December 2018
This experience has changed the trajectory and fabric of my being for the rest of my life. Thank you for your boundless love, generosity and purity of heart.
Every single aspect and detail of this experience is infused with such care, attention and love.
The sacred space that is created has allowed me to let go and to come home.
I feel open, expanded, enriched and deeply transformed by my experience here.
The practice is profound, and I feel like a different being than the one that arrived here a week ago.
It’s a coming home to myself, to my true nature.
I feel I have been able to touch into some of the deepest places in my being and let go of so much.
Such a spirit of unconditional giving gives me faith in our future and just knowing this is not only possible but it’s here, alive and growing.
If we all open to such joyful generous awakened nature what a beautiful world it can be. May all of our awareness awaken and continue to light up the universe.
If you are desperately seeking to unlock the secret to life’s meaning, come to Quepasana. Where you find the key.
I am leaving feeling lighter, more comfortable and powerful in my body and being. I feel great peace and clarity.
I know I have been given all the tools to stoke my fire
Quepasana: For those to seek to find a path home. Quepasana is home.
I find myself on the last day of Quepasana feeling alive in my body, my cells drinking in the awareness of my experience in this moment. I AM HOME!
It is truly the most loving kind and life changing gift I have ever received.
A thousand thank you’s for creating an environment where I can deepen, soften, smile, cry, and just simply…. Be.
Quepasana has shown me how to have a sustainable meditation practice all by removing much of the rigidity of a traditional Vipassana course, and incorporating movement and yoga.
The playfulness is glorious and an important reminder to be lighthearted…That there is a place for serious and a place for play.
Quepasana—A mindfulness masterpiece.
This is my first Quepasana, and quite frankly I am left speechless. Literally when I try to describe my feelings I begging to cry. My heart is full of so much gratitude for the love and kindness expressed here with and without words.
I have never felt more excited, grateful, and peacefully unattached to my life as I do when I am at Quepasana.
Many of the wounded souls, most who have PTSD or childhood trauma I work with in my practice could reap the benefit of this experience.
To have this experience of depth without distraction of technology immersed in the natural beauty and kindness has rare and infinite value.
I had to break through my fears to make it here. My fear of being in too much pain in my back. My fear of spending this much time in silence without connection to anyone else but me. I feel like the Chrysalis transforming into the butterfly, and I know this is just the beginning of my journey with my practice and with myself. Quepasana has given me a tremendous gift and I am eternally grateful.
If I were to create an adequate metaphor for Quepasana I would compare it to a wedding, my wedding. Not a wedding to another, but a wedding to myself.
This course greatly helped me to reconnect with myself in new and profound ways.
Wowza! What a magical and healing experience this has been.
This entire week has been a reset button that I have been waiting to push for years.
What I truly found at Quepasana, freedom and discipline rolled into one!
This was/is the perfect medicine for me! I am learning to let go and feel everything at the same time.
Once again another incredible journey on the Quepasana train.
Quepasana has deepened my relationship with my body and spirit.
The teachings, so simple, and spoken with such childlike enthusiasm. This whole journey is so FUN.
I have learned more than I could put into words.
Y’all take such good care of us and it is impossible not to leave here with such great warmth in our hearts and a huge smile on our face.
November 2018
What a GIFT! This magical week, this magical place and this magical guide who is holding, guiding, inspiring, and visioning the best possible experiences for loving transformation. A Gift!
Once again, I am flooded with gratitude – your offering – inspiring, daunting, invigorating- calls me to listen more deeply, fully and more openly to big possibilities waiting to be offered through me.
I feel this time of silence has allowed me to be more accepting instead of just wanting to fast-forward to wholeness.
Best. Experience. Ever. I feel more charged up and inspired than ever before!
Thank you for taking my phone away for 10 days. I needed that.
Thank you so much for this beautiful magic.
I’ve been hearing my soul crying out for this exact experience and to receive it is a full-on mind bending, reality changing, eye opening doozie.
Mahalo for this incredible blessing.
It’s hard to really put this experience into words, but I can say that I’ve never felt emotion like this before.
During sunset meditation on the 5th day, I found a place inside that I’ve only every glimpsed before, a way of feeling and observing that was so pure and so completely in line with the earth.
Thank you for welcoming me and supporting me with open arms. Thank you for continuously guiding me back into the depths of truth that exists within me.
Thank you for creating such a nurturing experience for us to explore our inner world. And for helping us remember that the inner journey is just as potent as our outer.
