyone! Expressing the deepest gratitude to Jorge, MaryAnn, Libby, all the Jedi servers and everyone else that made this experience for me… this vision you have for Quepasana is extremely powerful and I would love to be involved in helping it progress in whatever way I can.
Dear Jorge,
Wow brother, you really created something amazing here! This is the most magical, transformative event I have ever attended. I first woke up spontaneously when I was 13. It was then that spirit reminded me that I “answered the call”. I had no idea how to help save the world, but spirit directed me to learn, learn, learn. My life has been devoted to research and learning the skills spirit told me I would need “when it was time”.
A big part of my studies focused on emotional healing, and the universe has given me plenty of trauma to heal in my life. It also gave me HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)/empath avatar to experience. I have spent countless hours doing inner work and meditation. As a result, I cultivated an extremely compassionate, peaceful and loving state of mind that rarely gets triggered. And when it does I can almost always observe it with curiosity. I feel I have integrated almost all of my shadow.
As much inner work as I have done, two things have plagued my experience: chronic fatigue and pain. While I have been able to lessen both from their height using what I have learned thus far, the fatigue and pain have caused me to feel like I am walking through water when pursuing my goals.
I came to Quepasana with hopes that this method would help alleviate the pain and fatigue so I could be more present for my mission. It did that and more! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I feel like what I am going to do next will be so much easier and joyful now.
I would like to do all I can to help support and expand Quepasana. You mentioned wanting to make a Quepasana for YouTube. Please allow me to provide this “tubepasana”. World Creation Studies would love to bring a team and film the event perhaps this Fall. Before then, I would like to brainstorm and feel into how best to translate a Quepasana to interwebs land with you. Once again, thank you, you are a beautiful soul.
My adult life has been a healing journey, I struggled with chronic fatigue since age 9 and chronic pain since age 19. Using other methods, I was able to heal about 75 percent of the fatigue and recently physical therapy helped me with about 50 percent of the pain. The past few days have been practically pain free and I have had more energy than I can ever remember having. And I sense this is just the beginning. Coming to Quepasana was one of the best decisions I have ever made!!
To put words on a page to describe my experience at Quepasana is not easy, but I’ll do my best. This experience has altered me (and my life to come) in deep and profound ways. I knew before coming here my internal environment needed a serious reset, and that got me just that. But in fact, I have gotten so much more than that! This course has so generously, graciously, lovingly and nourishingly given me the tools to stop telling myself false and limiting stories I have been believing were real. So that I may embody and live as the infinite being of pure potential who I came to this life to be.
So refreshing to find myself again and to lose myself all at the same time. I experienced profound moments of ecstasy and rapture. Every moment that has been hard has been worth it. For every second I have gotten to experience my true nature and being as one with all that is. Thank you does not even come close to expressing the depth of my gratitude, dear Jorge. For this gift you have masterfully crafted within yourself and then shared with us. Your life is a beautiful work of art and it has inspired me to live the same way each and every day. I look forward to showing up again in service and to continue the cultivation of my inner garden of Eden that blossomed to new heights this week. Mahalo very much.
This course is one of the most special things that I have ever been lucky enough to be a part of. Leading up, I did not know what to expect, and was a little apprehensive. But upon arrival I could feel the energy was warm and nurturing. Once settling in and doing the first meditation followed by Yin Yoga, I could tell that this was to be something really special. The course has enabled me to reconnect with my deeper self both spiritually and physically. So much blockage on both levels gradually being pulled apart day by day. There have been tears of joy and deep feelings of pain, but most importantly…. Feelings, so much feeling. I truly feel the course has altered the course of my life in the best possible way. I guess time will tell. I will be forever grateful in the deepest way. PS. MaryAnn is a star. My respect and admiration for the job she does is tops. Please let her know she is deeply appreciated. PPS. You are on to something really special here. I look forward to seeing how it continues to evolve… And of course hope to be back.
This amazingly simple practice took me deeper than many other hours of meditation beforehand. Everyone needs a Quepasana in their life. The awareness and focus that is developed in 10 days is extraordinary. Not only did I feel energy centers in my body, but I could feel them work in unison. Combined with all the other modalities, such as the Yoga, breathing, and “meditation in motion” activities, this was an experiment will only become more powerful. The loving assistants are there every step; MaryAnn cooks the healthiest/tastiest food. And Jorge guides with his heart and for all this thank you with all my love.
An Homage to Truth:
Fly, bike or swim to Maui. Jorge’s Quepasana is what the world has been looking for… Or maybe… What the world (you and me) needs.
Part vacation, part prison, and 100 percent fun! Best way I have seen to reconnect with the full you. I have had a great life, truly exceptional, and I never held more held, nourished, cared for, encouraged, loved up and considered.
This experience has opened me back up to the spaces in myself I thought lost or dead. The joyful essence of my youth turns out is not my youth… It is simply My Essence… What I really am… I got to know intimately that part of myself again.
If you can afford to go, (It’s free, and they feed you and house you) You should. For you would be doing yourself a huge disservice by not going. Total game changer.
I have pages of ideas of ways to expand your vision as well as resources to call upon. Would love to discuss when possible.
I feel so many blessings for your eternal being. Undertaking this ‘boot camp’ for star seeds I feel so moved by your generosity and wisdom in bringing Quepasana into being.
I am one of the elders here, as I came in as a “volunteer” at the end of WW2. Late 1940’s.
I am grateful I was guided to experience Quepasana. One of my initiations was to connect more profoundly with my higher being and spirit guidance. Well, that happened within the first few days. Wow! I was seeing hearts in the clouds for days.
I have not done any Yoga in 50 years! So that was interesting! My muscle memory was working well, so I could see big improvements each day, and my body feels so much better. And I could feel the energy flowing in my body more freely – which helps everything! (I do play golf, which is a bit Zen. LOL)
I will surely keep this up at home, as it is so clear to me now the importance of the energy flow and the profound awareness of the body in its totality. On day 1, I realized that my lower belly area was disconnected. Spirit helped me reconnect, and now I can discern a golden aura moving into that space. It may take some time, but at least it is not a ‘dead zone’ any more.
Now let’s talk about the food: THE BEST EVER!
Of course I know it is subjective, but it is the best ‘healthy’ food I have had in my life. And I could feel Maryann’s love and support in every mouthful. Maryann is amazing, and I will print out her recipes as soon as I get home. So thank you Jorge for your loving kindness, wisdom and generosity of spirit. I feel very inspired by you, and uplifted by my Quepasana experience.
I am so grateful I decided to take a deep dive into the Quepasana course. The gift of self-knowledge is a gift not easily wrapped. Being it is held on a property that is literally heaven on earth, it makes it a bit easier. Of all the teachers I have learned to meditate from, Jorge is my favorite. His ability to cut through the common magic woo woo stories you have about meditation is clear. His profound ability to feel into the collective energy of the group. To tailor words perfectly for those listening. Any seriousness that was lingering at the time, was discarded in the energy of his playful jokes and keen curiosity to go further down the rabbit hole. My mind, body, emotions and soul have new levels of charge and clarity. Not only do I feel more passion to live as consciously as possible, I now know how! I see Quepasana as the Santa of meditation and every day is Christmas. The gift of self-knowledge is not easily wrapped.
To see thyself is to feel everything. Without the full presence of feeling, we are blinded by which we think we see. Anyone, given the space to feel, will expand their consciousness. This space can seem rare these days. But Jorge has created one of those very special places. Bless you Jorge and all that have been and will be a part of Quepasana.
This is the best homemade vegan food I have had in my life!
This course is such a specific manifestation of the answer to so many questions vital to my evolution. Before coming here, for many months I have been asking and wondering:
Is there a better conceptual framework for breathing? I have situated my awareness (unintentionally) in my head around my third eye, and envisioned the breath moving up and down from nostrils to belly. At some point I realized respiratory potential resembled a full bodied expansion and contraction. (Like a light brightening and dimming). This course has provided the logical homework and exceptional results to up level and reach a new threshold of respiratory awareness, functioning and toxin excretion.
What would a daily routine that covers all that the body needs look like? Thank you ‘shake rattle and roll’ and Yin Yoga.
Yin Yoga here has done more for me than any other yoga in my life. And I have done a lot of Yoga all over the world. My hips are starting to reveal their secrets to me. Also realizing most yoga is too fast-paced to sip the nectar in large quantities. But yin, my newfound love, is an effervescent spring.
I am feeling my lower body!!! This is a big deal, to observe my awareness find the sanctuary that is my ovaries.
Realizing you exist. There is so much more potential for collaboration and linking you with other well renowned individuals and communities that are going to love this.
My personality has flaked off like a large snake shedding its skin patiently. The large patches of my essence now gleam through the fading aspects of my personality. It is a humbling process to see and feel how I am connected to all things around me… Whether that reveals itself as pausing during “get high on your own supply” to realize everyone else is breathing for me and I can feel it. To embodying collective food scarcity genetics that seem to onset when I am waiting in line observing everyone’s puppy dog eyes and fixed attention of the bowls of food ahead.
The desire to force myself to do things is fading. I realize my pace is naturally in line with the collective greatest good and my heart will chime when it is time for action. My own spiritual evolution is not a race to the finish line, even though it can feel that way sometimes.
Get high on your own supply Is almost better than masturbating and less work. Thank you for finding this.
Realizing and the continued realization that nothing is cure-all for evolutionary thresholds. The emphasis on consistency, practice, and listening to the self is a powerful affirmation because at times we all fear “doing it wrong”.
Private spaces and this land and the play toys are so key. I am buying hypervolt gun, butterfly fans and a bolster whenever I settle down next. This is Neverland.
