July 2018

The curriculum of meditation, yoga, chi machines, sound therapy, and clean food, in a natural, all-inclusive environment holds each student with steadiness and ease, and allows for each of us to move deeply through the layers of our being.


Moving through the layers is a process, but after each course I am in more radiant and aligned health.


The last 8 days have been nothing short of life changing.


I feel beyond humbled for the opportunity to have shared the past few days


I feel so lucky to have the good fortune to be here now at Quepasana


What an opportunity for insight, meditation, and inspiration.


One of the ways/reasons Quepasana is such a life celebration for me is that it is dogma free and there is no Guru!


I have been calling the Quepasana experience Unicorn Superfood.  


Both my courses have been deeply meaningful, the space providing me the opportunity to get really subtle, slow down, and experience awakenings, small and larger.


Mahalo for creating such a divine easy flowing container for us to dive deep into our heart and soul.  


This has been a deep dive for me into my true essence.


I feel so honored to be here and to deepen more into magnificent spirit and true self.  


What great fortune to have this time!?