Wow! You really know how to throw a party!
The generosity is overwhelming. Thank you for sharing heaven on earth with us. The beauty of this place was very healing for me.
This experience was fun, challenging, transformative and peaceful. It was such a great combination of experiences.
I am blown away by all the details that you thought of when considering the overall experience.
From the amazing tents and comfy beds to the delicious meals, from the massages to the dance party, from the serene location to the tea and books. (I could go on). All of it created a magical experience for me.
This experience has been absolutely exquisite.
This pause has been divine, and has provided a level of rest and spaciousness for self-awareness that I forgot existed.
I have come to tears of gratitude, almost daily during this course.
What I love about Quepasana is its unique and unexpected pairings:
Discipline meets freedom
Kundalini mixed with shake rattle and roll
Sufi grinds and hip hop
Luxury and giving
Silence and snorkeling
Thank you for creating such a nurturing experience for us to explore our inner world.
Thank you for helping us remember that the inner journey is just as potent as our outer.
Of the billions of humans on this planet now, we are the lucky ones. 55 of us, in this beautiful place doing this wonderful practice.
Thank you so much for giving me the most special gift anyone has ever given me.
After spending time at Quepasana, all the answers to how to “fix” my chaotic insides became clear.
This course helped me confront a major internal demon that has controlled almost every realm of my life.
Quepasana course is a transformative experience, you make it palatable and even really juicy.
The food was so nourishing and supportive and had so much love. It was really delicious.
Quepasana has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life thus far.
I cried several times feeling so grateful for the gift of this experience. The sheer magnificence of this piece of art is absolutely astounding.
Holy WOW!
EVERYTHING was so very thoughtful and full of loving kindness.
The food has been so amazing!
The personal growth I received was monumental and will ripple out to every eye that I meet. I have cried so many times out of gratitude
Thank you for creating this space where we can gather to learn about Vipassana in a more accessible way. I feel the addition of the movements and Yoga, Yin Yoga and the music added playfulness and a touch of grace.
How sweet it is to be bathed in loving kindness and beauty and random acts of Savasana for 10 days. The heart expands and I take the gift forward.
To know that I can rest and that Quepasana has the reins for my health and well-being for this week is deeply comforting.
It is such luck to be part of this gathering. I feel exquisitely blessed!
Can’t think of any other place and circumstance in this earth that could compete with the fortune of sharing and cultivating our being with such generosity.
As a life wellness coach and meditation teacher in schools, this tool I have learned to apply in my own life, will touch so many others. For that again, I am most grateful.
October 2018
The sense of purpose embodied in these practices seem much more relevant than the strong sense of purpose that guides my life.
I am leaving with clear guidance on how to continue rediscovering myself in every moment. Thank you!
So much to say, the words don’t do justice to my feelings. There is a quality of sacredness in this oasis of love!
The level of deep inner, life changing, world shifting being done here is profound.
Quepasana feels like the perfect balance of format and fun.
Tears of gratitude boil up from my heart as I try to give thanks, and put this experience into words.
This experience has planted, a seed of awareness in my body and I’m ready to nurture that seed and witness what unfolds.
I am honored to have this experience – it is a gift that has changed my life.
You have shown me that discipline and work are along the path of life along with love, acceptance compassion, allowance and JOY.
I know it is possible to “see” outside my mind, see/feel myself as a part of an interconnected, beautiful universe. I feel calm. I feel loved.
We must be doing something right to end up here—heaven on earth!
The side effect is heaven on earth! What a glorious blessing.
NOW is my present. It’s a gift indeed.
What an interesting experience to hang out in silence with strangers. What we lived is beyond words.
This is a life-changing experience, this is my key-pasana. I have now a pass to unity, an unlimited access to the place where ones float in bliss. Now is my FUTURE.
(A poem)
My Quepasana Experience:
When I first heard “Quepasana” – not a word I knew
Was this a queue (a line) for the toilet (the loo)?
My friend and I filled my application with joy
With only an inkling of what I was in for – Oh boy!
I soon realized my pretzel with moves and much more
Our “Yoda” said feel everything – I did! It was sore
I got some relief in the hammock I found a wave of sweet sleep, then a thud to the ground. The thing had just ripped and tossed me down onto grass
Not sure what hurt more, my head or my (Pass)
It was suggested to not use my chair, but the mat.