Namaste Jorge
I deeply honor and respect, admire and appreciate what you are doing on this sacred land. I have studied the Yogas for years and have traveled to India to study as well. I even have a guru in Nepal who is a realized master. So when I say to myself that you are the real deal, I mean it!! It takes the average person a lot of work to reach deep levels of mind, but the way you put everything together in this program facilitates… a quickening. Here, the sick become well, and the well become super. I am proud and grateful to have reached Jedi status in your strong presence of activation. It amazes me that this came at the perfect time for me, as I have been seeking a boost in etheric and mental strength and protection. Unknowingly, many have yet to realize their multidimensional nature. However, here you hold the space for protection, strength and grounding on all those levels. As well as showing those who can see especially the ‘me’ what truly feels right, and what does not. And the courage, clarity and awareness to take the right action on all levels. I bow and touch your feet in admiration, recognition and appreciation dear brother. You are like the Satya Yoga Aquarian age teacher of avatars. Do continue your path with this. It has a strong fragrance of greatness.
When we were told that we could write about our experience here at Quepasana, I wanted to jump up right away and start writing. This has been the most profound, mystical experience I have ever had in my entire life. I have been moved and shaken in so many beautiful prolific ways. At first I thought I had some grasp of what this experience would be. Boy, was I wrong. Have no expectations because they will not come close to what happened here. Day 2 I already had a wild visual experience like I was seeing through the eyes of a fly or spider and melted into the ocean water, slapping up against the rocks. I thought this would be the depth of which I would go. And the next day I was ready to move on, back to life and get cracking on my work. The universe has a funny sense of humor and day 5 decided to send me to Samadhi/nirvana/heaven, to have a little hour-long chat with God. Which felt like days. I was in complete surrender and for the first time in years I had finally cried. I was holding on to so much, always giving with very little gratitude and leaving so little time for myself. Old wounds from my father, mother and most of my family, like so many of us have. God told me: “I’ve got you my son, you have me and a legion of angels beside you. Now go forth and do the work you are meant to do” I shattered into a million pieces and like a phoenix, I was reborn from the ashes.
I felt all of my channels open and I only wish I could have cried harder. On the same day I felt the best I have ever felt in my body. And then it came, awoken from its slumber, an old traumatic pain in my back and neck that has paralyzed me before. At first I did not know what to do and I felt ashamed to ask for help. But then I decided to ask for help. If I don’t I may have to leave for medical attention. So I asked a course facilitator and he was a freakin’ body worker! He really understood my pain and that it was serious and dropped everything he was doing to make sure I had the love and support to heal through it. Just like magic, he fixed me right up. I have spent so much time and money trying to heal my body, to no avail.
I am crying as I write this because nobody has been able to heal my pain and suffering in my body. And it has made me bitter and short tempered the past 2 years. Turned me into something I knew was not the unconditional loving/hugging being that I am. I am infamous for my deep long hugs, but over the time my body has been in pain and some trauma, I felt my heart starting to close. Losing connection with myself and the world.
Quepasana and all the amazing loving staff have forever changed my life. So now I can get back to loving and hugging everywhere I go. And in every business I create. My life as an entrepreneur will be forever changed and the way I show up in all my relationships.
Mahalo, and all the love in the universe and deepest gratitude. I hope you are ready for another member of the family, because you are going to have to adopt me….
Dearest Jorge and Maryann,
I give you my deepest mahalos for having me be able to return to serve this course. I am so grateful and honored to know you, and to participate in this revolutionary Quepasanning! The amount of love, time, energy and conscious evolution and improvement is evident daily. I love witnessing it and being able to pop in to various courses for a few days, sit, share my music and help out.
It was a gift to be able to sit my second full course this time and to serve. I love helping prepare meals, cleaning and making everything even more beautiful.
I especially loved being a Yin Assist Angel. It felt so right to pour love and attention into first time pilgrims the way I was able to receive it a year and a half ago. I am especially happy to have been able to sit this course because this is the 2-month period I dedicated to not working the jobs that stress my vocal cords. An attempt to heal my nodules to avoid surgery. (calluses on my vocal cord).
There is no way I could have rested my voice like this elsewhere on Maui. I know too many people! Ha.
It is interesting how my relationship to meditation evolves. This course, day 5 was monkey madness, but otherwise I love meditation even more after this course. My biggest take aways will be ‘keep doing the thing’ (which I have finally been doing before coming back here), and ‘just be cool with it’ I realized that another roommate has been telling my other monkey roommate to ‘shut the f*ck up’ and ‘get back to the top of the head’… Which then automatically makes me avert my eyeballs upwards and squint my face and try to ‘do it right’ that is exhausting. Literally straining my eye and jaw muscles. So both roommates can just be cool. I will be aware and will not beat myself up and jump to my scalp so forcefully. Gentle. Taking that word into deeper daily consideration too. Thanks for the reminder.
I plan to have more fun with my practice now that I realize how uncool and forceful I have tried to be. No wonder I have not wanted to meditate daily. With more Quepasana practice under my belt I feel like I am finally figuring out what style of body scanning works for me… right now at lease.
I really enjoyed the shifts and evolution of the course, the dynamic felt great! I love your light hearted (and often satiric) humor. It is needed! We need to be able to laugh at ourselves.
I really appreciate the new literature. Perfect, plus added to my practice. – ‘Buddha Takes No Prisoners’ especially. He is a no BS kind of guy. Dig that.
Also got into Poi for the first time in a long while, and that was awesome! I love seeing the inner child come out of all of us! I was able to tap into a space of dance and playful movement that I had not had since being at a festival or being high. I am really enjoying the air of lightness I am experiencing.
I must say, I have not felt this great in a long time! Never do I give myself the time to take such good care. It is the greatest gift I have ever given myself- and I owe my deepest thanks to you. The amount of love beauty and generosity you offer is remarkable. And I am so honored and grateful to receive it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope to continue to participate, help, serve, share music and whatever else I may do to keep this good thing going forever! So as many people who want it, may be able to have this experience.
I feel so peaceful and at ease. Honestly, I have never felt so damned happy, healthy and blessed as I do right now! It is honestly a bit overwhelming. So happy I live here on Maui close to all this magic being created monthly. I will be back.
Love you and all that you do.
February 2019
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being so loving, thank you for being so kind. Thank you for being so generous. Thank you for being so humble. You inspire me, the way that you are. You are so pure, you are so beautiful. You are light , you are love. I am so grateful for you. Thank you for believing in Quepasana and saying yes to this epic idea again and again and again. And you do it with such effortless ease. You are my hero and inspiration. I hold you so dear to my heart.
Jorge, If a picture is worth a thousand words, then I gotta make videos to capture my infinite love for Quepasana.
Rarified dawn. The impalpable air enveloped me and took me to gaze the ocean. Today the water gives off stillness and the gentle waves have an indescribable color. Like and unknown deep feeling that ive just experienced during my early morning observation practice. The most prominent color is the cobolt blue of my consciousness mingling with the sparkling silver of my awareness. The dance is happening on the crest of the smooth water. It is the dance between the ocean and the sky. In the sky stripes of clouds are creating divine geometries with the pink of the sunrise. Moment and the infinite mirror of water. In front of me is reflecting and even more intermingling with the pink light. The equanimity. I have a sense that this light is not belonging to the water, but I profoundly feel how this pink nuance is interconnected with the constant flow of the ocean.
In this sublime feeling momentum, my consciousness, my awareness, my equanimity field are showing me, as it is. In the horizon the Molokini island is half in the penumbra and half in the sun with a sharp oblique ray of light behind. How can it be better than this? I asked myself and a voice emerged saying: “it can be even more perfect with whales energy in it” Patiently I kept observing the magnetic dance occurring in front of me with the cobolt blue and the glittering silver and the pink color changed as well. The sky, it looked like that light purple penetrated in each wave gifting the pink equanimity quality in sweet surrender. In that moment, the dance became the sound of silence and one, two, three breaching whales sprung out and a whale appeared to show her tail and went to the abyss of the Molokini island was shining in the full sun. The day is revealing here, wow. And moment by moment in the symphony of life, beloved Jorge.
For me Quepasana is a quepasana continuum where the movement of existence is evolving inside, out, me, through and immense amount of love and kindness. With ever vast gratitude, infused with an elixir of Joy.
Soma. Breath. Prana. Life force… The essence which guides the whole experience beyond what so many of us even realize. The power and alchemy which we innately fulfill. The somatic awareness through the body temple which we naturally are, as the house which holds the pulses of thine spirit. Jorge, to pass forth this torch to all who are drawn to this kindled ember of divine grace, you are one of the true masters of this human experience…. Rather, and foremost: you have cultivated this ancient flame within yourself and this is the true noble path which is being set ablaze within all of us. It is simply a blessing to experience your humble, playful, loving, compassionate heart as a teacher, brother, friend and reflection of truth. These practices are the keys to so many doors of the universe. And the gratitude extends far out to distant galaxies, and all of life. Feel that, everywhere.
As the story goes, the prism of sight unfolds, sharpening, crystalizing, unraveling, great spectrums of love in splendor.
MaryAnn, kitchen magical alchemy fairies of mouth and spirit. Bliss all over the soul. You know what to do. I feel an incredibly strong fire to come back soon and serve delicious bounty with all of you. And MaryAnn, I want you to read… again how bright your spirit fills this space, these hearts, and every ounce of sweet sweet nurturance which goes into each detail of brilliance here.
What I have come to realize is that this divine communion which I hold with the universe is so foundationally practical. These things are so simple, so integrated within our oneness, that it is simply awareness, true awareness with the alchemy which brings the powerful ethereal ritual down to basic somatic level and now I don’t feel so alone within. Because when I tap in, I really tap in. A strong unified connection in riding the sensations. Allowing them to guide me and show me whatever they may. So this breathwork soma experience over the years has been an ethereal journey mostly of sensations, revealing messages beyond what I could integrate into words or articulation. So now that this basic foundation of understanding has been established, the whole relationship changes (more like elationship).
Because if this journey has shown me anything is that being a master of soma is a life of joy, of play, of exploration, of ease. And that rest truly comes so simply.
Well, you are reminding the humans what our heaven earth was like, so we may embody it once again. This is a master’s playgroung, where the fire meets the ocean and the spirits soar wild and free with the love and support of a grounded nest within and without. Always remember that you, we are lifting these angels to remember their purpose one soul at a time. These sweet beings all learn so much with you. This is essential and we are thankful you have chosen this path. Infinite love through all dimensions, layers, all realms, all hearts into all of eternity.
To the Quepasana team:
Thank you thank you thank you. A million times thank you. These ten days have been a joyous slice of heaven, a chance to remember that heaven really does reside inside. The atmosphere seems to be designed to help facilitate this work. Thank you for maintaining its beauty in a pristine way. What a special experience! Wow.
Jorge, your clear, simple directions provided me the instruction I needed to really drop into my body. Your consistency allowed me to hear you even when you were not guiding the sits. That is a gift I will be able to experience and imagine every time I sit from here on out. I look forward to deepening my practice and to see where it goes. Maryann, your organization of the serving crew was spotless and allowed me to stay in meditative states while not sitting. Thank you for that wonderful gift. And of course, for some of the healthiest, best tasting food of my life. Outstanding.
And to all the servers, thank you for all of your many and varied contributions that really make this inward journey smooth, relaxing, fun and enlightening. I hope to join the serving crew soon with so much light, love and joy.
I wish to give you thanks, to all of the servers, MaryAnn, Jorge and the man behind the scenes, Jeff. My journey here at Quepasana has been filled with the most amazing amounts of gratitude, an outburst of joy for having the honor and pleasure to receive this gift. I feel very fortunate to be here, now after giving Jorge a body work session and to help set up for the 30 day course. I mentioned to him I intend to sit the next event so I could be of service to my brothers and sisters with Earth Nation. And sure enough here I am. My dream has come true. I went out on the kayak the other day and was given the blessing of multiple whales who were awesome. So much joy came bursting through my body. I found it so hard to maintain silence as my gratitude poured out to them. I am in awe, really, I came to the island a year ago with the intent to serve and take time to relax and be, after traveling the states in the past year. I really did not give myself that much time to relax and be. So this was truly right on time. I have been meditating for a number of years. I have yet to find something so embodied. I am now able to scan my body and direct my attention and feel the vibration and pulse where I wish to at any moment. I find it really cool, and very grounding. To have been on the island for some time. Looking for something to support and serve. This is by far the most in alignment with my spirit.
A few years ago, I was managing a retreat center and had a vision come through. It was very similar to what is happening here. I have seen the model of Vipassana and how it’s a gift and wanted to do something similar, but integrate mind, body, spirit, community, expression, detox, healing, Qi gong, Yoga, self-empowerment, etc. So when I experience this now, it is very close to the vision and actualization. So to me, it is a sign: “serendipity at its best”. It gives me an inspiration to continue on my path of service and supporting the awakening and transformation process of humanity. Through my journey here, many visions have come through of how I could be of service and assist Jorge with bringing this and other similar experiences to all that wish to receive this pure, heartfelt, experimental transformative movement in the now. I sent my love and blessings to all who have contributed in some way to creating Quepasana.
Jorge, your ancestors are watching over in complete awe and are very proud of you on behalf of all of humanity. We thank you, we see you, we honor you, we love you. All in all, this was one of the most profound, nourishing experiences for me to date. I have been dedicated to global awakening for about 13 years now. And this year, I finally took some time to focus on me. This has been monumental. My greatest gold I will take home with me is the rememberance to be in balance with serving others, actualizing global movement, self care, love and nurturing. It is so important. Also remembering one of ythe 4 agreements. Don’t take anything personal. Sometimes we show up for each other to trigger somethings within. To come, to surface, to be transmuted, learn and expand from. It is all diving perfection all the time. And I am eternally grateful for this epic journey I have been gifted.
ON that note, I also remembered the importance to balance giving and receiving. So thank you for the opportunity to receive.
I am worthy.
Thank you for always taking such good care of us, MaryAnn. And for all the little things that make challenging moment so much more amazing and bearable. I am so eternally grateful for your love, care, generosity and hard work. And everything you do to keep this going. A million mahalos and thank you so much. You dear sweet angel, superhero Quepasana rock star. I love you, I love you, I love you forever. You are such a gift to this world.
Well, I have never meditated this much in my life. I had never felt breath like that in my body. I never sat with so much silence. And I never observed myself in this way. You, plus this, gave all of this to me. A gift beyond measure. I don’t know if I would have been given this gift to myself, but you gave it so freely. The way Quepasana is so brilliant is that it opened a doorway for me to confront my uncomfortableness with so much loving support and comfort possible. This gave me the courage to do this challenging and necessary 10 day event. And have an experience of a lifetime. What must it feel like for you to give this gift. You inspire me to want to find out. You have shown me that it is possible to give in this way. To create enough financial/spiritual success. To create something like this is so incredible. And the fact that you are an everyday person living in the real world. Not some monk who does not have the outside pressures and still able to show it can be done. They say “be the person you wish to see in the world” You have done that. You also hold a powerful container that feels very safe. The environment you have created here in this sacred space you hold in your heart, in your being made this all possible – so much possible. Thank you for revealing the universe inside of me and each of us.
Just as the Buddha would modify his teaching for each student, Quepasana is a perfect way for these timeless teachings to effectively and radically bring about the epic evolution of humankind and the earth that is happening now. This work is essential. Oceans of gratitude. The wheel of dharma is spinning here. Thank you beyond words.
Jorge and MaryAnn,
Mostly I join in the chorus singing heartfelt notes of gratitude and love. Mahalo, thank you, Aloha. Love!
Alive… Inspired… For me the experience is about awareness, connection and growth. Awareness, inner and outer, connection in community, sharing noble silence and growth through inner awareness. Growing community.
I have wanted to do Vipassans for a long time. My former life as a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology was dramatically changed by tramautic spinal injury and failed surgery that left me in a wheelchair with intractable chronic pain. MY healing path led me away from pain killers and dire prognoses. To aquatic therapy, body work and Qi Gong. I found freedom in the water and dedicated the last 8 years to mastering and giving watsu and other acquatic body work. (water dance, healing dance, and dolphin dance.) to others. Thank you again to all the angels, servers, Galia Adam, MaryAnn, Jorge. Loving kindness, wellness, peace and ease, happiness and contentment.
As I sit looking out at the ocean, I wonder if the me from a few years ago could imagine the love I feel in my heart. I was suffering deeply from PTSD. My body could not handle it. So I was soon diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. My joints stiffened and fear was my reality. I just enjoyed over a week filled with Yoga. I was able to sit with my eyes closed for hours. Strangers became family. What a gift. Jorge, you created a place so filled with love, fear has no choice but to surrender. The music, food, dancing, meditation, connection, and laughter shined light on all parts of my darkness. I am so grateful. Thank you for sharing your authentic self with the world and opening hearts.
Before Quepasana I felt like I was cooking in the dark. Now I feel like I am eating straight from the garden of eden. Thank you.
I am sitting here crying feeling so much gratitude and love for you and Quepasana right now. Thank you so much for the love that you share so freely with all of us. I am deeply touched by your kind, generous and authentic heart. I feel you brother. Thank you. Quepasana has been a profound healing, nurturing and inspiring safe space for me during one of the most transformational periods of my life. I don’t often show it to others, but I go through deep emotional pain and intensity that Quepasana has been such an incredible healing balm integrative space. I always leave here feeling so refreshed, alive and brimming with love to share with the world.
I sat many course with you now and can safely say you are the real deal. You really care, you really love us. How lucky are we to be so enveloped, held and protected in the warm beautiful space of your heart? Thank you for everything.
I am filled with such deep gratitude for all that you are and all that you do. For living a life that is true to your Dharma, elevating all of our karma. Shots of love felt all around the world, each and every boy and girl, transgender, unicorn rainbow swirl as we collectively congregate to intentionally meditate and bask in the light you cast upon this garden of Eden. Mindfully pulling the ego for weeding, planting a garden of seedlings which will grow into loving kindness beings, letting go of the past, giving the future a chance to unfold naturally, ease so effortlessly, as it is. Embracing my inner kid, I had forgotten how to live until you playfully showed me how to live, to embrace each moment, simply be here now. Mahalo for showing up and refilling my love cup. Helping me find humility by discovering equanimity with unconditional love.
Dearest Darling Angel,
I hope I am able to catch you before I leave, because I want to give you a huge bear hug for all you do. You are a fantastic example of a woman leader who is dedicated to service while leading from the heart. Balanced with discipline. I am honored to be in your kitchen and learn from you. Thank you for the countless hours you put in to ensure this bountiful gift accommodates each and every one of us. You keep us all alive, literally. I am in deep gratitude for you.
January 2019 (30 days!)
Dearest Star Child,
Wow, I am blown away. Words cannot do justice for the profound level of love and gratitude exuding from my heart. This experience has been easily the greatest blessing and gift I have ever received. To have this much time to explore my consciousness, to play, to be nourished and expand has changed so much of me. I have become more of who I truly am. More of my soul, light and love. I developed a completely new relationship with the sensations of pain, broke through many fears, blocks and cleared and felt through so much stuck energy in my body. I have explored the depths of me and continue to blossom into all that I am.