Now everything really hurt, it brought out my brat
When our “yoda” said fidgets were a restless mind
I realized my clients were first, while I’d left me behind
Food has been good and line’s quite fast and then there was popcorn – oh what a blast
To say I feel blessed, this experience sublime,
Could be the understatement of all time
I intend to continue to keep opening the door
With the hope I can one day sit still on the floor
Not only is this course an opportunity to be completely within myself, it is provided so abundantly, fully, gracefully, comfortably – that I feel nourished and safe to really let go and surrender to that pure, unconditional presence that is held in this space.
Believe it or not, it is actually enjoyable! And all this time I thought being with myself was a rough ride.
This happening is a sort of fantastic deep deep nurturing and restoration that blesses me to tears.
I notice new things in my body now and have a sweet centering that I know will echo beautifully into my future.
Words fall short of describing how profound this week has been for me.
This is what the world needs. This is what we all need.
Such a gift to let ourselves get to know ourselves. Our true infinite “selves” (cells).
Had I not come here I assume I may have had a mini breakdown from lack of sleep, exhaustion and stress. So you helped save me!
It has been a week of receiving blessings.
My view of Quepasana is that is unique, easy, beautiful and NEEDED.
This week I feel I was able to push through some “real” perceived challenges both physically and emotionally and find true magic within and all around.
I am so happy to share with you that for the first time in over a decade, I am no longer in physical agony, numb, or feeling depressed and anxious.
September 2018
(Wombpasana for pregnant mommas, Ashland OR)
The ripples of this week will impact my children! My whole life! My ancestors! Its infinite
Quepasana is certainly a well-made, beautiful method!
This week I have remembered so much I hadn’t realized I’d forgotten.
Gosh this life thing is fun.
I wept so many tears of supreme gratitude, feeling myself completely held by everything.
Thank you for re-inspiring my practice of Self Love. I am forever grateful.
I am SO HAPPY that I said YES!!!! To coming here through all my fears and layers of protection.
May I always remember “I am held, I am loved, I am love. Everything is for me, and nothing is against me”
By far this has been the most fulfilling and coming home to myself moment of this life.
This has been one of the best experiences of my life.
I can feel the light of creation, the seed of love, coming alive inside me!
July 2018
The curriculum of meditation, yoga, chi machines, sound therapy, and clean food, in a natural, all-inclusive environment holds each student with steadiness and ease, and allows for each of us to move deeply through the layers of our being.
Moving through the layers is a process, but after each course I am in more radiant and aligned health.
The last 8 days have been nothing short of life changing.
I feel beyond humbled for the opportunity to have shared the past few days
I feel so lucky to have the good fortune to be here now at Quepasana
What an opportunity for insight, meditation, and inspiration.
One of the ways/reasons Quepasana is such a life celebration for me is that it is dogma free and there is no Guru!
I have been calling the Quepasana experience Unicorn Superfood.
Both my courses have been deeply meaningful, the space providing me the opportunity to get really subtle, slow down, and experience awakenings, small and larger.
Mahalo for creating such a divine easy flowing container for us to dive deep into our heart and soul.
This has been a deep dive for me into my true essence.
I feel so honored to be here and to deepen more into magnificent spirit and true self.
What great fortune to have this time!?
May/June 2018
Quepasana feels like it was created from the deepest, sweetest, nectar filled essence of my imagination.
I had no idea how much I would enjoy waking up at 4:30 AM, shaking, giggling, letting it all go, letting it all in, breathing in the stillness of the moment.
These mornings, these moments, these days are some of the most beautiful I have known.
Quepasana course I find my breath deeper, the moment more still, and my awareness further expanded into realms I did not know existed.
It is beyond priceless, and it is something that I will cherish until my spirit leaves my body, and then it will be carried with me to my next cosmic journey!
I truly believe that Quepasana is offering what the world needs.
A loving, healing, and needed gift for the world.
How incredibly sensational!!
Jesus spoke truth – The kingdom of heaven is within. I weep with tears of joy – I found my way home.
Thank you for the profound gift of the space in which I have wholeheartedly fallen in love with myself and Everything.
I feel like we are in the arms of angels here.
If you found your way to QUEPASANA, you know you’re doing something right.
Can I get an AMEN?!
Thank you feels like an absurd understatement.
Whaaaaaat!?!?! Quepasana is pure GOLD.
Thank you for the gift of this beautifully guided journey to help me remember and FEEL the interconnectedness that permeates all that is.