You lead from the light of your soul. With such purity, devotion, power, humility and grace. A true guiding light to carry us all back to love. A steady pillar to help humanity awaken. I hope you see the absolute magnificence, grace, generosity, unconditional love, radiant joy and integrity that you embody. A rare and extraordinary gift to life. And to be sharing this practice in this way with such an open heart and so generous with your abundance, time and energy awes me. Your heart and the way you give helps people know god. I feel so connected to the divine. To the power of my heart, to peace, and have an overflow of love. Thank you for everything you have done to support my becoming. I am excited to be a part of this expansion and the emergence of this experience. I know Quepasana is changing the world in the most beautiful way, from the inside out. Helping us re-write our personal narratives so future generations can know freedom, peace and love.
I know I am forever changed. My heart, mind, my relationship to self and spirit. I have been liberated time and time again and carried into the heart of love. I feel like a garden and Quepasana is watering mine and other’s dharma. Providing the perfect conditions for the light of the soul to be discovered. For purpose to be found. For consciousness to be raised, and for love to prevail. Thank you to everything that made this experience possible. To all those that served, made food, offered body work, every aspect of Quepasana is so full of love. The beauty blows my mind.
Big thank you to MaryAnn for all your heart-work. You are a joyous powerhouse. So deeply grateful for all you do behind the scenes to make everything flow with such ease and grace. Thank you for how you love and serve this world. Feeding us all for 30 days, offering your kitchen, time, preparing the arts and creative projects. Everything you do I am just so grateful for. Beaming love and gratitude to you, sister. Thank you thank you thank you.
Eternal love and gratitude.
PLAYHEART (Jorge) !!!
Words typically flow easily to me, but it has been basically impossible to write about the most potently profound journeys I have ever experienced.
Quepasana can absolutely NOT be captured on paper, but I will do my very best to share the infinite love and gratitude I have for all the little pieces that make up this BIG deep dive inward.
Firstly, it is the TEAM PLAY that makes the DREAM PLAY! Right!? And how fun is it to replace all the "work" words with "play"?!
Play & Presence feel like the two most vital life intentions! And you my dear, embody them effortlessly ;)
At Quepasana it became crystal clear to me that I had been searching for EVERYTHING I desire out there...when truly EVERYTHING is right here, in the seat of my soul. Learning to trust every moment and trust my intuition. Listening quietly enough to hear the continual guidance.
I have been committed to sitting 2 hours a day since I left Makena and it's been the best way to start the day and bring it to a close.
I am infinitely inspired by QUEPASANA and every single superhero soul that contributed to bringing this dream REALITY to life!
Thank you Playheart for your endless devotion and generosity - I believe this offering is directly supporting the healing that is needed most in the world.
It's walking us hOMe to our innate power, our true essence.
Quepasana is a DNA code activation. We are turned on & tuned in to the medicine & magic we carry with us in every step.
We learn how to get HIGH on our OWN supply!
On top of that -- I have been chronically drooling at the mere thought of MaryAnn "The Cosmic Queen of Cuisine" and her crafty kitchen creations!
Thank you for designing an experience where we can actually just BE Human BEings, rather than Human DOINGS.
Grateful for the opportunity to MELT, SURRENDER, RECEIVE and WITNESS.
Quepasana is heaven on earth!
Dear Jorge, dear MaryAnn,
Thank you so much for doing such an amazing job nurturing and supporting us in our meditation practice this past month. The setting was so beautiful, the food was nutritional, the music was uplifting and your home was welcoming! Thank you again for all you did! Gratitude from the bottom of my heart for the love and kindness to you Jorge, MaryAnn and the Jedi support team.
I am still in silent mode these last few days after coming back to Canada, taking time to take in the profound insights and to integrate them all into the present. Blessings!
Your 30-day meditation course was so well designed, balancing strict discipline from the core teaching of Vipassana, carefully selected senses awakening activities, and the experiential creative expressions in between. The month went by very quickly and it all felt so effortless. Dear Jorge, I have gone deeper in my meditation practice with you in a year than in my whole last decade of practice. The program truly works! You are a beautiful soul and a great teacher - the kind that leads by example; you inspired us to set the bar higher than we could have ever imagined it!
My love and gratitude
Dearest Jorge and Quepasana team,
I have a confession. I have literally sat down for hours trying to find the words to thank you for this tremendously magnificent gift. The truth is words can't express the infinite depths of gratitude and love I have for you and everyone who who has helped bring your vision to life. What you have done here is phenomenal. Every day I find myself in awe with with how masterfully this experience has been created. As a server I have had the opportunity to witness some of the behind the scenes magic. Watching you and Courtney carefully and artfully create the seating chart with such intention nearly brought me to tears. You really take the time to make sure every aspect, every single piece of this experience fits like a puzzle to create the masterpiece that is Quepasana. You can really feel the love in every detail. I feel honored to have had the opportunity to come back and serve. To offer healing touch to assist people in their journey within. Your kindness is inspirational. You have truly devoted your life to helping others. To dedicate such a large portion of your life to this says a lot about you as a person. It motivates me to do more to share my gifts and help others. Thank you for your time and for sharing your paradise with all of us. I admire your wisdom, grace, integrity, playfullness/ lightheartedness, and your openness to incorporate so many healing practices into this practice. I appreciate your articulate, graceful, humble, and non reactive responses to our questions/complaints/suggestions after gently asking us every night to save our suggestions for the end 🤣. You are incredible and I'm learning a lot from your presence. This experience is deeply healing my soul. I have been stuck in survival mode for so long that I have neglected to seek the healing I've been longing for. Since I was a little girl I've had this intense feeling in my soul. This feeling that my purpose is to help people. I see the pain and suffering in the world and I have this yearning to do something to help. This yearning turns into sadness when I feel powerless and unsure of how I can make a difference. I realise now that I can't effectively help others while in survival mode, coming from a place of depletion. If I want to contribute to the healing of humanity I need to start with healing myself. The realization that by doing this alone I am effecting my loved ones in a positive way. My own evolution will have a ripple effect to those around me. Being here has allowed me to step out of survival mode. The sacred space you have created here... this deeply healing and safe space has provided me the opportunity to take a break from all the distractions and noise and just be with myself, in silence, in nature, and in love with life again. It has allowed me to do some SUPER DUPER profound internal work!!! Slowing down the wheels has really helped clear out a lot of the gook and has shown me a lot of my negative mind patterns. I think this is a vital part of the process of letting go of all that doesn't serve me. We are so well taken care of here that it allows us to really dive in. Taken care of is an understatement! We are down right spoiled here!!! 💛🙏🏾 I can't remember ever feeling this nurtured. I have been longing for deep connections and a sense of community for a while now. To have family. Being here the love is overwhelming. Regardless of the fact that we spend the majority of the time pretending we are here alone 😜, this place is surging with love, acceptance, and creativity. I've never met so many radiant, loving, genuine, talented, and kind beings in one place. I feel like I have finally found ohana here. This has been the most generous, monumentally life changing, meaningful and transformational gift I have ever recieved. How do you thank someone for impacting your life in such a profound way? When you asked me why I moved to Maui, I told you a few of the reasons, but honestly Quepasana was my main motivation. I learned about Quepasana at a pivotal point in my life where I had decided to stop surviving and to truly live my life to the fullest. To do whatever it takes to redirect my life to be in alignment with my passions. To dedicate my energy towards my healing and growth so I can find my purpose and help others. I was open and receptive but I wasn't really sure where to start. I was lacking the tools. Quepasana has provided me a tool that I will use for the rest of my life. Coming here is quite possibly the best decision I've made in my life. It is propelling me down the path I was seeking but wasn't finding before. This is the beginning of my journey. I can feel my walls dissolving and my stories transforming into excitement for what's ahead and an appreciation for the present moment. My tears have always come from of place of sadness, but at Quepasana I have experienced tears of joy for the first time in my life. I am overflowing with joy. This is the gift you have given me. My heart is bursting. My mind and my limits expanding.
Round of applause to Maryann for cooking us epic, super nutritious, nourishing, healing, 5 star, Top Chef competition worthy meals every day. Your food takes this experience to the next level. It is a healing experience in itself. I swear I can taste the love in every bite. Gratitude for your intuitive super powers.... making us hot cocoa on cold rainy days and yummy goodies when we seem like we could use some cheering. For opening your home and sharing your personal space with so many people, for most of the year. For answering our endless emails, all the time you put into scheduling, for all the planning and behind the scenes work you do to make this experience so impeccable, for putting up with our lack of mindfulness 😜, and for the insane amount of hours you work during these courses all for FREE!!! WOWZA! You are such a rockstar! Do I fear you a little?.... Yes, but you keep me on top of my game like a strict but incredibly loving mother who knows when to put you in check and when to blow you kisses and spoil you with yummies. You are fierce like a mama bear. A force to be reckoned with. You are so efficient and focused, yet also a bit goofy. So bubbly and vibrant. Your laugh is so contagious I nearly peed my pants and fell over laughing during my first sit. I'm learning a lot from you. It's been an honor and such a joy working beside you in the kitchen. You are radiant! I love how cheerful and excited you get when you have a surprise for us. You have such a big heart. I can't imagine this place without you
I am eternally grateful for everyone who contributes to making Quepasana possible. The fact that everyone involved volunteers their support makes it that much more special. Gratitude to the course managers. To Nadia for her loving and nurturing demeanor. To Matt for being hyperdiligent/aware and somehow always magically being where he is needed. You were the perfect combination of masculine and feminine. For the bell ringers for loosing precious sleep and free time to keep us on track. To believe 2.0 for 24/7 tea and dedicating a large chunk of your breaks to replenishing the tea so that we never run out! Magic! To Mark and Jeff for keeping the land so pristine. The land is breathtaking!
Gratitude to Maryann's dream team, the kitchen helpers who I know deserve a lot of credit for all the wonderful food we eat daily. To Courtney/Joy for gracefully stepping into your power as a leader.
My apologies for the novel. I'm just oozing with gratitude! And love... sooooooooooo much love!
Dear Teacher, Dear Jorge,
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your example, for this practice of Vipassana, and for the chance you have given each one of us to make it completely our own.
At the closing circle of the 30-day course, I started to talk a bit about what this all has meant to me. Like many who spoke, I will never be able to express my gratitude fully through words. I can only hope one day to fully express that gratitude through completing the transformation I am beginning here, through remaining within the grace that you have given me the gift to see and to taste firsthand.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. From the whole heart. The whole heart.
I cannot find the words to express myself further without resorting to story, so I hope that you or someone else will get something out of me sharing a bit further now.
When I attended my first 10-day Goenka course in 2016, I did not really know what I was in for. I had attended 2 or 3 weekend meditation classes that were “silent” – Art of Living etc. But I was completely overwhelmed by all that the Vipassana practice showed me was going on inside myself all the time. At the same time, I was overwhelmed externally – I was overworked because I had martyred myself to service out of ego, rather than authentically embodying a service ethic. I had allowed my boundaries to be broken by those closest to me, and I had given up control of not only my businesses but my own life as well.
That first Vipassana course was the hardest thing I ever did in my life. I got called into the teacher’s office several times for not being able to sit still. I was terrified of what I would find when I did so.
You know the general outline of what has happened to me since then. In mid-2016 my business partner attempted to terminate me, something he did not have the legal right to do because we were 50/50 partners (or so I thought). Ultimately I was squeezed out, and my ex-partner even used some of my own closest friends (at the time) against me to do it. With this, I had lost not only my job, but also my company as well. Since it was a community-driven organization and I lost my role, I felt ostracized from the community I myself built, and very alone. I was also completely broke, in tens of thousands of dollars worth of credit card debt I had accrued when starting the company. This caused me to lose the ability to pay my rent in San Francisco, and thus to lose my apartment as well. I went from running a growing multi-million dollar social enterprise company in SF at 27 to broke and homeless at 28.
At the time I did not have the strength, I was not whole enough to face what was happening. I ran away, to Bali, with my girlfriend at the time (who had also worked at my old company with us and was also out of work). I was so stuck in hurt, feeling so sorry for myself and lacking so much in purpose that I lost the love of my life through this time as well. What should have been an enjoyable trip and an opportunity to realign and be resilient, plunged me into an even deeper hell inside myself.
This is when I came to my first Quepasana, in January 2017. It was about 1 month after I lost my girlfriend, about 6 months after I lost my company. The 20-day course was an extremely difficult experience for me… I could not stop crying. The only parts of my body that I could really feel were my left brain going down to the heart. The rest was all a big numb painful mystery.
At this time I felt so alone – I felt like I had lost my community and even my sense of self many times, on top of everything – for what we usually call the “self” is just another name for our reflection in others. I felt like I could not open up to the friends I had who saw me as a strong CEO and leader in our community when I was going through a hard time myself. I felt like I had broken my promises to our community through what I saw as the failure of the business, and I could not bring myself to ask for the support of those people in that community because I felt like I had failed them myself.
After the 20-day course, I immediately had to move my remaining stuff out of my apartment in SF in preparation to move back to Buffalo because I did not see any other options. I went through a “dark night of the soul” experience where all I could bring myself to do each day was to drive up Grizzly Peak in the Berkeley Hills, look across the Bay at San Francisco and cry for several hours in my car each day for about a month. I was in denial of what I was facing. I even attempted to live outside, camping in the Bay Area so that I would not have to move back in with my parents.
I wound up getting rid of my car in SF, put all my stuff in storage in San Mateo and had to put my tail between my legs, ask my parents for a 401k loan of $20k, and move back in with my mom and dad and get a job driving Uber in Buffalo, working 16 hours a day driving, simply to pay my credit card bills each month.
Moving in with my parents and asking them for money was the last thing I wanted to do. I come from a working-class family – my dad worked as a union man in a grocery warehouse driving a forklift for 25 years while we were kids. I was the firstborn and always supposed to be the “smart one” who would become wealthy and provide for the family.
Moving in with my parents was the thing that brought me fully to my knees and brought me completely into the desire to surrender to a higher power. Everything I had been trying to avoid my entire life was brought back right there every day for me to face – the emotional distance of my parents in their relationship and with us kids. The callous way my family has come to communicate. The emotional neglect and abuse that my dad has faced in his life and the times that he still even today visits those hurts on the rest of our family.
I am very clear that I would not have been able to survive these times and hold onto my true self without Vipassana. I did not feel I had any safe physical or emotional space of my own when living in my parents house – and I did not yet have a daily practice, but whenever I felt especially overwhelmed, I would go out to my car, drive to a deserted place (even in the middle of the icy Buffalo winter), close my eyes and meditate until I felt better. I would do this all hours, in the early morning or in the middle of the night. I would meditate and I would do Sufi Grinds in my car in between giving Uber rides.
I worked driving Uber for almost a year until I found an attorney willing to represent my side of my case on a contingency-fee basis.
Vipassana is the only thing that helped me hold onto who I am and my own sanity and the truth during a time when everything I knew was being questioned.
Whenever I would give tourists a ride from the Buffalo Airport up to Niagara Falls, I would stop and park by the river gorge and meditate to the sound of the river rushing over the edge.
My entire awareness began to shift. I began to perceive through experience that all the travails and trials I was having externally are a reflection of the internal turmoil that I have been carrying my whole life. I began to perceive that I am the only one who can be responsible for my healing – and yet, to begin to move past all of the Catholic guilt and shame that had typified my prior grieving processes.
I began to have synchronistic and transcendent experiences. I began to feel the presence of God in my meditation and in songs. I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel – the light that is the tunnel.
One of my good friends became my attorney on a contingency-fee basis. We began to fight for my rights, and for what is right. I received some litigation finance to allow me to have the funds to live while pursuing the case.
Since then, I spent an entire year with the litigation being my full-time job. When I entered this, people said it would be draining; I said no matter, I have the right motivations. Well, it has been more draining than I could have ever imagined – it has been divisive, ego-centered, and it has been the act of tearing down rather than the unifying, service leadership, and building up which are my destiny and my passion.
The chance to sit last May, and again now in January – after we just settled the case in December – Teacher, I am so grateful that I will remain in this gratitude forever. I had thought that the settlement would be the light at the end of the tunnel, the silver lining inside the cloud of what I went through.
But in truth, it is Vipassana and Quepasana that has truly shown me the silver lining of that cloud. Because it is Quepasana that has shown me that the silver lining – the golden light – was inside me the entire time. It was always mine. It never left.
And Quepasana has shown me that there is always a community of “people changing the world” out there – made up of all of those in the world sangha who are deeply committed to self-discovery and self-growth, and having fun while doing it.
I count myself fortunate to have seen my potential and to have known for some time now what I can achieve through this life. But I did not know before your model how to truly stand in my power. I thought that standing in my power was to see what I am capable of and then either forcing those things to happen sooner, or avoiding things that would keep my ego visions from manifesting “perfectly.”
I am seeing now that the most powerful thing one can do is to see and to know your own power, and then to surrender that power to a higher intelligence, the higher intelligence within this moment and every moment. I had thought that service was some grandiose thing that required a lot of thinking and planning. I see now that true service is a lot more immediate. It requires more listening than talking, more sitting than running, more receptivity and openness and true strength than demanding and forcing and avoiding and rigidity. More allowing and aligning than creating separation through thoughts.
Thank you for showing me how to begin again to truly stand in my power. Thank you for giving me the gift of believing in me at a time when I lost belief in myself. Thank you for showing me what is inside me.
The thirty-day sit was incredibly transformative for me. I had developed a lot of bad meditation habits meditating in my car and sitting alone. What a privilege to sit with all of the incredible beings that were gathered in January. It was a humbling experience that I will truly cherish as long as I live, and probably longer. I feel like a whole different person than I did just one month ago.
This experience has shifted me greatly. I now feel capable of a simple daily practice of my own, and have kept it going in meditating at least 1 hour per day since leaving Ponomakena. I am now committed to this practice every day through 2019, which is something I never thought I would be able to say.
I look forward to sitting as much as possible this year as I move into what’s next. As you have said and as I’ve learned through my recent travails, entrepreneurship is a deep reflection of oneself. What a true privilege, then, for me to be able to come to sit at this crucial transitional point in my life, transforming my consciousness with each breath. I know that each breath is bringing me closer to the clarity I will need as I flow back into material creation again. I know that the intention I am bringing to healing will be reflected in the early days of my next business, and ultimately brought to scale.
I can feel a lot more of my body now than I could when I sat the 20-day course, or even last May when I sat with Quepasana. In January 2017 I felt nothing below the heart… back in May 2018, I could not feel anything below about the 2nd or 3rd chakra… I could not feel center point at all. During this January course, I was able to feel center point for the first time ever. I can feel so much more of my body now than I could two years ago – it is an incredible gift, and I am so very grateful to you that it brings me to my knees writing this.