As the illusion of separation between self and everything else slowly slipped away, I dissolved into a genuine knowingness that all is well, “as it is”, right now and forever.
This meditation practice is the most direct way to tap into that sweet spot of truth that I’ve experienced, and I will continue to use it as a tool to remind me that it’s always here –right inside- and to continue learning and growing into a more peaceful, loving, happy and content human being.
Feeling and accepting all of it.
The heavenly curated space and sensual experience that is Quepasana is pure MAGIC.
From the structure, practices, and spaciousness, to the food, music and people, the overall vibe of Quepasana is just extraordinary.
A little bubble of bliss!
I especially love the added delights of guided meditations (whoa!), yin yoga (with the best music) and the reading materials available during breaks.
Over the last several days I have experienced waves of gratitude and joy big enough to fill my eyes with tears and make me explode with cosmic giggles at the ridiculousness of it all.
Thank you for sharing this – Gently, softly, fully with me and the world.
The rememberance and love cultivated in this course ripples out into the world…. With effortless ease… grace in motion.
The beauty that is Quepasana is an amazing gift
I have never felt more pampered and safe in my life.
Sitting was certainly hard for me, but hard in a good way, like a deep soul massage. Words do not do justice to the deep gratitude I have for this experience
Truly, this was one of the most special weeks I have ever had.
The ‘cleansing’ has been amazing. The food has been amazing and elaborate
My gratitude for this experience is wordless and immeasurable.
I have been rocked to the core of my soul and rooted in essence.
Thank you for guiding a disciplined, yet graceful journey into the now.
I am in awe of the beauty I’ve experienced here internally and externally.
This experience brought me home to myself.
I have so much ease in my body.
My womb feels alive, my heart is open, I am inspired to create, I am in touch with my sensitivity, I know myself better, I have more love living through me, I feel a greater embodiment of my truth, power, light and divinity.
I feel my biggest take away is acceptance for everything.
The world is a better place because of Quepasana.
I am a better human.
Thanks again for bringing me home.
This was the most life altering event that has completely shifted the way I see the world.
This really exists?!
Am I dreaming?!
How did I get so lucky!?
Did I win the lottery of life?
Yea, I still don’t know how I got so lucky, but I did and I’m running with it!
If Vipassana is for the “householder”, Quepasana is for the “heart holder”. Quepasana brings the heart and love into this tradition by honoring the need for ease and freedom within such a challenging task of being with the self.
To be given the space and nurturing for diving deep into myself as a witness is a gift beyond any other. It is the most precious gift I believe anyone can receive.
Quepasana: Boot camp for light workers.
Vipassana with a little love, movement, music and laughter.
First rule of Quepasana: FEEL EVERYTHING!
I am sure that the realizations from the course will continue to reveal themselves for years to come.
Here at Quepasana, I rediscovered my relationship with every cell, every feeling, every thought- JUST ME!
A blissful place to unplug from busy distracted life and immerse ourselves in what’s really real.
It’s truly an unbelievable gift. I felt so held and safe while given all the space needed to blossom here this week.
I feel at least five years younger and ready to live from center from here forward.
Thank you thank you thank you Quepasana team for an experience more impactful than words can describe!
Wanna know what PARADISE feels like?
This was the perfect place to heal.
Quepasana is among the greatest gifts I have ever been given.
This past week you gave me a concrete knowing that heaven is here in this moment inside each one of us.
Thank you for making me slow down.
I feel so LOVED here.
I feel BLESSED! I feel LOVED and CARED.
There is not combination of words I can find to fully express my gratitude for the Quepasana experience at this point.
My life was changed forever
I am very excited to start my new meditation practice.
My heart is filled with gratitude and appreciation for this experience, that has deeply touched my soul and consciousness.
These have been days of going deep within, slowing down, taking in the beauty of this place and allowing silence and the practice of sitting to reveal a sense of ease and oneness.
I have re-set my inner clock and this gift is beyond measure.
A stellar setting, a celestial cast of characters.
Truly an incredible blessing!
Thank you for helping me to reconnect with myself, with my passion and with my purpose.
I have been on this spiritual path for 40 years now, attending many retreats, teaching etc., this is by far the deepest I have ever dived into my soul.
So simple, so good.
WOW WOW WOW into infinity.
This portal which you are holding space for is truly profound and what is sooo needed in this world right now.
Quepasana has been a breath of fresh air (literally too!) A beautiful balance of strong determination with the ease and freedom of playfulness and quite simply put “humanness” of being alive in a body.
Blessed be, what a precious gift this is for everyone.
Thank you for Quepasana!
These were truly the best 8 days of my life.
You throw a good party. Thank you for this life changing practice.
“Aha Moment”? dream? Reality”? Maybe all in one.
This experience here at Quepasana was another life shifting moment for me. It is truly paradise here.
All at the same time it has been challenging, painful, delightful, and nourishing for my soul.
THANK YOU!! Wow!! How to even begin to put this experience into words? I feel completely rejuvenated, revolutionized, awakened, whole, healed, centered, balanced, refreshed, INSPIRED, happy and at ease, peaceful and content, well and FULL OF LOVING KINDNESS.
I will be ranting and raving about this time spent to those willing to listen, and will absolutely be back again to offer my services to the lucky individuals who have yet to enjoy the serenity of Quepasana.
I am such a fan!
This refuge of peace and love has been such a gift to me.
I work in a busy profession and to drop out for nine days has brought me back to my true self.
Thank you for being such a stand for inner peace, love, simplicity and truth.
This is what brings peace and love on earth.
The gift of this time will forever be with me and the layers will just keep dropping off. I am inspired on so many levels.
WOW! This is a special gift and I am so humbled to have been part of such a transformational experience.
April 2018
It is day 9 and I feel like my entire brain, body and soul has been at the best spa on the planet. I’ve felt so taken care of, nourished and respected
Each moment I was pleasantly surprised, awed, delighted and grateful.
Not only is this experience a dream come to life, it’s also the birthplace of endless inspiration for stepping into my purpose with confidence and to dream the BIG dreams – In service to the world.
Throughout the course I felt tremendously cared for. So much loving attention to detail clearly went into the planning, the teachings, the container, all of it.
Acceptance is the biggest gift I received from this training.
The meals nourished my body and helped in the process of awakening into more love within.
Literally words do not amount the level of gratitude I have in my heart for the gift of this experience.
I feel so loved, supported and nurtured during this intensely profound transformative experience.
What a once in a lifetime opportunity. I feel so humbled to be able to complete this course.
The model of being of service to others at Quepasana has been such an honor to witness how successful a service to others practice can be.
The Course in Miracles suggestion to “Give All to All” are in full practice at Quepasana.
The gift I was given by this course is tremendous and very much needed. I intend to carry this practice and discipline with me into everyday life and recommend it to everyone.
I love the essence of fun, music, body work and of course the nourishing delicious food!
Thanks for the thrills, the chills, the spills.
I cry, as I fly, why, we try, we trust, our wills. I love you. Thank you ninja Jedi team. You are all amazing beings of light and love.
If burning man and Vipassana had a love child: Quepasana.
And yet, through any other work I’ve done, I’ve not found anything to be so deeply transformational as Vipassana meditation. It is so simple, and with the lightest touch it just tears you open, in the best way possible.
If anyone reading this is considering doing this course, I’d recommend feeling into it. If you feel Yes, then do it despite your mental chatter. Show up and stay the course. If could be the best thing you ever do, for yourself, your family and the world.
I learned to meditate. And that will serve me and everyone I come in contact with.
Quepasana may not be for everyone. Meaning it is not a traditional silent meditation experience. If that’s what you are expecting, you will have to be flexible. That being said, Quepasana is a cutting edge exploration of consciousness and mindfulness. I loved it and I think you will too.
The simplicity of the practice is pure gold – a true treasure to be shared and taught.
I am reminded of how much better, clearer, and attuned my life is when I practice daily, and my motivation to stick with it is now reawakened!
If everyone in the world took 10 days to be with themselves in noble silence with body scanning, yoga and the metta, this world would be so bright and peaceful that it may just shift to a higher dimension!
It was the meditation medicine I have always desired with the sweet syrup of smiles to make it go down easy. EPIC.
February/March 2018
Daily meditation has become as essential to me as breath. It enables me to live more peacefully and helps me to more consistently present myself in the world with conscious, loving authenticity.
Incorporating yoga practice –ICU in particular – into my daily routine has gained me considerably greater physical flexibility than I had 30 years ago!
Every Quepasana course that I participate in enhances my practice and helps to anchor my discipline. I’m also reminded to have fun in the process.