I have gained so much insight and self-knowledge through diving into those places that had been dark as night. What an incredible journey back to the light it has been thanks to you and the Quepasana ohana, and may it continue to be.
Please know that I am and will always be available to do whatever I am capable of doing in service to this community and you personally. Only say the word and I am there. And please know through my actions that I am committed to be what I am capable of being.
I look forward to seeing you and sitting with you again soon, and always.
My very best indeed. Deep and repeated bows.
As I write you I am in touch with a level of wellness and stability… Loving kindness, peace and ease that pervades. This feeling of wellness has been growing in me since my first Quepasana 2 ½ years ago. At that time, I would not say I was suicidal, but I was having suicidal thoughts because the suffering I was experiencing had become nearly unbearable. After witnessing a friend die in the ocean, I blamed myself in part for his death, I began a sharp decline in mental and physical health. The PTS started with insomnia and then progressed to migraines and an anxiety disorder and full body pain. Every joint in my body became riddled with inflammation, so I was literally in tremendous stabbing pains from head to toe. I remember one morning telling my business partner that I felt like I was dying. Now looking back, it seems like I would have died a premature death from some health complication. With deep reverence, Jorge I thank you and your dedication to Quepasana helped me get my life back. With love.
To Jorge @Quepasana:
You are changing people’s lives with giving such a profound experience. Not only the people that are here attending but so many other beings that once we leave and interact with others, spreading the love and light that we are retrieving from this sacred space of yours. It’s the rippling effect of how consciousness is spreading and awakening so many others. I would say this is a dream come true, but this was never a dream.
I did not think this was real, or even knew I would end up at such a place like this doing this kind of work.
You are very loved and appreciated by all of us that are here doing the first 30-day silent course ever! Thank you for helping me with this manifestation! All blessings to you, Maryanne and the land keepers for all you are doing.
Holy Guacamole!... and everything else… Everything is holy! The joy, the pain, the silence, the laughter, the anger, the tenderness, the innocence, all holy, like a cheese cloth. Tiny little holes in everything. So that all can breathe or be breathed. love like oxygen! Dance like wind! Sing like sunset! Play like it is both impossible and inevitable to lose… that may be how you win. I love you.
Generally I only share this with a select few people I believe will be able to "get it" without thinking I'm crazy or pollyanna. Since this is anonymous and since this crowd will all probably say "of course!" here goes.... For the past year or so I've been having a certain "knowing" that a new way of "earning a living" is arriving on this plane. In this vision no longer do we humans have to struggle and suffer and slave doing jobs we don't like and creating more energy of misery. We do not have to "earn" our right to "live." We are here. We are deserving of all the blessings this dimension offers just by virtue of being created (or volunteering to come here). It is our BEING and our vibration that is our service and our gift. Throughout our days we are guided to wherever the particular flavor of God that we embody can be most helpful; It may be simply running into someone on the street and uplifting them with our smile, giving them hope, or counseling a friend, or maybe we enjoy going incognito like Socrates in "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" and working at a gas station affecting the lives of all who pass through. Regardless of what we wind up DOING, it is simply our BEING, our vibration, our light that is our service. And, in this vision, there is no need for compensation. i.e. If I give you a massage when you are in pain, you do not need to pay me, or even trade anything. I am completely supported by the Universal Being that I am and that support comes from all different directions (also, just different representations of me), and in whatever ways are needed, and not necessarily from the one I just helped.
I've felt this coming so strongly. At the same time, there are some very deeply rooted beliefs of undeservingness, unworthiness, life is struggle, poverty consciousness that have been a barrier, preventing this vision from gaining momentum in my experience.
People have described the experience here at Quepassana as "incredible." The latin root "cred" means "believe". It's unbelievable that this level of generosity exists in this world. But it does. You've brought it forth. So my huge gratitude for this enormous gift you've given us, includes all of the many reasons everyone has already expressed, and beyond. The fact that Quepasana exists in this dimension means that my vision is NOT just pollyanna fantasy (which my mom would say if I told her about it.) It's real. And because THIS exists, my faith in my vision is strengthened, which I know is more fuel for it to keep manifesting in more and more ways.
Thank you, Jorge, for doing the unbelievable!
My whole life I've had this feeling of being unsupported, not fully provided for. This month at Quepasana has shifted and healed that limiting core wound belief like nothing else ever could. And it is so inspiring to have a living example of the laws of giving and receiving. Jorge, you are giving in such an immense way, from your heart, with no strings or agenda, and Source is giving right back to you by filling you up with boundless joy and love! As you radiate these qualities, you are also giving with your BEING.
Your vibration is uplifting for all who know you! (That goes for MaryAnn too!!!)
I feel so very blessed to have gotten to enjoy this magical place for an entire month, to have soaked up all of your teachings and been part of the field we created. It's rare to meet someone so wise with so much humility, humor and lightheartedness. Thank you, Jorge and MaryAnn, for nurturing our souls, igniting our spirits, encouraging our creativity, and training legions of love-vibration Jedi whose winged hearts are now soaring all over the world spreading the love.
May you be forever blessed!
So much love
Jorge (Quepasana),
What a delicious surprise. Sweet tears accompany my love and gratitude for you and this experience. This past month marks a chapter where I felt the most love ever in my life. I did not know it was possible to sustain it authentically. I always imagined, believed and hoped that I could live in a world where people were invested in such a thing. You know, the funny thing is I did not anticipate Quepasana to be it. I have done a couple Vipassana courses and some other serious silent spiritual endeavors. And I found merit and usefulness in them in my path. But after 2 years on the waitlist, I got to come and explore myself in the sweetest tenderness. My heart has expanded to infinity. I came soldiered up and prepared for battle to wrestle with my shit. But my armor had no use here. The layers of striving and doing and taking care of and attempting to control everything outside of me has significantly peeled away.
They are in an effective state of disassembly.
Underneath the tenderest parts of me that I did not know existed because they went into hiding so long ago, were able to see the light, feel the light of love actually. I simply had no clue what I had signed up for. It’s funny to say out loud, but I had to learn to receive this opportunity, this authenticity. There was so much protective scaffolding around my heart. I thought my heart was open before arriving. I felt content, generally upon coming to Quepasana. I feel more deeply now and aware that the depth has no end. Angels like you and MaryAnn and all the fellow servers and sitters are the inspiration to live, practice and love more fully. I don’t think words will suffice to describe my love and appreciation. I noticed the details of y’alls thoughtfulness. I noticed the courage and grace and positivity you all embody. I see you, because I feel you, and I feel so connected and seen because you all are so sentient and embodied yourselves that you feel in my truest form. I did not expect this experience to be so tender and offer me a profound journey of self-love, feeling into all the fractured textures of self, training my awareness with gentleness has me walking this earth more whole, resolved, integrated and embodied with love shining through.
One breath work rebirthed me, the creative expression allowed me to explore my inner child. And through Vipassana meditation, the stillness, the great mystery that we all got to sit with free of distractions and with exceptional anchors and fellow practitioner overhauled my whole reality. I feel so blessed. Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo.
The light that is pouring through me will fuel my sitting practice with gusto, of course. More than seated, however, I feel full to give and share the light in the world. I honor the flowing generosity that you channeled in Quepasana, and like each sunset, gives my heart the sensations of beauty like the whales’ breath tickles me with delight. Like the ocean humbles and polishes me right up. Like you offer Vipassana. There is no expectation of return. Freely offered, freely given. Easefully flowing for all to experience. I intend to flow and to offer and make love with creation thanks to you. Oh yes, and the last thing I did not expect. I did not expect Jorge to be such an outstanding feature and teacher of this experience. In Goenka Vipassana I never asked any questions of the teachers and therefore never connected with them. Jorge, you are anchoring and embodying a practice of living as a full expression of love. Poise with levity and discipline. Full of loving kindness. MaryAnn’s high vibrational meals were the most nourishing of my life. My cells are happy and filled with the purest love which I received from the yummiest food. I am still amazed that MaryAnn could serve up her heart for 30 days and four meals per day.
Her heart is the most delectable and grandest I have ever felt.
I intend to serve future courses. Quepasana and the world with all I have witnessed, absorbed and now embody. Mahalo Kea Kua. I love you. Peace be with you.
I know you have heard this a million times. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God and goddess made love and became one within me. They became me. My sovereignty blossomed from the inside out. The chalice of my heart is filled and overflowing. No longer am I half empty, looking for someone to fill my heart. Reaching out like a beggar with a half empty cup. This is a journey of discovering heaven within. I came as a disintegrating, dying caterpillar, and I left as a butterfly. I saw the mind digging up the past suffering to challenge and take me out of the present. Why go there? Here in paradise I can create hell, and fortunately in hell I can now create heaven.
All it takes is awareness and equanimity.
Dear MaryAnn,
Can’t believe a whole month is flying by so fast. How are we going to not miss you, when you feed us nutritious meals each day and snacks like strawberry chocolate and beautiful pink roses in our bathroom? Love the scent of the roses, especially the pink ones. Thank you for your love in action.
Yesterday I saw you showed up for sunset meditation. In style. I wish I could take pictures for you and Jeff. I have been taking pictures with my eyes, more than with my real camera this course. Hope by the end of the course when I am allowed to use the camera again I have a chance to take pictures for you if you like.
I see beauty and love everywhere I look. Blessings and hugs.
Jorge and Libby,
I honor and love you both so much. And deeply honor this time of noble silence as well. It is a powerful and potent container that we are being held in. Me and my baby are so grateful to experience such presence together. I truly cherish every moment I see and feel your hearts as we all keep diving deeper into love. Thank you from the bottom of my ever expanding heart. It was such a lovely surprise to see a tiny baby sheepy cloud. For the tiny baby Jedi angel. Thank you thank you thank you. I love you I love you I love you, so much. I want to express, but I am just so grateful to have you in our lives. Love you so much Ohana. What a beautiful and blessed life we get to live.