At the Ashland Oregon and Maui courses we’re bathed in unimaginable natural beauty, treated to amazing, healthy vegetarian meals, welcomed to comfortable accommodations, and showered with all the loving support needed to make the experience an unforgettable opportunity for enriching self-awareness.
Remarkably – more like astoundingly, the entire experience is wrapped in an atmosphere of joyfulness and genuine, downright party–hearty kickass fun!
When all is said and done, the most valuable part of my Quepasana experience is what I take home.
I leave notably stronger and more energetically centered. I am rested and peaceful of mind.
My resolve to continue my meditation and yoga is more strongly cemented.
I am more aware of opportunities to choose loving kindness.
The gates of my gratitude are opened ever wider as I apply my evolving skills to bring myself to the world with peaceful, loving presence.
Quepasana is crafted with tremendous sensitivity, I appreciate how the day flows, how meditation takes us to uncharted territories, how Yin Yoga opens the body, the soma, to move even further with grace and ease.
I feel like I arrived home.
Not just a momentary blissful experience has been generously bestowed, but much more: The inspiration is knowing this mind/body/spirit is always capable of this big, beautiful, spacious openness and health
We have tools to keep ourselves in this state of grace perpetually.
The loving invitation to wakefulness is exactly what I needed.
Wow is the most descriptive word I can use to explain what has been happening these last 8 days.
Through this gift of Quepasana meditation teachings and yin yoga practice, a surge of reclaimed energy flow is liberating this body in a way that I have only dreamed was possible.
I feel more aligned with my higher purpose and the ability to create from the core, the truth of my being.
Many layers of resistance and lack of love for this self were removed so that the greater self may emerge and co-create with spirit in a way I have not experienced in this lifetime.
These 10 days of Quepasana have been life altering, revealing to me a new way of being, having greater alignment with source energy than ever before or even dreamed possible.
My heart is wide open, my mind is realigned and I am abundantly taken care of. Thank you so much for this experience.
It is the first time I remember as an adult where I felt my every need and desire truly taken care of.
Thank you for reminding me I am the one that is truly worthy of all my love and attention.
Coming to Quepasana was a gift of time to myself and by giving myself this gift I felt so cared for and loved.
Oh where to begin—how about right here, right now!
Quepasana has been life changing. I can’t tell you how exactly at this moment but I know it has changed the course of my life.
The food, prepared with so much love has nourished my soul as well as my body and mind.
Quepasana is amazing!
My heart has been opened and my soul cries out for all people to be able to live in this sweetness.
Mahalo for this incredible cosmic carpet ride into inner awareness and higher consciousness.
I am filled with loving kindness. It bubbles up from hidden springs, fills and overflows me and silently it sings.
I am peaceful and at ease. Rain and tears they come and go. I rest in natural great peace. Moment to moment, as it is. I feel these thoughts release. Whether monsoon winds are blowing or gentle breezes through the trees, breathing through yin yoga and sometimes aching knees.
What an incredible gift this has been. Thank you for the simplicity, accessibility and authenticity of the teachings.
This experience has been filled with beauty, wonder and openings.
Quepasana is spreading peace, love and joy throughout the world.
This really is it, this is the work and thank you for reminding us all.
Thank you for creating a forum through which meditation and celebration can meet through the physical senses, in deep appreciation and “respect” for one another.
Quepasana invites beauty to meet majesty, delighting in the sensual while honing the deliberate focus of free will divine will… Not just lost in space, but deeply seeded in the body.
A ‘coup de grace’ my friend. The Quepasana odyssey will continue to inspire awe: Witnessing the wonder of our growing Sangha, weaving the web of the cosmos through the human collective and participating in the revelation as the personal and the transpersonal.
THANK YOU – I still can hardly believe something like this exists.
Mahalo Nui Loa for this heart opening and healing experience much was gained and received.
So much gratitude for a safe place for me to feel who I am.
This course is a shining jewel in the world.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. A million times, thank you… For not trying to correct my postures, for giving me the grace to find my own way, and for simply and continuously pointing the way to True North.
Things just appear as they are when I polish the diamond Quepasana offers me.
From spectacular to emptiness and back again. Thank you so much. Everything is amazing here. To live the dream of life. Quepasana.
Everywhere I C is generosity. Thank you.
I am at a loss with words yet can express that there have been a handful of times in my life when I have felt such genuine generosity and so gently cared for… this is one of these times I and I will carry the goodness in my heart always.