Forever humbled by love and gratitude.
Dear Jorge,
I offer such sincere and profound gratitude to you for the exquisite gift of Quepasana. This epic sanctuary has helped me to finally unclench and relax my jaw. I descend from several generations of teeth grinders and TMJ sufferers. On both sides of my family. I thought it was just a normal and painful part of my life. Doctors just give you a mouth guard. Just a band aid. I used to have so much tension in my jaw that I was addicted to chewing on the inside of my cheeks until they were raw and bloody. All that energy needed an outlet. So I was eating myself alive. Gross I know. And sad.
Although I have finally quit this neurotic habit. Before my first Quepasana, I still felt the strange need and desire lurking in the shadows. I had not fully realized how much anxiety my mind was generating. Now my cheeks are smooth as silk and I continue to relax and let go more each day. Quepasana has helped me find such a liberation. I feel such joy and freedom in my mind body and spirit. The profound peace I feel brings tears of joy to my shining eyes. It seems I was afraid to really let myself out. All those damned up songs and stories wanting to come out. But only had an intermittent outlet. No wonder I was chewing myself to bits.
My songs and stories now flow like an abundant river. Thank you for helping me access my glorious gifts. I feel like I am liberating generations of my ancestors and healing my family line. My mother is 66 and still chews her cheeks. I feel this practice and epiphany can help her too. Thank you thank you thank you. I am filled with inspiration and dedicate my life to be of service to peace. To help others free their voices and share their gifts and songs. I feel this deep medicine within me and my gifts. I am so grateful to feel so empowered to share them in the world. With infinite love and gratitude. I hope you enjoyed this quepasanote. More to come.
Dearest Jorge,
I just want to take a moment to express my gratitude to you. Every day I am blown away by your generosity. I am loving all the new additions, from the light up toys to the renovations in the ladies’ room. Especially the new squatty potties in all the stalls. I was already feeling so much excitement before the creative expression portion of this course and then I saw all the goodies you got for us. WOW!!! It’s one thing to allow us to take so much time in the day to create, but to also supply us with top notch paper, prisma color pencils, paints, glitter, coloring books and so many other goodies, It’s really going above and beyond. You are truly spoiling us!!! I brought plenty of my own art projects, but I was just so touched that you did all that for us. What a treat. I know there were some of us who did not bring much to work on. They must be super stoked. I brought a ton and I am so stoked. Quepasana just keeps getting better. I have so much love and appreciation for you and all that you do to make this experience so juicy.
Feels like heaven here. So much love.
I guess it’s kinda like Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory here. But instead of a fantasy paradise for chocolate lovers, here we have a fantasy paradise for hippies who love to meditate. I enjoyed glancing at Jorge during the mid-morning play time when everybody is exercising or playing with flow toys or dancing, and watching him experience great joy from this amazing creation of his. Every detail thought out. I am in so much gratitude to have one of the most beautiful and nurturing places in the world to do my internal work in. I have had some meditations where I have gone deep into my body and felt its guarding against experience, and witness all the mental maneuvers I manufactured to escape this moment. While then shortly thereafter, breathing to open more fully to sensation to what is here in this moment. Birds chirping, waves crashing, and then to open to sensations in my body that had been buried. In deepest gratitude to this creation. Thank you Jorge. And to MaryAnn who keeps it down with your badass karma yogi path. Thank you!!! I am and we are blessed.
Dear Jorge,
I am gratitude. I am peace. I am well. A deep, clean, pure and bottomless well. Overflowing and quenching an infinite thirst with cool refreshing liquid light. I have received the greatest gift of all. My own presence. I am free. I never believed I would be able to say those words and really mean them. Now I feel them with an embodied knowing that brings tears of joy to every cell. Thank you for introducing me to Reginald Ray. Thank you for this amazing gift to go so deep within myself. In humble gratitude. Forever at your service.
Infinite gratitude goes out to Jorge and Maryann, Jeff and all the other beautiful beings that came together to make this dream a reality. I would have never thought I would want to meditate. Turns out I do and I love it. It is fascinating. You can learn about yourself when you give yourself the time to do so. Thank you for creating such a love filled space allowing us to go deep inside. I laughed, I cried and felt all the feelings with equanimity. My roots have grown deeper. And I am standing taller than ever. I will for sure maintain a healthy practice.
And will also be inviting my friends and community to join.
Dearest Jorge,
What sweeter more beautiful gift could one offer me than to illuminate the path to union with my own heart. This is what it is to change the world. This work you are doing with us all. We are evolving human and collective consciousness. Taking steps towards the united awakening of all. Thank you for seeing and sensing this. Thank you for answering the call. Thank you for inviting us to come make a life with you these 30 days. My life is entirely changed. The wind is stirring things up. Agitating the tides of change. The trees dance back and forth. The sails of their trunks growing more resilient in the face of forceful breeze. I too am growing more resilient. I witnessed the dance of the strength that moves through me, reaching up from descendant spaces of the earth, through my roots and pumping up my stem, reaching through my leaves to sip in the might of the sun. It appears I am growing a spine, a spine by which one day I may flower. I feel my buds forming, my gifting and offerings for this world beginning to peek out and pray to be nurtured. It is the desire of my heart to offer my spirit and gifts to this path. To aid those who walk before, after and beside me. Thank you for leading the way for so many of us. It is an ecstatic delight to set my roots within this garden you have tended, and to intertwine my roots with as many divine souls who have gravitated toward your essence. All we must do is witness, to feel the insects come and go, the blossoms open, the flowers wilt, the seeds drop and the high vibes planting themselves anew to the 100th degree, spreading faster and faster than one single heart could imagine. What a beautiful way to be in this world. My heart is overflowing with loving gratitude. I offer it all to you and let it keep pouring through. My beloved teacher. With love.
It always seems difficult for me to find the right words to say after a course, to genuinely and authentically describe my gratitude in its entirety. What you are actively creating here on this land deep within each unique yet collective soul is changing the world. Your ability to stand in your dharma so fully is incredibly inspiring and motivating to many I am sure. And definitely for me.
I have worked through so much the past 28 days here, in this sacred love bubble that you have cultivated. Layers on layers I met myself many times over, especially the last 10 days. When I say met myself I mean the sacred oneness that is all, that I am within. I got deep clarity on my own path of service and hope to one day lead a life even half as potent as yours, serving communities all over the globe with loving kindness.
Thank you for believing in me and seeing me as worthy of receiving such an amazing gift. No one has ever given me anything nearly as beautiful and profound as Quepasana in my entire 29 years “in this body”.
May you continue to radiate your infectious, playful, silly, goofy and beautiful spirit to all those blessed to cross your path. I am excited to continue to watch your vision expand and grow into the magnanimous reality it is destined to be. You are making the world a better place with every minute, hour, day, week, month of your courses. And the endless multitude of ripples that each cast as we individually take what we have cultivated and sown here. Back out to the rest of the world.
Mahalo for your endless and unwavering generosity. Unconditional loving kindness, bright bubbly soul. I am eternally to have you and this new world. (the real world) in my life. I love you to the great big full moon casting its silver shadow over the ocean and back. Let’s keep sitting, quietly on our mats until we blast off to outer space! See you in the cosmos. Love always always.
Mahalo for this gift. Quepasana seems, to me, to be the gift that never stops giving. This course was so very different as the opportunity for everyone to express their own unique creative endeavors brought a whole new experience to the table. I was even able to see a side of you I had yet to witness. What pure transparency was to view you in such a state. Daily you brought a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing not only the playful side of you but also for the stories you shared about your life outside of the course. You are an amazing human being! I am truly honored to sit with you and dive deep in your presence and with other Jedis as well. I am and will be eternally grateful for this opportunity.
MaryAnn, thank you once again for continuing to nourish my soul with your divine cuisine! Also, for allowing me to guest chef in the kitchen so you could get some much needed rest and allowing me the opportunity to give. I am ever so grateful for each and every chance I receive to work alongside of you. As well as experiencing your cheerful self as often as possible. Much love to you.
Jedis, keep up the hard work! You are all truly amazing one of a kind beings. I am blessed to have been in your divine light. Love and light
What a wild month! First off, I am one of the most blessed human beings on the planet having spent the past month here. Thank you Jorge for deciding to offer this home, time and money for the creation of Quepasana. And a massive thank you to MaryAnn for everything you do to make this happen. It was so good to be unplugged from devices and screens for a month. Just that alone is so beneficial. The noble silence thing has been interesting for me. Entering into the month I did not think it would be an issue. And it was not for the first 10 to 15 days. Then a couple things happened. I started having a lot of desire to connect with people, which is a very sweet feeling. One that I want to live from. The second thing that happened was my reaction to witnessing other people break noble silence. That is when I had the opportunity to witness some shadow pieces come up. One of which is my internal terrorist. I had a loving opportunity to get to know this part of myself better. I did a good job of withholding the attachment to my projections while still seeing them. And experiencing them intensely. It has been so interesting being around so many people for so long and not communicating through words. I am looking forward to what my connection will be with some of the people here. I definitely had a Quepasa Crush. I have a friend who has done many extended silent retreats and remembers that he mentioned that it could be common for this occurrence. I am grateful I was forewarned.
Another extremely important piece of the experience was the food. My belly and digestion feel so much better. I think my body really likes dairy free and gluten free. So I will be making some changes to what I consume when I leave. I also started playing towards the end of the course with intermittent fasting eating dinner on some days. And consumption in general is something I want to decrease in my life, especially of things that are not nourishing to any of my senses. Media especially. I was able to witness mood shifts and that impact of how I saw the world and myself. I also had a wonderful experience with Wim Hof breathing. My psycho emotional state which shifts significantly through the practice. And my thought, oh my thoughts about everything. I am not even going to follow that tangent right now.
I am grateful that reading materials were allowed and all books I used were very helpful. I am incredibly grateful for my friend Daniel for getting me to this amazing 30-day experience. The world definitely needs more time breathing, being and slowing down. But we also have some healing to do to support the process.
May my healing and all of our healing here for the past 30 days contribute to the healing of many others. I love us and I love you.
Dearest Quepasana family,
Holy Buddha! 30 days is a very long time. Long enough to sail across the ocean, to train for a marathon or to dive deeper within yourself than you ever knew was possible. After these30 days I feel like I summited a mountain in an infinite mountain range. I am so humbled by the vastness that dwells within us. Through my practice here I have come to realize that I have been running all my life from challenge and potential and the unknown but through experiencing my inner world I now have the strength to realize that the unknown is not as scary. In fact, the unknown depths of myself is the place where I have found the most solace, the most peace and it is profound in the most minute ways. It is so different from the way I have been conditioned to experience life.
The community of people that has formed through mostly silence is one of the gentlest, caring and loving community I have ever encountered. Going to show that not only do we not need language to love each other, but this way of life encourages a deeply peaceful aura for everyone that surrenders to it. I am so proud to call myself part of the Quepasana family. I will be back time and time again. In between the courses I will be maintaining a steady practice and trying my very hardest to inspire others by being the embodiment of loving kindness, peace, wisdom and happiness.
All of this is thanks to Jorge, Maryann and the diligent team of Jedis. Watching Jorge for the last month has redefined what I consider to be humanity and compassion. Jorge wakes up in the morning with a childlike energy and wonder that outstands. A generosity that inspires and an acceptance of life that encourages. After being in his presence I have felt a deeper love for humankind than I would have ever imagined. And I feel deeply privileged to call him my teacher. This experience that he spends his livelihood and life cultivating is an embodiment where growth, creativity and the gifts of true self are cultured, cherished, upheld and encouraged.
Then there is MaryAnn. The ultimate kitchen queen. Pick you up when times are tough, laughing and playing, loving us all for our flaws. Not in spite of them. Mama through her delectable food and blow your mind smoothies and rich creamy homemade cacao on a cold day. She has taught me to love myself form the inside out. And I have never felt so healthy. Down to every last detail. What you guys are creating here is an absolute miracle! I simply cannot wait to see how my hidden gifts can benefit my Quepasana family. I think the whole world needs to know about Quepasana. Learn how to truly accept ourselves and each other and that is the way. Cannot wait to feel all that!
The Quepasana family will forever live in a place in my heart I never knew existed. “Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds. And wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind, to walk safely through the maze of human life. One needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue” -- Buddha.
PS. Notes for the struggling pilgrim: It is not easy for everyone who does it, but the work you are doing is supported by thousands of your ancestors and millions of organisms are depending on you to do it. Something unknown or forgotten about yourself may awaken. Trust, keep going, even if your efforts seem ineffable. Keep it simple and primary. Truth, awareness, revelation, peace and splendor await. All my love.
Thank you MaryAnn, Angel. For fulfilling my dreams of pizza, muffins and surrealistic delicious chocolate peanut butter cake. Always in my heart. I see you how enjoy our smiles. May all the blessings return to you for infinity.
Just a few things on my gratitude list:
· The total design of the month
· The total design of the day
· The routine
· The peaceful location
· The privacy of the cabins
· The access to the swimming and snorkel
· The chi machines flow toys and wings
· The quality blankets and bolsters
· The quality of the speakers in the shala
· The body work and Yin assist
· The well-kept grounds and furniture
· The soft green lawn
· The nice bathroom and shower facilities
· Your trust with your kayaks and sailboat
· The whale sightings
· The baby beach trips “game changer”
· The punctual schedule
· The simplicity of it all
· The generous gift of attendance
· Q and A
· The movie and the music nights
· 30 minute roll your own
· The dances with lights
· Your patience with teaching
· The pure container
· The field that is created of love
· The breath work realms (HUGE)
· The voice activations
· The circular breathing workshop
· The bell system
· Your playful nature and jokes
· Your transparency and willingness to share
· Example of health and vitality, maturity
· The books
· The CBD
· The natural products and soaps
· The super clean environment
· The incredible activating music
· The singing bowls, flutes and chimes
· The body rollers and self-massage gear
· Your openness to let others into your home
· Your willingness to let others play your hang drum
· The hammocks
· The opportunity of a lifetime here on Maui
· Thank you for everything seen and unseen.
· Ω
I know I hardly know you but I seriously love you so much. And not just because you make us delicious treats to cheer me up when I need it most. I ran out of chocolate and kick myself for not scouring it better and not eating it with a banana. And then you gave me that banana chocolate milk and that delicious goody tonight. So good. I have been craving a moist pastry and that hit the spot. I love how excited you get when you make us a special surprise. You guys are amazing!
Thank you for creating a gorgeous sanctuary for all of us to enjoy. The bidet is a radical surprise. I am grateful for all you do.
WOW. Maryann. Peanut butter chocolate.
I love the food you make because I feel your heart
This is the awakening experience of my dreams. I was gifted my perfect timing for this perfect course right when it really mattered. My prayers were answered, and you answered them. My life begins as Believe 2.0. Put me into Kipahulu Frog, play the most favorite music. Whisper to me to let go, even if just for a moment. What do you think will happen? Add the location of my beloved Maui and Makena and the life touching generosity of the program and the innovation of the schedule and offerings, you have a spaceship to heaven. You have the perfect recipe for no excuse not to go deep. A personalized, eloquently delivered invitation from spirit to dive within. Every detail thought of offering, so pure it beckons the spirit to re-emerge. Just how good life can really be. That is what is really all about. A once in a lifetime opportunity to meet and welcome a more woke self. I needed 30 days. I needed the simplicity and silence. I am awake to a responsibility to be my full expression and I am ready to walk the path you have so gracefully led by example. I am devoted to the awakening of my brothers and sisters. And I am here to serve as a steward of the light and the land in a good way. Thank you for answering the calling to lead this revolution. You have recruited me to do the same.
I am excited for a lifetime of our paths crossing again. I feel you are family and together we are home. Mahalo for the rich field of magic at the unforgettable legendary Quepasana. This is it. I believe.
Wow. You are a true Jedi Master. I am in deep gratitude for your loving profound and powerfully insightful Jedi training. These past 30 days I feel like a new person. Your generous spirit of sharing this gorgeous property with all of the Jedi masters is profound. Training us to be more present to what is now and assisting us to wake up to our own brilliant true selves. Your dedication and graceful presence has helped me awaken more to my brilliant spirit within. I love busted through layers of rage, sadness, judgements dramas, fears and doubts. I feel lighter, my body is in excellent condition, my mind feels more free and my emotions are warmly embraced instead of stuffed down into my gut of isolation. The training is key for human awakening. I had a profound kayak ride with a baby breach about 20 times when you were sailing with Courtney. Thank you for providing delicious food, our own private cabins, instruments and devices to help our practices and condition our bodies to be stronger. The books to read helped to inspire and congeal what you are teaching us in the Shala. Being so close to the ocean supported the reunion with the divine through all the elements so boldly expressed, here at Ponomakena.
You give from a deep well of generosity and kindness. I truly am in awe of your loving kindness, and courage to help all of us to awaken to more of the magnificence within. I want to be a strong part in educating others about this and supporting the community of QuepasaAngels that are emerging from these programs.
Let me know how I can be more helpful to all the continued successes of these important Quepasana trainings. I love you and appreciate you deeply.
As this course is coming to a close, I am overwhelmed in gratitude for your endless generosity, kindness and compassion for all 55 of us. For 30 days! Insane! I truly don’t know how you do it. I am so impressed and inspired by your powerful ever potent tenacious get bubbly and smiley spirit. You are a true angel rock star. “Don’t know if those exist, but they definitely should, maybe a Halloween costume?”
I must also confess that I spent several of my meditation minutes on many days sending you love. I would scan the property for your energy and when I found you I just channeled so much gratitude and deep admiration for you. As someone who did not grow up with my mom around, I feel like you are my mama bear every time I am here. I am sure I drive you crazy, asking for help, finding my honey mommas gift for Ali and oversharing about my lack of bathroom activity. Plus, I hope you can forgive me, I may have added to your overflowing fully saturated plate. I was totally wrapped up and consumed in myself in those moments. I deeply apologize for projecting onto you. You do so much every day without asking for anything in return. So many behind the scenes tasks, like running to the grocery stores to ensure all of our meals are fully balanced and stuffed full of yummy goodness. You keep the bathroom stocked with essentials and extra bonus gifts like papaya lotion and oh my god girl, roses, you are too much. Jeff is a lucky man, your total dreamboat. The full package, beauty, brains humor and a heart of golden fairy dust. I hope one day you allow me the honor of showing my gratitude any way I can. Massaging your feet, neck, shoulders, cooking you a meal, or simply being your assistant and allowing me to help in service with whatever you may need. I am 100 percent here in any and all ways. Mahalo in infinity sweet angel.
I am so so grateful for you. Keep spreading that love and light and walking with such powerful integrity, grace and genuine loving kindness. You are changing the world with every smile and each delectable bite you serve! I see you, am totally blown away by you. SO much love, love you always, always and forever.